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A Calm Suicide

A Calm Suicide

In an obscure online community, a suicidal hermit shares his last days on earth with his fellow ‘rejects of society’...

Chapter 1: Day 1

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02/02/17 (Thu) 10:47:28

I've long ago come to accept that the only reason I still spend my time on this terrible planet is the lack of a good, relatively painless suicide method. The main problems I faced with different methods I came up with is that they either:

1. Would take too much effort to set up
2. Would cost too much money or materials are entirely unattainable
3. Would allow me enough time to let my survival instinct kick in
4. Is inhumanely painful

After looking through different methods on another empty Thursday, I stumbled upon a well known book called The Peaceful Pill Handbook. Usually I steer away from such
books because they rarely contain methods that are still, to this day, useful. I however downloaded this book with a certain purpose, namely hearing that this book contained further explanation on carbon mono-oxide suicide.

After doing some intensive research, i.e. a couple of google searches, it seems that not only is this method not painful, it also goes completely unnoticed by your body, thus never enabling your survival instinct. The first next question I asked myself is "how easy is this to pull off?". The book contained a chemical reaction that creates copious amounts of carbon mono-oxide. It is a reaction of two easy to obtain acids, sulfuric acid and formic acid. Apparently, heating up concentrated sulfuric acid and slowly dripping formic acid onto it will create this carbon mono-oxide. Heating the sulfuric acid is not necessary, but will make the reaction go a lot faster thus producing more carbon mono-oxide.

I went ahead and googled around and quickly found a store that delivered some cleaning solution that is basically a 96% concentrated sulfuric acid mix. I then ordered some 85% formic acid from another website, in order not to appear suspicious (I have terrible luck when it comes to this stuff). If all goes well, they should both be delivered to my house by Monday.

I plan on sitting in my bathroom when no one is home, pouring the sulfuric acid in a pan, heating it up with a fuel tablet and dripping the formic acid in there. If anyone comes home to a carbon mono-oxide infested house, I'll frankly be too dead to care.

So, what do you anons think about this? Has anyone here ever attempted suicide in a similar way? If yes, why did it fail? If it didn't, how fast is internet in the afterlife? ”

Chapter 2: Day 6

02/08/17 (Wed) 08:31:23

OP here, all of my acids have just arrived. I ordered one more bottle of formic acid so that I now have a liter of sulfuric acid and a liter of formic acid to throw into it, just to make sure it's not going to fail. I intend on doing this in my small toilet downstairs. It's a small place with a tall ceiling. If I had to guess, it would be 3 cubic meters at the very most. This much acid should be enough to produce roughly half a cubic meter of CO. I'll do whatever I can to make sure I breathe in most of that, including sealing all holes in the door and stuff.

I read that this reaction happens too slowly at room temperature, so heating the sulfuric acid up will be necessary. It is going to be messy, but I'm sure I'll manage to do that somehow. I have a big glass bowl
that fits roughly 5 liters of liquids, so the container is not an issue.

I will wait until I have found the right time to do this, which is when no one is home. It will probably be either next monday or next tuesday.

From this point on, I will leave a reply in this thread if my suicide fails with the information as to why it may have failed. If I haven't found a suitable time by the end of next week, I will also leave a reply. If you hear nothing from me by the end of next week, you will know it has worked and you'll have an insanely easy and probably painless suicide at your disposal.”

Chapter 3: Day 12


I wanted to do it a bit sooner, but as if the universe is joking with me, my father had decided to take his vacation starting this week, so I had to adjust my plans a little bit.

I've got it planned for tonight. Instead of in the toilet bathroom, I'll be doing it in the toolshed outside of our house. I already have all bottles set up over there, means to make a fire and put it out and some other useful stuff. The most difficult part will be sneaking outside at night, but I'll say I'm on my way to the gym, which I used to go to at night.

I got foam over there to plug any holes and I'll lock the door and keep the keys in to ensure that even if someone catches on somehow, it'll be too late. I hope I can manage to do at least one final thing right in my miserable life.
I hope it arrives safely, it sounds like a good way to go out.”
You don't just spot someone in their car and decide to break them out because they might just be committing suicide. I wonder what really happened.”, another hermit said.

Op, are you still there? I'm wishing you the best. Know that there is somebody out there thinking about you now”, said his online friend.

It's currently 12:38 AM. I have just put on some thick clothes, put whatever other bits I needed in my pockets and am headed towards the tool shed.”

I will not fail this time ”, he said.

In my toolshed right now. On phone. Acid is bubbling like crazy. Hands trembling. So far no fiw comfort. I want to dri so bqdly...”

His last moments had begun...

Im in leiden, netherlands, merenwijk, for whoever wants to look me up after to see of im for real”

Was he really gone?

Chapter 4: Day 13 - The Aftermath

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1 dead in accident with
possible toxic substances to
the Bosrode in Leiden.
Goodbye, OP”

This is how real men suicide - without
hesitation or unnecessary fuss.

May OP find peace.”

RIP OP, you found the peace”

Regio Leiderdorp

1 dode bij mogelijk ongeval met giftige stoffen
aan de Bosrode in Leiden. ©MerenwijkLeiden

sweet dreams hermit’

rest in peace OP’

Goodbye, wizard. You don't have to suffer anymore.”

RIP. Calm suicides are the most tragic.”

May you rest in peace”

RIP in peace fellow hermit “

I wonder if they saw this thread on his phone.”

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Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The temporary problem in this case, is life… ”

- The Hermit Who Committed Suicide

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