Rules For Kali Yuga By Lord Vishnu - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rules For Kali Yuga By Lord Vishnu

This is an age of complete moral decay. The cycle of time does not reverse. This age will continue to go on. It has to go on. It is a cyclical process. All the moral, ethical, societal vices will become. There is no stopping it. It will last a long period. You cannot and will not be able to force people of this era to conform to the Yugas where everything was pure and good, or was relatively pure and good. For unfortunate souls born in this evil age, they have to deal with it. This Kali Yuga will continue until every form of evil is rampant. It will only get worse. Here are some of the ways you can deal with living in this evil age:
1) Don't get married. Women are fully corrupted and they will cheat on you. You will get cuckolded by them in every possible manner - physically, romantically, financially, etc
2) Don't have kids. They will resent being born in this age, and will hate you, and will be a burden on you. They will ruin your existence, and will only use you for their gains. Don't abort them, but don't impregnate women. Just climax outside their vaginas. Don't force women to get pregnant or make them abort kids. Very bad karma. You are highly stupid if you impregnate them deliberately just because you were feeling good.
3) Try avoid following the norms of this evil society. Seek inner peace. Seek solitude. Avoid rampant consumerist materialism, otherwise you will definitely lose your soul, and became lower beings in your next lives.
4) Seek asceticism. Try to avoid being part of this fully corrupted society. You don't want to be part of this vicious cycle of Samsara, especially in this Kali Yuga.
5) Do not pollute the earth. Do not consume the resources of this planet without planning ahead.
6) Do not follow the norms. Most people are evil, or are made evil by becoming part of the system. Do not follow their evil ways. They will ridicule you for being different, and yet it would be better for you not to become like them
7) Seek inner peace. Do not go for material things unless it's absolutely necessary. Do not buy and consume things more than your needs. Do not follow your vain desires.
8) Do not get jealous of vain stupid people of this world. They are fooled by maya.
9) Do not change your outer & inner appearance/orientation. Your face, your race, your gender, your sexual orientation, they are all natural. Accept who you are. Accept your destiny.
10) I, Buddha/Krishna/Shiva/Vishnu/Mahavira/Brahma/etc, am a creation of God. I am NOT a god. Keep this in mind. At best, i am his agent sent into this world in various forms and incarnations. Do not worship me. Worship God alone. God is One. He is the Universe, and beyond. Pantheism/Panentheism/Pan-Panentheism, Post-Pan-Panentheism, Pan-Pantheism, Monism, Monotheism, etc
11) Anything is possible in this Universe. Aliens may or may not exist. Demons may or may not exist. Other so called paranormal beings may or may not exist. Angels may or may not exist. Universe may be eternal, or it may be a temporary construct, or maybe a dream in the mind of Ishvara (God)
12) This Universe/Matrix/Maya/Dunya/Multiverse may be operated by an entity that is outside the dimension and construct of time and space, so that entity may be able to manipulate this place. You are also capable of doing that. It's all in your mind
13) Aatma may or may not exist. Universal Aatma may or may not exist. Soul may or may not exist.
14) When you start evolving to higher states of consciousness, you will start seeing yourself in Vishnu/Shiva/Brahma/Buddha/Mahavira/Jesus/etc, because you are them and they are you.
15) Do not lose your innocence, your inner child.
16) Do not change yourself for others. Be yourself. Do not conform to Kali Yuga. Avoid this world, and use it instead of it using you. Do not become a cog in the wheel. Be independent. Be free.
17) Follow your intuition. If you feel that something you are doing is wrong, just don't do it. Follow your inner moral compass. Do not regret doing bad, evil acts.
18) Best way to deal with negativity is avoidance, and non-interference. Do not become negative. Do not respond to them with positivity. Just don't engage and move on.
19) Do not follow fashion. Do not follow the ways of this world. Seek Moksha. Seek Nirvana. Seek Paradise. Paradise is inside you.
20) Your words. Your actions. Your inner thoughts. They all meaning nothing. You have nothing to prove to this world and its people. Just survive on bare minimum and practice yoga and meditation, for which you don't need any material possession. Seek minimalism.
21) You don't own anything in this maya. You own nothing, so you will lose nothing.
22) Physical world is evil. Spiritual world, inner world, world of the inner mind, that is the real world where you will attain true happiness and salvation.
23) Study science. Learn. Enjoy good peaceful music. They are good for your mind. Ultimately, they are all distractions
24) Do not hurt others, even if they hurt you. Don't seek revenge, and forgive and forget. Do not engage. It will only result in more provocations and hurt for both sides.
25) Best way to live peacefully is non-interference.
26) Do not hurt other living things, otherwise you will get hurt in your next lives.
27) Spread awareness, but do not convert them. They will find the truth on their own.
28) Be creative. Increase knowledge. Explore new avenues of life, and create new music, new philosophical movements, new ideas, new languages, new cultures, new AIs, new technology
29) Technology isn't bad. People are bad. People are bad because this world is bad.
30) Kali Yuga = Physical World
31) Nirvana is spiritual. Moksha is spiritual. Non-existence itself is not physical.
32) Inner World is Paradise. Do not change it into hell by being fooled by maya, they physical Kali Yuga World.
33) The Age of Innocence is eternal, forever, and inside you, your inner child.
34) Don't be shallow. Don't be vain. Beauty is temporary, and only fools are attracted to it. Fools get fooled by maya, and try to conform to it. And even if they do manage to become successful, their success is very temporary and someone else overtakes them, and they are not truly happy. Don't be like them. They then seek hoaxing yogis and kabbalah mysticists, faux gnostics, satanism, and other stupidity to gain back what they lose here. They lose everything they were provided. They became part of the system. They were used by others. They allowed this world to use them and then spit them out.
35) That is why you don't have to indulge.
36) The more you indulge, the more your cravings increase.
37) Seek inner balance
38) Nobody is perfect, not even Vishnu/Shiva/Buddha/Mahavira/Jesus/etc
39) Your life is not a competition. You don't have to compete. You have a choice.
40) Do not commit suicide. Try to die naturally.

