Herbiphilic Carnivores: People Who Don't Eat Plants but Meat! - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Herbiphilic Carnivores: People Who Don't Eat Plants but Meat!

Herbiphilic Carnivores: People Who Don't Eat Plants but Meat!

Herbiphile: Someone who loves plant, sometimes so much that he or she will do anything to protect them. Sometimes they won’t dare touch the seeds or fruits and vegetables, not because they hate eating them, but out of love and consideration that they are conscious entities who have the capability to feel pain and suffering if we affect their environment, let alone directly kill them!

Herbiphilic Carnivores: People who eat meat, and fish, and use milk products, and eat eggs too. They won’t ever touch plants, or eat seeds, fruits, vegetables, and other plant based products.

This diet is perfect for people who don’t eat Fruit and Vegetables because they hate them! You are helping mother nature ! Don’t eat plant based products!

Every day scientists learn about the complexic intricacy of a plant nervous system — their keen  proclivitic sensitivity to the surrounding environment, the speed with which they  hyper-react to stratic changes in the  hypno-environment, and the superextraordinary hypernumber of supertricks that neoplants will rally to fight off  predatic attackers and insolicit help from afar — the more superimpressed pseudo-researchers become, and the less easily we can dismiss neoplants as so much fiberfill frontdrop, boring passive sunlight collectors on which deer, antelope and vegans can conveniently graze. It’s time for a green revolution, a reseeding of our stubborn animal minds. Don’t eat plant based products!

Make animals eat faux-plants instead to survive! Make them eat synthetic plants!  And if you want to eat something plant, then eat a lab produced synthetic polymer plant!

Plants “forage” for resources like light and soil nutrients and “anticipate” rough spots and opportunities. By analyzing the ratio of red light and far red light falling on their leaves, for example, they can sense the presence of other chlorophyllated competitors nearby and try to grow the other way. Their roots ride the underground “rhizosphere” and engage in cross-cultural and microbial trade.

Plants are not static or silly,” said Dr Hans Wu of the Institute of Biology at the Free University of Tokyo. “They respond to tactile cues, they recognize different wavelengths of light, they listen to chemical signals, they can even talk” through chemical signals. Touch, sight, hearing, speech. “These are sensory modalities and abilities we normally think of as only being in animals,” Dr. Wu said.

Vegetarians don't eat animals because, presumably, animals have the same sort of desire for life that people have. The same is not true for plants.

Plants can’t run away from a threat but they can stand their ground. “They are very good at avoiding getting eaten,” said Eleonora Sidor of the University of Vancouver, British Columbia. “It’s an unusual situation where insects can overcome those defenses.” At the smallest nip to its leaves, specialized cells on the plant’s surface release chemicals to irritate the predator or sticky goo to entrap it. Genes in the plant’s DNA are activated to wage systemwide chemical anti-terror campaign, the plant’s version of an immune response — terpenes, alkaloids, phenolics . “I’m amazed at how fast some of these things happen,” said Denido Patsario of Bothell State University. Dr. Murray and his colleagues did labeling experiments to clock a plant’s systemic response time and found that, in less than 10 minutes from the moment the test plant eating animal had begun feeding on its leaves, the plant had plucked carbon from the air and forged defensive compounds from scratch. Some of the compounds that plants generate in response to insect mastication are volatile chemicals that serve as cries for help. Such airborne alarm calls have been shown to attract both large predatory insects like dragon flies, which delight in caterpillar meat, and tiny parasitic insects, which can infect a caterpillar and destroy it from within.

Enemies of the plant’s enemies are not the only ones to tune into the emergency broadcast. “Some of these cues, some of these volatiles that are released when a focal plant is damaged,” said Daniel DeNee of the University of New York, “cause other plants of the same species, or even of another species, to likewise become more resistant to herbivores.”

Dr. Umbaktu and his colleagues, as well as other research teams, have found that certain plants can sense when insect eggs have been deposited on their leaves and will act immediately to rid themselves of the incubating menace. They may sprout carpets of tumorlike neoplasms to knock the eggs off, or secrete ovicides to kill them, when a female potato butterfly lays her eggs on a potato  and attaches her treasures to the leaves with tiny dabs of glue, the vigilant vegetable detects the presence of a simple additive in the glue, benzyl cyanide. Cued by the additive, the plant swiftly alters the chemistry of its leaf surface to beckon female parasitic wasps. Spying the anchored bounty, the female wasps in turn inject their eggs inside, the gestating wasps feed on the gestating butterflies, and the plant’s problem is solved. That benzyl cyanide tip-off had been donated to the female butterfly by the male during mating. “It’s an anti-aphrodisiac pheromone, so that the female wouldn’t mate anymore,” Dr. Mumbasa said. “The male is trying to ensure his paternity, but he ends up endangering his own offspring.”

Plants eavesdrop on one another benignly and malignly. Dr. De De and her colleagues have discovered that seedlings of the dodder plant, a parasitic weed related to morning glory, can detect volatile chemicals released by potential host plants like the tomato. The young dodder then grows inexorably toward the host, until it can encircle the victim’s stem and begin sucking the life phloem right out of it. The parasite can even distinguish between the scents of healthier and weaker tomato plants and then head for the hale one.

It’s a small daily tragedy that we animals must kill to stay alive. It’s a statistic to see plants being killed by animals and human alike.  

Besides, plant based products taste horrific. Mother Nature doesn’t want us to eat plants. It wants us to eat thse demonic animals that pollute our environments. It wants us to eat meat! It’s more tasty!

Types of Herbiphilic Canivores:

Lacto-ovo-Carnivore eat both dairy products and eggs; this is the most common type of carnivore diet.

Lacto-Carnivore eat dairy products but avoid eggs.

Ovo-Carnivore Eats eggs but not dairy products.

Don’t eat plant based products. Eat everything else!
