Turpin Family: "Religion" & "Home schooling" to blame for their behavior ? - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Turpin Family: "Religion" & "Home schooling" to blame for their behavior ?

NewsGossipBull/Reuters - Speculations over whether as to Religion or Home Schooling are the reasons behind the deplorable behavior of the Turpin Parents, David and Louise Turpin, the US parents who allegedly imprisoned and tortured their 13 children, keeping some of them shackled to their beds, have been barred from contacting them by a California judge, is turning into a lively debate all over the cyber-world as to whether Home Schooling and Religion should be banned altogether to stop such long term abuse of children from happening again.

I have never agreed with "home schooling". Even if a parent has say a degree in education,follows a structured course, and keeps to a learning plan.  The problem is no social interaction or very little social interaction with other kids their age group.  As they grow to adulthood these kids are educated but lack social skills and many times have diffulculty interacting with others. And holding down jobs. So thats my 2 cents lol. Really enjoy you're comments on this case about the Turpins. I find myself fasinated how 2 parents could be so cruel and demented. My mind can't wrap around it because there is no logic to any of it. My conclusion is (especially after seeing this weird pic of mother dearest evil grin) that they are demonically possesed! Looking forward to more of your comments as this case moves along...

I have no problem with people voicing their disgust over this behavior.  But tying it to "religion" or "home schooling" is not only bigoted but it is hypocritical, insincere, opportunistic, and intolerant.

What bothers me today are the number of people not only willing to lie but to join forces in screaming abusive and obvious lies, people who don't care what they say as long as they're hitting someone's hot-buttons.  And often they do it as cowards behind a fictitious name so they don't have to bear the consequences.  So, it's more tempting to turn the tables and retaliate in type.  But then what intelligent person wants to swim in the sewer of such stupidity and bigotry?

Why is it so hard to speak things which are obviously true just assuming the obvious such as that very few home schoolers behave this way, that most home schoolers do so to escape the bullying, to have the right to learn at a faster pace, to enjoy social connections that are more pleasing and worth having, to get away from the bully-pulpit where liberal views are shoved down children's throats and children's impressionable minds are taken advantage of?

Sometimes people homeschool because it is the loving and wise thing to do and sometimes the bigotry against that is just plain disingenuous and asinine and a senseless violation of other people's civil rights.
Like an extreme religous cult,fear,violence ,pain,torture and headed by these two nasty psychos,just look at that smile.Those poor kids.

Neither of my children went to school. One has a BSc and the other a BEng and an MSc. We did NOT follow a structured course, and we found the less we taught the more they learned. I suggest that as you know nothing about the subject you should keep quiet - but that doesn't stop your president sounding off stupidly

Wow. Okay no I myself did not home school my kids because I don't believe it's beneficial to the children in the end. But my sister in law home schooled her kids. As far as I could tell they did just fine no real issues academacally. Just a little shyness especially her daughter around people outside her family. And now Andrea is 36 she just got married 2 years asgo to a great guy had their first child 1 year ago. Until then she lived at home worked for her dad and never went anywhere unless she went with mom and dad. She does have one close gf. Known her long time from her church. So thats all I am trying to say. Statistics say that on average "on average" a home schooled child is less socialized than a kid in public school. Congratualations btw to your achievement of raising 3 very educated children. You must be incredibly proud. And a testestament that despite the odds homeschooling is a good alternate for some. Not all kidz respond favorably to a lack of structure and routine. Good job. One more thing I suggest that if you have negative comments about our president that you know nothing about or American politics you should stay quiet. 

These people are absolutely certain they have done nothing other than exercising their right to raise their children as they see fit. The fundamentalist community will rise to their defense by affirming their belief that raising their children is a private matter. Naturally, they will disavow the cruelty, but not the righteous punishment biblically permitted. Besides, any excess punishment in the name of righteousness will be automatically forgiven by a loving God who understands their intent. As insidious as this may seem, local and state alt right politicians are flooding state legislatures with "religious freedom" revisions of law and policy to enable this type of behavior.
Spot on. Religion in all its guises still remains a pox on the world. It stunts growth, gives excuses for, shelters pedophiles, and forgives any or all of the above if you "sign up" and join in the madness!

It would be reasonable for a official to occasionally check on the well being of home schooled children 
What you are suggesting would make matters worse. An official “occasionally checking on the well-being of home schooled children”  would be grist to the mill of people like the Turpins (assuming they are guilty of course).  It would too easily result in the appearance of an acceptable situation. I was stopped by the police in Evesham not so long ago and despite all being in order I was duly checked under the Road Traffic Act and quite rightly so. Even a bottle of lemonade I had in the car was checked. No responsible parent would object to the police entering their home and investigating their affairs with the welfare of children being the aim. It needs a court warrant issued to the police to investigate the whole family.

Why not punish crimes rather than inviting the police to strip search everyone who thinks differently just to satisfy some meddler's prejudices?

Not everyone wants to be ruled by your opinions, and not everyone sees someone's bad behavior as grounds for abusing the innocent.

If you would not want the government to force you to send your children to an ISIS training school or a brothel to be trained in prostitution, then respect the rights of others not to be forced to go to the school of your choosing.

Many who homeschool search hard for the best--not just the best curriculum, but the best opportunities, the best socialization, the best all around.
