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Time to ban regular fiat currency and implement crypto fiat currency world-wide ?

“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws” – Baron M.A. Rothschild

Not only has cryptocurrency the potential to end world hunger, it has also the capability to end jewish control of Planet Earth's resources through fiat currency.


Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan
Albania: Bank of Albania
Algeria: Bank of Algeria
Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina
Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia
Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba
Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia
Austria: Austrian National Bank
Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic
Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas
Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain
Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank
Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados
Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium: National Bank of Belgium
Belize: Central Bank of Belize
Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority
Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia
Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bank of Botswana
Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil
Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank
Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi
Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia
Came Roon: Bank of Central African States
Canada: Bank of Canada – Banque du Canada
Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq
Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland
Israel: Bank of Israel
Italy: Bank of Italy
Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica
Japan: Bank of Japan
Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan
Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan
Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya
Korea: Bank of Korea
Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latvia: Bank of Latvia
Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon
Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho
Libya: Central Bank of Libya (Their most recent conquest)
Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay
Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania
Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao
Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar
Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi
Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia
Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Malta: Central Bank of Malta
Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philip Pines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Russia: Central Bank of Russia
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
The FED and the IRS
Virtually unknown to the general public is the fact that the US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company, siting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.

This privately owned company (controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans) prints the money FOR the US Government, which pays them interest for the “favor.” This means that if we would reset the nation’s debt today and would begin reprinting money, we would be in debt to the FED from the very first dollar loaned to our Government.

Also, most people living in the USA have no clue that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a foreign agency.

To be more accurate, the IRS is a foreign private corporation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and is the private “army” of the Federal Reserve (Fed).

Its main goal is to make sure the American people pay their tax and be good little slaves.
You can read more on the subject here.

In 1835, US President Andrew Jackson declared his disdain for the international bankers:
“You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
There followed an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt on President Jackson’s life. Jackson had told his vice president, Martin Van Buren:
“The bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me.”
This was the beginning of a pattern of intrigue that would plague the White House itself over the coming decades. Both Lincoln and JFK have been murdered for trying to rid the country of banksters.
Read everything on the subject here.

The world’s Megabanks

There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, while the second one is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone.

These two Megabanks offer loans to “developing countries” and use their almost impossible-to-pay-back interests to get their hands on the real wealth: land and precious metals.

But that’s not all! An important part of their plan is to also exploit a country’s natural resources (like petrol or gas) via their covertly-owned companies, refine them, and sell them back to the same country, making a huge profit.

But in order for these companies to operate optimally, they need a solid infrastructure, which is usually lacking in the so called “developing countries.” So before the banksters even offer the almost impossible-to-pay-back loans, they make sure that most of the money will be invested in — you’ve guessed it — infrastructure.

These “negotiations” are carried out by the so called “Economic Hitmen”, who succeed by handsomely rewarding (i.e. bribing) or threatening with death those who are in the position to sell away their country.

For more information on the subject, I suggest reading the Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
The one bank that rules them all, the “Bank for International Settlement,” is — obviously — controlled by the Rothschilds and it is nicknamed the “Tower of Basel.”

The true power of the Rothschilds goes FAR beyond the Banking Empire

If you are not yet amazed by the power of the Rothschilds (I know you are), please know that they are also behind all wars since Napoleon. That’s when they’ve discovered just how profitable it is to finance both sides of a war and they’ve been doing it ever since.

In 1849, Guttle Schnapper, the wife of Mayer Amschel stated:
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”
So, the world is still at war because it is very, very profitable to the Rothschilds and their parasite bankster bloodlines. And for as long as we will continue to use money, the world will never know peace.

It is shocking for many to find out that the United States of America is a corporation ruled from abroad. Its original name was the Virginia Company and it was owned by the British Crown (it should not be mistaken for the Queen, which functions largely in a ceremonial capacity only).
The British Crown donated the company to the Vatican, which gave the exploitation rights back to the Crown. The US Presidents are appointed CEOs and their business is to make money for the British Crown and the Vatican, who take their share of the profits every year.

The British Crown covertly rules the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state, know as The City of London. This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England. Guess who is controlling the Bank of England? Yup, the Rothschilds!
(Read everything on the subject here).

In 1815, Nathan Mayer made the following statement:
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
The House of Rothschild is really at the top of the pyramid of power. They are behind the New World Order and the complete domination of the world agenda. They are behind the European Union and the Euro and they are behind the idea of a North American Union and the Amero. They are controlling all of the world’s secret services and their private army is NATO.
Very, very impressive!
Now, what would you say if I told you that we can crumble their empire to dust overnight, without any sort of violence?

The History of Jewish Control of the South African Diamond Industry

- De Beers' operations account for 94 per cent of South Africa’s diamond output.
- De Beers' entire production of diamonds in 1800 was sold by 10 firms all being Jewish.
- De Beers also created the concept of ‘blood’ diamonds, fearful that diamonds coming out of the war-torn areas of West Africa would flood the market and undermine their global market control.
- Israel remains the world’s leading exporter of diamonds with a South African origin, with two-thirds of its stones finding their way to the United States
Written by Trevor H. Johannes,

Diamond mining in South Africa has been the cornerstone and prevalent force behind the country’s history and economy, making it the richest country on the African continent. Thanks to powerful Jewish groups in the 1800s, South Africa has been the world leader in diamond production, which was made possible by nine key mines throughout the country—all of which are controlled by the De Beers Consolidated Mines company. De Beers' operations account for 94 per cent of South Africa’s diamond output—totalling 12 million carats of both gem quality and industrial-grade diamonds—dominating and monopolising diamond trading and mining in South Africa and countries abroad.
Further entrenched in South Africa’s diamond mining history, in addition to De Beers, is the prevalence of Jewish control and exportation of diamonds to key cities around the globe, including New York, London, Israel and Antwerp. In the 1870s, during the period called the ‘scramble for Africa’, Cecil Rhodes was colonising southern Africa, setting up the African front of British imperialism and acquiring diamond mines in the Kimberley region. He named his Kimberley diamond mines ‘De Beers’ after the farmer who had previously colonised the land. In 1888, he formed the De Beers Consolidated Mines—a diamond cartel. He sought to control the entire world market for diamonds and bought up all other diamond mines in southern Africa, restricted supply and raised prices. Rhodes diamond mines made him a multi-millionaire and consolidated his power in the region. By 1890, Rhodes was successful in monopolising the world's diamond supply and, a few short years, later had established a syndicate in London to sell De Beers stones.
The syndicate in London to which Rhodes contracted to sell De Beers' entire production of diamonds in 1893 was made up of 10 firms, these were: ‘Wernher’, ‘Beit & Company’, ‘Barnato Brothers’, ‘Mosenthal Sons & Company’, ‘A. Dunkelsbuhler’, ‘Joseph Brothers’, ‘I. Cohen & Company’, ‘Martin Lilienfeld & Company’, ‘F. F. Gervers’, ‘S. Neumann’ and ‘Feldheimer & Company’. All these firms were interconnected by marriage and family ties, as well as being owned by Jewish merchants. Given this fact, it was not particularly surprising that Jewish companies completely dominated the distribution of diamonds at the end of the 19th century. For one thousand years, diamonds had been a predominantly Jewish business.

During a recent interview, British and South African historian and political activist Jack Sen told us that "Jewish firms have been involved in the diamond industry since its inception. In fact Jews were disproportionately overrepresented in the British East India Company-the private entity that colonised much of Asia and Africa."

Sen continued, "As people often misattribute the system of Apartheid to the Afrikaner-when it was in fact a British invention, the diamond industry, led by the De Beers cartel, was also a foreign endeavour run by Jewish businessmen in London, New York, Antwerp and The Middle-East."
The 10 leading Jewish merchants in London, fearing that the market would be flooded with South African diamonds, quickly formed a syndicate to buy up all of the production from these new mines. A number of the merchants in this syndicate had also acquired large stock holdings in the De Beers monopoly itself. One of the merchants who took the lead in arranging the deal with Cecil Rhodes was Dunkelsbuhler who brought into his London company a 16-year-old apprentice, Ernest Oppenheimer, from Friedberg, Germany that would later continue the Jewish control of the diamond market.
After the death of Rhodes, a German Jew, Ernest Oppenheimer, took over the ownership of De Beers in the 1920s and it has remained in the control of his family ever since. The De Beers and Oppenheimer families family are the real reigning power behind South Africa as De Beers was the driving force behind the setting up of apartheid and the system that violently forced African people off their land in order to create the workforce for the mines in highly profitable slave-like conditions. In addition to atrocious working conditions, De Beers also created the concept of ‘blood’ diamonds, fearful that diamonds coming out of the war-torn areas of West Africa would flood the market and undermine their long-standing worldwide control of the price of the stones and Jewish-owned subsidiaries.

De Beers upheld this control by managing the supply of rough diamonds mined to the Jewish areas of Antwerp or to Israel to be cut and polished. Diamond dealers all over the world, regardless of religion, are called by the Hebrew term ‘Yahalom Manin’ (‘Yahalom’ means diamond in Hebrew). In New York, the billion dollar diamond trade is centred around polishing and marketing diamonds from the most expensive to the cheapest mail order jewellery. Many of these diamond workers live in the Hasidic community of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

The ties between Jewish control, the diamond industry and Israel is further tightened with diamonds being Israel’s largest industry, bringing in at least 13 billion dollars. Israel stands accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, the crime of apartheid, extrajudicial executions within and outside the territory it controls, and persistent serious breaches of the Geneva Conventions. However, despite the abovementioned unethical actions perpetrated by the nation, Israel remains the world’s leading exporter of diamonds with a South African origin, with two-thirds of its stones finding their way to the United States. A scary truth and trend emerges about the diamond trade: almost all of stones are from South Africa, mined by De Beers, then eventually controlled and sold by Jews.

Jewish owned companies (In the US)

This is all from www.boycottisraeligoods.org but I figured having a list on hand is easier than searching through several pages of lists.

· 3Com Corporation (CA)
· 3M Corp (MN)
· A Epstein & Sons Intl (IL)
· A&W Root Beer
· A.G. Associates (CA)
· A.L. Laboratories
· A.P. Acquisition Inc (TX)
· Adkit Inc
· Advanced Medical Systems
· Agra Co Ltd
· AirSep Corporation (Buffalo,NY)
· Ambient
· AMCI International (UT)
· America Online (AOL)
· American Aviation Ltd
· American Intl Group
· American Natl Can Co
· American Partners
· Amiable Technologies (PA)
· Ampal American Israel Corp
· Analog Devices
· Backweb
· Baltimore Spices
· Bankers Trust
· Barnwell Industries Inc
· Baxter Travenol Laboratories Inc
· Bay Network (CA)
· Ben & Jerry's
· Berlitz
· Bindview Development
· BioRad (CA)
· Biotechnology General Corp
· Blockbuster Video
· BMC Software (Houston,TX)
· Boeing
· Boston Scientific
· Boston Systematics Ltd (MA)
· Brink's Incorporated(CT)
· Burger King
· C.A. Computer Associates
· Cable Systems (AZ)
· Cadence (CA)
· Callware Technologies (UT)
· Caltex Petroleum (TX)
· Capital Group Companies (CGL)
· Cardtools Systems Corp (CA)
· Cargill (MN)
· Carnegie International
· Carol Austin Corp
· Carrier Corp
· CBIS (Cincinnati Bell)
· Cede Corp
· Chase Manhattan Corp Bank(NY)
· Chasm Group (CA)
· Chip Express Corp (CA)
· Chipcom Corp (MA)
· Chromalloy Gas Turbine Co (TX)
· Cisco Systems Ltd (CA)
· Citibank (NY)
· D.S.S.I. Inc(NJ)
· Daily Jeans Inc
· Dale Electronics Inc (NE)
· Dalia Ferscher
· Daniel Abrahams
· Data General Corp (MA)
· Davidson Aluminum & Metal(NY)
· Days Inn of America
· Delux Laboratories (CA)
· Deutsch Company Inc(CA)
· DIA Tech Inc
· Digital Equipment Co (DEC)(MA)
· Domino's Pizza Intl
· Donna Karan Company
· Dow Chemicals
· DSP Communications (CA)
· DSP Group Inc (CA)
· Dun & Bradstreet Corp (NY)
· E*TRADE Group (CA)
· E.C.C. Ltd. (NY)
· E.M.K. Investments Ltd.
· Eastman Kodak (NY)
· EDO Corp
· EFI Corp (IN)
· Elf Atochem NA (PA)
· Eli Lilly & Co (Indianapolis)
· Elocot Inc (MD)
· Empire Trust
· Erwin Meltzer
· Eucalyptus Ventures (CA)
· Excalibur Inc (NY)
· Fairchild Inc
· FEI Inc (NY)
· Fibronics Intl Inc (MA)
· Fidelity Medical Inc(NY)
· Fingermatrix (NY)
· Fonar Corp (NY)
· Forstmann Little Co
· Foxboro
· Franklin Templeton Group (CA)
· Frantz Medical Dev Ltd (NY)
· Freeborn Corp
· Fritz Comnpanies Inc (CA)
· Galaxy Aerospace (Pritzker)
· GaSonics (CA)
· GE Capital Services
· Gelman Sciences Inc (M I)
· General Electric
· General Electric Information Services
· General Electric Medical Systems
· General Instrument Corp
· General Microwave Corp (NY)
· General Motors
· General Nutrition
· Genesis Partners
· Genzyme (Massachusetts)
· Geotek Industries Inc (NJ)
· Goldman Sachs
· Gould Computer (NC)
· Graphnet Inc (NJ)
· Greenfield Industries
· Groban Supply Co (IL)
· Guard Quality
· Haagen Dazs Holding Inc
· Hambrecht & Quist (CA)
· Harmonic Light Waves (CA)
· Harris Adacom Corp (TX)
· Harry Newton/Conmputer Tech Expo
· Hasbro Inc
· Healthco Intl Inc (MA)
· Heiman Bros
· Heinz
· HeliOss Communications (MA)
· Hertz Corp
· Hertz Technologies (NY)
· Hewlett Packard (CA)
· Hilton International Co
· Holenberg
· Holiday Inn Worldwide
· Holland & Knight (FL)
· Home Products (Chicago)
· Howard Johnson's Hotels
· Hyatt Intl Corp
· I-Link (UT)
· I-Sight Inc (NY)
· I.B.D.A.
· IBI (with Merrill Lynch)
· IBM (Lotus)
· IDEO (Palo Alto, CA)
· Imation Corp (3M)
· Industries Ltd.
· Informix
· Inserch
· Integral International
· Intel Corp (CA)
· International Paper Inc
· International Telecomm
· ISD(Information Storage Devices)
· Israel Investment Co
· Isratech Ltd (NY)
· J E Seagram Corp (NY)
· J Walter Thompson
· James River Corp
· Janney Montgomery Scott (PA)
· Johnson & Johnson
· Kemp Industries Inc (NJ)
· Kenny Rogers Roasters
· Kentucky Fried Chicken Corp
· Kimberly Clark Corp
· KLA (CA)
· Kulicke & Soffa Industries
· L'Oreal
· Landseas Corp (CT)
· Lehmann Brothers
· Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products (MA)
· Levit & Morrows
· Liberty Electronics (NY)
· LivePicture
· Lockwood Greene (GA)
· LSI Logic (CA)
· Lucent
· Lucent Microelectronics Grp
· Lucent Technologies
· M/A-Com Inc (MA)
· MacAndrews & Forbes (NY)
· MacDermid Inc (CT)
· Madge Networking (CA)
· Man & Hafetz Development(MA)
· Manhattan Bagel (NJ)
· Manpower Inc (WI)
· Marriott Hotels
· Mast Holding Inc (Limited)
· Mast Industries (MA)
· McDonalds Corp
· Medical Science Partners
· Medscape
· Memorex Telex Corp(TX)
· Mennen Medical Inc (NY)
· Merck
· Mercury Interactive (CA)
· Meridien International
· Merrill Lynch
· National Education Corp
· National Semiconductor (CA)
· Nations Bank/Montgomery Securities
· Negotiator Pro Co
· Netmanage Inc (CA)
· Newbury Ventures (CA)
· Newtronix Systems Inc
· Nippon Industries Inc (NY)
· North Hills Electronics (NY)
· Nostrom Establishment
· Numar Corp (PA)
· Octel Communications (CA)
· Opal Inc (CA)
· Optomic Technologies Corp
· Oracle (CA)
· Oram Corp
· OSCM-One Stop
· Overseas Public Util Gas (NY)
· Paper Board Mills
· Parametric Tech Corp (MA)
· Parexel Intl Corp
· Parsons Corp
· Paul Allen
· Pepsico
· Pfizer
· Pharmos Corp
· Phillip Bros Chem (NJ)
· Picture Vision (VA)
· Pizza Hut Inc
· Planet Hollywood
· Platinum
· Polaroid
· Porta Inc (NY)
· Porter Novelli International
· Pratt & Whitney
· Praxair
· Preagitzer Industries (OR)
· Price Waterhouse
· QualComm (San Diego)
· Racom
· Raddison Hotels Intl
· Ralston Purina Co
· Raychem Corporation (CA)
· Ready Systems Corp (CA)
· Remax Integrity Realtors
· Republic Natl Bank
· Reserve Corp
· Robert Half Intl (NY)
· Robertson Stephens (CA)
· Robomatix Ltd (NJ)
· Rockwell International
· Rogosin Enterprises Ltd (NY)
· Rosh Intelligent Systems (MA)
· Rospatch Inc
· Royal Crown Cola Co
· RSL (Ronald Lauder Group)
· SafeScience (MA)
· Safra National Bank (NY)
· SanDisk (CA)
· Sapiens USA (CA)
· Sara Lee
· Savyon Diagnostics (NY)
· SBP Nederland NV (NY)
· Scientific Components Ltd
· Seattle
· Segnatron Inc (NJ)
· Shamrock Holdings (CA)
· Sheraton Management (MA)
· Shileich Corp
· Sigma-Aldrich Corp (MO)
· Sild Unit Parts Co Inc (NJ)
· Silicon Graphics Inc
· Silvaco Intl Inc (CA)
· Simoden Enterprises Ltd (MI)
· Slant/Fin Corp (NY)
· Smith Barney
· Taco Bell
· Talos Intl Inc
· Tandem Computers
· Tech Export (MA)
· Teledyne Analytical Instr
· Teradyne (Boston)
· Terayon(CA)
· Texas Instruments
· Thames Holding Inc.
· Tower Records
· Tower Semiconductor
· Toys R Us
· Tracor Aerospace Inc(TX)
· Trans Pacific Resources (NY)
· Travelers Group
· Trinity Venture Fund
· Trufot Inc (NY)
· Unicycle Trading Co
· Unisys
· Unisys
· United Guaranty (NC)
· United Intl Holding
· United Technologies Inc (CT)
· Unterberg Tobin
· US BankCorp/Piper Jaffray
· US Robotics
· US Software Mgt Co
· Vanity Fair - VF Corp
· Venda 4 (VMA)
· VentureOne
· Victor Carter (CA)
· Vishay Intertechnology(PA)
· Vision Sciences Inc
· Walden VC Fund (CA)
· Warner Communications
· West Point Pepperell Inc
· Weyerhauser Co
· Wind River Systems(CA)
· Witco Corp (NY)
· World Courier Metro Svcs
· WorldWideWeb Networx
· WSI (CA) Semiconductors
· Xsirius Superconductivity
· Zoran Corp (CA)
baskin robbins
Burt Baskin, Irv Robbins
Dunkin' Donuts
dunkin donuts
William Rosenberg
Estèe Lauder
estee lauder
Estee Lauder
Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz
Haagen Dazs
haagen dazs
Reuben & Rose Mattus
Henry & Helal Hassenfeld
H&R Block
hr block
Henry Wollman Bloch
Lane Bryant
lane bryant
Lane Bryant Malsin
Goldman Sachs
goldman sachs
Marcus Goldman, Samuel Sachs
Leonard Marsh, Hyman Golden & Arnold Greenberg
Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl & Gordon Bowker
Toys "R" Us
toys r us
Charles Lazarus
Warner Bros. Pictures
warner bros
Harry, Albert, Sam & Jack Warner
Steven Spielberg
Slim Fast!
S. Daniel Abraham
Calvin Klein
calvin klein
Karl Anderson Jr. (Calvin Klein)

Only 3 countries left w/o ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!


North Korea



Arrest the bankers1 

