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Hitler's Bible: How Taylor Swift is a Secret Nazi

Hitler's Bible: How Taylor 

Swift is a Secret Nazi

Atheists are dumbfucks who can't understand that their whole sense of morals is completely grounded in the Bible and Christ. If anything, what Hitler did was trying to bring the natural hierarchy and supremacy of the genes back, but atheists and secular people reject it as if he was wrong in the scientific sense with no basis on facts whatsoever, but Hitler was ultimately right if you take science as the real truth.

Secular morals are as irrational as the New testament itself.

The Nazi emphasis on the unity of the human and the natural had more in common with the paganism of the ancient Greeks and Romans, than with the modern, Biblically influenced separation of the human realm and the natural realm. The contrast between Biblical and Greek views was illustrated by the medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides in a commentary on Aristotle:

"According to him, there is no difference between the fall of the leaf and the fall of the stone, on the one hand, or the drowning of the excellent and superior men that were on board the ship, on the other. Similarly, he does not differentiate between an ox that defecates upon a host of ants so that they die, or a building whose foundation are shaken upon all the people at their prayers who are found in it so that they die. And there is no difference, according to him, between a cat coming across a mouse and devouring it or a spider devouring a fly, on the one hand, or a ravenous lion meeting a prophet and devouring him, on the other."

The idea that humans are privileged above nature underlies the modern premise of human rights. It is the idea that each human life should be valued as a political constant, and not as a political variable. It is undergirded by the assumption that conscience should put breaks on a complete abandonment of human beings to the vicissitudes of the natural world, i.e. natural selection. The original idea of human rights was built upon an assumption of mind/body dualism; a double standard between “humanity” and the larger natural or physical world.

The Biblically inspired, modern rule of so-called “equality” is the actually the assertion of certain kind of superiority. The “rule of law” is actually an assertion of being above the law. Egalitarianism assumes human superiority over biological nature and the “rule of law” assumes rule over and above sociobiological “law”. These modern ideas are analogous to, and inspired by, generalized Biblical principles of God’s law reigning over and above man’s law.

The fundamental alternative to the rational subordination of biology-based naturalism is embodied in political movements such as Nazism. Sombart ultimately embraced this alternative in joining the Nazi party. Judaism is an attempt to lead Jews to an ideal of civilization over Kultur that culminates in the ideal of the total rational overcoming of the genes: God. The Nazis, by contrast, followed Nietzsche in rejecting the Biblical roots of the Enlightenment’s own project of pacifying, harnessing, and rationalizing the most powerful raw energies of the human animal.

Hitler’s morality was not based on traditional Judeo-Christian ethics nor Kant’s categorical imperative, but was rather a complete repudiation of them. Instead, Hitler embraced an evolutionary ethic that made Darwinian fitness and health the only criteria for moral standards. The Darwinian struggle for existence, especially the struggle between different races, became the sole arbiter for morality.

The Biblical account of creation appears to be utterly false as science. While Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection may demonstrate what man is, it is not a specific prescription for what man ought to be. The Bible represents the exact opposite first principles.

The Biblical account of creation, false as science, is actually a gargantuan assertion of the primacy of the ought over the is. Creation asserts the valuation of the ought over the is as the Bible’s first principle. The distinctive emphasis on ethics in Biblical monotheism is not separate, but rather, a coherent corollary of the assertion that God ought to be. God, in the strictest empirical view is not, at the moment that I write this, but the monotheism is built on an original belief that God should be. If humans are slaves to what is, then humans are slaves to the genes. If, however, the ought is our first principle, we take a step towards overcoming our genes, which is identical to a step towards the mind of God.

The creation story is a gargantuan assertion of the ought over the is that makes the ought the first principle of a godly way of life. This is how the empirical question of God’s existence is related to the ethical dictates characteristic of the Bible: by rejecting the is of instinctive impulses in favor of the ought of God-like ethics, one is taking a step towards the ultimate ought; that God should exist. By valuing the higher ought rather than what is, one is affecting the world in ways that may help bring God into existence. The science fiction of the Bible is, in part, the story of what God and man ought to do to create a world in which God’s presence is.

On a superficial level, the conflict between Biblical creationism and the Darwin’s theory of evolution can be looked at as a purely empirical question; a question of what is rather than what ought to be. On closer examination, however, the conflict is much deeper than a clash of two happenstance theories of human origins because the Bible is, in part, an instruction manual for weaning humans away from the supremacy of the genes. Biblical creation represents the Neolithic invention of civilization and the Bible itself is the beginning of the rule of a form of civilization over the instinctual, biological nature of humans.

The Neolithic revolution was an agricultural revolution. It marked a transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural settlements through the domestication of plants and animals, the rise of settlements into villages and towns, and finally, early urbanization. The Biblical story of Cain (representing farming) and Abel (representing the domestication of animals) does not correspond to two fundamentally different stages of civilizacional evolution. Cain and Abel are brothers; brothers of the Neolithic Revolution.

Abel can be seen a representative of the Neolithic revolution for whom the domestication of nonhuman animal nature was also accompanied by the domestication of his own animal nature. Cain, however, moved one step towards the progress of civilization as a farmer and then one step backwards towards a more ancient biological method of evolutionary progress. Cain’s murder of Abel could be viewed as the embodiment of the primary mechanism of evolutionary progress by biological selection. From a Darwinian perspective, survival is success. If killers such as Cain kill all non-killers such as Abel, then Darwinian selection will favor the killer in the sense that only the killers will to survive to pass on their genes. The biological form of evolution thus tends to breed warriors and soldiers as its peak ideal warriors and soldiers are killers.

The story of Romulus and Remus, the traditional mythological founders of ancient Rome, illustrate a kind of morality tale that is precisely the opposite of Cain and Abel. In this pagan foundation myth, Romulus kills Remus. With that bloody act, he became the conquering hero who created the Roman empire: a model for all future Romans to aspire. In the difference between Rome’s veneration of Romulus’s slaying of Remus, and God’s horror at Cain’s murder of Abel, one can see the root of the ultimate incompatibility of Caesar and Christ.

Cain is favored by evolution by natural selection in the sense that he, as the survivor, is in a position to breed more of his own kind. If Cain represents a human with a genetic inclination for homicidal behavior, then a world where Cain kills Abel is a world populated with the genetic mark of Cain. It is a world in which the four billion year old methods of biological evolution through natural selection win out until killers such as Cain and Romulus form the world’s highest Caesarian ideals.

In Cain’s metaphorical killing of Abel, one can discern a foundational Biblical pattern. There are two competing kinds of evolutionary progress implicit here and God, in effect, renders judgment on the side of the evolutionary future. God, more specifically, tends to take the side of behaviors that ultimate devalue biological evolution while looking favorably on behaviors that ultimately cultivate civilizational (technological) evolution. Ultimate progress towards civilizational evolution is measured by the extent to which man himself has mastered his own nature.

Doesn't matter what he said, but what he did, so none of these nullify the ideological Weltanschauung he built and of course he was paradoxal, everyone is paradoxal at a certain level. Life is a paradox.

If the Nazis, for example, were to consistently live their apparent philosophy that only the strong should be allowed to survive, then along with their euthanasia programs that killed or sterilized the handicapped and mentally retarded members of their own race, they should also have killed all Aryan children who failed to pass a certain threshold of mental or physical capacity. Newborn babies, being the weakest, would be first in line for extermination. To do so consistently would lead to the extinction of their race. In consequence, the Nazis could not fully realize the principle that only the strong should survive without advocating a program of racial self-destruction.

A Nazi, therefore, must refrain from eugenic pruning in the case of babies. Nazis must preserve weak and vulnerable Aryan children to be Nazis. An exception of “compassion” must be made so that these weaklings are actively strengthened. If a Nazi does not love his children, then the whole kinship chain is broken.

This is the Hamilton's green beard theory of selfish altruism, the nazis saw the Jews as something outside of their race, why would the German genes favor the Semitic genes of the Jews even if they were superior? The genes are programmed to favor the genes that are their copies. People with green beard will want to favor others with green beards over other people because this is a phenotypic manifestation of the genes, doesn't matter who is superior or not. The race trying to protect itself will always claim some sort of superiority for the memes to align with the will of the genes.

He cared about fitness, but the fitness of Germans OVER Jews, of green bearded OVER black-bearded, of blonde haired blue eyes OVER others. It wasn't because they were superior, but because they would make themselves superior through killing and the elimination of Jews. Darwinism doesn't see superiors, it only see the SURVIVORS and the SURVIVORS are the ultimate superiors in NATURAL terms, that's what the Germans WANTED to achieve. Superiority is when the LAST is standing.

All what truly matters in biology and proved by Hamilton is that one must defend one's genes and that is what truly matters, so scientifically speaking, one must defend their children, siblings, relatives and tribe OVER others because they share your genes and that is what Hitler did, he expelled the outsider genes "stealing" and "plundering" the genes of HIS tribe and that's what drove Hitler mad. Germany's land and resources belonged to Germans and not aliens like the jews or other races and to finish the threat, he would need to eliminate any future opposition or any ideologies that took germans out of their natural path to spread their genes.

His doings (not his sayings) proved to be destructive to the Germans. He cared about Aryans (whatever they may be, we dont' know). If Hitler had just been a German nationalist who wanted to rule over Germans—if he was just an authoritarian who wanted to have a strong state—the Holocaust could not have happened. The Holocaust could happen because he was neither of those things. He wasn’t really a nationalist. He was a kind of racial anarchist who thought that the only good in the world was for races to compete, and so he thought that the Germans would probably win in a racial competition, but he wasn’t sure. And as far as he was concerned, if the Germans lost, that was also alright. He thought the Aryan traits are the work of nature and by allowing the "free market of race struggle", the result would be victory of the Aryan race. And that’s just not a view that a nationalist can hold. I think a nationalist cannot sacrifice his entire people on the altar of the idea that there has to be racial competition, which is what Hitler did, and that’s what made him different from a Romanian nationalist, or a Hungarian nationalist, or what have you. At the end of the war, Hitler said, ‘Well the Germans lost, that just shows the Russians are stronger. So be it. That’s the verdict of nature.’

No. It is not. And you mention St. Augustine, one of the guys responsible for finally closing the discussion on which books are canonical. Ironic. The Bible is the only canonical book of Christianity for both Catholics and Protestants alike. You're confusing authoritative with canonical. The City of God is not a canonical work, it's an authoritative work. It's not a book divinely inspired (only the Bible is divinely inspired, hence the only canonical one), it's a theological work written by an Apostolic authority, in this case, Augustine. What the Protestants reject is the Catholic idea of Apostolic authority and Church's infallibility. It was never a discussion if the stuff written by church doctors are canon, because nobody was saying they're canon in the first place.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

Taylor swift is a roastie Illuminati puppet whore!
