Hypothesis of Disparity in the Human Condition - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Hypothesis of Disparity in the Human Condition

Hypothesis of Disparity in the Human Condition: Why Some People Have Everything And Others Nothing In This World

In this pseudo-theory, i'll posit and postulate inferences from the religious texts of various religions, and also general public ideas, as to why there is social, financial, physical, aesthetic, platonic, hyperbolic, superfolic, and as well let us say it loud, general disparity amongst the so called Homos of Sapiens construct.

It's not just about the economic dissonance, whether it be  Hyper-Capitalism vs Post-Communist Social Democratic dichotomy, or anarchist individualism vs 'Rule of the Plebs'; memetic thought patterns of the cranial membrane of the cultural social zombies of the generic variety.

Without getting into details, i'll just lay it all out in simple terms:

"The Universe does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear"

Some people are born privileged, rich, famous, good looks, charisma, and a bright future in this world. Meanwhile there are people in this world with nothing at all! Some are fat and ugly and rejects of society; Others are successful, famous, and  are thin and beautiful, and their standard of life is infinitely better than those of the general populace.


Most of us are boring forgettable people. It is because we chose this life in our pre-life. Most of us cannot tolerate hardship, pain, suffering - we cannot bear the burden of the lives of the rich and the famous.

Wait, you must be seething right now? These rich elites have everything and we have nothing? What the fuck?

Consider this: Their rise in this world is beyond our wildest dreams. But have you consider how brutal is their downfall? It's something that we cannot bear. Many of them commit suicide after they are done, used and abused by this unending oceanic samsaric unchanging laws of Cosmic Nature - The Unwritted Divine Laws of the Sanata Dharma.

Consider a rose and a bamboo tree. Plant both of them together at the same time. The rose plant will be up in a matter of few weeks and will start yielding roses very quickly. The bamboo on the other side will yield no result for the first 5–6 years and will suddenly grow-up into a 12 foot bamboo shoot. So what was the bamboo doing all this time while the rose was yielding beautiful results(roses)? Growing its roots to build the capability to shoot up 12 foot high in matter of days.

Bamboo and rose are being useful in their own ways. Comparisons of the sort - Who is great or which is more important is a stupid question because it is very subjective. For a lover who wants to express his emotion, bamboo means nothing. For a person putting up tents/structures, bamboo is the foundation.

Every human is different with respect to patience and faith in God. there are people on whom hardship falls and they cannot bear and become psychic and insane and are not able to come out of it till death, while some become more strong after hardship. what about these weak people on whom the burden laid is unbearable.

The burden mentioned by God is obviously not the physical worldly burden which can be measured in pounds or kilograms.but rather a set of conditions and trials (spiritual, psychological, etc.) trials set, ordained, and Decreed by the All-Knowing All-Wise Lord Himself.....to determine whether one is grateful or ungrateful when faced with adverse conditions.

What exactly one says and does when faced with these trials will determine whether one passes the tests laid upon them by their Lord, or fails.

What one needs to realize is that it is the All-Wise Lord of the World Himself Who has Set, Determined, and Decreed a set of trials for each individual..and it is He Alone Who Knows with Absolute Perfection who amongst His creation can bear what burdens! It is nothing but His Grace and His Mercy Alone that He indeed does not place a burden heavier than one can bear.

If one faced with a severe trial and tribulation follows the Guidance sent by their Lord, keeps their faith and their belief firm in the Power and the Strength of their Lord, remains steadfast and patient in the face of their temporary adversity, and constantly turns unto their Lord Most Merciful for help and support. Such a person will undoubtedly be able to bear the Decreed trials and will be adequately rewarded for this steadfastness and his patience.

But if one displays weakness of faith, loses hope in the Mercy of their Lord Creator and falls into despair, and tries to salvage his situation with his own intelligence rather than seeking help from the revealed Guidance of their Lord Although it may seem to the naked eye that the burden laid upon such a person was heavier than he/she could bear, the Truth remains that such a person miserably failed the test ordained for them by their Lord!

If one trusts, obeys, and follows the guidance and commands of God and His Messenger, one can be assured of never ever being misled; but if one believes, obeys and follows any other guidance, other than that of God and His Messenger , one can be assured of being led astray.

Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to God's Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. God Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.

We're all going through our own unique journeys in our own times at our own pace. Let's not poison it with comparisons coz the things that we have to offer to the world are different to what others have on offer.

It's all about your “perspective” of life. The problem is most of the people compare their lives with others which leads to disappointment, frustration, anger and makes u to ask the above question yourself.

First thing, stop comparing yourself with others, your are unique, you should create your own life instead of desiring the lives of others.

Secondly, do a self evaluation of yourself and jot down your strengths and weakness, your goals, dreams and ambitions in life, get busy in achieving that instead of complaining about your present state.

Third and most important of all, have a positive attitude in life.

It's not your fault if you are born in unfavourable circumstances, but it's definitely your fault if you die in the same set of circumstances.

The mind is the cause of all problems and all pain. All ideologies are evil, every word spoken, every thought that is thought, no matter how peaceful, eventually becomes corrupted in a torrent of filth and evil. All disease is psychosomatic.
There isn't much to see.

It's a bunch of monkeys beating their chest and stabbing each other in the eyes with forks.

Even mentioning how shit people are gets them angry and they start flinging shit. They get emotionally triggered over critiquing the species and attack each other with insults about "autism."

This is a joke species on a joke planet. It's all about entropy.

Drunk or doped out of your mind, lying on the bed in some generic cheap hotel room, you swallow the last barbiturate and wonder what the hell it was all about. No more pain, just a numb incredulity at the utter absurdity of the life you lived all those years.

Life was just tiresome. Maybe it's better to stretch experiences out so they last you a life time. So that there is no need to acknowledge how tiresome is. Whatever, I'm going to bed.
