Divergent Drinking Times For Assorted Teas - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Divergent Drinking Times For Assorted Teas

I will share with you ancient wisdom of the likes of  Laozi & Confucius, followers of the Dao and Tao Te Ching, regarding when to drink different variations of teas…

Afternoon Tea, 1886.
Print Collector/Getty Images

Five O'Clock Tea, by the American painter Mary Cassatt

Green Tea:  Drink it post-afternoon and before evening.

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Earl Grey tea:  Before noon, after noon, and before evening.

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Black tea: Morning, Before Sunset, and sometimes in the evening.

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Assam tea: Noon

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Masala Chai: Afternoon to evening. Also at night.

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Oolong:  Evening and night

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Herbal tea:  Any time but the morning

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Lady Grey: Late at night and early morning when worshiping Odin
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Sencha: At the temple whenever you are worshiping your ancestor spirits.

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Iced tea: Whenever you feel like it!

Peppermint Tea:  Afternoon, evening, night, late night, and early morning.

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Jasmine Tea:  At Morning and Evening

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Pu'er tea: Evening and at any time at night.

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Gunpowder tea: Wake me up!

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Rooibos tea: Morning and afternoon. Don’t drink at night

Bancha & Konacha: Food time at noon, evening, late at night.

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Hōjicha:  Evening and late at night when relaxing

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Vanilla:  At the beach and swimming pools whenever you are relaxing.

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Starbucks? Never!

Early Morning

To begin the three day weekend, attempt white tea — it has a light sweet-smelling quality with unobtrusive, nuanced flavors, which might be more obvious in the morning when the palette is still new. Not at all like drinking green or dark tea on a vacant stomach, when I drink white tea before breakfast it doesn't tend to cause distress.

Here's a mystery about white tea: in the event that you require a noteworthy increase in caffeine in the morning, pick a higher quality white tea and utilize truly heated water to mix it (around 200°F). That water temperature may not draw out every one of the complexities of flavor, but rather it'll implant a considerable measure of caffeine, which is another reason white tea can be an ideal brightener for the morning.


Later in the morning, or just before lunch, green tea is great decision. It's said to support digestion — a liven, regardless of whether for the additional vitality for an early afternoon exercise or some additional calorie consuming at lunch.

Green tea is additionally an ideal tea for drinking without anyone else and it's anything but difficult to alter the power of the flavor and intensity, contingent upon how it's soaks. Lower temperature squares with less sharpness, however make a point to build the lofty time to guarantee profundity of flavor.


With lunch, I prescribe dark tea for a couple of reasons.

Initially, it's the most broadly accessible and normally found in eateries, which makes it a simple go-to at lunch. Second, it's less sensitive, so it's stronger in a nourishment benefit condition when the water temperature can be variable.

Third, I discover dark tea more pleasant matched with nourishment since it can slice through a portion of the sweetness or oiliness of specific dishes.

After Lunch

Pu-erh tea is the thing that I drink after lunch. Pu-erh is not the same as most different teas in that it experiences a maturation procedure before the last drying — this special handling strategy settles on it a stellar decision to help absorption. It's additionally generally utilized as a part of China to avoid weight increase following an overwhelming dinner.

I've discovered that most pu-erh tea has just a direct measure of caffeine, which enables avert the evening to droop, yet isn't excessively invigorating to counteract rest at sleep time.


In the early night, oolong is my tea of decision. While oolong does in any case contain caffeine, it doesn't appear to have the same humming, attentiveness impact all the more regularly connected with green or white tea. When utilizing free leaf, decide on a littler part to decrease caffeine and concentrate on the unobtrusive kinds of a sensitive measure of daintily oxidized oolong.

In the event that you need to cut the caffeine through and through, search for a natural implantation, for example, rooibos or all the more quieting herbs like sacred basil and lemon demulcent to help recuperate from the worry of the day.

In case you're new to tea, and particularly in case you're not used to expending caffeine, I don't prescribe endeavoring to drink excessively some tea in a day. Begin gradually, picking one tea for each day, testing and encountering how each glass influences you to feel and work from that point.

Tea is an awesome drink that offers a bunch of advantages and unlimited conceivable outcomes for investigation.
