David Duke is planning a second holocaust, and here's what we can do about it - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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David Duke is planning a second holocaust, and here's what we can do about it

By Ariel Sharon Stone

David Duke, a notorious antisemite, leader of KKK, authored this pamphlet back on January 18th 2019. Is there hope for us? Where will we go? Is there a G-d who can save us, like he did when he saved us from the pharaoh's whip, who kept us enslaved for over 500 years, in Ancient Egypt, in ancient times. I happen to be an agnostic, yet i am very jewish. I am afraid. Very afraid. America is our last refuge. Israel is surrounded by so many enemies. I keep my jewish heritage in anon. Anon, I am. Oops, i said I AM. Sorry God.
