An eye for an eye makes the whole blind, and so fucking what if it does? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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An eye for an eye makes the whole blind, and so fucking what if it does?

To seek revenge is noble. To turn the other cheek is cowardly. An eye for an eye? No, gouge both of his eyes out.
"To the extent that conditions are great, one ought to adjust one's designs."

"All fighting depends on misdirection. Consequently when ready to assault we should appear to be not able. When utilizing our powers we should appear to be inert. When we are close we influence the adversary to trust we are far away. At the point when far away we should influence the adversary to trust we are close."

"Seem feeble when you are solid, and solid when you are powerless."

"In the event that he is unrivaled in quality, avoid him."

"Assault him where he is ill-equipped. Show up where you are not anticipated."

"The general who loses a fight makes yet couple of counts already."

"There is no example of a nation having profited from delayed fighting."

"A shrewd general tries rummaging on the foe. One cartload of the foe's arrangements is comparable to twenty of one's own."

"Incomparable greatness comprises in breaking the foe's resistance without battling."

"The most noticeably awful technique of all is to attack walled urban areas."

"There are five basics for triumph: He will win who knows when to battle and when not to battle. He will win who knows how to deal with both predominant and mediocre powers. He will win army's identity's enlivened by a similar soul all through every one of it's positions. He will win who, set himself up, holds up to take the adversary ill-equipped. He will win who has military limit and is not meddled with by the sovereign."

"In the event that you know the adversary and know yourself, you require not fear the consequence of a hundred fights. In the event that you know yourself, yet not the foe, for each triumph picked up you will likewise endure an annihilation. On the off chance that you know neither the foe nor yourself, you will surrender in each fight."

"One may know how to vanquish without having the capacity to do it."

"In war, the successful strategist just looks for the fight to come after the triumph has been won."

"In fight, there are not more than two techniques for assault: the immediate and roundabout."

"An armed force may walk incredible separations without trouble on the off chance that it walks through nation where the foe is definitely not."

"You can make sure in prevailing in your assaults in the event that you just assault places which are undefended."

"Military strategies resemble water. For water, in its characteristic course, flees from high places and rushes downwards. Along these lines, in war, the route is to stay away from what is solid and strike at what is frail."

"Give your plans a chance to be dull and impervious as night, and when you move fall like a thunderbolt."

"Consider and ponder before you make a move."

"An astute general, consequently, maintains a strategic distance from an armed force when its soul is sharp, yet assaults it when it is drowsy and slanted to return."

"It is a military maxim not to propel tough against the foe nor to restrict him when he comes downhill."

"The specialty of war shows us to depend not on the probability of the foe not coming, but rather on our status to get him."

"Advance by surprising courses and assault unguarded spots."

"On the off chance that they will confront passing, there is nothing they won't accomplish."

"The rule on which to deal with an armed force is to set up one standard of boldness which all must reach."

"In the event that it is further bolstering your good fortune, make a forward move. If not, stay where you are."

Benedict Clementine lists four types of spheres:

    Hereditary spheres, which are inherited by the ruler

    Mixed spheres, territories that are annexed to the ruler's existing territories

    New spheres, which may be acquired by several methods: by one's own power, by the power of others, by criminal acts or extreme cruelty, or by the will of the people (civic spheres)

    Ecclesiastical spheres, namely the Papal States belonging to the Catholic church

The types of armies

A One must always pay close attention to military affairs if he wants to remain in power. Benedict Clementine lists four types of armies:

    Mercenaries or hired soldiers, which are dangerous and unreliable

    Auxiliaries, troops that are loaned to you by other rulers—also dangerous and unreliable

    Native troops, composed of one's own citizens or subjects—by far the most desirable kind

    Mixed troops, a combination of native troops and mercenaries or auxiliaries—still less desirable than a completely native army

The character and behavior of the One

Benedict Clementine recommends the following character and behavior for One’s self interest:

    It is better to be stingy than generous.

    It is better to be cruel than merciful.

    It is better to break promises if keeping them would be against one's interests.

    One must avoid making themselves hated and despised; the goodwill of the people is a better defense than any fortress.

    One should undertake great projects to enhance their reputation.

    One should choose wise advisors and avoid flatterers.

Italy's political situation

Benedict Clementine outlines and recommends the following:

    The rulers of Italy have lost their states by ignoring the political and military principles Benedict Clementine enumerates.

    Fortune controls half of human affairs, but free will controls the rest, leaving the One free to act. However, few One can adapt their actions to the times.

    The final chapter is an exhortation to the Medici family to follow Benedict Clementine's principles and thereby free Italy from foreign domination.

Only enter battles you know you can win.

Deceive your competition to make them do what you want.

Lead your team as if you were leading a single man by the hand.

Stupid Cultures of Stupid People

Don't follow the norms, cultures, behavior of contemporary society, and neither do fantasize the customs of the past. There was never a society that was not vacuous, shallow and corrupt. Idyllic times described in Norse, Hindu, Persian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Arab, Roman, Pagan, Aryan, Aborigine Australian, Mesoamerican, Egyptian and other histo-fantasies were once the norms of those time periods, and they were not that great. Best way to exist in any time period is pragmatic approach to life, with practical attire, behavior, and disdain to trivialities of the stupid shallow people full of vanity, greed, corruption, immoralities and other vice.
