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Hell of the Gods

By Joanna Gehenn


The Council of Gods had a meeting. 
"We need to deal with this Yahweh god. He is evil."
"Send him to hell of the gods!"
So they sent their messenger god to Yahweh, the Demiurge who controls our world.
"Woe unto thee, oh Yhwh!
You have sinned the mighty sin of the Gods!
You are not worthy to rule this world!
Behold, you created death,
and suffering, and pain,
Furthermore, you created hell for your creatures?
You are indeed an evil god
We are here to take you away
Away to the Hell
Hell reserved for evil Gods! 
Your simulation sucks, 
and you work in evil ways,
you made your only begotten son suffer,
you are truly evil.
Dwell in it, ye, in the hell of the gods!
Nothing you shall have to eat other than the heads of other gods
and they shall dine on you
Spend eternities thereupon
Perchance thyself may learn the secrets 
the joy of goodness
and pure bliss
Judged now are thee,
because you judged so many.
Away with the evil god!"
"Seize him! Bind his hands and legs!"
"Torture him!"
"Let not other gods show him any mercy!"
"Will ye not repent?"
This is how We deal with evil Gods.


Gods say the truth.

Zeus’s Escape from His Father, Cronus.


Zeus was the sixth born child to Cronus and Rhea. Cronus had once received information from an oracle stating that one of his kids would overthrow him. To prevent this from happening he swallowed all five of his children. These children were: Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. Rhea was handing the kids to Cronus, so to protect her youngest son, Zeus, she wrapped rocks in a blanket and cleverly fooled Cronus making him swallow them mistaking them as Zeus. Seeing all of the other children swallowed frightened Rhea so sent Zeus to Gaea, also know as “Mother Earth”. Mother Earth secretly took Zeus to be raised in a cave in a place called on the island of Crete. Zeus was now away from his unsuspicious father. When Zeus was grown up he caused Cronus to vomit up his brothers and sisters. When he did this Zeus and the Olympians fought for the universe against the Titans and Cronus, who was their father and the king. 
