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Why is French Post-War philosophy so pretentious and pointless?

Why is French Post-War philosophy so pretentious and pointless?
Dude, culture isn't real, language isn't real, your desires aren't real, capitalism and institutions are evil and life is meaningless anyways”
Derrida was jewish, not French.”
Too hid yet commercialized at the same time.”
babby brainlet is afraid of the destruction of his spooks”
Ethnicity doesn't matter, Derrida was still strongly rooted in french philosophy (structuralism)”
Continental philosophy seems to produce a lot of rapey sex criminals. Sam Kriss being the latest one.”
What? Of course it matters. Jews think very differently than Europeans.”
Derrida's work is but a continuation of levi-strauss' work on structuralism “
Whenever I hear/read this word as an argument against something, I automatically discount the person.”
Well, they had to make a living somehow.”
It is pretentious. the writing of lacan, derrida, baudrillard, to name only few offenders, is unnecessarily overblown, complex and verbose.”
who is Etienne Gilson?
who is Pierre Boutang?
who is Michel Henry?
who is Philippe Nemo?
who is Rémi Brague?
who is Gustave Thibon?
who is Pierre Magnard?
who is Maurice Clavel?
who is Louis Jugnet?
who is Roland Dalbiez?
who is Gabriel Marcel?
If you only know the shit side of French contemporary philosophy please shut up.”
He is a jew too you dip”
Strauss was also a jew. See, how can you expect to understand these ideas when you don't understand the people who present them?”
Fine, ferdinand de saussure was white, barthes was white, foucault was white”
Barthes was a disgusting pederast and Foucault was a degenerate HIV positive fag sadomasochist.”
Again, you don't understand the dynamic here. Stop thinking about ideas as abstract transfers between different peoples with equal capabilities and take a page from Foucault and understand them as things prone to manipulation by power entities, the main one here being jews. These non-jews are cogs advancing jewish interests.”
There's a YouTube series by a retired professor called "Deleuze for the desperate" in which he tries to explain Deleuze's philosophy and make it more intelligible. At a certain point he claims that Deleuze wrote his books with that overcomplicated style because his audience were other academics, people who could understand the text. To say it in another way: he literally didn't want brainless to read him. My theory is that he saw what happened with Nietzsche (Nietzsche is one of his main philosophical influence) and the hordes of pseuds misinterpreting his work and he didn't want the same to happen to him. He also probably didn't want to turn down his writing just so more people could understand him. It makes perfect sense if you consider that Nietzsche was also a huge elitist and hated plebs.
Anyway, Foucault isn't hard to read nor obscure.”
...smug atheists flailing around in the dark, the blind leading the blind, they have no mouth but they must scream, aids, aids everywhere.”
French people are crypto kikes”
So my threshold for agreeing with someone's intellectual arguments is my willingness to share a bathtub with them.
That is why pic related is the gold standard of philosophical inquiry.
I'm a little upset that none of Charles Maurras' works have been translated into English.”
your hyperbole is neither funny or accurate tbqh”
They were right though. Europe is OVER and has been since the conclusion of WWI”
These thinkers themselves played their part in dissolution of nationalist supremacy thinking, which is probably a good thing”
Avicenna's soul brother.”
How you could say that's a good thing given the state of France today?”
France looks like it does today precisely because its nationalism, which led to colonialism. they should've never tried to conquer and assimilate the maghreb.”
L'avenir de l'intelligence a été traduit en anglais (The Future of the Intelligentsia)”
You must be retarded or non-white or both. High IQ first world people building infrastructure and extracting resources from places with people who are functionally incapable of doing so themselves is not the same as squatting as a welfare recipient.”
Colonialism ultimately created the ties between the maghreb and continental france, which would lead to mutual immigration.”
Those ties only explain to what country they want to migrate, not why they wanted or felt themselves in the right of mass migrating in the first place”
Derrida is pure fucking evil.”
while i wouldn't call myself an expert on post-war french philosophy (my field of study is mostly confined to German philosophy, pre- and post-war), i do know a little bit, especially as regards Foucault.
what i've read of french philosophy has taught me that they are definitely pretentious, but that fact in itself is not enough to discount the content of the philosophy that is propounded in their work. the attempts to undo the debasement and domination of the heretofore tradition are viewed as necessities, and one way to accomplish that feat is to fight against the established notions of language and argumentative strategy. if your only gripe with the french philosophers is the way they speak, you're arguing from very fragile ground and, i would argue, you're displaying a rather pathetic adherence to a tradition which has proved detrimental to authentic existence.
all of these french philosophers are indebted to nietzsche and heidegger, both as positive influences, and strong argumentative pillars which one should attempt to chip away at, if one is to establish oneself as a force to be reckoned with in the philosophical world. many of them, as well, are fighting against the sartrean epidemic which poisoned a lot of philosophical thought, as his system is based on an amphetamine-fuelled misreading of heidegger.
tl;dr: don't bash content based on form or you've struck fool's gold”
Nothing is mutual in this relationship. You're comparing a high IQ, high functioning group of Europeans and a low IQ, low functioning group of semites.”
they do explain acceptance for maghrebian immigrants. the franco-algerian war divided the maghreb into supporters of france and arab nationalists. the former were the ones who were invited to france.”
IQ, especially national mean IQ, is the best measure of not just intelligence, but of ability to achieve as well. Not even a debate on it.”
going by national mean iq, italy should be wealthier and more successful in scientific departments than germany.
clearly not the case.”
Take a statistics course you disgustingly statistical ignoramus.”
Really? Italy has a north-south racial split, with the northern, more Germanic states being far more productive. Do you have any idea what you're talking about here?”
French philosophy has awful form and meaningful content. You gotta look for them golden nuggets of Heidegger below all the shit. You can find a lot of necessary criticisms on the establishment in Baudrillard for example, notably if you care about the influence of ads and consumerism, but it sounds so desperately pretentious that sometimes you just want to put it down. Even then, there is content to be acquired there.”
northern italy still doesn't hold a candle to most of germany. in germany, the south is the more successful region, despite having more immigrants and less "germanic" genes.”
yeah, that is my main concern with baudrillard's writing. it's written like something that places style above content.”
Always the same fucking shit replies when someone says poststructuralism. I'm getting tired of this bullshit, foucault derrida or something. I'll hear about this in the near future.”
As Richard Lynn and others subsequently have shown, the most important indicator of a nation's success is mean IQ. Your webmd articles mean jack shit.”
"Success" is measured in sale of dildos and nigger ooga booga music so I wouldn't really consider it a very worthwhile goal.”
southern germany > northern germany > northern italy > southern italy
something doesn't fit your pattern of south/north divide here.
germany is also wealthier than most of the uk, a "whiter" nation.”
The north south divide is in Italy, there is very little difference between north and south Germany. IQ is the best indicator of success, period, and it's easy to understand and quantify along racial lines.”
italy has a higher average iq than germany, as far as i know. so does mongolia. they're still nowhere as successful.”
"Northern Germany" is poorer than Southern Germany solely because it contains the formerly Communist Eastern Germany in it. So, unless the guy you are arguing with said that iq is the sole factor in success, your argument falls down on its face rather quick.
Neither Italy nor Mongolia has a higher average IQ than Germany, wtf are you talking about? I must assume you are black if you're missing the mark by this much.”
your statement has no more weight than: my mom said you're a nigger”
that's not the case. the south of germany is noticeably wealthier than the central and northern parts, which always were capitalist, as well.”
unless i'm arguing with someone who claims that iq is the sole factor, i'm not disagreeing with him/her.”
i took the first source i could find, which places italy and mongolia above germany
which is yours?”
I would like to see your source on that. I am no expert but, from what I recall, the most prosperous regions of Germany where north-western ones like North Rhine-Westphalia.”
>On the basis of several reviews of the literature, Lynn [Lynn, R., (2006). Race differences in intelligence: An evolutionary analysis. Augusta, GA: Washington Summit Publishers.] and Lynn and Vanhanen [Lynn, R., & Vanhanen, T., (2006). IQ and global inequality. Augusta, GA: Washington Summit Publishers.] concluded that the average IQ of the Black population of sub-Saharan Africa lies below 70. In this paper, the authors systematically review published empirical data on the performance of Africans on the following IQ tests: Draw-A-Man (DAM) test, Kaufman-Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), the Wechsler scales (WAIS & WISC), and several other IQ tests (but not the Raven's tests). Inclusion and exclusion criteria are explicitly discussed. Results show that average IQ of Africans on these tests is approximately 82 when compared to UK norms. We provide estimates of the average IQ per country and estimates on the basis of alternative inclusion criteria. Our estimate of average IQ converges with the finding that national IQs of sub-Saharan African countries as predicted from several international studies of student achievement are around 82. It is suggested that this estimate should be considered in light of the Flynn Effect. It is concluded that more psychometric studies are needed to address the issue of measurement bias of western IQ tests for Africans.
For the papers without needing to buy them
You truly are an ADHD addled nigger aren't you? You propose these heavy claims but you have never even bothered to objectively analyze your own autismo deductions just because you were titillated by a /pol/ post paired with a pepe or something”
This says Italy and Germany have the same (102) and puts Mongolia at 98. Mongolia has some weird nomadic spatial IQ boost but is low in other areas. As another poster said, east Germany has a communist hangover and as I said southern Italy and Sicily especially weighs down the northern Italian average, which is to say, as I've been saying from the start, that IQ is and ability is based on race.
Nevermind. I just checked it and I am wrong. The most well off part of the country is Schleswig-Holstein in the extreme north of the country followed by Bavaria in the south.
So we were both wrong.”
riddle me this: is zionism a capitalist plot, or is capitalism a zionist plot”
Neither, because capitalism has nothing to do with it.”
You must have replied to the wrong person because I'm not saying Africans don't have low IQs and aren't dysfunctional: they do and are, and this is due to race.”
so now we established that italy is performs far worse than germany despite similar iq, and that northern italy, which is even above italy and germany in general, is still poorer than germany.”
Blatantly wrong you nigger, a lot of the workforce in northern Italy is composed by southern immigrants and their descendants. You're completely retarded if you think that the average genetic difference between a southern and a northern Italian is relevant”
Did you read it in French?”
No, you're the retard I intended to reply to. Please read the green text repeatedly until your low cognitive abilities are able to grasp the overarching general argument and criticism of your propagandist idol that preyed on people without education, such as yourself.
Once again, please kill yourself and attempt to pick up on basic reading comprehension skills.”
no. i would've loved to be born as french native speaker, but i wasn't.”
This is the only picture of Foucault I've ever seen and I always thought he was black.. how embarrassing of me”
it's not all bad, but the French have idealized Le Penseur to an unusual extent.
intellectuals play a much larger role in public life than they do in Anglosphere, which should be a good thing, but as a consequence there's an arms race to look like the smartest guy in the room
anyway that's my dumb opinion”
Seems more that certain regions in Germany perform worse due to recent economic/cultural (and probably Slavic, i.e., racial) factors and certain regions in Italy perform worse due to racial factors. Sicily has 10% semitic admixture which causes them to be less intelligent and more violent. IQ is based on race though, that's the underlying point here.”
For some reason people think that pretentious = bad as if axiomatic that pretentious work can't be good.”
It absolutely is relevant and groups like the Lombards are more successful due to their racial makeup.”
>says africans have low IQ
>fails to understand an explicit statement and study
How the fuck are you talking about these things but misunderstood the study? The fucking irony of it is as depressing as it is hilarious
what a fucking nigger”
nah, that's desperate bullshit coming from you, son. the wealthiest regions of germany (nrw, bavaria, baden-wurttemberg) have the highest number of immigrants -- by far, while the poorest (in the east) have the least.”
I did read it, and since it confirms what I'm saying I can only assume you're an idiot.”
Who's talking about immigrants? We're talking about race and IQ. Of course immigrants are going to flock to the wealthiest regions of a country.”
The implication is pseudo-profundity”
Your cognitive ability is like a 7 year old's, but if you still think after reading that it confirms what you're saying then you're a moron beyond any help. An actual nigger is more apt than you. The only solution for you is to be lined up against a wall and shot so you stop being a burden to any type of discourse.”
Do you have a steam/plebbit/jewtube page or something? You're like a character from a Confederacy of Dunces and I want to know to find out more about the habits of severely autistic person.”
Molyneux and Milo Rastapopoulos
Neither of them are American.”
By stating that the reason Africans score low on intelligence tests is because of bias, you're only confirming your own stupidity.”
Yes, it is.”
I can't believe it
how do you manage to tie your shoes?”
Richard Spencer and Styx then”
You are a weak thinker, this is not anyone else's fault.”
Did you realize at some point that you're a retard and doubled down on it out of shame? Or do you sincerely misinterpret an explicit statement?
Here's an except from the paper:\
>One point of critique is that Lynn (and Vanhanen)'s estimate of average IQ among Africans is primarily based on convenience samples, and not on samples carefully selected to be representative of a given, targeted, population
>an important drawback of Lynn (and Vanhanen)'s reviews of the literature is that they are unsystematic. Unsystematic literature reviews do not adhere to systematic methodology to control for potential biases in the many choices made by the reviewer (Cooper, 1998; Light & Pillemer, 1984). Lynn (and Vanhanen) failed to explicate the inclusion and exclusion criteria they employed in their choice of studies. Such criteria act as a filter, and may thus affect the estimate of national IQ. Lynn (and Vanhanen) excluded data from several sources without providing a rationale.
Do any of these sound like they're in agreement of Lynn? There are multiples queues that indicate the disagreement with Lynn's "studies", such as words like "unsystematic literature reviews" or "criticism" If you do believe so, please post your address and I'll do you the favor of relieving you of your self appointed stupidity you dumb ADHD ridden nigger. I can only urge you to kill yourself for being so dumb and engaging in any type of conversation.”
>brainlet anglo can't understand anything written in a language not watered down and simplified to the lowest common denominator
I bet you complain when your math teacher "forces" you to remember formulas too.”
Not only do you engage in discourse like a retard, but your inconsequential disclaimers are meaningless. Decades of data confirm what people obviously smarter than yourself know instinctively, which is that Africans are a dysfunctional race incapable of any type of respectable level of achievement, and that this fact is due to race and the evolutionary environment that made them the way they are. To attribute these facts to test bias is utterly stupid and everyone knows it.”
>knowledge is instinctual
The cherry on top of the cake. Suicide is your only option.”
I'm a philosophy undergrad and I've literally heard only about G. Marcel of all these.”
It's not controversial to say that Africans have low intelligence and as a result create dysfunctional societies. The main issue here is why are you two unable to process the facts and accept this reality.”
Foucault isn't hard to read nor obscure
Have you tried reading Order of Things at least once?”
There is when people deny it.”
And please do explain what's bad about France today?”
He fell for the racial egalitarianism everything is environmental
Genotype doesn't influence behavior or intelligence, just phenotypes
There is a scientific consensus among neurobiology, genetics, and anthropology that denies race existing and that it influences behavior”
France is on the brink of becoming a caliphate. Do you pay any attention to current events?”
Better explanation
>Someone mentioned that Jews aren't Frenchmen
Then reddit told someone who doesn't hold their own bourgeois values to go back to racist boards because they are just that sensitive.
Also, if you have any kind of contradictory opinion to liberalism or leftism you are a racist and must fuck off back to where you came from :DDD”
Are you joking? Seriously, are you aware of what's happening in western Europe?”
You're lecturing the wrong side here. But anyone who pretends to care about French literary and philosophical culture should desire to protect it. I want to protect it. Do you?”
the war revealed how pointless reality is”
You have severe cognitive bias. I'm not insulting you, but do you have autism or ADHD? I refuse to acknowledge someone normal is this daft. Also, you're running in circles.”
You just don't understand them. If that's what you got out of a reading of any major post-war French philosopher, you simply have a poor understanding of their texts and thought.”
Can you explain black dysfunctionality wherever they are, on their home continent, Haiti, America, etc.? If you cannot you should consider your own cognitive bias before attempting to point out anyone else's.”
You've already displayed yourself to have a very low cognitive ability and almost no reading comprehension, why would anyone sane engage with you in a discussion when you can't grasp the most basic of premises? Now answer you disgusting subhuman, do you have ADHD or autism?”
The humiliating french capitulation in ww2, the dissolution of the french empire in the 50s must've contributed to the kind of climate that created existentialism and postmodernism.”
