How To Enter The Spiritual Realms of Angels and Demons Using a Crucifix! - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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How To Enter The Spiritual Realms of Angels and Demons Using a Crucifix!

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How To Enter The Spiritual Realms of Angels and Demons Using a Cross!

To enter the realm of angels, use a normal upright crucifix, or a makeshift cross.

To enter the realm of demons, do the opposite. Use an inverted cross!

We live in a multi-dimensional universe in which the spiritual dimensions exist in parallel to our three-dimensional physical world. The spiritual realms operate in continuity with the physical/natural world that we observe. Most humans cannot see into the spiritual dimensions, so we can only observe the physical side of existence. However, events in our physical world are shaped by activities in the spiritual realm. When we look at the physical world in isolation, we miss much of what is happening in the universe.

God operates in the spiritual dimensions of reality, but he also created and sustains the physical world. After the creation, the Holy Spirit remained close to the earth.

The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters (Gen 1:2).

The Spirit was not in a distant place. The spiritual realms where he operates hover over the earth. The spiritual dimensions of reality are not way out at the edge of the universe, they exist in parallel to the physical world in which we live. These two realms of existence interact with each other in ways that we often cannot see, and fail to understand.
We need spiritual insight to understand what is happening in the spiritual dimension.

The angels live in the spiritual dimensions, but have the ability to move between the spiritual and physical worlds. The spiritual forces of evil are fallen angels with the same ability to move between the spiritual and physical dimensions. They operate in the spiritual realm, but they can cross over into the physical realm to work evil.

Angels and evil spirits can touch our physical world in only once place at one time. This limits what they can do on earth. In contrast, the Holy Spirit is present everywhere on earth at any time. This gives him unlimited power and makes him far greater than any angel and much greater reach than the devil.

Studying God's Kingdom and angelic hosts helps us understand how the enemy is likely to operate. The evil hosts (including satan) are created beings. Although evil hosts operate with a will contrary to the plans and intentions of God, they were created as angels and hence have the same abilities and limitations as holy angels. Understanding holy angels gives us insight into the operation of fallen angels. What we learn about holy angels from the Bible can be applied in contrast to evil hosts.

God is Spirit

In the first place, God Himself is Spirit. Jesus teaches us this (John 4:24). We cannot accept that God is Spirit without accepting that there is a spiritual realm. The Bible is so full of references to the spiritual realm that we simply cannot rationalise it away.

God created the spiritual realm and the angelic hosts

As the Creator of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1), everything in existence whether seen or unseen (or yet to be discovered) is made by God (Colossians 1:16; Nehemiah 9:6). All things were made by God's Word of command (Psalm 33:6) and this includes every angelic being (Psalm 148:2, 5). Angels are also referred to as the "sons of God" (Job 1:6). Please note that this is plural and distinguished from the singular "Son of God". Other Biblical designations for angels include "morning stars" (Job 38:7) and a more general term, "hosts" is often assigned (e.g. Genesis 2:1; Nehemiah 9:6; Luke 2:13). In Biblical imagery, "stars" is also used to symbolise angels (Revelation 12:4).

The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly when angels were created but we can reasonably assume that it occurred before the creation of earth since it is written in the Book of Job that the angelic hosts were already present to "shout for joy" when the foundations of the earth were laid (Job 38:4-7). We may have become accustomed to using the word "angel" to denote a benevolent spirit or person even but the Bible uses the word rather generically and an angel can be either Holy or evil (see Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 12:7).

Angels are spiritual beings and they are innumerable

Angels are spiritual beings and they are sent out by God to help us and minister to us (Psalm 91:11-12; Hebrews 1:14); we don’t command them. Their numbers are regarded as innumerable (Hebrews 12:22; Daniel 7:10). With some 300 references to angels in the Bible, the accounts of angels are too numerous to list. However, it is interesting to note that with the exception of one account in Zechariah 5:9, angels always appear in male form, sometimes resembling normal men (see Genesis 18 – "three men"). There are no biblical references of angels resembling babies with wings.

Angels are powerful but are not omnipotent, omniscient or omnipresent

As created beings, angels are of a slightly higher order than humans (Hebrews 2:7) and are of greater strength and might (Psalm 103:20; 2 Peter 2:11). There is no scriptural indication that angels have any ability to create or give life. Scripture refers to God solely as the Spirit of creation (Psalm 104:30) and of life (John 6:63) and resurrection (1 Peter 3:18). Angels are not omnipotent.

Angels have emotions (Job 38:7) and they take an interest in God's plan of salvation (1 Peter 1:12). They have knowledge of all things on earth (2 Samuel 14:20) and thus in all likelihood know more than humans although they are not omniscient as they do not know the timing of the end of the age (Matthew 24:36). We can reasonably assume that angels are intelligent beings.

It is suggested in Jacob's dream (Genesis 28:12) and inferred from Daniel's encounter with Gabriel that angels move freely between heaven and earth. They can be delayed from arriving at a destination, which means they can only be at one place at a time (Daniel 10:13). From this we surmise that an angel is not omnipresent although this does not preclude the constant presence of one angel or another among us.

It is generally accepted that angels are immortal (Luke 20:36); at least not in the sense of mortality as we know it but the Bible does also tells us that there will be a time of end for all fallen angels when they are cast into the Lake of Fire to suffer for eternity (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:14-15). Being immortal and having been created before the foundations of the earth, we can infer that angels are ancient and have observed mankind since Adam and Eve.

Angels are not to be worshiped

Holy angels do not accept or receive worship but will instead redirect worship towards God. We are not to worship angels (Revelation 19:10; 22:8-9; Colossians 2:18).

There are various angelic beings, ranks and roles

Although we are not given every detail, scriptural references depict enough about the heavenly order of spiritual beings to let us know loosely that angels have varying degrees of power and authority.

Seraphim and Cherubim

There are the Seraphim and Cherubim. Both are angelic creations bearing the resemblance of creatures rather than human form. Seraphim are described in Isaiah 6:2-3,6; Revelation 4:8 while Cherubim are described in Genesis 3:24; Ezekiel 10:17-20; 28:14; Revelation 4:6-9. Seraphim and Cherubim are also referred to as "living creatures" and we know they are distinguished from angels (Revelation 15:7). Scholars generally regard Seraphim and Cherubim as special category angelic beings. Some argue they belong to the highest order of celestial creations.

Archangels, Michael and Gabriel

The "Archangel" is also regarded as a special category. The title itself means "chief of angels" and it is used twice in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 1:9). The titles, "prince" or "chief prince" are also applied interchangeably to denote an Archangel (Dan. 10:13, 21; 12:1). Given that there is a chief or leader among angels it is not unreasonable to infer that there are at least two ranks among angels if not more. We also know from scripture that there is more than one Archangel (Daniel 10:13). However, Michael is the only angel specifically named in the Bible as an Archangel or chief prince (Jude 1:9; Daniel 10:13). Gabriel whose name means "champion of God" is also traditionally considered to be an Archangel although he is not specifically named as one. Gabriel and Michael are the only names of holy angels given to us in the Bible. Apocryphal texts name more.

Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions

We learn from various passages that there are distinguished classifications of angelic hosts. There are principalities, powers, thrones and dominions (Ephesians 3:10; Colossians 1:16; 1 Peter 3:22). Referring to the enemy, Paul also uses these same classifications in Ephesians 6:12 suggesting that the enemy's ranks are organised in very much the same way as God's heavenly hosts. There is no real agreement among commentators as to how the hierarchical ranking of the angelic realm is actually organised but we don't really have to worry about that. It suffices just to note simply that they are ordered.

Territorial domains

Many texts about spiritual warfare mention "territorial spirits". While this term is not specifically used in the Bible, many authors construe mention of the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece (Daniel 10:13, 20) as biblical basis to suggest territorial assignments of angels. It is also generally agreed that the Archangel Michael has charge over Israel and its people (Daniel 10:21; 12:1). Therefore it would seem that both Holy and evil hosts have assignment over (and may even contend for) geographical territories and presumably, both the princes of Persia and Greece mentioned in Daniel are archangels. All this about territorial spirits is however speculative.

Satan is an angel that rebelled, God did not create satan

We can stress emphatically that God did not create evil. The account in Genesis tells us that when God completed creation of the heavens, the earth and all the hosts - He declared it all "very good" (Genesis 1:31, 2:1-3). From this premise, some scholars deduce that the fall of Lucifer must have occurred some time between the completion of creation and The Temptation in the Garden.

There is general consensus that Lucifer became satan when he fell. The passages in Ezekiel 28:12-17 and Isaiah 14:12-15 are understood as portrayals of satan. Reading them, we get a picture that Lucifer was created beautiful and perfect in his ways till inequity was found in him (Ezekiel 28:15). He was also created full of wisdom but this same wisdom was corrupted when he desired to elevate himself above God (Ezekiel 28:17; Isaiah 14:13-14). The passage in Isaiah describes Lucifer’s corruption and the five "I wills" expressed confirms that Lucifer has freedom of will and by his own free will, chose to rebel. Consequently, he was cast down from Heaven, becoming an adversary of God. Jesus also relates His personal account of seeing satan cast down from Heaven in Luke 10:18 while Revelation 12:7-9 gives us yet another perspective of satan being cast out of Heaven. Having been cast down, satan directs his malice against mankind (Revelation 12:12).

God did not create evil and He did not create satan. Scripture clearly informs us that Lucifer fell and became satan. I think it would be a great error to suggest in any way that God created satan as a purposeful adversary. This would amount to suggesting that God is an ally of satan and by extension imply that God not only planned evil but is Himself the master behind all evil. I shudder to even mention such a notion but yet it is not uncommon for many to entertain the subtle misdirection that God being creator of all things must have also created satan – there is a 'yes' and 'no' there that is critical to distinguish.

A host of angels fell along with satan and they are the demons we battle against

It is a widely held belief that satan took a third of the angels with him when he fell (Revelation 12:4). We can be sure that the devil directs angels under him. Jesus Himself reveals this when He tells us about the everlasting fire that has been prepared for "the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). We find further confirmation in Revelation 12:7 where we have a depiction of the war in Heaven with Michael and his angels warring against satan and his angels.

We also discover that these same angels of satan are the evil spirits responsible for demonizing people. In His speech and responses, our Lord seamlessly interchanges the name satan, demons, evil spirits and enemy as a matter of course (Matthew 12: 22-29; Luke 10:17-20; Luke 13:10-16). The most telling passage is from Luke 10:17-20 when the seventy returned with the jubilant report that even demons were subject to them in Jesus' name. Immediately Jesus recounts His witness of satan falling from Heaven, He gives them authority over the enemy but also cautions them not to rejoice that spirits are subject to them but rather because their names have been written in Heaven. Jesus could not have been ignorant of the origin of demons. It is quite conclusive that fallen angels are the same evil spirits that Jesus cast out of the oppressed. The Bible is clear that the demonic spirits that bind and oppress men are of the devil. (e.g. Luke 4:35; 13:16).

The realm of angels is outside of our physical space. In this relationship between spiritual light, mass and energy, angels act as messengers or agents of change in the prophetic sense, causing God's word/will to be carried out in the earthly/physical realm. Angels are not the only means by which God "accomplishes things," (i.e., His Messiah, Holy Spirit and the Shekina are all said to have such roles, even haSatan and the other evil angels serve God's purpose).

Interaction between the spiritual sphere and the physical world are critical to the operation of authority in both spheres.

Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph 6:11-12).

The spiritual powers of evil are attracted to authority and people with authority. If they can influence a person with authority, they can amplify their power on earth. When Daniel was praying about the situation of the exiles in Persia, God revealed that the power driving the situation was a spiritual being called the Prince of Persia.

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia (Dan 10:13).

For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and been driven by the demon into solitary places.“What is your name?” Jesus asked. “Legion,” he answered, because many demons had gone into him. And the demons kept begging Jesus not to order them to go into the abyss.…”

  • Luke 8

To Summon Angels and/or Enter heavenly realms:

1. The first thing to do is to acknowledge the Holy Spirit, The Eternal Spirit of Jesus and the Angels.. You can do this by saying the following out loud or silently in your mind: "I call on The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Jesus, and the Holy Angels with a true, heartfelt intent to feel their presence and protection!"
2. Then close your eyes, and quiet your mind for a few moments to center yourself.
3. As you are sitting or standing there, pay attention to your body.
4. Notice any sensations that may start to come over you.
5. Some people feel:
- Tingling (angel energy)
- Itching (angel feathers rubbing against you)
- Coolness (angel wings wrapping around you),
- Warmth (your angel hugging you)
- Heat (several angels standing around you)
- Chills (angel's healing you)
- Or a variety of sensations
6. After about 5 or 10 minutes, slowly open your eyes!
7. Go outside, preferably at night, under the night sky
8. Look for Orion Constellation
9. Take out your crucifix or a cross of any type will suffice
10.Make sure the cross is upright
11. Position the cross towards the Orion
12. Make sure your cross and Orion are aligned together
13. Say the following: Archangel (insert name of angel here) come to me now and bring me (say what you want here).

Archangel Raphael

Raphael is the archangel of healers and healing who draws close to those who ask for him when they are in any kind of pain.

A host of almighty angels accompanies Raphael as he surrounds the sick and needy in the green light of his halo. It’s even possible to see emerald sparks fly when he’s close.
Raphael will continue working with us to help open our hearts and minds to the healing power of the universe and spirit.

Archangel Michael

Michael is the leader of all angels and his main purpose is to rid the earth and its people of all toxins associated with fear.

The humans he enlists and works with are called ”lightworkers” and Michael encourages them to perform healing for the good of the world.

Michael carries a dazzling sword and he also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical goods such as computers and phones.

Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is said to have brought Jesus of Nazareth to Mary and she now guides hopeful parents through conception and pregnancy or adoption.

Her second role is as a messenger angel and she can help people who have jobs in art or communication express themselves.
Gabriel is known as a very powerful and strong archangel and when she is called upon, she will push the person into action.

Archangel Jophiel

Jophiel is the archangel of art and beauty who helps us think positive thoughts and see the wonder in the world around us.

This archangel helps us slow down from the hectic pace of life and pay attention to creating beauty in our homes and relationships.

People say that it’s very pleasant to be around archangel Jophiel because she has a positive and uplifting energy like that of a best friend.

Archangel Metatron

Metatron is the youngest of the archangels as he is said to be one of only two angels who were alive at the same time as humans.

This helps him to act as a messenger between earth and heaven and he works tirelessly to help us understand the angel realms.
Metatron has a fiery energy that is focused like a laser beam and he helps troubled children—especially those with spiritual gifts.

To use Raphael say:

Baruch atah Adonai Raphael, Melekh olam Dvn h'vlmvt hshmmm, N mtfll lch ltt l lhchns ltchvm shlchrn”

To use Michael say:

Baruch atah Adonai Michael, Melekh olam Dvn h'vlmvt hshmmm, N mtfll lch ltt l lhchns ltchvm shlchrn”

And so on. Whichever angel you wish to use to enter the spiritual heavenly realms, say that angel’s name in the above prayer.

Baruch atah Adonai <angel name here>, Melekh olam Dvn h'vlmvt hshmmm, N mtfll lch ltt l lhchns ltchvm shlchrn”

Which simply means you are begging them to let you enter their realm. The most important thing in this ceremony is the upright cross, for heavenly realms.

Make sure they are both aligned together when trying to enter those sacred realms. Also, this will require many tries, and you will have to learn to behave in those realms. These angels have likes and dislikes in their realms and they will take time to allow you in. Sometimes they decline to let you enter their regions.

The rejected are mostly sinners.  Tough luck sinners! Enjoy hell!

But these evil people prefer going to hell and other realms, and they want to meet satan and all the cool people. No worries! I know just how to enter hell in this life before death! Hell, the realm of devils, demons, djinns, ghosts, ghouls, spirits, vampires, and other so called mythical beings!

To Summon Demons and/or Enter hell/demon realms:

1. The first thing to do is to acknowledge the UnHoly Spirit, The Eternal Spirit of Satan and the Fallen Angels.. You can do this by saying the following out loud or silently in your mind: "I call on The UnHoly Spirit, The Spirit of Satan, and the UnHoly Angels with a true, heartfelt intent to feel their presence and protection!"
2. Then close your eyes, and quiet your mind for a few moments to center yourself.
3. As you are sitting or standing there, pay attention to your body.
4. Notice any sensations that may start to come over you.
5. Some people feel:
- Tingling (angel energy)
- Itching (angel feathers rubbing against you)
- Coolness (angel wings wrapping around you),
- Warmth (your angel hugging you)
- Heat (several angels standing around you)
- Chills (demons healing you)
- Or a variety of sensations
6. After about 5 or 10 minutes, slowly open your eyes!
7. Go outside, preferably at night, under the night sky
8. Look for Orion Constellation
9. Take out your crucifix or a cross of any type will suffice
10.Make sure the cross is inverted
11. Position the cross towards the Orion
12. Make sure your cross and Orion are aligned together
13. Say the following: Demon (insert name of demon here) come to me now and bring me (say what you want here).

Baruch atah Adonai <demon name here>, Melekh olam Dvn h'vlmvt hshmmm, N mtfll lch ltt l lhchns ltchvm shlchrn”

Which simply means you are begging them to let you enter their realm. The most important thing in this ceremony is the inverted cross, for demon/hell realms.

Make sure the inverted cross is pointed towards Orion or the Southern Cross when trying to enter those sacred realms. Also, this will require many tries, and you will have to learn to behave in those realms. These demons/vampires/entities have likes and dislikes in their realms and they will take time to allow you in. Sometimes they decline to let you enter their regions. The rejected are mostly believers.  Tough luck good people! Enjoy heaven you boring fucks!

Sometimes the devils require you to burn the inverted cross with a human sacrifice upside down on it.

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Good luck!

Disclaimer: This is a satirical article, not to be taken seriously.
