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Why Jews Didn’t Leave Europe


Why Jews Didn’t Leave Europe

There were more than 500,000 Jews in Germany in 1933, with 30% of them living in the city of Berlin, 40% living in other large German cities, and the rest scattered in small towns throughout the country. More than half of them owned or operated businesses.
When you look back at Jewish history, there had been long cycles of Anti-Semitism and recovery. They were sure that Hitler was a passing phase and things would eventually get better. Most German Jews thought of themselves as Germans who happened to be Jewish and saw no reason to have fear. In the previous two hundred years, they had made tremendous progress and some had fully assimilated and a few even converted. They saw themselves as patriotic citizens of Germany and even in the face of Nazism, thought the world was still logical and they were safe. It also took many resources to leave Germany as is told in this story:
They ask why didn't you run away before? Before the borders were closed? Before the trap snapped shut? Most Jews remained. To emigrate one needed not only a lot of money but also a "bridgehead" in the country of destination: relatives or friends willing to offer sponsorship and/or hospitality. They frontiers of Europe were practically closed, and England and the Americas had extremely reduced immigration quotas. Yet greater than this difficulty was another inner, psychological nature. This villiage or town or region or nation is mine. I was born here, my ancestors are buried here. I speak its language, have adopted its customs and culture; and to this culture I may even have contributed. I paid its taxes, observed its laws. I fought its battles not caring whether they were just or unjust. I risked my life for its borders, some of my friends or relations lie in the war cemeteries. I do not want to nor can I leave it; if I die I will die "in patria [the fatherland]"; that will be my way of dying "for the patria".
Primo Levi, The Drowned and the Saved, pp. 163-164
About one-third of the German Jews left before the Holocaust. Many of them were public figures: writers, actors, scientists, and a few prominent businessmen. Most of them did not go far and stayed in Europe, expecting to return to Germany when things calmed down. Within a few years, the Holocaust caught up with them in the nearby countries of France, Poland, Holland, and Belgium. By the time they realized they needed to leave Europe, there was no place to go. Immigration to Palestine was limited between 1933 and 1938. Some also tried to head to the United States, but the United States immigration laws kept the numbers small. In 1924, the United States passed the Johnson Immigration Act which restricted the number of immigrants coming to the United States from any country. The names of German Jews were placed on a list and by 1939, the waiting period was four to five years. France, Britain, Holland, and Belgium were considered good waiting places until the United States would take them, but by early 1939, they were filling up and also closed their borders.
One of the most famous examples of countries closing their borders is the story of the Voyage of the St. Louis. The Hamburg-America Line sold visas to 907 Jews for $150-$300 dollars each so they could leave Germany and sail to Cuba. Cuba was a popular destination for German Jews since it was away from Europe and it was very close to the United States. 734 of these people were already on the U.S. quota waiting list. In addition to the exit visas, they paid about $150 for a landing certificate in Cuba. On May 5, 1939, the president of Cuba signed Decree No. 937, making all the landing certificates invalid. Though the Hamberg-American Line knew this, no one on board the St. Louis was aware of this problem. On May 27th, the ship entered the port of Havanna, but they were not allowed to land. They stayed in the Cuban Harbor for 5 days while trying to negotiate a deal to let them enter. The St. Louis made front page headlines in all the world's major papers. Eventually, the ship at to turn back to Europe. When they were about halfway back to Germany, France, Belgium, England, and the Netherlands each agreed to accept some of the passengers. Of the 907 passengers, it is estimated that 250 eventually died under Nazi occupation.
Why did the United States and other countries turn their back on the Jews of the St. Louis and other refugees? There were many reasons. Anti-Semitism, fear that some refugees might be Nazi agents, fear that refugees would take jobs from American workers and lower wages, fear that resources from the country would be stretched. One other reason was that there were only 500,000 Jews in Germany, but there were millions more in Poland, Hungary, Austria, and other countries. If the United States opened their borders to the German Jews, wouldn't other countries force their Jews to leave, too? Could any nation take so many immigrants so suddenly without ruining itself? The Jews of Europe had no way out.
Moshe Benstein is an American conductor and scholar who serves as president of Hard College. In this interview he discusses why Jews didn’t leave Europe, particularly Germany, after Hitler came to power in 1933. “The Nazis were not as organized as the American film industry describes them,” he says. “In the breach, segregating the Jewish population was the first order of business.” Indeed, Hitler even ordered that Jewish classical musicians be fired from their groups in the early months of 1933. However, says Benstein, most German Jews didn’t question that they would live and die in Germany. They thought Hitler was temporary or that he was so extreme that there would be a reaction against him. “There was always two Germanys,” Benstein cites, “There was the Germany of high culture…and the Germany of the beer hall and…of blood-and-soil nationalism, which eventually triumphed.”
Anti-Semitism or even radical anti-Semitism wasn’t a surprise to Germans at the time,  even after Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass in 1938) and the outbreak of World War II in 1939, according to Benstein.  “People knew things would be terrible, but no one imagined to what extent,” says Benstein.
"Volcanoes, Nazis and Crime" (editorial, June 14) cleverly compares Nazi Germany to an active volcano. Yet the question "why so many Jews couldn't bring themselves to leave Germany in the 30's" is not an enduring point, but myth at best.
In the first two years of Nazi rule (1933-34) emigration might have been based somewhat on a person's ability to earn a living in a new land. After the passage of the Nuremberg race laws, virtually all German Jews wanted to get out. Does anyone believe there were any Jews in Germany who did not want to leave after Kristallnacht in 1938?
They went to Chile, Cuba and China (Shanghai) to South Africa and Santo Domingo and a score of countries, wherever they could get a visa. Other nations did not open their doors to German Jewish refugees.
I had to wait almost four years for a United States quota immigration visa. It was issued barely weeks before the Nazi volcano erupted in World War II. My family's roots in Germany went back centuries, and yet we just wanted to get out, anywhere.
Similar to their fellow citizens, German Jews were patriotic citizens. More than 10,000 died fighting for Germany in World War I, and countless others were wounded and received medals for their valor and service. The families of many Jews who held German citizenship, regardless of class or profession, had lived in Germany for centuries and were well assimilated by the early 20th century. From 1933–39, the German government passed and enforced discriminatory laws targeting Jews at a relatively gradual pace. Up until the nationwide anti-Jewish violence of 1938, known as Kristallnacht, many Jews in Germany expected to be able to hold out against Nazi-sponsored persecution, as they hoped for positive change in German politics. Before World War II, few could imagine or predict killing squads and killing centers.
Those who made the difficult decision to leave Germany still had to find a country willing to admit them and their family. The search for safe haven was very difficult. The Evian Conference of 1938 showed this when almost every nation in attendance declined to change its immigration policies. Even when a new country could be found, a great deal of time, paperwork, support, and sometimes money was needed to get there. In many cases, these obstacles could not be overcome.
These activity sheets illustrate some of the difficulties Jews faced in trying to leave Germany; they make clear that this seemingly simple question is actually very complicated.

Why didn’t they just leave?

If you live in a free, democratic society, it is difficult to imagine how Nazi Germany worked. It’s natural to ask: why didn’t the Jews just leave?
In 1933, when Hitler came to power, the population of Germany was 67 million. There were approximately 505,000 Jews. The Jewish community was less than 1% of the overall population and half of these people survived. They saw what was coming and successfully emigrated. In contrast to Poland where three million Jews were killed, representing the largest national group. Three million of the six million Jewish victims were Polish.
One thing that helped me understand how difficult it was for Jews to leave was to examine the Nürnberg Laws. In Berlin, there is a memorial near the Bayerische Platz underground station where the laws are presented on street signs. On one side, the law is printed in black and white, with the date the law went into effect. On the other side, is a corresponding color image.
Jews who convert to Christianity and are baptized are still Jewish by race. October 1936
mage of baptismal chalice on other side of sign. Source: University of South Florida
This memorial is located in a Berlin neighborhood established between 1900-14. Doctors, lawyers, intellectuals, artists and civic officials lived in this district. Albert Einstein was also a resident. The memorial is thought provoking and engaging because it makes clear how Jews in Germany were legally controlled and marginalized. Over time, their lives became constrained to the point there were no real options.
I borrowed these images from a website, created by The University of South Florida’s College of Education, with English translations of each sign from the Bavarian Quarter Memorial.
It was not an easy process to emigrate. Refugees needed an exit visa to leave Germany, which meant giving up bank accounts, real estate, businesses and valuable assets to the state. On the Night of Broken Glass (November 9, 1938), thirty thousand Jewish men were taken to concentration camps, namely Buchenwald, Dachau and Sachsenhausen. Many died during the weeks in camp, but those who survived were released several weeks later, and took the experience as a warning to leave as quickly as possible. Refugees also needed entry visas and work permits for their new country. Survivor testimony and other historical documents often describe the process of applying for visas all over the world, but not obtaining them. Anne Frank’s family is a good example of this. Her father could not get visas for all four of them, which is why they went into hiding. He wanted to keep his family together.
Trains to life, trains to death. Kindertransport memorial at Berlin-Friedrichstrasse train station, unveiled in 2008. Source: http://www.kindertransporte.de
After November 9th, the Kindertransport program started to send thousands of German, Austrian and Czech Jewish children to safety in England. I know a survivor, born in Berlin, who was one of these children. After his father returned from weeks of torture and cruelty in Sachsenhausen, he took immediate action to save his two boys. The boys were sent via the Kindertransport to England where he was placed in a refugee home for boys in London. The parents also eventually got there. This survivor knows that he is “lucky” to have had his parents and older brother, but sometimes lamented the absence of his extended family in his life. Until he was nine, he had grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. What would it have been like to have grown up with these people?
In 2006, two Stolpersteine (“stumbling stones”) were laid for his grandparents at their old apartment in Berlin: 33 Bleibtreustraße. They were killed in Riga, Latvia.
Stolpersteinestumbling stones” for Julius and Margarete Liepmann in Berlin.
A German camp survivor I was close to for several years, was born in 1920 and was in his teens during the 1930s. The reality of what the Nazis were doing hit him when he was no longer allowed to play soccer on his local team. Soccer is German’s national sport. Traditionally, German children attend school in the mornings and are excused in the early afternoon to have a hot meal at home. Afternoons are spent at sport clubs, music lessons and other extracurricular activities. For many boys (and girls, these days), soccer is what they live for and that’s how it was for this man. To comprehend the feelings of anger, shame and frustration, of being shut out, rejected, is impossible. I knew this man when he was in his eighties. He had a number on his arm from Auschwitz and survived four years in the camps. But the most painful thing, he told me, was being kicked off that soccer team.
In the damp dark streets of early morning Vienna, SS Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler’s agents raced to find one of the biggest ideological enemies of the Nazi state—a 58-year-old Ludwig von Mises. A political economist and critic of the socialist state, von Mises narrowly managed to flee to Switzerland just as his would-be captors were closing in.
Himmler and his Nazi thugs had another reason to find and kill von Mises. It was 1938 and he and other enemies of Hitler’s state—Jews, like von Mises as well as anti-socialists reformers—held private wealth the Nazi war machine desperately needed to keep running.
The Nazi Party rose to power in when their leader, Adolf Hitler was appointed Germany’s Chancellor 1933. Hitler has achieved this position by hammering at two powerful themes: restoring the German supremacy robbed by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, and “the Jewish question.” Hitler dreamed of uniting “racially desirable” Germans in a new and powerful state. But this unison could not happen without first weeding out the rest of Germany (i.e. Jews as well as homosexuals, gypsies, and freemasons, among others).
The Jewish question referred to a European debate that had been raging for centuries regarding the appropriate civil, legal and political status of Jews as a minority within European countries. German economist and sociologist Werner Sombart had praised German Jews as positive contributors to German society for their entrepreneurialism and capitalism, but within the Nazi party this sentiment was considered radically left wing.
It was this climate—mere months after von Mises escaped Vienna—that eventually led to the infamous Kristallnacht—when entrepreneurs like Trudi Kanter were driven from their homes, lost their livelihoods, and in some tragic cases, were killed. Trudi, who’s brilliant autobiography Some Girls, Some Hats, and Hitler tells the story of going from freedom and entrepreneurship to living under the oppression of Nazi Germany, lost her business almost overnight. But, how did the Nazi’s target entrepreneurs for their theft? Why did they block entrepreneurship and free ideas? And, perhaps most importantly, how did their efforts to tax and seize Jewish wealth so quickly turn into a genocide?
Wealth Confiscation and the Nazi State
The Nazis considered German Jews “a foreign race”—but they were also very interested in their wealth. Anti-Semitism had a long history in Europe: it was largely influenced by the Christian belief perpetuated in the Middle Ages that the Jewish people were collectively responsible for the death of Jesus. Persecution of European Jews was widespread during the Crusades, beginning in 1095, when Jewish communities along the Rhine and the Danube were massacred. Due to this discrimination, many Jews adapted by turning to entrepreneurship and some had become quite successful by the twentieth century. Hitler pointed to their wealth in order to pit many economically stressed German citizens against German Jews. This was Hitler’s first step in fueling anti-Semitism, long before he made a move against Jewish lives, as Götz Ally explains in his probing and well-researched study of Nazi economic policy, Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State.
Counting gold bars confiscated by Nazi soldiers
According to a study released in 2010 by Hans-Peter Ullmann, a Cologne history professor, Jewish wealth confiscated by the Nazis paid for roughly one third of Germany’s World War II effort. Nearly 120 billion marks—over $17.4 billion today—was plundered from German Jews by laws and looting. According to Ullmann, the tax authorities under the Nazis actively worked to “destroy Jews financially.” Even Jews who managed to escape Germany before the Holocaust had to leave part of their wealth behind in the form of an “exit tax.”
Another critical piece to Hitler’s rise in popularity was his promise to restore German power. The Treaty of Versailles had not only forced Germany to disarm, but had also stripped Germany of land that was turned over to neighboring countries. The ascension of the Nazi party to national prominence was meant to be a first step in rearming Germany for an attack on those neighbors that would take back that territory, and restore the nation to its former glory.
By 1934, Hitler had broken several key agreements in the Treaty of Versailles by increasing the German military to one million men. The treaty limited the German army to 100,000, and also prohibited German manufacturing of new military equipment, in which Hitler was investing heavily. Hitler had to solve the problem of how to pay for both the rearmament and the vast increase in government services he planned to use to fight raging unemployment and keep the beleaguered middle class on his side.
The Treaty of Versailles
With Hitler’s approval, Göring developed a three-step plan to confiscate Jewish wealth. First, all Jews would be required to declare their wealth. If they hid any assets, they would receive an automatic ten-year prison term and have their wealth confiscated.
Next, Göring used this data to institute a 20% tax on Jewish wealth, raising millions for the government. With the military budget still growing, however, deficits continued to soar and Goering moved to step three: In 1938, a law was passed nationalizing all property owned by German Jews.
Wedding rings stolen during Kristallnacht
Feedback from his ambassadors in other countries, however, made Göring realize that Germany would be harshly criticized if perceived to be outright stealing the Jewish community’s assets. That is when he came up with a diabolical plan to make it appear that German Jews were being treated fairly. In 1939, in return for their stolen wealth, the Nazis issued war bonds to the Jews that paid a small amount of interest, and would only be honored if Germany were to win the war that had begun on September 1, 1939 with Germany’s invasion of Poland.
Having stolen most of the Jewish wealth, which prevented Jewish people from maintaining their businesses or starting new ones, the Nazis next declared that only specific pawn shops could be used by the Jews to sell their jewelry, which it was no longer legal for them to own. At these pawn shops, the prices were set far below market value.
Even with this grotesque theft from some of Germany’s most productive citizens, the massive military buildup still required more money, so Hitler’s government decided to impose a 50% surtax on most German groups. To avoid lowering the morale of the average German citizen, however, the Nazis made an informal but clear pact with the German people: If the Wehrmacht (the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany) were to successfully conquer and plunder other countries, the German people would not have to pay the tax. This was a clever move that consolidated German support for World War II and ultimately for the Holocaust, as well.
The 1934 army
Once a country was conquered by Germany, its wealth was looted through confiscation and through taxes on its businesses. In France, the Germans seized the stock market and sold off portions of it to pay the bills of the war. Each country that was conquered was forced to remit most of their gold holdings to the German central bank. Another way the Nazis transferred wealth back to Germany was to raise the pay of German soldiers in a particular country while at the same time devaluing the currency of the conquered country relative to the Deutsche Mark. This handed purchasing power to the occupying German soldiers, who were encouraged by their commanders to buy goods to use themselves and to send back to Germany. The stores in the conquered country would be left with too few goods for its own population, driving up prices, starving citizens and in effect bankrupting the local economy.
German soldiers were encouraged to plunder and loot homes, businesses and farms. The rule was that anything that would fit into a postal bag could be sent back to their own families with no tax paid. In 1940, during the first six months of the Third Reich’s invasion of Russia, German soldiers shipped 3.5 million bags of stolen property back home.
An apartment after being looted by Nazi soldiers
As a result of all these policies, as well as generous social programs back home, the average German enjoyed a higher standard of living and benefited directly from the systematic plundering of their own German-Jewish neighbors, as well as the citizens of occupied countries under the Nazi regime.
Sadly, once millions of European Jews had been stripped of their wealth by the Reich, they became expendable to the Nazis and Hitler’s “final solution” to “the Jewish question” was launched. Three years later more than six million Jews had lost their lives to the Holocaust; so did other “undesirable” minorities, including freemasons and gypsies.
By studying the economic decisions that led up to the Holocaust, perhaps we can learn from this horrific chapter in world history. In Part 2, I will explore similarities between how the Nazis used taxation to disempower German Jews before launching into full-blown genocide and strikingly similar economic policies enacted by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia before they, too, became genocidal and massacred three million Cambodians between 1975-1978.
