A woman from eastern China has been confirmed as the first ever human case of H7N4 bird flu, according to Chinese authorities.
Officials in Hong Kong have advised citizens to avoid wet markets,
live poultry markets or farms if travelling to the mainland over the
week-long lunar new year holiday which starts on Thursday.
The 68-year-old patient from Jiangsu province, who has since
recovered, developed symptoms on 25 December, was admitted to hospital
for treatment on 1 January and was released on 22 January.
“She had contact with live poultry before the onset of symptoms,” Hong Kong’s centre for health protection (CHP) said in an alert
on Wednesday evening. “According to a report from the Chinese centre
for disease control and prevention, upon analysis, the genes of the
virus were determined to be of avian origin.”
A CHP spokesperson said the diagnosis had been confirmed earlier this
week and added: “Travellers to the mainland or other affected areas
must avoid visiting wet markets, live poultry markets or farms. They
should be alert to the presence of backyard poultry when visiting
relatives and friends.
“They should also avoid purchasing live or freshly slaughtered
poultry, and avoid touching poultry/birds or their droppings. They
should strictly observe personal and hand hygiene when visiting any
place with live poultry.
“Travellers returning from affected areas should consult a doctor
promptly if symptoms develop, and inform the doctor of their travel
history for prompt diagnosis and treatment of potential diseases,” the
CHP alert said.
According to the US government’s centers for disease control and
prevention (CDC) the most frequently identified subtypes of avian
influenza known to have infected human beings are the H5, H7 and H9
viruses although such transmissions are rare. There are nine known
subtypes of H7 viruses, of which H7N4 is one and in most cases human
infection is uncommon.
“The most frequently identified H7 viruses associated with human
infection are Asian lineage avian influenza A(H7N9) viruses, which were
first detected in China in 2013. While human infections are rare, these
have commonly resulted in severe respiratory illness and death,” advice on the CDC website says.
“In addition to Asian lineage H7N9 viruses, H7N2, H7N3, H7N7 virus
infections have been reported. These viruses have primarily caused mild
to moderate illness in people, with symptoms that include conjunctivitis
and/or upper respiratory tract symptoms.”
Authorities have been concerned about the possibility of a potentially devastating human bird flu pandemic in Hong Kong since late 1997 when 18 locals were infected with the H5N1 virus, six of whom died.
On Wednesday the CHP said it would “remain vigilant and work closely with the World Health
Organization and relevant health authorities to monitor the latest
developments”. It urged citizens “to maintain strict personal, food and
environmental hygiene”.
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