When will the next Heaglian Dialectical transition happen - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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When will the next Heaglian Dialectical transition happen

what country do you think will be the first. There’s change in the air and it’s a strong smell.

Continental Philosophy is trash, this model is why it gets stuck in stupid places. They take wrong turns, then refuse to turn around to review their first steps.

 When an idea (thesis) is proposed, it’s then opposed by a counter culture/idea (antithesis) the two eventually conflict and out of the ashes, the victor absorbs the destroyed and eliminates the flaws of both ideas and forms a synthesis. This synthesis eventually becomes a thesis in itself when an antithesis pops up and so on.

Hegelians are cancer god bless America for avoiding that steaming dumpster fire for so long.

 lmao the right/left divide is guided Hegelian dialectic to a T wtf are you talking about?

"Hegelianism is the philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel which can be summed up by the dictum that "the rational alone is real",[1] which means that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories. His goal was to reduce reality to a more synthetic unity within the system of absolute idealism."
Absolute gobbledegook. This is the basis on which people think themselves into such stupidities as "not all women have vaginas".


educate yourself you blithering cryptocommunist

 I don't get it. can you apply it to today's world? what would the white nationalists, establishmentfags and libertarians be in this model?

whig history is a lie. And so is hegelianism. All things are cyclical.

 >Heaglian dialectic
>copied it from Fichte
Can't wait until Trump finalizes the system of German idealism

German Idealism and English Empiricism will be the next two. They will merge in the ethno state.

 Leftist detected. Hegel and his ilk make the entire rotting corpse we call modern society possible. Name one major cancerous political, social or philosophical movement not defined and made possible by Hegel. I put Hegelianism in the same boat that I put Critical Theory. Provide a real fucking rebuttal or kill yourself you trending faggot.

 Because the fundamental ideas that would be articulated in Pragmatic philosophical works extended back to the Puritans. Hegelianism and Pragmatic philosophy are almost diametrically opposed. To sum up
>Kant: There is an objective truth and what we see in the world describes that truth
>Hegel: Truth is what we perceive. We cant know the truth we can only know our perception through the application of reason, so reasonable truth is the only truth
>Pragmatics: lul idgaf about truth faggot the only truth that matters is the truth that is useful.

Hegel is the grandpappy of Liberalism, the French Revolution, Communism, Nihilism and Frankfurt School bullshit, and much, much more.

 The Jewish Chaos Engine. It turns our conventions and traditions into a perpetual dissonance spiral and causes our reality to infinitely emulate itself in small degree of decreasing accuracy until we're completely detached from adherence to anything resembling a natural order or sustainable culture.

 It just happened.

Mass shooting happens
>Gun control now!
>Shall not be infringed!
>Metal detectors in schools

Chertoff needs to die.

The Hegelian dialectic is intrinsically Jewish. To believe everyone hates you, and then to act in a way to make everyone hate you to validate the belief, is the Jewish story.

The Hegelian model is outdated

The establishment is the thesis, everything else is antithesis. Whichever overtakes or conglomerates the establishment will contribute in the formation of the synthesis, i.e. tomorrow's politics. Are you familiar with short and long-run equilibria?
