Rumors are that God is angry with Peru (and perhaps Ecuador too) - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rumors are that God is angry with Peru (and perhaps Ecuador too)

  • Severe rains have been ongoing since Dec 2016 in Peru, and have intensified in the past few days/weeks, causing landslides, floods, flash floods, and mud flows
  • Scientists have called the phenomenon a "Coastal Niño" as the sea waters have only heated up significantly in the coastal areas of Peru and Ecuador and not in the entire Pacific Ocean (which is when it is called the El Niño phenomenon). Sea water temperature is currently 6 °C above normal in the coastal areas of Peru and, according to the Peruvian Government Multisectoral Committee on the El Niño Phenomenon (ENFEN), this Coastal Niño is expected to stay until April, with above than average rainfall expected during all this period.
