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Is Santa Satan?

Stealing attention from Jesus

While Jesus represents the religious meaning of Christmas, Satan Clause represents the secular aspects. By shifting peoples attention away from seeing Jesus as the symbol of Christmas and to worship a secular symbol instead, he turns people away from faith.

Making people more materialistic

Satan Clause doesn't reward people for good behavior with absolution for their sins and an eternity in heaven. He rewards people with material goods. But Jesus told us, craving materialistic wealth is wrong (Matthew 6:19-21). People should be nice for niceness itself, not just for their own benefit.

When Satan Claus gifts to the poor, others don't need to

Charity is one of the seven virtues of Christianity. According to the bible, giving to those in need is important to receive salvation. But when Satan Clause gives presents to the poor, rich people will no longer feel the necessity to do the same. Rich people are already a main source of souls for Satan (Marc 10:23-25). But by discouraging rich people further to be charitable, it becomes even more likely that their souls will become Satan's after judgment day.

The American Psychological Association even released a memo on holiday stress; the top three negative emotions experienced were fatigue, stress, and irritability. 38% of people polled responded that the level of stress in their lives increased around the holidays; lack of money was the second leading holiday stressor.

People have even been physically injured or killed as a result of attempting to best fulfill Santa's dastardly holiday. Additionally, it robs the focus of the holiday from spirituality and shifts it towards the receiving of material goods. It can also increase feelings of isolation and loneliness for those who are forced to work on the holiday to perform services for consumers or to earn wages to pay for gifts, when they could otherwise be spending quality time with loved ones. The real war on Christmas is being led by Santa.

If he did not provide happiness at the darkest time of the year, nobody would want to bother living. A lot of people look forward all year to Christmas, even though it is generally the coldest and darkest time of the year (especially when it doesn't snow).

If people didn't have Christmas, they wouldn't have very much to look forward to. This would mean that a lot of people just coast through life. They wouldn't feel very happy, but they wouldn't feel very miserable either.

Satan hates this. He wants to see people at their worst.

This is why, for a single day every year, he provides us with hope. We get one day every year to look forward to in order to receive gifts, have time off work, and generally relax and have fun. Then the other 364 it's back to the regular grind.

If humans did not have anything to look forward to, nothing to hold on for, then we could never feel the depression of January when we realize it's still cold and dark, but now we have to wait another year for presents and time off.

If we didn't have Christmas to look forward to, we could never feel the sinking feeling of disappointment when we receive terrible gifts that we have looked forward to receiving for months. We would never have the abject terror of thinking loved ones will realize we hate their gift, so we rush to plaster fake smiles onto our faces.

He gives hope, for the sole purpose of then getting to rip it away.
