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Unplanned Kids

Unplanned Kids

Being raised by a single mom is more common than you might think...

Found out today that i'm actually a bastard child and my mom got me from a one-night stand with a fucking truck driver. my dad didn't die in a car accident while I was too young to remember, he drove fucking away! turns out I never really had a dad. turns out that nobody wanted me not my mom not my never-existed dad who she said would of at least wanted to see me if he was still around. NOT!! ”

Frank was devastated to find out the truth about this father that he never had. This was his status on Facebook Group called ‘The Bastards’.

Don't poke or think about family secrets too much because the truth is going to kill you. thought I should feel bad about killing myself because I felt sorry for my mom but I guess I really should've never been born. i can't wrap my head around this. my fucking grandparents and cousins all played along! the nerve of these people. why would normies lie like this it hurts so much”

Amazing how meaningless life is. A succubus literally fucks because she's not far removed from a monkey who needs to get stuffed with monkey dick and as a result a new life is created capable of experiencing all the suffering in the world. And they don't even feel guilty, they probably think their children should be glad that they are alive. ”, another bastard named John responded.

Julia was the third unplanned kid to join in the short conversation.

I wonder how bastard children don't violently murder their biological fathers when they somehow find them.”, she said.

Disgusting human beings, only caring about themselves, giving the message to a child that they're not wanted by their own flesh and blood or by anyone at all. Causing lifelong suffering just for a few minutes of orgasm.”, the fourth bastard posted.

Human nature is sadistic and needs to be wiped out.”, the fifth one said.

My mom is a whore too. Was single at her late 20s and had a kid with the first guy who could stand up to her bullshit. Turns out he is a sociopath who would put cats in a fridge and burn little chicks alive as a kid. They were dating and then broke up the moment she got pregnant or something. That's what she tells me at least, I can only wonder if it's not something worse, and if it is, what would it be. I know my father and as the sociopath he is, he has always tormented me and my mother's side of the family with all kinds of shenanigans, it has always been pretty traumatizing. I am blamed for being a weight on mom's back too, "the worst mistake of my (her) whole life", and have to deal with the emotional crippling that comes with being yelled at by the only person you know about how much of a disgusting piece of shit who should have been aborted you are. That and a stepfather I had between ages 8-12 account for probably half the reason why I'm so fucked. The other half certainly coming from diagnosed autism and inheriting the beastly genetics of these inhumane parents; I'm no better than a whore and a wicked sociopath for I am the same genes as they are.”, said the sixth unplanned kid.
I have thought about killing my mother plenty of times throughout early adolescence, but I never did it because I always feel completely powerless to do anything, I can't go walk for a walk, so much less killing a person. And jail must be hell. Thugs in jail hate newcomers who are guilty of killing their own mothers, the most brutal forms of torture and rape in jail are reserved to those who have killed their own mothers. A mother is some kind of holy cow to the criminal underworld, I guess because most mothers forgive their own son's crimes unconditionally.”, the seventh one said this.

Being raised by a single mom is more common than you might think.”, a random reply.

Don't bother feeling sorry for your mother. She made a bad decision, and sadly, must pay for it. I say sadly because I am optimistic enough to think she could have made the mistake only because she was too young to know better.”, someone said.

Optimists often kill themselves when they realize they can't be optimists anymore.”, said yet another fatherless kid.

Do you really think succubi make kids to love them? No, they make them to get status and cuz they'r dumb af. Just think about concept of giving a life. Normies can't understand how fucking terrible and egoistic it can be. And they never take responsibility for it. If mom failed to raise a normie child, she either blames him or blames herself just so she look like she is suffering, they are never truly sorry. Sorry for bad english (sorry for bad english)”, non english speaking bastard posted this.

People diagnosed with any mental disease tend to be regarded as criminally insane after committing murder, so you'd end up in a mental institution after killing your mother, I would suspect. And then it's a lifetime sentence.”, said the 10th bastard.

Mutations in oxytocin receptors can both cause aspects of sociopathy (lack of empathy) and autism (understanding facial expressions, lack of empathy, lack of social and sexual interests)but of course it's a bit more complicated.”, said the pseudo-intellectual bastard.

Why do people think like this are they so self righteous about themselves or can they not see the irony of the curse that they bestowed on the child. ”

my dad lost his virginity to his sister”

My father often implies it's selfish to not have children. It's no use trying to argue with him about it. It's an axiom.
But he's a strange person, he implied that not being able to be pregnant is a fault of males.”

On and on the messages kept pouring in.

I'm not sure if this should go in General or Depression, mods move it around if this is in the wrong place.

I was born to a 27 year old """former""" heroine addict who thinks she was abducted by aliens, and a retarded 32 year old communist militant-atheist. They never got around to enrolling me in school until I was 8 years old, and all throughout elementary school I barely scraped by managing C's and sometimes a B. Right before junior high started, I was taken out of the school system by my mother out of fear of vaccine induced autism and other disorders. She had to sign multiple papers, and agree with the state to home school me, and keep records of it. She did neither of these things, and for some reason Washington state never asked any questions. Now my parents are insisting that I get a job and help with bills and groceries, even though due to my moms piss-poor judgement I'm not qualified to do literally anything. I can't even join the military as a last resort, because they demand a diploma/GED, and physical fitness.

If at some point they give me an ultimatum to move out, I'm going to tell my mom that it's her fault I am the way I am, and then I'm going to blow my brains out in front of her. I fucking hate my parents for setting me up like this, I never stood a chance. It's insulting how she plays this all off like now that I'm an adult, it's entirely my responsibility to succeed, and it's entirely my fault if I don't.”

That is really horrible.

They probably are not conscious enough to ever feel bad about it though, too dumb to understand what they did”

I only started to realize how fucked I was when I started to look at the people in my extended family. My Uncle has two boys (14 and 15), and they're doing well in school. Their parents are supportive and have good judgement, aren't pushovers. Their kids might not like it now, but they'll appreciate it in ten years when they have good jobs and are well adjusted. They're going places in life, I am not.”

Im in a similar situation. My mother never gave a fuck about anything other than getting drunk and I barely made it through mandatory school (which ends with middle school).

meanwhile im having two cousins who got supportive parents. one of them is successful in insurance and the other is even studying some engineering stuff.”

There really needs to be a way to check whether or not someone is eligible to be a parent. But that'll never happen because reproducing and raising a human being is a right that norms never want taken away.”

idk, in a way you got spared the torture of state schools and the brainwashing, anguish and bullying that goes with it. wish I could have avoided that, because you don't learn anything useful anyway. Most employers don't even check for hs diplomas or ged, just as long as you can do basic shit like push a mop. If you really want into the military, theres plenty of online ged prep online. You still young enough to have options, just don't wait to long like me.

How old are you?”

21, old enough to be kicked out to live on the street.”

We're the same age, I don't know what to say to you… What do you do everyday?”

That's funny I was raised in a pretty similar way but with some role reversal. My mom was a paranoid schizophrenic and my dad was a far right, libertarian, lizard people, anti vax type.

I was pulled out of school as a preteen to be homeschooled which never amounted to anything more than being left home alone all day every day not allowed out.

Years of dealing with my dads lizard people woo and far right conservatism turned me into a Communist militant-atheist.

now 31 with no ged and 0 work experience beyond a month at burger king at 16.”

Just live the NEET life as long as you can, then off yourself or learn to live as a homeless/criminal.

And like one of the bastards said earlier, be grateful you didn't have to go to school. It isn't the best place for us social misfits, trust me.”

I'm 29 and wish I could go back to 21 to do some things like develop some marketable skill where you can be your own boss/freelance, or trying to start an online business. If you do get a job try to invest a good portion of it in trying different methods of making cash online. I'm scrambling right now to make money online just so I don't have to wageslave again (started with 0 cash). I'm really kicking myself that I didn't start at least a few years earlier, I was content with food stamps and then living off my saved wages when I had to wageslave once again, if I had been putting in the work like I'm doing now I probably would have been self-sufficient a long time ago. Depending on your parents you should have much more of a cushion and window than I do right now. I spent all my time playing video games, watching movies, jacking off, and browsing the Internet aimlessly.

Your language skills are more than sufficient enough to teach yourself whatever you need in order to pass a GED test. The GED is easy, I dropped out at 16 after skipping about 3 months of school, and barely showed up the prior two years. There isn't anything complex on the test, mostly it's reading comprehension and common sense, the math barely touches algebra. I took the test in less than 2 hours (supposedly an 8 hour test), I felt queasy in there and still got "honors." The Army and I'm sure other military branches used to have a program to help recruits obtain a GED before joining. Although I wouldn't recommend the military without first having worked a regular job for at least a year, and if you do join select something that isn't combat role or driving. You still get all the respect by saying "I'm a veteran" with a much less chance of being blown up.

And don't compare yourself to those your age, you're on a different path. The best you can do is try to make the most of it.”

This hit me pretty hard. I'm right at that point you outlined… I don't want to be that guy, but could you give me some pointers? I fear that I only have a year or two left of this "cushion", maybe 3 at most and have no clue what the hell I'd do afterwards.

(I'm in Europe so the military thing doesn't apply to me, but I have my high school diploma thing.)”

I've only been trying to earn money online since January of this year, and found my first viable method without skills back in June.

If you have 2 or 3 year window before shit hits the fan then you have a huge head start on me.

Start looking up business ideas to earn passive income, and learn some marketable skills like web development, programming, freelance writing. You can teach yourself with free courses, just try to progress intelligently and keep discipline everyday.

You could start a blog on something you enjoy, maybe anime, write reviews, news, etc, learn SEO, and when you get a reader base monetize.

If you start learning how to do art you could be pretty decent in 2 years if you practice effectively. Combine that with programming and you could develop shitty apps for android and apple. The ones where you throw tomatoes and rotten eggs at Trump I think earn a killing, and require little effort. I think the Hillary Clinton stuff gets taken down because the tech giants are biased assholes. The example is just to pander to idiots.”

...Maybe there is hope for them?
