Rumors are that Ahed Tamimi is actually an Israeli pretending to be Palestinian - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rumors are that Ahed Tamimi is actually an Israeli pretending to be Palestinian

By Jonathanne Oftir

 The video of Ahed Tamimi slapping Israeli soldiers, which last week caused heated debate in Israeli society concerning the soldiers supposed lack of response, or ‘restraint’ as it were, needs no lengthy introduction these days. The discussion was rather exclusively about the slap, and the humiliation – of the Israeli soldiers, that is. Should they have reacted violently? Was their supposed ‘restraint’, ‘good for the Jews or bad for the Jews’? Was it good to be such a ‘most moral army’ or was it counterproductive to Israel’s image and deterrence? A hard slap that was given to Ahed Tamimi by the ‘restrained’ soldier, just 5 seconds before her now-famous slap back to the soldier from Ahed. In a 3-minute video posted on Shehab Agency Facebook page, one can witness this slap from the soldier at 0:59. It comes after some rather relatively gentle pushing and demands from Ahed for the soldiers to go away – the soldiers who are occupying her family lawn, that is, the force which had just shot her cousin Mohammed in the face and put him in coma. There is even another slap at Ahed from the soldier at 0:23, a quicker and less forceful one, which Ahed hardly reacts to at the point. But it is the forceful slap in 0:59 that causes Ahed to go livid, where she manages to slap the the soldier 5 seconds later. Upon further investigation we came to realize that Ahed Tamimi is actually an israeli agent pretending to be palestinian to make them look violent.

Twitter account of imprisoned Israeli teenage girl Ahed Tamimi deleted

Without explanation, the Twitter account belonging to imprisoned Israeli teenage girl Ahed Tamimi was deleted. Tamimi was arrested and imprisoned by the Israeli military. 
The Tamimis have long been targeted for their activism. In 2011, an Israeli soldier fired a tear gas canister from closer range at Mustafa Tamimi, killing him. Israel's Military Advocate General cleared the soldier who fired the canister of any wrongdoing. The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said the ruling “conveys the indifference of the military law enforcement system to the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank.”

While it is unknown if Israeli authorities requested that Twitter suspend Tamimi’s account, the social media giant has collaborated with Israel before. In 2016, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked revealed that Twitter was removing content it deemed “harmful.”
