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Exclusive: Satan Exposed! How Satan operates! (R18+)

Satan Exposed! How Satan operates!

Writing here will be rough. Don’t expect beautiful poetic language. Point is to convey the message, and get it in the minds of believers as to how their worst enemy operates.


2000 yrs ago  Near Vesuvius, in Pompeii and Herculaneum at the height of Roman Empire.


Sinfulness increases Vesuvius explodes and area surrounding it becomes natural disaster zone. Sinners lie prone on their once lavish dwellings where they used to indulge in all sorts of sinful acts.





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Formula is simple. Go to a highly successful civilisation and establish your hub of satanic activities near a natural disaster zone. That is where the most sinful of activities will take place, of that particular civilization.


Then make them forget God, indulge in various sins, worship you (satan) and your legion of demons, make them commit sins openly, start child sacrifices (modern day abortions), gay sex, orgies, indulgence in all form of physical pleasure, through them start persecuting all the good believers in God, then invoke God through hidden spiritual secret meetings with him and his angels, telling him that these humans deserve to be punished, until there comes a time that even angels pray to God to end the cycle of human corruption.

This is what happened to most great civilisations of the past. Their main hubs of sin were destroyed by God, and eventually their civilizations crumbled, all according to Satan’s plan.

Naples is not safe either.

Destruction of Naples History Repeats Itself (Remember Pompeii & Herculaneum) small.jpg
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Naples is now at risk from 'Europe's time bomb'. Italian city of three million people is added to the danger area threatened by eruptions from Mount Vesuvius

Casting a shadow: Half of the population of Naples is now classed as being at risk of falling ash and rocks in the event of a significant eruption. Pictured, a view of Naples shows the snow-covered Mount Vesuvius

Casting a shadow: Half of the population of Naples is now classed as being at risk of falling ash and rocks in the event of a significant eruption. Pictured, a view of Naples shows the snow-covered Mount Vesuvius

2000 years later, these days Satan is at Bohemian Grove, and San Fran and Los Angeles, at the height of American Empire; Porn Valley is nearby too.


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Sinfulness increases San Andreas fault explodes natural disaster zone; also Mt Rainier Yellowstone et al

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He goes to a civilisation that is at its peak, and then establishes his temporary kingdom of sin for a few hundred years. He chooses a beautiful location as the hub of his activities, and yet that location he picks is a place where natural disaster(s) will happen.

Satan picked Vesuvius and its surrounding areas as the sin cities, and still works there.

He has picked area around another natural disaster zone as the place through which he’ll implore God to destroy another thriving human civilization, make people worship him and kill their babies and indulge in all forms of perversions and sins, vanities,lust and cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Porn Valley and surrounding areas will get destroyed.

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America is a shallow vain fake society with fake beliefs in God and Jesus, much like how romans believed in Mithra while they worshiped Bacchus/Satan and indulged in all sorts of sins in the sight of the Lord, and hence receive their cup of painful torment in this life. Yes, America’s most sinful cities will suffer painful ends. Cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Porn Valley, Miami, New York, and so on.

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Minoans: He knew that that place would explode, and he sent his daughter the Snake Goddess to worship her while they indulged in vanities and sin, with no heed to God and why they were created. Satan has eternity to plot and plan.

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Satan deliberately chose this location where one of his daughter was worshiped as the Snake Goddess, and God doesn’t like idolatry. They probably indulged in other sins as well.

Sodom and Gomorrah:

Satan choose thriving cities of that time period, and corrupted them into thievery and gay sex. Again, the location was near a natural disaster zone.

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So what does a believer do? He does not indulge in sins. He remembers God and worships him, and remembers why he was created. He also does not live (if he is wise) near a thriving city or civilisation in a natural disaster zone. Satan is not stupid. He particularly chooses rich people who are given everything in this world, and they also live near natural disaster prone areas (how stupid are these unbelievers? They even worship Satan instead of God! Or deny his existence!). He corrupts them in every way possible until their sins are enough for angels to implore to God to destroy them, and they do get destroyed. Satan will not choose the poor and the downtrodden, for they are closer to God than the privileged people, mostly sinners.
What did Jesus say?

Matthew 7:24-27

Build Your House on the Rock

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

It gets worse. Warning (R18: Graphic) :


In WW2 Satan visited the Nazis, and inspired them to perpetrate horrible tragedies like the Holocaust.

He also makes people fearful of each other, creating mutual mistrust, until they ‘kill each other be killed’. This was how Satan and his minions managed to many nations kill each other, like Holodomor, Kurd massacre, Rwandan Genocide, Rohingya genocide, Nanjing Massacre, and so on.

He also gives them terrible ideas as to exploit fellow humans in the name of scientific progress. Unit 731, Tuskegee syphilis experiment, Cambodian genocide, etc

He proposes to man that God doesn’t exist. Man believes him. He also makes most of them believe that he doesn’t exist. Being invisible and in disguise helps him and his minions a lot, and also since they are spirits.

Abortions. Child sacrifices. Genital mutilation. Vanity. Homosexuality. Perversion. 'Traditional' Families Are No Longer The Norm. The sexual revolution of the 60s. And so on and so forth. Only thing left in this world is gross materialist hedonism, and latent Satanism.











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