Could Ramayana be a story of conflict between Aryans and Dravidians? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Could Ramayana be a story of conflict between Aryans and Dravidians?

 Expert opinions:
"Lanka is not a part of India. Dravidian and Aryan are 20th century inventions. Lanka had defined geographical boundaries long before India was created In 47. It was a war between Ceylon and India. It was an South Indian war against Ceylon. Hindu speakers had nothing to do with it.
 Does the Ramayana mention anything about Tamils ? or Dravidian's? We have our own book which depicts an Invasion from India."
Vālmīki, ‎Romesh Chunder Dutt - 1902 -
(The War in Ceylon) RAMA crossed over with his army from India to Ceylon.
“The long and bloody war which Rama waged against Ravana, the king of Ceylon,”
Christopher Pinney - 2004 - ‎ Ravana was a king of Ceylon who was demonized in India, and popularly given many heads
 Nowhere in the text is the war fought in Lanka mentioned as one between Aryans and Dravidians. In fact ,Last year a Buddhist monk claimed that the mummified body of Ravana lay atop an inaccessible mountain in Ceylon.
Eleven Years in Ceylon: Volume 1 Jonathan Forbes, - 1840 -
"Rama was certainly a champion of the Brahmins ; while Rawana adhered to the antagonist principles of the Buddhas (predecessors of Gautama Buddha), and was also a votary of the Bali and Yakka superstitions.
Although Rawana is depicted as a monster, and denounced as a cruel tyrant, by Valmika and Kalidas, in the Ramayana and Raghuwanzae, yet from their own details we should infer that Rama was the aggressor, and that Seeta was carried away as an act of retaliation: so, in their long and doubtful strife, had victory sanctified the cause of Rawana, the virtues attributed to the deified hero might have attached to the victorious demon, and Lanka's tyrant would have been a god of India."
The Sinhalese of Ceylon and The Aryan Theory. Letters of a Tamil father to his son, Section 2 by Samuel Livingstone
“Elala, the Tamil-speaking Hindu king, had come to Ceylon. Brahminism had begun to rear its head and to oust Buddhism out of India. The Elala-Dutugemunu fight was not a Tamil-Sinhalese encounter, but a trial of strength between the Hindus and the Buddhists. Dutugemunu, the loyal son of the great Vihara Mahadevi, a loyal and devoted Buddhist herself, who had been nurtured in Buddhism which had become the national religion of the Ceylonese by that time, would defend his religion against all external foes, however powerful they might have been. It was a case of Sultan or Fakir, death or victory. He risked his everything for his religion, and he won. He won to the great delight of every citizen of Ceylon, or the Yakkas and the Nagas, for it was a case of Buddhism versus Hinduism and nothing else.”
From that time to the present the history of Ceylon has been chiefly the record of the struggle between the Tamils advancing from South India, and the few Aryan Sinhalese driving back the Dravidian hordes, and sometimes, as in Parakrama Bahu's time, carrying the war into the enemy's country
“was eventually succeeded in A.d. 1153 by his grandson, Parakrama Bahu, who is almost the only notable character of the Polonnaruwan epoch. The early part of his reign was marked by a series of struggles with foes of his own household, from which he emerged triumphant into undisputed sovereignty. Returning to his capital, he devoted himself to the arts of peace, the restoration of religion, and the expansion of architecture. He sent to Siam for priests of the superior rank, which was nearly extinct in the island; and he summoned a Church Council to settle debatable questions of religion; he restored the sacred edifices of Anuradhapura, he built innumerable "Wiharas," preaching-halls, nnd rock temples; the most remarkable af these rock shrines, the Galwihara at Polonnaruwa, being at the present day in very much the same state as it is desciibed in the Mahawaijso. He also placed guards round the coast and erected fortresses of refuge, raised a wall round the capital which is said to have enclosed an area twelve miles broad by nearly thirty long, built almonries for the poor at the four gates, and a palace for himself with 4,000 apartments, constructed J ,470 new tanks, and repaired as many old ones. A fresh revolt of his domestic foes again summoned him to the battle-field, and he celebrated his final victory by a magnificent procession which reads like a Roman triumph. The heavenly powers smiled upon his success; for heavy storm broke while the triumph was in progress, and furious rain flooded all the ground but that occupied by the procession, which remained miraculously dry. He next turned his arms against the Kings of Cambodia and Arramana (a region lying between Siam and Arracan), who had plundered his merchants and insulted his ambassador. In a pitched battle, his general defeated and slew the Cambodian King, seized his capital, and made the country tributary to his royal master. A second expedition was shortly afterwards dispatched against the allied monarcbs of Soli and Pandi, whose headquarters were at Madura in South India. Success again attended the Sinhalese arms; the enemy, in spite of their overwhelming numbers, were repulsed and broken in seven great battles ' Rameswaram and the six neighbouring districts fell into the victor's hands, and Pandi paid tribute to Polonnaruwa. The mere recital of these exploits of war and peace, while it fills us with admiration for the last great prince of a fading race, gives us some idea of thecommand of labour, the density of population, the activity of agriculture in a land which is now a wilderness of barren jungle inhabited by a few fever-stricken villagers. Parakrama Bahu died in A.d. 1186, in the thirty-third year of his reign.
The Last King Of Jaffna Was A Sinhala-Buddhist H. L. D. Mahindapala
King Senerat of Kandy, an ex-Buddhist monk, too considered Jaffna to be a part of his kingdom and when the Portuguese defeated Sankili II in 1619, he bided his time and sent Mudliyar Atapattu, one of his kinsman, with an army of five thousand soldiers, to capture Jaffna. There were, of course, strategic and economic reasons also for invading Jaffna. The advancing Sinhala forces swept into Jaffna with the people of Jaffna rallying behind the victorious Sinhala forces who captured Jaffna by driving out the Portuguese from the land. They were holed up in the confines of their fortress in Jaffna which was under siege by the forces of Atapattu. Fr. Queroz, the leading authority of the time wrote “…. the enemy (i.e, the Sinhalese) made himself master of the Kingdom unopposed.”
After Jaffna was handed over to the Portuguese un der the terms of the Nallur Convention, the people of Jaffna were oppressed cruelly by the occupation army of the Portuguese. Naturally, they rallied behind the invading Kandyan forces and went on the rampage, burning the hated symbols of Portuguese Churches. The triumphant Kandyan forces were emboldened by the mass support of the population. After the defeat of Sankilli II in 1619 the people of Jaffna were happy to accept the Sinhala forces (in 1629) as liberators. Fr. Bruno wrote that the Kandyan army “was joined by the whole kingdom.” (Fr. V. Perniola, The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, Portuguese Period. ) So technically, legally, politically and militarily Senerat established himself as the last king of Jaffna by taking over power from the Portuguese in the last battle for Jaffna. His invasion of Jaffna, his conquest of Jaffna, grabbing power from the Portuguese, his being in total command of the territory, his imposition of taxes and, above all, the mass support he got from the people of Jaffna makes him the legitimate and acknowledged king of Jaffna.
Sinhalese are indigenous to Sri Lanka. The Vijaya story is a British fraud. They were known as Rakshas, Yakkas and Nagas. the Nagas are the Tamils.
Professor Keith Scott-Mumby MB ChB, MD, PhD, FRCP (MA).
“Archeological investigations, at several cave-dwelling sites, using accurate modern dating techniques, have shown continuous habitation here by the earliest modern Homo sapiens taking place for over 37,000 years. Cro-Magnon Man (Homo sapiens sapientis,) may have come out of Sri Lanka and not "out of Africa" at all! Known locally as the "Balangoda Man", after the district of the same name, these were very sophisticated people. Their fine micro lithic tools pre-dated comparable artefacts of central Europe by almost 20,000 years. From skeletal evidence they were a very healthy lot, averaged almost 6 feet in height (174 cm.) and often lived to a great age. Balagodans ate a diet of plants, animals and seafood (oysters, mollusks and other gastropoda), typical of today's fashionable "detox" plans.” (Did Sri Lanka Invent Acupuncture )
“Humans migrated from Africa to South Asia about 60,000 years B.C.E. The first clear evidence of Human settlement in Sri Lanka has been dated to 28,000. BC These are the earliest human remains found anywhere in South Asia. Compared with China or Europe, the stone age began early in South Asia and continued for a very long time.
South India and Sri Lanka were open to the spread of culture by Sea. This increased after china and Rome provided markets for Interregional sea trade but is also true of prehistorical times. Lothal, The Indus Valley port on the Gulf of Cambay, may have had local trade networks extending to the south . Some important trade items in the accent world- Pearls, ebony, and Ivory in Particular – may have originated in South India or Sri Lanka. The History of Sri Lanka- 2006 - Page 15
“Ceylon s believed by some of the Easterns, both Mahomedans and Hindoos, to have been the residence of the first man (for the Hindoos have a First Man, and a Garden of Eden, as well as the Christians) ;.because it abounds in "Trees pleasant to the eyes, and good for food;" and is famous for its rare metals and precious stones. "There is gold, bdellium, and the onyx-stone." The rocky ridge which connects this happy island with the main land , is called Adam's Bridge; the lofty mountain in the middle of the island every where visible, is called Adam's Peak: and there is a sepulchre of immense length, which they call Abel's Tomb. All these names were given many ages before the introduction of Christianity from Europe.”

Ramayana deals with Kosala dynasty of Oudh (Rama) and Videhas of North Behar (Sita) during the "Epic Age" (~1400BC - 800BC)
Kosala dynasty traces its descent from Sun and was thus considered the "Solar Dynasty" or Suryavanshis
After his banishment, Rama went to Deccan and Southern India, which had not yet been colonized by Indo-Aryans
Note that Indo-Aryans are settlers in the Indus valley and have come a long way from "Aryan" roots they had while migrating across Eurasia. They are not  the classical "invaders"
The army recruited by Rama is explained to be aboriginal races in these regions. The term "vanara" itself comes from "forest-dwelling" and approximation of the term to "monkey" is equal part exaggeration of physical differences and myth.
Ravana, a mighty king of Ceylon, is depicted as a demon-king (rakshasa) to amplify the narrative.

Ramayana is not about Aryan-Dravidian conflict. It is actually about cooperation between Indo-Aryans and Dravidians to wage war on the King of Ceylon. 

Most likely, however the place would not be India, but most likely the current region of current day Afghanistan

However, the Saraswati of the Rig Veda is extremely powerful, grinding rocks with sheer force. Its roar subsumes all other sounds. And the Sarayu of the Rig Veda is immensely wide and deep, the mother river. None of these descriptions matches the actual rivers in present-day India with those names. Hymn No. 5 | 53 | 9 of the Rig Veda says, “May the Rasa, Krumu, Anitabh, Kuva or Sindhu not be able to stop you; let the deep Sarayu not be an obstacle.” The order of the rivers clearly moves from east to west. So the Sarayu undoubtedly flows to the west of the Indus.

That is the most likely version of truth underlying mythology. Watching a documentary on the Genographic project The Human Journey: Migration Routes solidified this view for me. There were two waves of migration into India, Dravidians coming thousands of years before Aryans. Here is a relevant paragraph from another article. Dr Wells and the genetic crusade

"During his own journey in pursuit of the Y chromosome story in the late  1990s, Wells took blood samples from males of Dravidian ancestry in  southern India. The Dravidians were among India's earliest colonists;  they now live among the descendants of a later wave of Sanskrit speakers  -- like Latin and ancient Greek, Sanskrit is an a branch of the  Indo-European 'mother tongue', more closely related to modern English  and French than to Dravidian."

Given these verifiable migration records, the conflict of Ramayana makes sense. Also, "Vanar Sena" did not imply Monkey army, "Vanar" was used for "Van-Nars" or men ("Nar") dwelling in forests ("Van").

Ravan became Asur raj or the leader or Rakshasas, well because victors wrote the record with ample poetic license.

First know about the human races on the earth. Many human races were mentioned in the time of Valmiki Ramayana. Nowadays, no one is reading the original Ramayana which was written in Sanscrit by Valmiki, who was the first poet on the earth. Rather, many people are coming to a conclusion by reading recent imaginary works. Kalidasa Mahakavi also inspired by Valmiki and praised him to the utmost levels. He wrote Raghuvamsam by this inspirational epic of Valmiki.
Many races were created by Sabala Kamadhenu in the time of the conflict between Vasishta and Viswamithra. This kamadhenu, also called as Kalmaashi, daughter of heavenly Kamadhenu Surabhi, was belonged to Vasishta. This cow created many troops to destroy the armies of Viswamithra, who had tried to take this cow by force. These races are Saka, Yavana, Paplava, Kambhoja, Mlechha (now they are belonging to western countries), Haaritha, Kiraatha etc… . We can see many of them worldwide with different names of races.
Viswamithra cursed some sages to born as Nishada (maansa Bhakshaka), Swapacha (dog maansa bhakshaka). He also created new stars. Now try to know the races underworld, which belonged to Pathala, thalathala, Rasathala, Mahathalas. Nagas, Sarpas, Yaathudhaanas, Raakshasa, Pisaacha, Chhayagrahas (who eat creatures by attracting their shadows) along with sea animals.
Now, the different races in the space are Kinnera, Kimpurusha, Garuda, Gandharva, Siddha, Saadhya, Sura, Asura, Brahmarshi, Maharshi, Naga, Yaksha, Vidyadhara, and many Gaganacharas. Gods created some varieties of monkeys on the order of Brahma. They are Golangula (apes), Vanara (the giant monkeys), Ruksha (bears), Chimpanzees, monkey monsters (Yathis). They were and are living on the earth.
Now come to the point. A war occurred between a great warrior belonging to human Kshatriya race and a great Asura King belonging to the netherworld. Rama was born in Ayodhya. He took the help from The above monkeys to kill Ravana. Asura king Ravana was born near Meru Mahaparvatha. Later on the all Asuras shifted to Lanka, as Ravana occupied the abode of Vaisravana by force. As heavenly beings failed in defeating the great Asuras like Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Indrajit, Prahastha, Khara, Dushana, and billions of Asuras, they requested Rama, who was famous for unfailing Valour, to kill Ravana. A Great War occurred between earthly beings and Asuras, who didn't belong to human race or even no connection with them. Rama fulfilled his promise and satisfied all heavenly beings.
Later on, Dravidians (not only Tamil people, but also Kannada, Malayali, and many more. In nowadays Lanka, you see Tamilians mainly), Aryans, and many races were formed all over the world on linguistic basis. Ramayana was happened before many lakhs years, that is the reason to get many confusions and misinterpretations. Mahabharata occurred recently (5,100 years ago) and the people are believing a little bit. 

Ramayana was written closely following the Vedic methods of worshiping God. Neither Sri Rama was an incarnation of God Vishnu nor Sri Hanuma was an incarnation of Shiva.
a) Indra was the Chief of Gods. Vishnu’s position was only next to Indra, and described to be younger brother of Indra - indrAnujam in Ramayana.
King Ambarisha’s Yagna was stopped to disappearance of his horse, which was stolen by Indra. The priests tell King Ambarisha either to bring the horse or bring a human, who can be sacrifised in lieu of the horse.
Shunashepa, the middle son Sage Richika, was sold in barter to King Ambarisha. In order to save his nephew Shunashepa, Sage Viswamitra teaches him 2 mantras, which should be recited to appease Gods.
पवित्र पाशैर् बद्धो रक्त माल्य अनुलेपनः |
वैष्णवम् यूपम् आसाद्य वाग्भिः अग्निम् उदाहर || १-६२-१९
" 'When you are fastened with sacred fastener to the sacrificial post of Vishnu, smeared with red paste and garlanded with red garlands, you praisefully address the Fire-god with the words I going to impart to you in Vedic hymns.”
Shunashepa, when fastened to the sacrificial post, recite those mantras.
स बद्धो वाग्भिः अग्र्याभिः अभितुष्टाव वै सुरौ |
इन्द्रम् इन्द्र अनुजम् चैव यथावत् मुनि पुत्रकः || १-६२-२५
"When Shunashepa is tied to ritual post he immensely pleased two gods, namely Indra andUpendra as well, with those two hymns he got from Vishvamitra.
Please observe the word इन्द्र अनुजम् - younger brother of Indra - in the sloka.
b) Shiva was mentioned only in the interpolated stories of Ramayana, such as Sita Parityaga - disowning of Sita - episode.
c) Indra was the Chief of Gods and Chief invitee of all rituals. Sage Valmiki followed this tradition.
विभ्राजमानम् वपुषा सूर्य वैश्वानर प्रभम् |
रथ प्रवरम् आरूढम् आकाशे विबुध अनुगम् || ३-५-५
असंस्पृशन्तम् वसुधाम् ददर्श विबुध ईश्वरम् |
संप्रभ आभरणम् देवम् विरजो अंबर धारिणम् || ३-५-६
तत् विधैः एव बहुभिर् पूज्यमानम् महात्मभिः |
Rama has seen Indra, the lord of three worlds, with a radiant body that has the coupled radiance of Sun and Fire, mounted on a great chariot that does not touch the earth, wearing greatly brilliant ornaments and attired in spotless dress, while the other divinities are attending, and many more selfsame great-souls are worshipping him.
Note the words विबुध ईश्वरम् - Lord of Devas - in the sloka. So Indra was Lord of Devas, but not Shiva or Vishnu.
d) Some people consider the war between Sri Rama and Ravana as war between Aryans and Dravidians.
It is, in my view, a war between people following Vedic way of life and those who opposed it.
Consider the following points.
The Vaamachara emanated, originally, as against to Dakshinachara.
Dakshinachara indicates Vedic way of life, ie., adherence to Dharma, adoring Gods throughVedic (saatvic) way, etc.
1) In Ramayana, there was a mention about Dakshinachara. Consider the following sloka from Ramayana.
Sage Valmiki described the preparations of Sri Hanuma, when he decided to flew in Southern direction for searching Seeta in Lanka, as follows:.
अञ्जलिं प्राङ्मुखः कृत्वा पवनायात्मयोओनयो |
ततो हि ववृधे गन्तुं दक्षिणो दक्षिणां दिश्म् || (Sundara Kanda 1 Sarga 9 sloka)
Hanuma turned towards east, saluted his father, the Lord of Wind and increased his body to go towards southern direction.
Sage Valmiki used the words दक्षिणो दक्षिणां दिश्म् in the sloka. If the words दक्षिणां दिश्म् indicate Southern Direction, why did the sage used the word दक्षिणो (Dakshino) again?
Did he use without any purpose?
I have gone through many translations, but almost all the translators, except (Late) Sri Gunturu Seshendra Sarma, did not give explanation to the word दक्षिणो (dakshino). (Late) Sri Gunturu Seshendra Sarma in his literary work "SHODASI - Ramayana Rahasyalu (Telugu)" give the following explanation for the word दक्षिणो (dakshino).
The word दक्षिणो (Dakshino) was used to indicate that Sri Hanuma is the follower of DAKSHINAACHARA, i.e., the VEDIC way life. Sri Hanuma was described by the Sage Valmiki as expert in all Vedas.
Sri Rama was the follower of Vedic way of life and hence, he was following Dakshinachara.
2) The VAAMACHARIs, on the other hand, sacrifice animals, follow rituals that were abhorred by the People following Vedic way of life, to attain Tantric Powers, which are different from that of Yogic Powers.
The Tantric Powers can attained within short time, but have certain deadly consequences. If the TANTRIKs fail to complete the rituals in the prescribed manner,death is assured.
During RAMAYANA period we will come across Indrajit, the elder son of Ravana. Indrajit used to follow VAAMACHARA, and the following quotations corroborate this.
Even Ravana was a Vaamachari, and thus he obtained Tantric powers and opposed, Devas, who are representatives of Vedic way of life.

Seeing Ravana, his father looking lamented after hearing the death of Ravana's sons and brothers, Indrajit promises to destroy Rama and Lakshmana. He sets out, for the battle, accompanied by his army. After reaching the battle-field, Indrajit performed a sacrificial ritual there, duly making an oblation to the fire.
ततस्तु हुतभोक्तारं हुतभुक्सदृशप्रभः ||
जुहुवे राक्षसश्रेष्ठो मन्त्रवद्विधिवत्तदा | (Yuddha Kanda 73 Sarga 22 sloka)
Then, that foremost of demons, having a radiance equal to that of fire, with excellent sacrificial incantations, performed a sacrifice, as per rules, making an oblation to the fire.
स तत्राग्निं समास्तीर्य शरपत्रैः सतोमरैः ||
छागस्य सर्वकृष्णस्य गलं जग्राह जीवतः | (Yuddha Kanda 73 Sarga 24 sloka)
Duly spreading fire with reeds (in the form of other weapons) accompanied by lances there, Indrajit elapsed the neck of a live goat of dark hue (for offering it to the fire as an oblation).
सकृदेव समिद्धस्य विधूमस्य महार्चिषः ||
बभूवुस्तानि लिङ्गानि विजयं यान्यदर्शयन् | (Yuddha Kanda 73 Sarga 25 sloka)

From the great fire of flames, set ablaze by that offering having been thrown into it acting at once without smoke, appeared such signs as had beckoned victory (of the past).
Thereafter, Indrajit became invisible to all and attacked Sri Rama, Lakshmana and all the Vanaras and created havoc. And, he eliminated 67 crores of Vanaras on that day.
His ghastly death is an indicator of consequences of following the VAAMACHARA.
Placing an illusory live image of Seetha in his chariot, Indrajit along with his army enters the battle-field. Hanuma with his army of monkeys march in front to face Indrajit in battle. While Hanuma and his army are watching, Indrajit pulls Seetha by her hair and unsheathed his sword. Indrajit kills the illusory living image of Seetha, with his sharp sword.
Hanuma, with his army, approaches Rama and informs him that Indrajit has killed Seetha. Rama faints away, upon hearing that news. Telling Rama the secret of conjuring trick practiced by Indrajit in killing an illusory image of Seetha, Vibhishana assures him of Seetha being still alive and urges him to send Lakshmana with an army to the sanctuary of Nikumbhila.
तेन वीरेण तपसा वरदानात्स्वयंभुवः |
अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरः प्राप्तं कामगाश्च तुरंगमाः ||

"By his penance, Indrajit obtained a weapon called Brahmashira, by way of a gift from Brahma and also horses, which are coursing at his will."

स एष सह सैन्येन प्राप्तः किल निकुम्भिलाम् |
यद्युत्तिष्ठेत्कृतं कर्म हतान्सर्वांश्च विद्धि नः ||

"That Indrajit, as such along with his army, is reported to have reached Nikumbhila. If he comes forth after completing his sacrificial act, know that all of us as killed."

ग्निं च यो रिपुः |
त्वामातायिनं हन्यादिन्द्रशत्रो स ते वधः ||
 वरो दत्तो महाबाहो सर्वलोकेश्वरेण वै |
इत्येवं विहितो राजन्वधस्तस्यैष धीमतः ||
(Yuddha Kanda 85 Sarga 12 - 15 slokaS)

"A boon was given by Brahma to that intelligent demon as follows: "O Indrajit! Thatenemy of yours, who strikes while you are marching with your bow drawn, and while you have not arrived at Nikumbhila, or even while you have not offered oblations to the sacred fire, will prove to be the cause of your killing."

 In the end, when Lakshmana forced Indrajit to abandon the sacrificial act at Nikumbhila with discharge of his arrows, before completion of the sacrifice, Indrajit was eliminated by Lakshmana.
So Ramayana is about a war between Dakshinaacharis and Vaamacharis.

Valmiki Ramayan is the primary source of Life of Rama, Sita and Ravan. Same Ramayan clearly states that Ravan was grand son of Sage Pulastya and son of Vishravasu in turn inherits the legacy of Brahma. Sage Vishravasu married to Kekasi who is believed to be the daughter of Raksha daughter of Sumali.
This clearly indicates many things.
1). Ravan was son of Brahmin. So where is Arya-Dravid Racism?
2). Ravan father indulged in intercaste marriage. Ravan married to Mandodari who was essentially non brahmin(Possibly of Kshatriya clan).
3). Ravan is a Vedic scholar. He is possibly the inventor of Samveda. (Remember, It is Ved Vyas post Ramayana who divided vedas into 4 major canons. This means Veda was one at the time of Ravan. However Ravan used to sing Vedas for Shiv which were known as Samved- Thus Samved must be from Ravan only). Ravan being a Vedic scholar implies that he must be a Brahmin for sure.
4). Rama belonged to Kshatriya Clan. According to this modern so called intellects and historians deputed by Khoongress party(Congress, Communists and Secular brats) Brahmin and Kshatriya are part of Vedic Aryan System then how come Ravan is a Dravidian? Not possibly at all for sure. Thus Ramayan was rather a war between supremacy of Kshatriya vs Brahmans. Not the fight between Arya and Dravidian which is a true fallacy crated by the British to divide and rule India and Indians.
5). Valmiki is believed to be from the caste of Nishaka as per many puranic,modern (secular scholars) and tradition. How come a non-brahmin wrote epic in Sanskrit who is said to be untouchable and barred from learning Sanskrit -the language of Brahmin? No body could answer this till date.
There are many accounts in Ramayan that clearly says Ramayan was not about Racism but mere a fight between two brave kings. Hanuman who was primarily a non brahmin is worshipped today with high esteem by Hindus. Possibly there is no Brahmin God who is being worshipped with such a great veneration in Hindu tradition.
There are more Dravidians(Arboreal Indians, Mool Vasi if you wanna call them) in Northern Indian than in South. Thus dividing people in the name of Arya and Dravida is sheer ignorance. Jharkhand, Odisha, Chattisgarh, GA, MH, GJ, RJ, MP,DL,HP,UK,NE States, Bengal have more so called moolvasis than South. Then who is true Dravidian and who is true Aryan.
Aryan Invasion is a False theory and it is even said by Dr. Ambedkar. To me Dr. Ambedkar is incarnation of Lord Vishnu who faught for the welfare of oppressed people and women by some badguys from upper caste who distorted scriptures and introduced their versions and laws to defame society.

Certainly not/ It is totally ficious and hoax man made own calculation on the basis of sects and castes. Bhagwaan is Supreme being and he is the creator of the Universe, so how can he instigate wars between Aryans and Dravidans? For him, every creature has equal right to live here. But such people do not object ever killings of any innocent animals and cock.
I am felt to understand, People today make own theory and calculation without knowing the full concept of Hinduism and Bhagwaan Sri Ram. What you posted is known to me. I object it and such types of views. Bhagwaan Sri Ram made his close friend as Nishad the fisher man. Lord Sri Ram went to Shavri Ashram. He never reached any Brahmin Ashram, because, he knows the only formula of Bhakti. He never differntitate among people on the basis of caste, creed, sects and upper and Backward formula. Caste system was not the Lord theory. Earlier, it was Varna System, but it later came as Caste system in Hinduism which got loss much to Sanatan Dharma.
Those who say that it is Story of descent man is in still dark. This is the story of Supreme Being, Lord Sri Ram is not the story of the descent of Man from Ape-Monkey and Kind mammals, but it is story of Supreme Being Bhagwaan, who had took once a human form and established Sanatan Dhrma in the society after killing of wicked and irreligious and demons from the earth. One can think, that its age is about over 18 Lakhs, yet its relevance is still new and impressive. We still get guide line in every aspect of life.
Our Govt. and people generally now forget Ramayan and Mahabharat and due to this, there are troubles, pains, various types of disease, different in views among people, Govt not knowing or confused, how to tackle terrorist within the country and outside the country, still wants to talk to Pakistan etc. There is every and perfect correct anser to any dispute or problems of single one or even International issue of Govt. But people today highly so called advanced and they all calculate it base on own formula and perception, which has not room here in Hinduism. /Jai Sri Ram/

Recently some of our Tamil brothers got their sentiment hurt by racist north-Indian film industry that released a controversial racist movie called “Raam Leela”.
  • Epic Ramayan states: “Rama & Laxman while heading south to Srilanka(via south-india) found only monkey or ape looking creatures which they termed as ‘vanar sena’.
  • Women in then srilanka & south-India were portraited as “rakahshi’s” . Surponakha’s physical descriptions carry the proof. Rishi Valmiki described her as pot-belly’, greasy curly haired ,ugly faced, black skinned rakhashi( female form of rakhas or demons). See wiki links for validation.
  • In other words, those ancient Aryans coming from north didn’t even consider your Australoid/Dravidian ancestors as equal humanoids.
In every aspects of Ramayana, you will find such racist stuffs. But unfortunately the new age ‘Sanskritized’ & ‘aryan-influenced’ south-Indians indulged in the fantasy of Hinduism & Indian-patriotism choose to ignore these bitter facts. Hopefully they will learn it the hardest way.
But Some ethnic Tamils(with old Tamzhidian identity)are still left, who are seeing the danger & opposing it. So tell me whom should we blame?

There were no Aryans and no dravidiansravqna is also mentioned as aryaputra!
Aryan invasion theory is a myth!
It could be just a fight between two cultures !
Please also note, Lanka of ravan is not yet recognised by the researchers. So no question of dravidians either.
