GORE WARNING "We should declare full unconditional war on Mexico" - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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GORE WARNING "We should declare full unconditional war on Mexico"

No even for capturing it. Just a war to ravage that shithole to Hell and back. Destroy it all.

We invaded that shithole when Pancho Villa invaded us to kill our citizens. John Pershing's biggest mistake was allowing that hellhole to continue existing, when he decided to use the entire army to chase down Villa (unsuccessfully). He should have been like William Tecumseh Sherman in Georgia, and slaughtered everything he saw, until he killed Villa, as a warning to the rest of the shithole.

 We should declare war on Mexico every year as a ritual form of psychological control.
California too.

Every year?


Every day, until the wall is built, every cartel terrorist and drug lord are being eaten by worms, and the corrupt government is destroyed.

 >We should kill Mexicans because Mexicans are killing Mexicans

And guess what they do?

They cross our border, kill our citizens, and poison us with drugs, which they return the cash to their kingpins.

I just say destroy it all.

If i were the president. If get out of the middle East. Close down bases. Save tons of cash. Then...id send all our military to Mexico to execute everyone who is corrupt. Blast that shit. Nuke it if need be.

Then id take Mexico..make it part of the US... and make it a tourist destination for whites. Turn it into one big disneyland.

>They cross our border, kill our citizens, and poison us with drugs

Only the first one happens. The second happens very rarely. The poison us with drugs part, well maybe if this country didn't sell out the populace to corporations then people wouldn't have to resort to drugs when they get fucked.


Struggling Man with Peeled Face and Hands Cut Off Is Brutally Beheaded with Flimsy Blade

Struggling Man with Peeled Face and Hands Cut Off Is Brutally Beheaded with Flimsy Blade

Exceptionally brutal video shows a struggling man with peeled face and no hands being brutally beheaded with flimsy blades.

The floor is covered with blood from his face having been peeled off and his hands cut off, but the victim is clearly still alive, experiencing the indescribable agony with consciousness.
After the beheading attempt with a curved gardening tool fails, the killers put a box cutter to his neck – presumably the same box cutter that was used to peel his face off. A machete is showed deep into his mouth to help keep his head in place. This is as brutal as brutality gets.
