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Did Russians try to depopulate Europe?

Russians tried to depopulate Europe!

Detection of Ruthenium 106 in France and in Europe

Russia Named as Likely Source of Europe Radioactivity Spike

The French nuclear safety agency says it thinks an apparently minor accident at a Russian facility caused a recent spike in radioactivity in the air over much of Europe.

The map below summarizes the results obtained and confirms that the most plausible zone of release lies between the Volga and the Urals without it being possible, with the available data, to specify the exact location of the point of release. Indeed, it is in this geographical area that the simulation of a ruthenium release makes it possible to better reproduce the measurements obtained in Europe.

Knowing what we know now about Mossad’s stuxnet virus capabilities and the outright sabotage of the Fukushima reactors, amongst others, we need to revisit Chernobyl. I ran across this connection when studying the various HAARP type facilities around the world, all of which were preceded by the Russian “Woodpecker” phenomenon in the 70’s and 80′s. Interestingly enough, the giant “Steel Yard” as NATO called it, is located in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Within the “exclusion zone” of the now defunct Chernobyl reactor. Why then was this reactor blown up? Retaliation? See for yourself. Did the Chernobyl Disaster Cover Up Something Even Worse?

The Duga-3 radar establishment was referred to in the West as the Russian Woodpecker.

Torpid for 10 years and an a large portion of, the Russian Woodpecker seemed to return in December 2013. Once, the famous tapping of the huge Soviet into the great beyond radar had baffled and bewildered Western radio administrators, who could perceive neither the source nor reason for the peculiar flag. It was originating from some place behind the Iron Curtain; its recurrence, 10Hz, made some think it was proposed for mind control. In 1981, a NBC news analyst pondered, “Are they attempting diminish us to a zombie faltering and grabbing around and holding up to be instructed?” And, no, he wasn’t facilitating Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live.

Indeed, even after the fall of the Soviet Union, the 14,000-ton military radar establishment in northern Ukraine, close to the fringe with Belorussia, has remained a puzzle to outside onlookers, generally on the grounds that it sits appropriate alongside the Chernobyl Atomic Energy Station, where a reactor emergency in the spring of 1986 rendered the encompassing region appalling for the following, gracious, a few thousand years. On the other hand, an atomic no man’s land is quite recently the kind of thing to draw in a tainted 21st century vacationer who wouldn’t like to find out about your wild week on Phuket, and the Exclusion Zone has as of late observed a radical increment in guests, regardless of the possibility that it remains a potential radioactive tinderbox. The site considered Chernobyl 2—a little military station that housed the operation of The Russian Woodpecker, referred to formally as Duga-3—is additionally opening up to visitors, yet more gradually. (It was attached on to my Exclusion Zone schedule and wound up being the most abnormal piece of a profoundly odd outing.)

What’s more, in spite of the way that Russian President Vladimir V. Putin seems purpose of reestablishing some variant of a Cuban Missile Crisis sensibility to world issues, the Russian Woodpecker has not backpedaled to threatening the wireless transmissions with its chafing tap: the radioactivity and demolish of the Exclusion Zone ensure that the radar establishment will remain as a solid yet absolutely out of date landmark to the wicked and hostile twentieth century. The sound radio administrators grabbed in the winter of 2013-14 may have been another Russian into the great beyond radar of the “Kontainer” family. It might seem like the Woodpecker, genuine—and Justin Timberlake can move like Michael Jackson. There was just a single authentic article, and it’s gone.

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But the Russian Woodpecker keeps on applying its draw on the creative ability of nerds, swashbucklers and conspiracists somewhat on account of its shadowy Cold War provenance yet in addition by dint of its area, as a kind of more youthful kin to the atomic demolishes not far off. The creaky radar even made it (allegorically, tsk-tsk) to the Sundance Film Festival as The Russian Woodpecker, a narrative by the American producer Chad Gracia.

The star of the narrative is Fedor Alexandrovich, a youthful Ukrainian execution craftsman whose wild hair and bobbing eyes review Dostoyevsky’s Prince Mishkin. In the film, Alexandrovich assumes the part of an investigative columnist, one who is seized by the conviction that the Chernobyl calamity of April 25, 1986—without question the most exceedingly bad atomic fiasco in world history—was arranged by Moscow to conceal for the costly disappointment of the Russian Woodpecker, which cost 7 billion rubles to construct: that is, twice as much as the atomic power plant.

Alexandrovich cases strain credulity, and as he talks with previous laborers of both Chernobyl and the Russian Woodpecker, some wouldn’t fret disclosing to him so: “Horse crap,” one says; “To a great degree fantastical,” another cautions him vainly. Others, however, are more amiable to his paranoid fear, confounded as despite everything they are 28 years after the fact by how what ought to have been a standard trial of Reactor 4 turned out badly. We are, all things considered, discussing a nation where no wickedness is incomprehensible, no standard consecrated.

All things considered, it’s difficult to call Alexandrovich’s form of occasions something besides a paranoid fear; in the event that he were not such an attractive subject, or if Chernobyl weren’t so shockingly TV friendly, I question there would have been a smooth American narrative for me to expound on. The film records Alexandrovich’s inexorably solid conviction that the Russian Woodpecker was the pet task of a high-positioning Communist Party civil servant named Vasily A. Shamshin. Alexandrovich—who does not have considerable experience with the sciences, however he diligently meets many individuals who do—contends that the radar was never going to be any great at capturing American rockets, that it resembled such a large amount of the Soviet Union, externally noteworthy yet generally futile.

The radar’s own particular political birthing assistant, Shamshin, had come to acknowledge to such an extent; he likewise realized that investigators were going to find his costly disappointment, goes the account in The Russian Woodpecker. As indicated by Alexandrovich, Shamshin by and by told the Chernobyl shut down test to continue on the night of April 25, knowing very well indeed that the conditions were ready for debacle. Alexandrovich is faithfully persuaded that Shamshin figured an emergency at Chernobyl would effectively overshadow whatever issues tormented the Russian Woodpecker.

On the off chance that he really thought this, at that point he was correct.

On the other hand, that is similar to removing your hand to dispose of a hangnail. Indeed, even in the corrupt culture of the Kremlin, requesting an atomic emergency to spare your vocation appears a smidgen over the top. And keeping in mind that beyond any doubt Alexandrovich is energetic in his mission, the majority of his confirmation with respect to Shamshin is incidental. There is no indisputable evidence, just pictures of the smoking reactor center, and a deficiency of clarifications for how we could give it a chance to arrive in such a state.

More dependable is the sentiment damage he displays, a profound situated Ukrainian doubt of Russia, particularly, the Russia of Vladimir Putin that has officially taken Crimea and has assigned expansive swaths of eastern Ukraine as “Novorossiya,” a bygone Soviet term that simply happens to serve Putin’s ravenous finishes. When I went to Kiev the previous spring, amidst the star majority rule government uprising focused on Maidan, or Independence Square, I grabbed a magnet that compared Hitler and Putin (one generally needs tchochkes to bring home, and none are superior to those bearing the appearances of despots). “Why shave your mustache, Vlad?” the subtitled prodded. The Russian Woodpecker makes a similar point considerably more strongly, with pictures of starved cadavers, casualties of the starvation foisted on the Ukraine by Stalin in 1931-32. To start with hunger, at that point radiation, at that point who knows what else? The individuals who involve the borderlands—regardless of whether the workers of Ukraine or the Chechens of the Caucasus—are constantly destined to endure because of the coldblooded domain.

Close to the finish of the film, Alexandrovich makes that big appearance at Maidan, where others had given animating talks for Ukraine’s sway. Voiced before thousands, his Russian Woodpecker hypothesis sounds misinformed, practically deranged. The demonstrators accumulated reveal an undeniable unease, needing to be cleared up in his talk yet intensely mindful of its suspicious tinge. They need to find out about opportunity, not Chernobyl. The association between the two, between past sins and present ones, so clear in Alexandrovich’s psyche, passes like a whirlwind high over the group.

However while Alexandrovich may simply be a craftsman endeavoring to wrest a story out of mystifying debacle, he reaches an alarming conclusion past both atomic reactors and radar establishments. “Ukraine is recently the initial phase in the resurrection of the Soviet Union,” he says into the winter air, vapor heaving from his mouth like mythical serpent’s breath. “The subsequent stage is World War III.”

I was more persuaded by these words than by quite a bit of what had gone before them. Coincidence? Or a Deliberate Sabotage! Wikipedia says: The Russian Woodpecker was a notorious Soviet radio signal that could be heard on the shortwave radio bands worldwide between July 1976 and December 1989. It sounded like a sharp, repetitive tapping noise, at 10 Hz, giving rise to the “Woodpecker” name. The random frequency hops disrupted legitimate broadcast, amateur radio, utility transmissions, and resulted in thousands of complaints by many countries worldwide. The signal was long believed to be that of an over-the-horizon radar (OTH) system. This theory was publicly confirmed after the fall of the Soviet Union, and is now known to be the Duga-3 (Russian: ????-3) system, part of the Soviet ABM early-warning network. NATO military intelligence had photographed the system and given it the NATO reporting name Steel Yard. And conveniently abandoned now, as it was within the now 30 km nuclear “dead zone” after the Chernobyl disaster. They couldn’t even ship the massive antenna array anywhere it was so contaminated. Whistleblower Testimony A little digging around and I found this: “The Chernobyl power plant was blown up by a foreign agent! Department of Nuclear Energy, Science Academy with its research and design institutes were not ready for such an unexpected disaster. Chernobyl nuclear holocaust was not an accident. Nuclear reactors have high level of reliability proved by a number of tests. Water pumps of primary and backup cooling systems could not have been simultaneously disabled. The picture of blown up reactor was taken too opportunely by the U.S. satellite that was “accidentally” on the proper orbit above the 4th block at that very time. Logically analyzed facts and developments of “cold war” in 50th show Chernobyl catastrophe was not an accident. That was a full scale sabotage of the century, which resulted in breakdown of the USSR economic basis and “soviet” socialist system in general. The adversaries of the USSR made an effective use of the negligence and incompetence of the government headed by Gorbachev along with the lack of sufficient control of restricted areas.” V. Baranov, Former Chief Of Staff Deputy For Special Zone Forces in Chernobyl nuclear power plant area retired colonel Source Strange Anomalies... again Look at the unexplainable problems experienced at the Chernobyl plant-strikingly similar to Fukushima without the tsunami: The disaster began during a systems test on Saturday, 26 April 1986 at reactor number four of the Chernobyl plant, which is near the city of Prypiat and within a close proximity to the administrative border with Belarus and Dnieper river. There was a sudden power output surge, and when an emergency shutdown was attempted, a more extreme spike in power output occurred, which led to a reactor vessel rupture and a series of explosions. (Wiki) Power surge during routine check? Emergency shutdown failed and caused a spike? I mean, c’mon. “Truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” - and this is anti-Truth. Makes Total Sense As is the way of the wicked would-be world rulers, they like to retaliate and teach the “underlings” severe lessons. This is why you don’t hear other world leaders speaking up against the American-based military industrial machine. They know they play dirty, and wouldn’t hesitate to assassinate leaders or perpetrate horrific atrocities to accomplish their goals. It’s believed the Mossad, in addition to implanting interfering software in the Fukushima and Iran operations, also planted not just the one nuke that caused the Fukushima tsunami, but they have several others planted off the coast of Japan with which they’re blackmailing the entire nation into submission. Wouldn’t be surprised. Remember, Mossad is just one stinky arm of the global elite’s henchmen, but a very effective one. They just happen to enjoy spectacular immunity via the protected Zionist hoax that most of the west has bought into. There’s plenty of other squads of empathy-free mercenary hit men stationed all over the globe. It’s also very easy for middle eastern looking Mossad agents to parade as Muslim extremists as they pull off their murderous attacks against innocent civilians and false flag operations around the region, and the world. Coincidence? Illuminati Cards Redux The general understanding of the Woodpecker varies, but it goes as far as possibly being a mind-control device, similar to HAARP. The Ukrainian-developed computer game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has a plot focused on the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the nuclear accident there. The game heavily features actual locations in the area, including the Duga-3 array. It is presented as the “Brain Scorcher”, a wide-area mind control device which must be deactivated by the player. Source The Russian Woodpecker also appeared on the History Channel on That’s Impossible as a suspected weather control device used by the U.S.S.R. (original air date 5/1/2010 10am CDT). On a BBC Horizon documentary, the Mysterious Mr. Tesla, doctor Andrew Michrowski (the Planetary Association for Clean Energy) speculated that, the Woodpecker could in fact be a Soviet mind control transmitter, imposing on people’s ability to think rationally and stay calm. (original air date 20th December 1982) It’s Not the First Time In 1982, US president Ronald Reagan approved a CIA plan to sabotage the Soviet Union’s economy through covert transfers of technology that contained hidden malfunctions, including software that later triggered a huge explosion in a gas pipeline, according to a former White House official. Thomas Reed, a former Air Force secretary and member of the National Security Council, describes the episode in a book, At the Abyss: An Insider’s History of the Cold War, to be published next month. Reed writes that the Siberia pipeline explosion was just one example of “cold-eyed economic warfare” against the Soviet Union that the CIA carried out under director William Casey during the final years of the Cold War. “In order to disrupt the Soviet gas supply, its hard currency earnings from the West, and the internal Russian economy, the pipeline software that was to run the pumps, turbines, and valves was programmed to go haywire, after a decent interval, to reset pump speeds and valve settings to produce pressures far beyond those acceptable to pipeline joints and welds,” Reed writes. “The result was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space.” US satellites picked up the explosion. “While there were no physical casualties from the pipeline explosion, there was significant damage to the Soviet economy.”
PROJECT WOODPECKER It pertains to the “Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method” now being used to alter the earth’s magnetic field---in order to: modify weather create or trigger earthquakes and volcanoes spread viruses create the phenomenon known as “electromagnetic pulse” modify behavior control among the populous The HAARP (i.e. High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter site, that is located NE of Gakona, AK, is large enough to cover most of the Northern Hemisphere. It is however but one of other such sites (some of which are known as “Ionospheric Research Instruments”) scattered around the world. And, many of them here in the U.S. are able to tie into the much smaller GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) remotely controlled transmitter sites that have been built all over the U.S. in a grid pattern, with their antennas spaced about every 200 miles or so. The original research concerning the “Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Method” was done by Nikola Tesla, and later expanded upon by not only Soviet scientists, but also by U.S. scientists, such as Bernard J. Eastland - a scientist who was associated with ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Oil Co.). ARCO has traditionally been controlled by members of the CFR (i.e. Council on Foreign Relations). Eastland, who was the “front man”, now resides in TX. He transferred the patent rights to APTI, Inc. (i.e. ARCO Power Technologies Industry, Inc.) in the late 1980s, which was a Los Angeles, CA subsidiary of ARCO APTI, Inc. then sold out to “E-Systems” on June 10, 1994, which company has pretty much, over the years, been under the control and influence of the CIA On April 3, 1995, “E-Systems” sold out to the still larger Raytheon Corp I don’t know what has happened, by way of “transfers” since that time. The U.S. and the Soviet Union first began secret cooperation on world weather engineering in about 1971. On July 4, 1976, the Soviets began generating powerful electromagnetic transmissions, that were dubbed “The Russian Woodpecker” by western ham radio operators. On June 18, 1977, the US government OFFICIALLY became covert partners with the Soviets in these operations by sending them sophisticated scientific material and equipment for further research and development. Russian Woodpecker signal The secret code name given US operations was Project Woodpecker. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory located at Livermore, CA was and is the main research center for US development of the Project. Covert funding for the Project was funneled through the CIA and the National Security Agency. The DOD and NASA have, of course, been cooperating in the Project from the beginning stages. On Jan. 10, 1985 there was officially filed of record a Patent No. 4,686,605 entitled: a “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere”. The Patent was approved on Aug. 11, 1987. This Patent explains and describes the “Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating” method that is presently being covertly and cooperatively used by the two superpowers to help bring about their coveted NEW WORLD ORDER, which is a “One World Government”. In 1993, researchers announced that they had discovered (back as early as perhaps 1985) a never before seen network of rivers, some of which flow for thousands of miles ABOVE earth’s surface, that transport as much water in the form of vapor as the Amazon River. Apparently, these narrow streams of ATMOSPHERIC rivers are transient, but at any given time, there are at least a few of them in the atmosphere, typically around five in each Hemisphere. The longest of them runs for about 4800 miles. They are generally about 150 miles wide (the largest being almost 500 miles wide), and about a mile deep, with some 364 million pounds of vapor flowing past a given spot each SECOND---which is comparable to an average flow of the Amazon River. These atmospheric rivers are flowing at an altitude of no more than 1.9 miles above the earth’s surface, which makes them readily reachable by low pressure weather cells. In general, the atmospheric rivers head for the poles, but on the way, they can get deflected by the earth’s Jet Stream. Their flow originates from along the equator. These vapor rivers sometimes get sucked into low pressure systems, and are the major sources of the massive flows of water that rains out of the storms and into the sky river’s counterparts on land. US and Soviet scientists are now cooperatively “tracking” these atmospheric rivers for use in covert activities of Project Woodpecker. In order to fully understand how the conspirators are able to use high powered r.f. transmissions to trigger earthquakes and/or volcanoes, one must have some knowledge of the, “principle of sympathetic vibratory resonance”. Von Nostrand’s SCIENTIFIC ENCYCLOPEDIA (Seventh Edition) defined RESONANCE: “Every physical system (i.e. all bodies, structures, mediums, etc.) has one or more NATURAL (or Fundamental) VIBRATION FREQUENCIES, characteristic of the system itself and determined by constants pertaining to the system. If such a system is given impulses with some arbitrary frequency, it will necessarily vibrate with that frequency, even though it is not one of those NATURAL to it.” These “forced vibrations” may be very feeble, but if the impressed frequency is varied, the response becomes rapidly more vigorous whenever any one of the NATURAL (i.e. Fundamental or a harmonic of that Fundamental) frequencies is approached. Its amplitude often increasing many fold as an exact synchronism (i.e. or at a harmonic of the NATURAL) frequency is reached. This effect is known as RESONANCE. The greatest vibration will be induced in a system at its NATURAL or FUNDAMENTAL frequency (or at a harmonic thereof). The Earth’s NATURAL (or Fundamental) frequency (also sometimes referred to as the Schumann Resonance) is about 10 Hz. This appears to be the Resonant Frequency of our Galaxy, so, all bodies, structures, mediums, etc. within our particular Galaxy will be found to be RESONANT at either this Natural frequency or around 10 Hz, or at a harmonic thereof. In the triggering of Earthquakes or Volcanoes, the trick is in determining the unique resonant frequency of the Earth’s mantle AT THAT PARTICULAR SPOT (or target!) ON THE EARTH. Once the conspirators determine this, they can unleash an ELF carrier frequency through the earth, and then SUPERIMPOSE the harmonic frequency of the “target zone” using a second set of transmitters. This might be called: “Selective Targeting”. Of course, the conspirators will also have predetermined that the target zone will have built up enough stress within the zone to be “ripe” for activation. This system of using ELF radio waves as a technique has many other applications. Not only is it being used: to artificially trigger earthquakes and volcanoes to develop high and low pressure weather cells that are used to steer the Jet Streams to transport and deposit microscopic entities such as viruses and chemical agents to create a phenomenon known as an earth damaging “electromagnetic pulse” (EMP) To understand how they do it, one must have at least some knowledge about the earth’s magnetic field. The earth’s magnetic field is comprised of atoms which are gyrating about a magnetic field line as its guiding center. The atoms are comprised of negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons. If you would look at a cross section of earth at the equator, you would see a solid core at the center, ringed by a liquid layer of molten iron, which is in turn surrounded by the solid mantle and crust. Within the liquid layer are several constantly circulating streams of iron called convection cells which work like oval conveyor belts. Driven by heat from the core, material in these cells rises towards the mantle, where it cools and sinks back down, until the heat pushes it up again. Geologists believe, that after these cells formed, early in the earth’s history, the weak magnetic field that permeates the galaxy generated in them an electric current which in turn generated the earth’s “magnetic field”. Now, in order for you to understand how the magnetic field lines of our earth work, you must understand the basic principle of how a simple “magnet” works. And, the way that most of us learned it back in our earlier school years, was WRONG WRONG WRONG! There is an “old concept” and, a “new concept” of the laws of magnetism. In the “new concept”, you will note that there is a “NEGATIVELY charged NORTH MAGNETIC POLE, and, a POSITIVELY charged SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE.” (Draw it out on a piece of paper). The atom leaves the South Magnetic Pole spinning to the right (or clockwise). It then dips to the surface of the earth (at its Equator), and changes its spin (or phase relationship) by 180 degrees. When it leaves the Magnetic Equator of the Earth, it travels with a left (or counterclockwise) spin to re-enter the earth at the North Magnetic Pole. The negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons both follow helical paths around a field line, but they rotate at a certain gyromagnetic or ’CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY’ in opposite directions. There is therefore linear movement along the earth’s magnetic field lines. Thus, one can see, that this change in phase relationship between electrons and protons creates a different potential of magnetic energy in the Northern as compared to the Southern Hemisphere. By way of analogy, winds in low pressure weather cells circulate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, but they circulate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. When side-by-side earth magnetic field lines are “altered” by speeding up one line’s flow of negatively charged electrons, the magnetic field strength will combine to form a larger and stronger field. If the electron flow around one line is reversed or slowed down, the magnetic field strength between any two lines can be made to oppose each other and tend to cancel or lessen the magnetic field strength. The “force of gravity” in that particular local can thus be made to increase or decrease. The atmospheric media that is being crossed by the earth’s magnetic field lines is itself comprised of various molecules whose elements have different energy levels and which gyrate at different frequencies. Relatively recent discoveries have established that there are naturally occurring radiation belts (sometimes referred to as the Van Allen belts) of trapped ionized particles, which particles bounce or oscillate back and forth at a specific cyclotron frequency, between so-called magnetic mirrored boundaries, along the earth’s magnetic field lines. The scientific conspirators have also discovered that they can artificially increase the density of the charged particles within these radiation belts, and even create a radiation belt where none had existed, by injecting large clouds of gases - such as lithium, barium, hydrogen, etc. - from orbiting satellites or from earth launched rockets. These injected gases become ionized by the ultraviolet light of the sun, and by injecting them at a certain critical velocity. The procedure is enhanced when they are injected during periods of so-called “high tidal forces” - such as at New or Full Moon. And, when the Moon is at “perigee” and/or when it is over the “Equator”. Also, when the Sun is directing large Solar Flares and/or Coronal Ejections towards the Earth. By using extremely high powered radio transmitters to transmit a “tuned” circular polarized ELF radio wave along or parallel to selected earth magnetic field lines, the charged electrons within that radiation belt will become “excited” or “heated”. This causes the charged particles to move outward in a “plum” out of their mirrored boundaries. The plume of heated rising plasma is replaced by new plasma within the radiation belt. The aforementioned Patent states that temperature within the target radiation belt can be raised by hundreds of degrees, which incidentally is sufficient to cause an air glow or a phenomenon known as aurora borealis. This might be the only way that you might know that such covert operations are taking place. There may also be a sonic boom or noise that might occur from the referred bombardment. To continue: The kinetic energy of the moving particles so developed is on the same order of magnitude as the total kinetic energy of stratospheric winds known to exist. These changes in temperature and winds aloft gives rise to the creation of high and/or low pressure weather cells that can alter the paths of the earth’s Jet Streams. By using multiple transmitters, these weather cells can be made to move or hover over selective locations on earth, thus causing torrential damaging moisture to occur in some areas, while devastating droughts are made to occur in other areas. When the electromagnetic energy is suddenly released (by DECREASING the earth’s magnetic field strength along that specific earth magnetic field line), the low pressure cell with its rising plume of air can be made to collapse - thus dumping the high winds and moisture that was present in that particular cell. This would be called a microburst by the weather guys reporting on your local TVs. These damaging hurricane strength winds would be “straight line winds”. When the referred bombardment of a target radiation belt is extremely powerful, the negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons can be forcibly made to separate. This will cause an earth damaging electromagnetic pulse to occur, that is similar to lightning. This EMP will couple to surface antennas and power transmission lines, which will destroy sensitive electronic equipment. Thus, power outages can be so induced over selective targets. That is basically as best that I can explain to you, the capability of this technique for world conquest. Sorry it took so long to read. But, as you can see, it isn’t easy...
