Exclusive: Inner documents of the elites reveal their horrific plans - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Exclusive: Inner documents of the elites reveal their horrific plans

From: ****@bilderbergmeetings.com

To: hillaryrodhamclinton@*******, bill@*******, trump@******, ronpaul@******, randpaul@*****, ivanka@*********, podesta@********, berniesanders@*******, erictrump@******, donaldjr@******, chelsea@*********, soros@*********

Subject: Plans

Happy New Year.

Plans for Canada

Hyper-liberalism to the point where nothing matters anymore. This will result in depression, purposelessness, suicides, et al. All of this will lead to them becoming easy assets to acquire.

Plans for Mexico

"These subhumans are utterly vile and their inbreeding has resulted in their population overflowing into our country. Something needs to be done"

"What do you propose?"

"I say we give them false sense of hope, and a future. We use beaners within our countries, use them as reps for our corporations, and then install factories inside Mexico. We use them as low level blue collar slaves. Meanwhile, we sell them cheap medicines that will render them impotent. That will cull their population, and over the course of next 100 years their population will decline. After that we will deal with the rest of them and annex Mexico as part of USNA."

"Drug wars have made them more rabid"

"Yes, we need to keep drugs illegal so they continue goring each other to death on the daily basis."

Rest of the world, and within USA

"Aren't we already doing that through fluoride, HIV and other methods?"

"To reduce the world population? Yes. However, we need to deal with the indigenous subhumans overpopulating within our country. We need to deal with them as a priori ampersand prior i priori judico hablem."

"We will just incite race wars between the browns and the blacks. Perhaps asians vs blacks too."

"Yes, and we will make hindus fight muslims. And we will make muslims fight the jews. Make them kill each other."

"World War 3 perhaps?"

"Good idea."

"Establish factories of our mega-corps inside these sub-countries and reduce their population through genetically modified hyper-viruses like Super-HIV and other methods. Chemicals and faux-pesticides. Terrorism. Suicide bombings. Faux currencies. Holocausts of various peoples."

"Bright future for our kids only!"

"What about their kids?"

"Moar pizza for us."

"Viva Bohemica!"

"Hail Satan!"
