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Why Do People Still Deny The Holocaust?

Jewish historian argues fake “Holocaust” narrative central to Jewish power in post-WWII America

Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock, a Jewish history professor at Yeshiva University, argues in a new book that Jews would never have gained the immense power and influence they possess in America today had the fake “Holocaust” narrative of WWII not been so successfully promoted and institutionalized. Without the “Holocaust”, Dr. Gurock contends that Jews in America would have never achieved “the level of empowerment and agency that we associate with American Jews today,” The Times of Israel recently reported.
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“Things could have been much worse had the cataclysm of the Holocaust not happened,” said Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock recently over lunch at a Jerusalem café.
A statement like this is hard to swallow if you don’t realize that his new book, “The Holocaust Averted: An Alternate History of American Jewry, 1938-1967,” deals with counterfactual history, a speculative exploration of what-ifs, and the author is in no way dismissive of the murder of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis.
What Gurock demonstrates in his book is that World War II was a major turning point in American Jewish history, and that many positive things came out of it for American Jews as well as for US-Israel relations. Had key moments in the run-up to and during the course of the war played out differently, the Holocaust may not have happened. Gurock posits that instead, Jews in America would have had to “run for cover.” They would have had to assume—and maintain—a low profile, never achieving the level of empowerment and agency that we associate with American Jews today. […]
While historians look back in history to understand what happened (or in the case of counterfactual history, what did not, or could have, happened) Gurock said the ultimate purpose of “The Holocaust Averted” is to get y Jews to think about their present and future.
“The book teaches important lessons about the post-war and contemporary Jewish condition. It emphasizes what WWII meant for Jewish empowerment and Jewish activism,” he said.
Mark Weber and Greg Johnson, two important scholars that I have learned a great deal from, correctly argue that Jewish power and influence in America and the wider Western world was already substantial prior to WWII. Thus, they aver, the political and cultural power stemming from the “Holocaust” is “not so much a source of Jewish-Zionist power as it is an expression of it,” as Weber wrote in a 2009 article entitled How Relevant is Holocaust Revisionism?
Both Weber and Johnson recognize that although the “Holocaust” narrative is an important element of Jewish power and influence in the West today, and a weaponized narrative of history that demonizes and pathologizes European identity and ethnocentrism while strengthening Jewish identity and ethnocentrism, it is not the foundational source of this power and influence.
In Johnson’s controversial and thought provoking essay entitled Dealing with the Holocaust, he argues:
Before the Second World War, Jews already had an enormous amount of power in the United States: enough power to deliver the United States into two World Wars, for instance. Jewish power was based on over-representation in banking, business, law, politics, academia, and the news and entertainment media.
If the holocaust suddenly lost its potency as a tool of moral intimidation, Jews surely have the talent, money, power, and ill-will to foist a new one on us. Whites will never be free until we identify and defeat the real sources of Jewish power. […]
Weber and Johnson’s arguments are entirely valid in my opinion: the “Holocaust” narrative is not the foundational source of Jewish power, so simply debunking this narrative (which is rather easy to do) will not end the Jewish tyranny suffocating America and the West. Exposing and refuting the fake “Holocaust” narrative in and of itself will not end the immense power and influence Jews have in America and the West. It will certainly be a step in the right direction though, and I believe it is an important endeavor to undertake because the truth matters to me.
However, as the article highlighted above notes, the false “Holocaust” narrative has facilitated the Jewish takeover of America and the wider Western world. The fake “Holocaust” story is indeed central to maintaining, perpetuating, and reinforcing Jewish power, and is the backbone of the entire “New World Order” agenda. The “lessons of the Holocaust” that Western governments and societies have adopted and institutionalized – “anti-racism”, “diversity”, “multiculturalism”, “tolerance”, and fighting “anti-Semitism” (i.e., stating facts about Jews and questioning their version of events, both in a historical and contemporary context) – are the blueprint for White genocide in America and the Western world.
Regardless as to whether or not the fake “Holocaust” narrative is the ultimate source of Jewish power and influence – it clearly isn’t – the fact remains that this weaponized narrative of history is central to maintaining and perpetuating their current power and influence in the West, as well as justifying the anti-White, genocidal policies we see being promoted and implemented all around us.
