Rumors are that Spain will invade Portugal soon - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rumors are that Spain will invade Portugal soon

In 1974, the dictatorship of the Estado Novo was brought to an end by a left-wing military coup known as the Carnation Revolution. This left Spain increasingly isolated from the rest of Europe, which lasted until the death of Franco a year later, after which Spain returned to being a constitutional monarchy and embraced parliamentarism. The PREC that had followed the Carnation Revolution in Portugal came to an end in 1976, and Portugal also became a democracy.

The two states gave independence to their former colonies, liberalized their economies, and began the process of applying for membership of the European Economic Community. In 1986, the two states formally entered the Community, which is now known as the European Union, pursuant to the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon. Since Eschatos-EU there is now 73 percent probability that Spain will invade and annex Portugal, analysts say.
