Body of ‘James Bond-style’ private detective hired by parents of Madeleine McCann accused of conning parents out of £300,000 found soaked in blood at his Surrey mansion - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Body of ‘James Bond-style’ private detective hired by parents of Madeleine McCann accused of conning parents out of £300,000 found soaked in blood at his Surrey mansion

Body of ‘James Bond-style’ private detective hired by parents of Madeleine McCann accused of conning parents out of £300,000 found soaked in blood at his Surrey mansion

While Kevin Halligen was hired by the McCanns, he was involved in a dispute and accused of conning the fund to find their daughter by living a lavish lifestyle but producing no results
THE blood-soaked corpse of a private detective who investigated Madeleine McCann's disappearance has been found at his mansion.
Kevin Halligen, 56, dubbed a "cloak-and-dagger, James Bond-style spy", took the high-profile case in March 2008.

 Kevin Halligen has been found dead at his home in Surrey
Channel 5
Kevin Halligen has been found dead at his home in Surrey
And while Halligen was hired by the McCanns he was involved in a dispute and accused of conning the fund to find their daughter by living a lavish lifestyle during his probe, but producing no results.
It was claimed he took up to £300,000 before his contract was terminated.
But mystery now surrounds his death, with cops launching an investigation.
A former colleague told MailOnline: "The house was covered in blood but apparently that was from Kevin falling down so much.

 Years later, and the search for Maddie still continues
PA:Press Association
Years later, and the search for Maddie still continues
"His body is now in the morgue.
"The police are looking into it."
His death is being treated as unexplained but a source who knew the Dublin-born debt-ridden private eye say he was “a boozer” and “drink was inevitably his downfall”.
Former doctor Kate, 49, now a medical worker previously told how the family had suffered “a particularly bad experience” with Halligen, who she knew as Richard.
She described the ordeal he put them through in her best seller 2011 book “Madeleine.”
Halligen was CEO of private investigators Oakley International when he was hired by the McCanns.
Kate recalled: “Oakley’s proposal and overall strategy were streets ahead of all the others we’d considered and the company came highly recommended.”

 Kate and Gerry McCann have pledged to do all they can to find out what happened to their daughter
PA:Press Association
Kate and Gerry McCann have pledged to do all they can to find out what happened to their daughter

The parents of missing Madeleine McCann describe the pain 10 years on

 The apartments at the Ocean Club in Luz in the Algarve, Portugal, where Madeleine McCann went missing
PA:Press Association
The apartments at the Ocean Club in Luz in the Algarve, Portugal, where Madeleine McCann went missing
 Cops have launched an investigation into his death
Billy Griffiths
Cops have launched an investigation into his death
Initially Kate and heart doctor Gerry, 49, from Rothley, Leicestershire, were impressed with Halligen’s work with Kate writing: “There is little doubt that progress was being made.”
But the couple later started to have grave concerns and decided to terminate his £500,000 contract in September 2008.
Kate recalled: “It was quite acrimonious and unfortunately that was not the end of it.”
Several months later investigators sub-contracted by Halligen came forward demanding payment for his services which they hadn’t received.
Kate said: “We were upset that, although a lot of hard work had been done on Madeleine’s behalf, it seemed money provided by her fund might not ever have reached the people who had earned it.”
In November 2009 The McCann’s found out Halligen had been arrested on suspicion of fraud after a discrepancy in a hotel bill.

The McCanns' private investigators

KATE and Gerry McCann hired four different firms of private eyes over four years before Op Grange was launched in May 2011 to the cost of the British taxpayer.
Firstly they employed Control Risks Group in May 2007 shortly after Maddie vanished. They hired Spaniards Metodo 3 in October 2007 but sacked them when M3 boss Francisco boasted: “Madeleine will be home by Christmas.”
Next came private investigators Oakley International, an A-team of former British special forces soldiers and US security agents run by Brit Kevin Halligen, from March to September 2008. But they were ditched when Halligen was later exposed as a conman.
He is alleged to have fleeced the Maddie Fund out of £150,000 with bogus invoices and inflated expenses.
A fourth team helping out after Portuguese police shelved their investigation in summer 2008 were Alpha Investigations run by ex-RUC officer David Edgar and former Merseyside detective Arthur Cowley. But they stepped down after nearly three years when the Met Police came on board.
A close pal of Maddie’s parents told The Sun Online: “The man was a fantasist. He promised lots of things that never happened.
“He even claimed McCann spoke Clarence Mitchell was working for MI5!
“Kate and Gerry and Madeleine’s great uncle Brian Kennedy, who had brought him on board, were bitterly disappointed with him towards the end of his contract.
“They didn’t need the extra grief, they already had enough.
“In the end they took issue and had to withhold his final payment.
“He just ran away from his debts around the world.
“Maddie’s parents cling onto a glimmer of hope their eldest child – who would now be aged 14 – could still be alive.”
Scotland Yard will ask for Government for more cash to fund Madeline McCann investigation
McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell said today: “They had no further association with Kevin Halligen after the termination of his Oakley International contract nine years ago and under these circumstances they will not be commenting now.
“Clearly this is a matter for the police and coroner’s office.”
Surrey Police said in a statement: "We were called to an address in Cobbett Hill Road, Normandy, Guildford, on Monday following a report of a man in his 50s having been taken unwell, who subsequently died.
"The death is being treated as unexplained and a file will be passed to the coroner's office in due course."

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Avatar for Gerry Walsh

I Have had to sign up to post my views because I have never read so much dribble in all my life,  Honestly think that every one here is not playing with a full deck !, You may be insulted by what I have to say but come on every one the only thing that the McCann's are guilty of is that they left their kids alone while they went out to Socialize and have a Party, I mean does everyone honestly believe that a bunch of 7 people ! 7 people that is, has been covering up for them all this time ? for Pete's sake, They didn't think for one moment that some one was going to take their child, and if just if they were the slightest bit responsible for the disappearance of their daughter then why just why would they be still banging down the doors of the Politicians and the Prime ministers and the Police to keep the case open and not let it rest and use the excuse of their other children's needs to privacy and the right to have a normal life to get on with their lives and let it just fade away because if they stopped and didn't keep it up then we all would just let it go and forget about it eventually wouldn't we but we are only human and don't like successful people who the McCann's clearly are, and to think for one moment that they could be innocent of such a crime would be just to much for any normal person comprehend wouldn't it be, but what about their 7 friends who has lied and lied and covered up for them all these years Oh Wow ! how loyal they have been ? unbelievable honestly we are such a funny race because all everyone wants to do on here is shoot them because that's what they deserve for what they have done isn't it, and 7 quiet people along with them and even mentioning a lie detector test beggar's belief what a statement to make, It doesn't work like that for gods sake if so then we would all hear how successful they are for solving crimes of that nature you would here about it being used in a court's of law for similar crimes and other crimes, Well do you think that if guilty that they would not just let it rest, The Portugal Police were Not able to investigate Properly because they have a corrupt system and an even more corrupt Police chief heading the investigation at the time who was simply out of his league and didn't know what to do but look in all the wrong directions and his officers contaminated the crime scene from the very start because they didn't have proper training in how to deal with what had happened, Now seriously go and really think about it instead of just running silly idea's off without showing any common sense !   

Avatar for Gerry Walsh

PLUS not only that but has any one who has posted on here given any money to the McCann's if so then ask for it back and if not then why think you have a say in where it goes and what happens to it. 
Avatar for Julie Mock

I’ve never been able to get my head round the parents leaving the twins and flying off to meet the pope about a week or two after Maddie disappeared.
Surely they wouldn’t have let the twins out of their sights after Maddie went missing.
They were always walking about Portugal without the twins afterwards too.
Also, why did Kate shout, “They’ve taken her!” When it was first discovered Maddie was missing?
Too many things just don’t make sense.
Maddie is dead and they know what happened and where her body is, in my opinion.
Avatar for Mr Sun

he was involved in a dispute and accused of conning the fund to find their daughter by living a lavish lifestyle

Bit like them then
Avatar for philippe schotte

The police investigation in this case is total incompetence ! 

Avatar for Iain  McGregor

@philippe schotte Is it ???? that's what the McCann camp want people to think, I somehow doubt any Police Force in the world would run an incompetent investigation when it comes to a child going missing. I still believe the McCann's wanted Goncalo Amaral removed from the case as he was asking all the correct questions during the investigation and lodge complaints against him to get him off the case.
Avatar for Boris Ivan

The McScamms have a lot to answer for and the sooner they do the better for everybody concerned.
Avatar for Iain  McGregor

Let's look at the facts and realise that a lot of the population believe that Kate and Gerry McCann along with their friends believe that there was a cover up that night Praia da Luz. Back in September 11th 2007 Kate McCann refused to answer 48 out of 49 Questions asked by the Portuguese Police the one one she answered was the 49th question and that was Are you aware that not answering any of these questions you are putting the investigation in jeopardy, her reply was yes if that's what the investigation thinks, now as a parent and my child went missing and I was made a suspect I would be answering all questions and demanding a lie detector test. Then the British Cadaver dogs picking up Madeline's blood scents in both the apartment and the hired car they hired after Madeline disappeared I know I found that one strange especially as the car was hired after her disappearance. And before I get grief these are facts of the official investigation, along with the biggest one cuddle cat why wash the toy ? again as a parent if my child went missing I would never wash their favourite toy as their scent would be on it that was one of the questions asked which she refused to answer. If the McCann's and their friends took lie detector tests and passed I would be the first person to apologise to them but I cannot see that happening now.

Avatar for Jakeyb2018 B

They won’t do it I’d pay them a million each to take a polygraph, if I could just to get the truth.
Avatar for alfred

when little Maddie went missing did they test the twins bloods for drugs to make them sleep and they Maddie too much a accident in there eyes poor little baby girl

Avatar for Jed Hawkins

Poetic justice... I hope he died as slow agonising death and thought much about his misgivings....
Avatar for oi you

2 cadaver  dogs right in 114 cases find traces of blood on the TILED floor,  in the wardrobe,  and body fluids in the boot of the hired car...... And then ignored for this one?   She was sedated,  woke up,  climbed  on to the window call,  fell off and whacked her head on the floor.  They disposed of her body. ALL the ' tapas seven'  covered for them and some of them are starting to crack. 
Avatar for jaffa

England are borrowing Bums this dept means they are bums and still begging for more handouts begging Queens and Governments are sucking scroungers scrounging royals dress up on borrowed money dept england spends money on royals they cant afford cut the royal familys money and give more thjan half to the NHS Diana was murdered for sleeping with a muslim orange orders from a nasty begger of a queen that bleeds the country dry get lost with this borrowing and bumming for pomp i will not fight for this rabble of pish

Avatar for Tania  Cadogan

It was £500,000,
That is 3 deaths linked to the mccanns, i wonder if the tapas 7 are now suffering from quivering sphincters?

I do wonder if he has  a bunch pf info implicating the mccanns locked up somewhere as a nest egg?

He hired professional investigators but failed to pay them, i wonder what they found?

Tapas 7 you need to start thinking about cooperating with the PJ as you could be charged as accessories to homicide, concealing a corpse and filing a false police report.
You could also face charges of obstruction of justice, perverting the course of justice, aiding and abetting an offender, accessories after the fact and fraud in relation to the fund.

I also wonder if the mccanns will blame one of you since they are in dire need of money given they have to pay probably hundreds of thousands in legal fees and court costs for themselves and all those they sued plus they could face being sued by the papers who paid out of court and since the mccanns weren't cleared of involvement would be entitled to reclaim their money plus interest.
Then the fact you 'donated' it to the fund would mean suing the mccanns and the fund for return of their 'donations' in order to repay the papers plus interest.

It could get very messy, in the meantime tapas 7, time to start talking to the PJ and police about your involvement and what you know and copping a deal before something untoward happens to you.

Avatar for Sarah Taylor

I didn't realize how many people think they killed 'Madeleine' Surely they wouldn't  be able to keep this act up??

Avatar for Emma Dale

@solid gold I don't find it funny they disposed of their child's body and are being protected...but that's life.

Avatar for One of the Boys

Seriously?'re a nutcase!!

Avatar for Kylie Endicott

Her parents killed her not one of them showed any emotions from the day she disappeared people need to open their eyes more

Avatar for Emma Dale

Well Kate & Gerry have already got away with one murder...they must feel untouchable now, have they struck again?

Avatar for Sian A

I've seen many times people with money get off with crimes. People don't like to think corruption goes on but it does.
Go in any jail in UK and find me a middle or upper class person, you won't because they are untouchable!

Avatar for Jakeyb2018 B

There are plenty Sian but you’re right to a certain extent, they are treated differently if they have money.
Avatar for scumhater

@Sian A You are clearly delusional and bitter because you are a jealous pauper. There are plenty of middle class people in prison and a good number of upper class for anything from drunk driving to murder just like anyone else. Get some common sense you lowlife!
Avatar for Sian A

delusional, lacking common sense, low life?
Are you reflecting what you think of yourself on to me? Freak
Avatar for Sian A

I love how you think I'm clearly this and I'm clearly that based on some comments. idiot
Avatar for Jakeyb2018 B

Wow - I get the feeling that Scumhater is struggling in life! His chosen user name speaks volumes about himself. Negative stories like this one presumably, gives you the oxygen intake to go on living. At the moment it’s only negativity in the world that keeps you breathing. Must be hard living for that rather than hope! Almost inhuman, which is a shame because you probably are one 😳

Avatar for Jed Hawkins

@Emma Dale  Ha Ha  what books do you read??????
