Mystery Language in Gladiator's "Now We are Free" - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Mystery Language in Gladiator's "Now We are Free"

Mystery Language in Gladiator's "Now We are Free"

Artist: Lisa Gerrard Lyrics

Song: Now We Are Free Lyrics

Anol shalom
Anol sheh lay konnud de ne um {shaddai}
Nom de leesh
Ham de nam um das
La um de
We de ze zu bu
We de sooo a ru
Un va-a pesh a lay
Un vi-I bee
Un da la pech ni sa
Un di-I lay na day
Un ma la pech a nay
Mee di nu ku
(Fast tempo, 4 times)
La la da pa da le na da na
Ve va da pa da le na la dumda
Anol shalom
Anol sheh ley kon-nud de ne um.
M-ai shondol-lee
Flavu… {Live on…}
Lof flesh lay
Nof ne
Nom de lis
Ham de num um dass
La um de
Shom de nomm
Ma-lun des
Alas sharum du koos
Shaley koot-tum.

It's a "made up" language sung by Lisa Gerrard. Lisa has been with the group "The Dead Can Dance," not Enya.

Her own special language is one she has had since she was a child, and how she "talks to God." It's a beautiful song.

I am continually struck by how many people all over the world have tried to find "the translation" from this mysterious language that all can recognize, but no one knows what it is. What I have come to believe, after reading the interviews with Lisa Gerrard herself and Hans Zimmer, is that when Lisa sings, she is using her own special language with which she "speaks to God."
This "transmission from the Divine" moves us like no other, and touches everyone through heart, mind and soul, regardless of race, religion, creed. region, culture... there seem to be no barriers when one is "speaking to God," or hearing it done by another, in a moment of *Divine Transformation.*

I believe this is what we are really hearing here in this track, and I thank God every day that people like Gerrard and Zimmer are here to "let us in on the secret." We are granted this small bit of eternal time to share in these all-too-rare moments of inspiration, calmness, rare acceptance and peace. I hope to hear more in the future from this wonderful artist in any language she chooses to sing.

Q: What is the language and lyrics of the song “Now We Are Free” in Gladiator?

A: There are no lyrics any language, only a special made-up language that Lisa Gerrard has used since she was a child to “talk to God.”

Thanks also to Ben Jackson for some of the interview / web references (below), and lyrics I found on the web. Fascinating "made up language" mystery SOLVED! It is not Irish-Gaelic or Latin, or anything else. It is Lisa's own language. See more below for the interview with Gerrard:


A: “I sing in the language of the Heart,” begins Gerrard. “It’s an INVENTED LANGUAGE that I’ve had for a very long time. I believe I started singing in it when I was about 12. Roughly that time. And I believed that I was speaking to God when I sang in that language."

Here’s a note from an interview with Hans Zimmer, composer of the soundtrack for “Gladiator, when questioned about the “made up language”:

see: 8. Throughout the film we hear a woman singing in joy and sorrow. What language is that and what is she saying?

It is Lisa Gerrard's voice. It is not words or any particular language. Instead of LALA or HMHMHM, we wanted to try something different, so we did that. It was funny how Ridley and I played the entire film with music and no dialogue. After watching Ridley said that the haunting voice of Lisa does tell us the story from an ancient language, only it’s not.

Click here to visit: Gladiator Soundtrack Lyrics Page:

From Ben Jackson ("End to Mystery Language!") on

Quote: "SAID BY ZIMMER HIMSELF, THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!!!HE said quote, "you better be recording when Lisa starts to sing because whatever she starts singing cannot be duplicated."


TO END THIS LONG LINE OF QUESTIONS ABOUT THE LYRICS OF "NOW WE ARE FREE. "THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!!!!!!NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER LYRICS SANG BY LISA IN THE WHOLE MOVIE OF GLADIATOR!!!!!!!!!!! You people should try reading interviews! GOOD GOD!!!!!!!!I thought I may have cleared this up near the top of this strand of comments and responses comments and responses. SAID BY ZIMMER HIMSELF, THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!!!HE said quote, "you better be recording when Lisa starts to sing because whatever she starts singing cannot be duplicated."

"When you put the picture up - and you'd better be recording, if she (Lisa) sees the picture and starts singing amazing things will start happening and you'd better capture it." -Hans Zimmer (interview)

Lisa uses a "language grown by itself" as she puts it. It's not a real language- she improvises them... Yet it may sound like Greek or Turkish, it is totally made up. Hence the "watching the screen and just singing, and you better be recording when she starts or you'll miss the best stuff." from the quote by Zimmer above.


It is enchanting during the finale of Ridley Scott’s Roman epic and the QUESTION ON EVERYONE'S LIPS IS: WHAT IS THAT LANGUAGE? “I sing in the language of the Heart,” begins Gerrard. “It’s an INVENTED LANGUAGE that I’ve had for a very long time. I believe I started singing in it when I was about 12. Roughly that time. And I believed that I was speaking to God when I sang in that language. Now I am filled with the Holy Ghost, that is the promise in the Bible the Church will not talk about, because this secret would mean the fall of the religion.” The idea is that one can have a personal relationship with God without the interference of an organization like the Church.

And that is it ladies and gentleman! I took the liberty of Capitalizing the important parts that would answer you questions. This is end to all of your questions that have been asked about the "language" she sings in. As I have tried to state in the past, it is all made up! I even cited the website for all ye of little faith. Thank you and goodnight!

-Ben Jackson

I really don't know how much longer I'm going to keep on trying to convince these people who attempting to figure out what language(of any song that was sung in any way on this album)this soundtrack is sung in? Please look at the website, IT'S TRUE!

Lisa Gerrard uses "her own" language.

Lisa Gerrard's lyrics in "Now We Are Free" have no language known to man. However, we all -feel- the meaning. Remember, perhaps true intelligence is when we think with our hearts, not our minds.

Lisa Gerrard uses her own "language" or glossolalia, similar to what young children use to talk or sing. At least this is how LG has described her process in many interviews. My impression is that she finds doing this doesn't hamper the listener's ability to add their own experience with the song itself - words get in the way, kind of like now, for example.

I verified this in Lisa Gerrard's homepage.

I have seen this language attributed to "Irish, Gaelic, Latin, Spanish, Armenian, Greek, Hebrew, a mix of ancient languages, or even ‘it didn't matter’..." It just goes to show what lengths people will go to when they don't have "the facts" and are trying to figure something out. Just like former controversy over “how the pyramids were built,” I suppose. In any event, we have it in interviews with Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer, that this is a special language that speaks from the soul directly to God, that somehow, we all "know." Amen.

It is a made-up language of Lisa Gerrard’s, all her own. It is beautiful and moving and heart-rending, and I believe really does “speak to God.” I hope this answers the question. Sincerely, Catherine Todd

"Throughout the film we hear a woman singing in joy and sorrow. What language is that and what is she saying?

It is Lisa Gerrard's voice. It is not words or any particular language. Instead of LALA or HMHMHM, we wanted to try something different, so we did that. It was funny how Ridley and I played the entire film with music and no dialogue. After watching Ridley said that the haunting voice of Lisa does tell us the story from an ancient language, only it's not."

The language she speaks in is called tongues, it is how some born again christians speak to God...


but not yet... Not yet...
