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Political Correctness: Social Engineering Via Weaponising Language

 Political Correctness – or “PC” as it has become known, is a relatively new phenomenon that has grown exponentially year-on-year, infecting each new generation of young minds worse than the previous generation. It is a social virus [#1], designed by Marxists to spread like a cancer and help them rot a societies culture from within.  Political Correctness = Cultural Marxism.  PC is what we in the West have, instead of religion, and its adherents share the same behaviours as the worst zealots – where belief trumps reason and dogma beats fact.  Its primary weapons are slander and censorship.
political correctness voltaire



Frankfurt school building
In the 1920s, the vast majority of Marxist-influenced academics where in Europe and America.  They had expected that a war would cause the Workers to rise up, and rule in a Marxist Revolution, expecting this to spread after the Bolshevik uprising in Russia. When the ‘Communist uprising’ did not spread, two leading lights (Gramsci and Adorno) came to the same conclusion: A Revolution could not be guaranteed success (or to last, if it were successful) – if based only on Traditional Marxism; Western society was too ingrained with Christianity and the traditional values that it espoused, that the culture had to be changed first – before the Revolution could take root.  Therefore – Christianity and traditional values must be destroyed.  This is Cultural Marxism.
stalin free speechTraditional Marxism was economic in nature and pitched the poor against the ‘rich’ by engendering rage and fostering division / resentment / victimhood status amongst the poor.  It stratified society vertically.  These two groups were easy to understand but overly simplistic and did not take into account centuries of Judaeo-Christian values, the Enlightenment and so on.
The victim stance is a powerful one. The victim is always morally right, neither responsible nor accountable and forever entitled to sympathy.”
Cultural Marxism was slower and more insidious, stratifying society horizontally amongst a wide variance of ethnic, social, identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other categories.  The idea is to create new victimhood groups, then make them as vocal and radical as possible, emphasising division / resentment / victimhood.  Groups must be separate but ‘allied’.
These groups could then influence cultural and societal change – far in excess of their actual importance or numbers within society.  Both types of Marxism rely on a victim, to attack traditional society / values as ‘wrong’ and therefore in need of ‘change’.  Cultural Marxists hide their origins behind Orwellian Newspeak terms such as Progressive / Liberal / Social Democrat / Labour (hiding true intentions is a hallmark).
In the late ‘20s – academics who were heavily influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis and Marxism set up a school in Frankfurt.  To hide its Marxist origins, they named it the Institute for Social Research.  People are only ‘ready’ for that when they have been primed to accept it.
The aim of the Frankfurt School (as it was to become known) – was for members to work on different areas on how to collapse Western society.  Adorno, Lukacs, Horkheimer, Munzenberg, Fromm, Reich, Marcuse and others all went on to develop their own theories in different areas, but towards the same mutual objective of destroying Western civilisation from within.


Orwell - controls the past
The key to understanding their success is that it was steeped in Freudian ideas and the new psychological knowledge – such as social conditioning, brainwashing, propaganda and so on.  Want erode the popularity of Christianity? Simply show TV programs and movies, where Christians are stereotyped as freaks, repressed, the bad guys, dangerous zealots, etc – and the heroes as the good guys, or the victims, but sceptical and enlightened Atheists.  Sponsor shows around church scandals, past horrors (Crusades, witch-hunts, child abuse, etc) – but not around the Church as a force of good, or a priest / Christian as the hero.  Over time – new generations will rebel against their parents and choose atheism.
They developed “Critical Theory” as a tool to undermine society via Academia, which in theory would seep into politics, pop culture and accepted thinking.  Therefore, infiltrating the Universities was (and still is) the key part of the “Long March[#12] – for as Lenin said: “Give me just one generation of youth, and I will change the world.”
Critical Theory was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnocentrism, convention and conservatism.
The Marxist origins state that by creating division between victim groups, one creates tension and discord, and enough conflict can cause collapse and ultimately a state of chaos.  This Divide and Conquer” strategy [#7] is best seen today in Obama’s race-baiting politics.  Once Chaos is reached, the plan is to present “Socialism” as “The Answer”.
This Machiavellian way of creating a problem, so people cry out for the solution you have planned in advance (Problem-Reaction-Solution) is known as the Hegelian Dialectic [#8].  It is no mistake the New World Order motto is “Ordo Ab Chao” (Order Out of Chaos) [#11].


The Frankfurt School has 11 objectives to destroy society [#2].
  1. The creation of racism offences.
  2. Continual change to create confusion
  3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
  4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
  5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
  6. The promotion of excessive drinking
  7. Emptying of churches
  8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
  9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
  10. Control and dumbing down of media
  11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
frankfurt school 11 point plan
The Nazis came to power the Frankfurt School members recognised they were not safe (since they were mainly Jewish and Marxist) – they all fled to US universities and continued their work.  Due to the massive Jewish network within US academia, they all found top positions with ease.
Some of these 11 Objectives have developed a LOT since the ‘30s – nothing stands still and there is much that is hidden. So think of these objectives in the context of the time they were created, and understand that these two, have developed massively as our world has changed.
For example – (Objective 3) “The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children”: we now have major pushes to teach kids about Transgenderism at primary school age, which has led to Parliamentary Reports recommending wholesale adoption [#3], mandatory education at Primary School age, forced gender changes against parental will, and much more.
Likewise – (Objective 5) “Huge immigration to destroy identity”: this has developed insidious sub-theories like the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (forced homogeneity to eliminate national and cultural identity to create a more easily manipulated ‘New European’ identity – [#4]) and the Cloward-Piven Strategy (creating social and economic collapse by overloading the Welfare State with benefit claimants – [#5]).
Another example – (Objective 6) “The promotion of excessive drinking”: developed to include drugs.  The drug-taking explosion of the 60s “counter culture”, became an even more useful tool of societal and cultural degradation than promoting alcohol abuse – a fact borne out today by continual Leftist attempts to legalise drugs, and pop culture glamourizing drug taking and criminal subculture. Long-term family breakdown, gateway into criminality, normalisation of immoral or self-harming activities – all suit the aims of the Cultural Marxists.
The Cultural Marxist’s ‘Critical Theories’ took hold in the tumultuous 1960s, when the Vietnam War opened a Pandora’s Box of reevaluaton and revolution. The student radicals of the era were strongly influenced by revolutionary ideas, among them those of Herbert Marcuse, a member of the Frankfurt School who preach the “Great Refusal,” a rejection of all basic Western concepts and an embrace of sexual liberation, and the merits of feminist and black revolutions. His primary thesis was that university students, ghetto blacks, the alienated, the asocial, and the Third World could take the place of the proletariat in the coming Communist revolution.
Marcuse may be the most important member of the Frankfurt School in terms of the origins of Political Correctness, because he was the critical link to the counterculture of the 1960s. His objective was clear: “One can rightfully speak of a cultural revolution, since the protest is directed toward the whole cultural establishment, including morality of existing society.”


Leftists have long since said the idea of Cultural Marxism is a Right Wing “Conspiracy Theory” – yet the proof is there in the research. Here are some quotes from key players in the Cultural Marxist movement:
The western world has been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2000 years… any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values cannot therefore be overthrown until those roots are cut… but to cut the roots, to change the culture – a Long March through the institutions is necessary. Only then will power fall into our laps like ripened fruit!”
Antonio Gramsci
“…to organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
Willi Munzenberg
I want a culture of pessimism … a world abandoned by God”
Georg Lukacs
Stalin was an incompetent wuss… I will show you ow to overthrow the West!”
Herbert Marcuse
The white races of Europe should be destroyed and replaced with a race of Eurasian-Negroids who can be easily controlled by the Elites.”
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, whose Pan-Europa Movement and book “Praktischer Idealmus” (1924) inspired the modern EU [#4].


Lenin - socialism is communism.pngOne of the most salutary warnings about what was going on behind the scenes with Cultural Marxism in the West, was given in an interview in 1984 by a KGB high-level defector Yuri Bezmenov [#6],  a much shorter 14-minute version pertinent to this article is also available [#9].  This is MUST WATCH material – it’s shocking to see in 1984, just how accurate Bezmenov’s warnings are in 2016.  This very eloquent ex-Communist had escaped the Soviet system only to discover that a far worse, more insidious evil was corrupting the West from within.
