How does it feel to know there is no free will? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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How does it feel to know there is no free will?

You never had a choice. The universe is a computer that's self aware. One evolutionary step involved the computer re-routing its output (thoughts) as an input (consciousness) for decision making. This simulates consciousness. There is no true consciousness and there is no free will. Everything you do or act on can be traced back to evolutionary drives. Either your actions help your evolutionary purpose, or they don't. If they do, then you will breed, and if they don't, evolution will wipe you out. The universe is essentially a computer executing a program on loop.

>tfw you realize nothing matters

just checking in to make sure things are running smoothly.

 why do i envision a fat, fedora wearing, junk food loving, exercise hating, permavirgin whenever this toxic philosophy is espoused on the internet?

all it amounts to is "lol nothing matters, why work on self-improvement? no thanks, i am too intelligent and euphoric for that, i'll continue with my junk food, chronic fapping, vidya addiction, and forget all about spirituality stuff..."

meanwhile people with the opposite view, that our lives do matter, that our births weren'r random and spontaneous, that our deaths aren't instant annihilation, that our actions in life do matter here in life and after our deaths, that life is a vast journey with an ultimate aim which we strive for... these type of thinkers tend to be more into self-improvement, clean lifestyle, discipline, self-reproach when making errors or "sins", and being less selfish, helping others, valuing life in all forms more.

for example, i don't kill anything, not even annoying carpenter ants that get in my house. i take everything outside to continue living freely, rather than stomping the life out of them. my family members who think like op, however, seem to delight in killing such lifeforms, as if they are just little robots without feelings, pain, or awareness at all. to me, i look at an ant or any living being and see an awareness, a wish to live and not die, a wish to avoid pain and injury, and i just cannot kill anything, and if it happens accidentally i feel deep remorse.

honestly, i feel bad for the committed enthusiastic nihilists out there and on here. why so eager to be meaningless? is it your lack of will power to improve yourself? your addiction to your lower nature, to bad things, your unwillingness to give them up?

 Because you were primed to think that way from all the memes in the environment that people posted whenever this concept came up.

There is no me. There is no other. There's only ever been the dream, the source.

We are free willing our way around slightly separated from the universes grasp by our own little pocket of brain energy.
Hence we are not alone. The dream is as large as its constituent parts allow at the given moment.

energy is separated by dark matter.
The universe is aware but not exactly of everything at once.

Go further. Dark matter, universe, awareness, time, is a dream.


Life = 1
Death = 0

Life + Death = Life. Death is an illusion for those who are also life. Life rolled onto itself looking at itself. A one is a line. A zero is a line rolled onto itself. They are the same.

All that is illusion is just that. Always fake no matter how deep the rabbit hole goes it is always just illusion.

1+1=3 and if you know why well thats awesome and I can leave you to your math.
