How Jeff Bezos Got So Rich - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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How Jeff Bezos Got So Rich

How Jeff Bezos Got So Rich

He can be really mean, and we all have some sort of horror story about him. But when you get to a certain level, you don't need someone telling you how good you are. He's trying to build a company. You don't really get to where he is without being aggressive.”

I think of it as an environment where high functioning autistic or Asperger's SME's/savants could thrive.”

Publicly traded Amazon had revenue of $136 billion in 2016.
As of Nov. 23, 2017:
Last change +$1.32B (+1.4%)
YTD change +$32.6B (+49.8%)
Industry Technology
Biggest asset AMZN US Equity

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American technology and retail entrepreneur, investor, computer scientist, & philanthropist, best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of, the world's largest online shopping retailer. His Net worth is $100+ billion USD (2017). How did he get so rich?

Bezos’s wealth is mostly in Amazon shares. These are highly valued in the market because Amazon has an enormous turnover. The tiniest increase in Amazon’s margins would turn the loss into a substantial profit. Bezos maintains the status quo to hinder his rivals. Your margin is your rivals’ collateral. If there’s no margin, you need very deep pockets to compete. Amazon makes losses because they are investing in their future. They are making sure they are always ahead of the competition. Even if they are posting losses, the value of a company Amazon is still very large and Jeff Bezos owns a large part of it. Amazon is actually very profitable. Amazon delays payment to its vendors, authors, merchants, etc. so that it has billions in transition to invest. His company Amazon Inc., though making losses recently (was profitable earlier), it's share price continues to zoom. Being the holder of a major proportion of shares in the company, his Net Worth is rising every year. A company is valued by the cumulative value of its shares. Jeff Bezos' wealth comes from the Amazon stock he owns.

Located in the suburb of Medina, Wash., the main Bezos residence is a 29,000-square-foot compound not far from Amazon’s headquarters. Originally a 13,000-square-foot home, Bezos’ 5.35-acre waterfront property underwent a $28 million renovation to transform it into a sprawling oasis, according to Forbes.

Bezos has also owned a 10,000-square-foot New York City property since 1999. Purchased for just under $7.7 million, the property consists of three linked apartments in Manhattan’s chic Century Tower building. Bezos also purchased a nearly 12,000-square-foot home in Beverly Hills, Calif., in 2007 for $24.5 million.

Along with his impressive real estate portfolio, Bezos has amassed a fleet of private jets — including a Gulfstream and a Dassault Falcon-900EX — for his personal travel needs. His limited liability company, Poplar Glen, paid $5.5 million for a hangar at Seattle’s Boeing Field to store his jets in 2015.

While Amazon is Bezos’ main focus, the company is not his only business venture. In 2013, he purchased The Washington Post for $250 million. The billionaire entrepreneur also founded the rocket company Blue Origin, which is developing reusable rockets to shuttle passengers to and from space.

How Amazon keeps on developing its income and make no benefits and how trusting financial specialists keep on rewarding the organization for it. The apotheosis of that line of contemplations is a quote from Slate's Matthew Yglesias prior this year: "Amazon, as well as can be expected tell, is an altruistic association being controlled by components of the speculation group for the advantage of purchasers."

It's an awesome quote, one that got so much play Amazon even included it in its Yearly Letter to Investors. Yet, similar to a great part of the analysis about Amazon, it's a misreading of Amazon's plan of action.

Amazon is a great settled cost plan of action, it utilizes the web to get most extreme use out of its settled resources, and once it accomplishes enough volume of offers, the entirety of benefits from each one of those deals surpass its settled cost base, and it turns a benefit. It as of now has surpassed this obstacle in its past.

I'm genuinely sure the majority of Amazon's retail organizations remain very gainful. Some may not be, but rather they help to fortify Amazon as the retail site of first resort. When I cleared out Amazon in 2004 a large number of its retail organizations were at that point turning off sound benefits. It is substantially harder to tell now from the outside in light of the fact that Amazon doesn't present a full P&L by business line to the outside world. You can see income by general classifications of the business, however the majority of its expenses are lumped together in one monster blob on the salary articulation.

Early in my vocation at Amazon, we could as of now effortlessly show out and see when our income would give us enough salary to surpass our settled cost base. We could alter when that would occur by contributing pretty much forcefully, yet given our development rates, it was constantly quite recently felt like a matter of when, not on the off chance that, we'd turn a benefit. Also, we were most fixated on free income. Most easy chair investigators love to analyze net edge and net pay in light of the fact that those are more straightforward to comprehend and less demanding to process from open money related explanations, yet there are numerous issues with quite recently taking a gander at net edge that any examiner worth their paycheck ought to get it.

Does Amazon lose cash on offers of some individual things? Without a doubt. The primary Arouse ebooks that were estimated at $9.99 when Amazon needed to pay more than that per duplicate to distributer were one case. Monster, overwhelming gadgets things that Amazon at times dispatches with the expectation of complementary when the delivery cost is unmistakably non-insignificant and taken a toll more than the standard thin edges on such merchandise are another.

Yet, while such special cases in the index make for extraordinary duplicate (it's amusing to connection to such things in your story and let clients see the proof firsthand, particularly when the thing is some weird bit of apparatus that possibly a modest bunch of individuals on the planet could ever arrange), yet don't be mixed up. The huge larger part of items Amazon offers it makes a benefit on. After some time, a greater amount of these items that accidentally offer at a misfortune will be remedied with the goal that never again happens, and what remains will be items Amazon deliberately utilizes as misfortune pioneers.

The stage of Amazon is productive, as well. At the point when other individuals offer items on Amazon Commercial center the gross edge is gigantic. I offer an utilized book on Amazon, it takes a cut of the exchange, I am the one pressing and delivering that thing to the purchaser. You don't need to be a budgetary pro to comprehend the cost of that exchange to Amazon is negligible.

In the event that Amazon has such a significant number of organizations that do make a benefit, at that point why is despite everything it indicating quarterly misfortunes, and why has even free trade stream diminished out late years?

Since Amazon has limitless desire. It needs to eat worldwide retail. This is one range where the press and intellectuals acknowledge Amazon's announcements at confront esteem.

Given that mammoth mission, Amazon has chosen to keep on investing to arm itself for a substantially bigger size of business. In the event that it were simply a product business, its settled cost speculations for this trip would be lower, however the measure of capital required to grow a business that needs to dispatch a great many bundles to clients everywhere throughout the world rapidly is something just a modest bunch of organizations on the planet could even bear. Joey Chestnut doesn't simply wake up one day and win the Coney Island wiener eating challenge each year, he needs to invest a long time of preparing to set up his stomach related framework for the accomplishment.

Amazon has seen that bringing down its delivery costs and expanding the speed of transportation things to clients resembles an injection of adrenaline to client's affinity to purchase from them, thus it has multiplied down on building increasingly satisfaction bases on the world. When I joined Amazon it had one satisfaction focus. Today it has handfuls just in the only us, and I would not be shocked in the event that it has more than 100 satisfaction focuses overall at this point.

That is a gigantic speculation, billions of dollars worth, and it really begins to tackle Amazon's free income. Include its interests in framework to help a developing AWS customer base, and Amazon has again climbed its settled cost base to a higher level. Be that as it may, for Amazon this is just the same old thing new, it's quite recently a similar typeface bolded.

I'm persuaded Amazon could without much of a stretch turn a quarterly benefit now. Ordinarily in its history, it could have been substance to quit putting resources into new product offerings, new satisfaction focuses, new nations. The settled cost base would smooth out, its deals would keep developing for some timeframe and afterward level out, and it would gather some annuity of benefits. Indeed, even the principal year I joined Amazon in 1997, when it was only a residential book business, it could have been substance to lay on its trees.

Yet, Jeff isn't wired that way. There are not very many individuals in innovation and business who are what I'd call zenith predators. Jeff is one of them, the most patient and wise one I've met in my life. A summit predator doesn't wake up one day and choose it is finished chasing. At the present time I imagine just a single throttle to Jeff's desire and it is human mortality, however I would not be amazed on the off chance that one day he declared he'd begun another side undertaking with Diminish Thiel to take a shot at a strategy for accomplishing interminability.

One famous proposal among Amazon productivity doubters is that Amazon can't "flip a switch" and end up noticeably beneficial. The most widely recognized figure in the matter of how Amazon flips the switch is that it will hold up until the point that it is the last retailer standing and afterward raise costs in all cases, so Amazon doubters contend against that account plausibility.

In any case, "flipping a switch" is the wrong similarity since Amazon's center plan of action generates a benefit with practically every exchange at its present value level. The reason it isn't demonstrating a benefit is on account of its attempted a huge speculation to help a significantly bigger deals base. How does Amazon turn a benefit? Not by flipping a switch but rather by holding up, indeed, until the point that its exchange volume develops and pay surpasses its settled cost base once more. It can achieve that point quicker or slower relying upon how rapidly it keeps on developing its settled cost base, yet a basic approach to quicken that is quit putting resources into such huge numbers of new satisfaction focuses.

One contention against Amazon is that it is contributing for an income volume that will never come. That is an alternate contention, to me, than saying its plan of action isn't gainful. What's more, even on that point, you can outline its quarterly income for yourself and let me know whether it would seem that it's leveling out. In spite of the fact that it has not generally been on a correct upward inclining bend (we can anticipate that the bend's slant will change up or down as different lines of its retail business develop or quicken contingent upon Amazon's piece of the pie and footing in each line), the long haul curve twists up like the side of a world-commanding grin.

Some portion of this issue originates from the restricted perceivability into the flow of its business funds. For what reason doesn't Amazon soften out more detail up its money related answering to enable the outside world to see every one of these complexities? What number of endorsers of Amazon Prime, what number of Ignites have sold, what's the net wage from various lines of business, what amount of its benefit base speculation is for satisfaction focuses versus innovation framework for AWS? For what reason doesn't Google break out its lines of business in more detail in its financials? For what reason doesn't Mac uncover more insight about correct offers of the different models of its iPads and iPhones?

Tech organizations, by and large, have managed the press, financial specialists, and open sufficiently long now to have chosen that generally, uncovering less gets them the most vital adaptability with minimal measure of agony. Tech organizations have a fascinating uncertainty towards people in general capital markets. They oppose asset reliance hypothesis since they don't trust their financial specialists know how to maintain their organizations superior to anything they do, yet then again, being open is an awesome shelter to remunerating learning laborers who have a considerable measure of occupation choices.

In view of its stock value, more financial specialists appear to purchase Amazon's business story that they'll have the capacity to repeat their recorded playbook on a bigger scale.

You could contend that a business that needs to contribute such a large amount of its free income to develop is intrinsically a profitless plan of action. In any case, Amazon has known from its most punctual days that offering wares, the center of Amazon's business, is intrinsically a low edge scale business. It won't ever approach the edges of, say, Apple's equipment business.

In any case, to me, a profitless plan of action is one in which it costs you $2 to influence a glass of lemonade however you do need to offer it for $1 a glass at your lemonade stand. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you offer a glass of lemonade for $2 and it just costs you $1 to make it, and you choose business is so extraordinary you will manufacture a lemonade remain on each road corner on the planet so you can in the long run bear to move humankind into space or purchase a daily paper in your extra time, and that expects you to put every one of your benefits in purchasing up some lemon fields and timber to set up lemonade establishments on each road corner, that sounds like a numerous things to me, however it doesn't seem like an altruistic association.

A few people get it. When I had a large portion of this post composed, I began hunting down articles breaking down Amazon's plan of action, and I discovered this phenomenal post by Benedict Evans which as of now states quite a bit of what I've composed previously. He comprehends Amazon to be an arrangement of organizations of deferred development. Be that as it may, Evans is the special case, thus you can keep on expecting a downpour of jokes each time Amazon discharges its profit and shows income development yet a negative net salary. I'd love to see more outer investigation of Amazon start to concentrate on endeavoring to separate its different interests in more detail and less time spent contending whether its essential plan of action is beneficial. Does the world need another story wondering about the amount Jeff can put resources into his business? Is it that hard to understand that contributing to endeavor to be the biggest retailer in the historical backdrop of the world takes billions of dollars in venture?

The incongruity of this is while Amazon's open money related proclamations make it greatly hard to parse out its different organizations, it is to a great degree candid and legit about its marketable strategies and procedure. It's the reason Jeff keeps on reproducing its first historically speaking letter to investors from 1997 in its yearly report each year. The arrangement is in that spot before our eyes, however such a large number of keep on refusing to fully trust it. As a columnist, it must be so exhausting to parrot a similar thing from Jeff and his group a seemingly endless amount of time, so unique stories must be spun when the general arrangement has not changed.

Take this latest article in The Atlantic, from Derek Thompson. It's a decent perused, contrasting Amazon with Singes, but on the other hand it's an extraordinary case of how Amazon's essential procedure is constantly framed a similar path, with a general finish of wariness.

In any event, that is the vision. Safeguards say Amazon is exchanging the present for the future, spending all its income on a worldwide diffuse plot of stockrooms that will make the organization unyielding. In the end, the hypothesis goes, financial specialists anticipate that Amazon will finish its development venture and, having influenced enough clients and sufficiently obliterated adversaries, to "flip the switch," raising costs and benefits significantly. Meanwhile, they're glad to continue purchasing stock, offering an inadequate thumbs-up for substantial spending.

Be that as it may, this hypothesis expect a for all intents and purposes unbounded life expectancy for Amazon. The cutting edge history of retail advancement proposes that even the behemoths can be overwhelmed all of a sudden. Burns was as yet America's biggest retailer in 1982, however only nine years after the fact, its yearly incomes were scarcely a large portion of those of Walmart. "The financial wide open is covered with the corpses of organizations that idea they had a [durable] upper hand," says Alex Field, a monetary student of history at Santa Claus Clara College. "Simply take a gander at BlackBerry or AOL."

Amazon isn't as protected from its opponents as some think it seems to be. Walmart, eBay, and an abundance of upstarts are all in the race to overwhelm online retail. Amazon's enraged spending on new structures and gear isn't an elective measure; it's a survival design. In all actuality the organization profits by an excellent yet fragile redundancy: Amazon has won financial specialists' trust with a notoriety for spending everyone to death, and it can spend everyone to death since it has won speculators' trust. Until further notice.

"Amazon, admirably well tell, is a magnanimous association being controlled by components of the speculation group for the advantage of buyers," Slate's Matthew Yglesias kidded not long ago.

It has each component of the great Amazon scope story. "Flip the switch." The faceless group of Amazon's innocent and confiding in financial specialists. The magnanimous association cite, ™Yglesias 2013. Or more every one of the, a genuinely clear and precise explanation of Amazon's real business technique.

What a great feeling, to have the capacity to hide a mystery on display. Revealed before its rivals, its speculators, the press, is the formula and the plan, in plain dialect. I concur with Thompson and others that it is progressively hard to discover genuine business canals or upper hands in the cutting edge world, what with the web disposing of numerous past physical channels of time and space. What remains , however, is a footrace of wonderful effortlessness, one in which Amazon is both tortoise and rabbit. It is persistent, it plays for the long haul like no other organization, it will take a great many failures and never lose heart, but it will run when it grabs an aroma. Also, it will take the race to a field with the most slender of air.

If I were an Amazon contender, I'd really respect Amazon's present keep running of quarterly misfortunes as a startling sign. It implies Amazon is furnishing itself to take the challenge to higher ground. The retail market is going to end up noticeably more, not less, rebuffing.  

He basically screws ordinary people who do business through them. In my case he took all my royalties and mockingly sent me a royalty cheque of $0.00, believe it or not. I was supposed to receive 200 dollars! And i am not the only one he screws over daily.

Millions of vendors, authors, merchants, et al get screwed over by this asshat every day. This megalomaniac wants to take over the world. It is obvious that he bribes his way out of various lawsuits he faces from ordinary people like me and no one listens to our voice.

It is true folks. The rich do get richer, and poor people like us get screwed over.
