How Ratko Mladic Descended into Madness - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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How Ratko Mladic Descended into Madness

By Ana Mladic

It was after 1994, when Mladic's beloved daughter Ana killed herself with her father's favorite gun, that Mladic apparently lost his mind. The circumstances surrounding her death remain mysterious. Giovanni recalls the explanations:

In Belgrade, I got different versions: that she had read an account of her father’s atrocities in a newspaper and felt sickened, unable to live with the name Mladic; that Ana, a medical student, had come back from a conference in Russia, where she had been abused on account of her father, suffering some kind of emotional trauma; or that simply, like many of her compatriots, she was tired of living with war.

Those close to Mladic said that perhaps it was Ana’s death that pushed him deeper into violence. “Some people think he went mad,” one of Mladic’s commanders told Giovanni. “Mladic’s life had two phases—before and after the death of Ana… He never recovered. He was a broken man.” And one year after Ana's death was the Srebenica massacre, where Mladic's men slaughtered nearly 8,000 Muslim boys and men.

Now in custody, Mladic is continually demanding that be allowed to visit Ana's grave, according to his lawyer.

Mladic visits grave of daughter who killed herself with his favourite pistol


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