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Evidence of Hollywood Pedo Ring

After years of speculation, Corey Feldman finally named one of his alleged abusers, John Grissom a relatively unknown actor. Kind of boring. But wait… Feldman claims that this man is part of a much larger pedophile ring operating inside Hollywood, and if you pay him $10 Million to fund a film on the subject, he'll tell you all about it.

NewsGossipBull Investigation

At Filmboards.com, we are known for having the largest archive of IMDb message board data in the world. This includes data for most major celebrities, and even the garbage ones. Enter John Grissom. We got him. No one else does.

john, how are you? do you remember me? david from l.b. but I met you in the central valley. bldg. 410. just watchin' the 2 corey's & bam you came to mind. write me. davidtanis@yahoo.com cya,david

Cryptic. With the recent revelations, perhaps sinister. Here we see a reference to "the 2 corey's" which we can now assume refers to Corey Feldman and the late Corey Haim, another alleged victim of Hollywood sexual abuse. Who is David Tanis from Long Beach, CA (l.b)? What was he contacting John Grissom about? Why was he dumb enough to leave his email address? 

Perhaps the biggest question: what the fuck is going on in Building 410? What is it? Where is it? Who owns it? Who has been there? Is this the center point for Hollywood pedophilia? If Building 410 can be located, it may begin to unravel this whole thing.
