protestantiniggers btfo - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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protestantiniggers btfo

Jesus preached modesty. You should read the Bible someday.

t. Atheist
>Muh shekels
Not an argument.
>>158088220 (OP)
The one in the mid-left is actually pretty comfy
Non nobis, non nobis, Domine
Sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
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>>158088220 (OP)

Look who's talking
>>158088220 (OP)
Protestant Churches are comfier. Also what happened to the Church being modest?
>>158088220 (OP)
Protestantism is not concerned with the following:
>luxurious places of worship
>extravagant ceremonies
>raping children
"Ooga booga me yuropeean" fucking animal
> being an iconoclast fag
> incapable of creating art and believing it's a gift of god
"ooga booga wher mah divorce at" ?

Anglicanism in a nutshell
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just no
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>>158088220 (OP)
This is also a protestant church

>don't agree with flashy for either
>>158088220 (OP)
stop spreading hate and division between us
we need to unite to fight our common (((enemy)))
>>158088220 (OP)
Around the time of Jesus you coulda worshiped in a lavish temple, or a dirty river.

The dirty river boys got a friendly visit from the Lord. The temple got an ass whooping.

Don't ever think you can impress the Master by appearances.
Catholicism is True but there is literally nothing wrong with simple Churches
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>>158088220 (OP)
Protestantism have more memetic vigor, as they could spread faster and do not require luxirous churches and fancy clothes and rutuals. It is all about surviaval of the fittest memeplexes.
That is the case why Islam is such succesful in undeveloped world - it do not require as much whistles as other religions.
>>158088220 (OP)
Modesty is bliss. Christianity is a fraud, but especially Catholicism
Exactly. Nobody thinks the Great Schism was worth it.
Protestantism confirmed to be a jewish psyops
>Don't ever think you can impress the Master by appearances.
I thought it was to give man a sense of Godliness. Are you saying a muddy river is more Godlike than a Cathedral?
Thanks for your input Schlomo.
The Truth is, Christianity is so anti-Roman in principle that we chose to ignore the completely illogical parts: modesty, love thy neighbour, thou shall not kill, etc.

Christianity is cuckholdery at its finest, and everyone knows it.

By Jove, how I despise your nation.
As a Protestant, I agree with you, but
Also this
Cuckoldry and weakness has reached its peak under Atheism.
>>158088220 (OP)
So you think Jesus would rather you to be rich and not give money to others? You're fucked up
>A fucking idol worshiper
Stone yourself
True, but their atheism is based fundamentally on Christian values.
>>158088220 (OP)
>right side of pic
literally the whore of babylon
>Are you saying a muddy river is more Godlike than a Cathedral?
The Bible speaks against homosexuality, fornication, drunkenness, effeminacy, all manner of left wing ideologies.
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>>158088220 (OP)
I like you my fellow Catholic dutchman
>>158088220 (OP)
>fancy palaces built for child molestors with funds stolen from the poor
Top judaism.
>creating great works of beauty for god
>Huurrrrrr has to be uglier because this passage durrr
So much this
Godsgiven inspiration make humble man build greatest art sublimation in stone just to praise the name of God kys yanki you have zero history
>just to praise the name of God
Or to get paid from fat Catholic coffers, financed by simony and fraud
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>fancy palaces
>Everyone can come in and attend mass
So? Catholicism is better fitted for europeans
anschluss flanders for majority Catholic Netherlands when?
This. The vatican is disgusting. May it burn
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>>158088220 (OP)
>compares European Catholicism to American Protestantism
are you fucking retarded?
left-wing does not equate to Atheism. For example, the atheistic Soviet Communism banned all those things you listed. Western Atheism, on the other hand, primarily chooses to follow the humanistic (humanism) teachings of Jesus Christ of equality and tolerance. Their beliefs stem from humanism and the enlightenment which were, although in their nature scientific, based in Christianity. Atheists only dropped the name God, but they value the teachings of the Bible, whether they admit as much or not.
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It is worse for colonizing new continent, as colonists could not spare the effort on fancy accessories.
No religion is the best. But each is better for their respective environment. Just as there are no "best animal", same apply to memeplexes.
probably the most retarded thing i've seen in my fucking life
>Loves fags
classic christian tendancy
>Loves people with diffrent religion
CLASSIC christian tendancy
>Loves kikes
you realise the crusades were a thing (forced conversion) and that kikes were banned from CHRISTIAN europe in most of history
>child molestors
The rate of pedophilia is the same as the general population. They just covered it up.
Fucking disgusting
>>158088220 (OP)
>brewing beer to sterilize water
Could of just kept water in copper pots like the pagans
The Jordan river is where John was baptizing. The river is nothing and the temple is nothing. Only a man who does justice, loves mercy, and walks humbly with his God will be esteemed.
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>free catalonia
lasted as almost as long as the speech
The guy that decided to add screens is an asshole.
Where in the Bible, and pay close attention to the words I say, does God or Jesus Christ say "love thy neighbour, unless they're faggots".
I hate queers as much as the next person here, and I'm willing to bet that all queers end up in hell, but the Bible preaches forgiveness. Once again, you're conflating all of atheism throughout history with the very specific Jewish Atheism of post-modernism. Faggotry is a passing fad.

On the second part, I am in agreement with you in principle. We should not be open to other religions. However, the Bible preaches tolerance of the ignorant. Men who do not convert when first hearing the word of God will reach hell.

The Crusades were a thing, but once again war is technically against Christian values. War is the greatest European value, not Christian value. Read:
Yes it is you stupid cunt.
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>>158088220 (OP)

>t. Cathocuck
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>>158088220 (OP)
Some tool shed.
>>158088220 (OP)
protestantism is by far the most cucked form of christianity there ever was along with the american retards like mormons
Your pic has protestants in it, idiot. And you can't deny that Catholicism is historically more aesthetic than bland Protestantism.
>>158088220 (OP)
It takes a lot of balls to paint a picture of God right after he tells you not to. Oh but you called it art. Im sure he will frogive your bad example.
What are you trying to say?
Protestants rely on natural beauty of Gods creation rather than relying on idols.
>Presented with an argument
ay carumba
The bible literally calls for the punishments of faggots. Have you read it? ''Love thy neighbour'' is true but killing the fags is also true, you love thy neighbour if they're not fucking heathens or fags, look at 99% of all history, the fags were never loved they were burned at the stake
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>>158088220 (OP)
Protestant churches are a place to sit and hear a sermon and meet your pastor. It's religion not an architecture and art cock waving contest.
>Dies internally
80% of that crowd hasn't read a book, let alone the bible
That is specifically in the context of cross dressing priests in the old testament. Jesus never mentioned it. Paul only mentions temple prostitution and hes secondary to Jesus anyway.
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>>158088220 (OP)
I'm not saying catholic churches aren't usually more aesthetic, but both are terrible cucked religions and wrong.
Catholicism didn't need flashy churches to spread. They were better at spreading at least to native Americans because they were more flexible, just like they integrated some European pagan stuff that helped spread. Also, the tangible rituals of Catholicism might appeal more to human nature. Maybe not under Pope Cuck, but it used to have more meme power than Protestantism I think.
>Taxing populace 10% weekly
>Use stolen wealth to create opulent castles instead of helping the needy or waging another crusade against non-whites
>We need pretty things to show god or he won't love us, anon

Why are catholics so shit?
It's a grave sin but the new testament doesn't call for stoning them. They are excluded from salvation and should be excluded from christian society. Read Romans and Corinthians.. Churches that marry aren't Christianity but subversive viper dens.
>kike on a pike is fitting for europeans

DESERT RELIGION - should be gotten rid of along with niggers, jews and arabs
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>>158088220 (OP)

For 40,000$ you can be saved by (((us))) the Catholic Church.

Protestants: But why not appreciate god’s beautiful creations for free and be a good Christian man but know the savior died for us but also to show us how to be good men?


Protestants: the crusades were thousands of years ago before Protestantism.
Jesus said that where?
As an orthodox I agree to some extent
Protestant girls > Catholic girls [Embed]
No it's not.
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Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. Episcopal. I've seen plenty of run down Catholic Churches in the States.
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>rebuilding something in a catholic style
>never inventing your own style
>beauty doesn't matter
Uhm see catholicism isn't really very semetic at all with all it's saints text interpretation and liturchy. Protestantism on the other hand is a bit more semetic
Amazing, even your tapestries are 56%
Paul explains this in Romans and Corinthians.
Jesus says "... he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Jesus definitely advocates straight marriage.
yeah, we're different and theologically speaking, one of us is most likely wrong while the other is right but that doesn't mean we should slaughter each others for centuries
They had a refugees welcome poster when I visited. You'd have a stroke visiting San Francisco haha
Catholics have ADD and need statues and paintings to get them interested in the gospels and the path to salvation. They also need a man in a hat to tell them how to think.

Protties are autistic and spend all their time reading the salvation manual.
