Avrit Israel's Wager: How to survive persecution - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Avrit Israel's Wager: How to survive persecution

Avrit Israel's Wager

In order to survive being persecuted, and not get eliminated, you accept their religion, their culture, give up your women, and accept defeat. Then you study their ways and society, and become a prominent part of their culture, moving up the social ladder, even if you won't truly be accepted. Try impregnating one of their women, and teach your inter-bred children to subversively their society, religiously, through politics, introducing immorality, interracial breeding, modify texts of their religion, and destroy your enemy's society from within over the course of many generations. Instead of getting completely eliminated, this is a better solution. 
