Princess Diana Was The Roman goddess Libertas on Statue of Liberty & Sacrificed to Satan ??? - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Princess Diana Was The Roman goddess Libertas on Statue of Liberty & Sacrificed to Satan ???


Princess Diana Was The Roman goddess Libertas on Statue of Liberty & Sacrificed to Satan


As seen on page 39, the Statue of Liberty has significant symbolism when considering the luciferian agenda, and the conjuring of the 3D veil of deceit to control our wisdom state. The Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift from the country of France to the United States of America. A replica of the Statue, though smaller, stands on an island in the centre of the Seine River.
As with all important symbolic locations in the luciferian system for control, the shape of the ROCK keeps showing up in distorted fashion, but always with just enough similarity to features of the original ATOM ROCK, which is one-quarter of the light beam chart demonstrated on this site. The City of Paris is no different in that, like the country of Egypt, the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, the old City of Athens, Ancient Rome, the Vatican, the Greater City of London, the World Trade Centre layout, the North American Craton Rock or the 11 Western United States, (to name a few), the City of Paris map has an implied right angle, and a curve that aligns with one-quarter of a circle, which coincides with the curve of the west coast of the 11 Western States.
With the City of Paris, the implied right angle is difficult to see, however it is compensated by the curve that aligns almost perfectly with the 11 Western States. Then when the borders of the states are overlayed on the Paris map, and enlarged to the coincide with the extremities of the map of Paris, the information locked up in this ROCK then presents itself. Remember, this not science, or anything bordering on logic or rational conclusions. This is subliminal hypnotic suggestion, and the shape of the City of Paris appears to have the same general shape as all the other ROCK’s before and after its creation. Therefore, because of this subliminal shape, it will have symbolic information to reveal.
When Paris and the 11 Western States are overlayed, the Champs-Elysees Avenue in Paris, originates in the centre of the State of Idaho. This is the location of the LOUVRE. Paris is the City of Love, and of Lovers.
The Champs-Elysees means something like the Fields of Elysian, or the Elysian Fields. These fields were the FINAL RESTING PLACE of the HEROIC and VIRTUOUS, and were considered BLESSED according to Greek mythology.
BLESSED = BLESSING = from old English BLEDSIAN meaning To SPRINKLE WITH BLOOD, (from a Germanic noun BLODAN)
On the chart below, the Champs-Elysees follows the Seine River and extends through the State of Nevada and into the Sacramento/San Joaquin Valleys of California. The area of southern California that coincides with the WELL of SOULS cave on the Foundation Stone under the Dome of the ROCK. At this point, the Arc de Triomphe (Arch of Triumph) forms a perfect 12 pointed STAR with the 12 STREETS that originate from the Arc de Triomphe, and marked on the chart by a simple red CROSS. The Champs-Elysees extends beyond this point, but for the moment we’ll focus on just this portion. The Arc de Triomphe plaza area then ends, coinciding with the coast of California, and more precisely, with Los Angeles County.
On the right side of the chart below, the name ELYSEES has some very curious name phonetic similarities to ALLAH SEES, LA SEAS, ELYSIAN – ELEUSIAN, some of the oldest secret mysteries from ancient Greece. ELEUSIAN = ILLUSION = the SPIRIT of HOLLYWOOD = H-ALL-AH-WOOD = ALLAH-WOOD = LA WOO = OWAL = OWL = ALL SEEING.
The word, ELYSEES, then relates to the god ALLAH who Sees All, and who has been used symbolically in the Mystery Schools throughout these illusory centuries. Allah then corresponds to the City of LA, the ILLUSIONS of Hollywood, and is symbolized by the ALL SEEING EYE of the OWL.
As an anagram OWL has some interesting characteristics:
OWL = WOL = WALL as in WALL STREET and the power of ALLAH
OWL = LOW = to descend from above
Read the next break down very slowly:

New York and Liberty and Diana

The next chart shows the location of the Pont de l’Lama Tunnel where Princess Diana was offered in sacrifice. The angle of the bend in the River Seine is 135 degrees. The angle of the OCTAGON, and virtually, the same angle of the Giza pyramids of Egypt. Just a few blocks to the left of the Tunnel, following the Seine, leads to an island in the middle of the Seine, and on this island, is a duplicate of the Statue of Liberty, only smaller than the gift given by France to the USA. The statue given to the USA, now rests on Liberty Island, in NEW YORK HARBOUR, overlooking the site of the Old World Trade Centre, and faces back towards Paris. The symbolic and subliminal connection mustn’t be ovelooked. In Paris, the sacrifice of Diana occurred at the Pont de l’Lama Tunnel. The road that connects the Pont de l’Lama to the Statue of Liberty in the Seine is called NEW YORK AVENUE. Princess Diana, New York and the Statue of Liberty are all linked here, in Paris, at the site of her death. 10 years previous to her death at the Tunnel, a duplicate of the Statue of Liberty FLAME, which is a symbol of the OLYMPIC GAMES, was erected directly above the Tunnel on a PENTAGRAM 5 pointed STAR BASE. Consider that 10 YEARS BEFORE her death, the Statue of Liberty / OLYMPIC ETERNAL FLAME would be erected immediately ABOVE the TUNNEL where Diana died.
There are 5 elements to consider at this point, that link together; DIANA, LIBERTY, NEW YORK, an ISLAND and the OLYMPICS.
Following NEW YORK AVENUE in the direction of the Statue of Liberty in the Seine, a bridge crosses the Seine and goes directly to the EIFFEL TOWER. Instead of crossing the BRIDGE, go the opposite direction for about 1 block that leads to a circular street pattern that has 7 STREETS extending from the centre. This AGAIN represents the CROWN of the STATUE of LIBERTY, with her 7 RAYS of LIGHT, which is symbolic of the Queen of Heaven. Once again, the Statue of Liberty and New York, the city, cross each other in symbolic fashion.
Looking even closer, one sees that the 7 RAYS, or STREETS, or STRAIGHTS, are extending from monument called the TROCADERO. This dates back to the time of Napoleon and the RESTORATION of the BOURBON Kings. It is also renamed as the Place du Trocadero et du 11 NOVEMBRE, in reference to the signing of the ARMISTICE on November 11, 1918. This monument is symbolic of the ALL SEEING EYE, relating to the EYES of the Statue of Liberty. To the left of this monument is a GRAVEYARD.
The ARMISTICE was signed on 11/11/11 and represents DEATH associated with the Statue of Liberty.

A closer look at the CROWN, HEAD, SHOULDERS, BODY and WOMB, River of Life and PENIS representing the Statue of Liberty and the SUN / SON in WEDDED Union

This is further symbolic of the Queen of Heaven, or in Christian terms, MARY, the SEA, and the SON of God joined in UNION. This is the SEA SON, the MOTHER and SON. This is the symbolism and the subliminal associated with Abraham Lincoln as well, where the historical record illustrates the MAINTENANCE of the UNION as tantamount. The Civil War was not fought to abolish slavery, but to maintain the UNION of the North and South. The North and South symbolizing the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin, or the Pillars of SACRIFICE, or the OPPOSITE POLES, or the MALE and FEMALE, or the MOTHER and SON, used by the Wizardry of the Secret Mysteries, to construct the hypnotic illusory 3 dimensional lunacy that surrounds us today.

Paris – The City of Love

Moving from the monument, a short NECK extends into the PALAIS DE CHAILLOT, that represent the SHOULDERS of the Statue of Liberty. The Palace extends towards the mid section of Liberty’s body, with a distinctive structure representing the WOMB. Following this path, towards the bottom right corner, leads to the BRIDGE going over the SEINE, or SUN RIVER, the FERTILITY RIVER, and directly to the EIFFEL TOWER, or Phallic symbol.


The Crown on the Statue of Liberty has been closed to the public since the luciferian / illuminati attack on the World Trade Centre of September 11, 2001.
Announced today:
May 8, 2009 – or in symbolic numbers – 05/08/09 = Sacrifice / Control / the Fall.
As we enter into the FULL MOON cycle of 05/09/09.
Just prior to MOTHER’S DAY – MARY’s DAY, 05/10/09 = Sacrifice / Intensity / the Fall.
Leading into Monday, the 11th, 05/11/09 = Sacrifice / Death / the Fall.
None of this is without subliminal manipulation, and is part of the escapade a few days back when the Air Force One double 747 jet buzzed the Statue of Liberty for 30 minutes.
The Statue of Liberty Crown can only be accessed via a 168 step DOUBLE HELIX SPIRAL STAIRCASE.
This is the symbol the Caduceus of Hermes, or Mercury, where 2 snakes twine up the pole in the centre. This is the medical symbol of modern medicine. This is also the representation of our DNA Tape that weaves its way through our bodies. This is the serpent that MOSES raised up on the pole in the wilderness, and all who gazed upon it would be healed. This also symbolizes the INFINITY symbol, or the number 8, and the notion of total control.
168 = 1+6+8 = 15 the deity number
168 – coincides with 2 on the 14th clockface – 14+2 = 16, or 4×4, the Foursquare Foundation
The crown will be re-opened on July 4, 2009, the ANNUAL FLOODING DAY of the NILE. This is all occurring in conjunction with the GLOBAL BAPTISM LOVE concert scheduled for June 19-21, the SUMMER SOLSTICE, centred at Long Beach California, and intended to reverberate around the world in the LOVE FREQUENCY of 528Hz. All this is initiating the mind control lunacy, which, when coupled with the horrific events occurring on this day, May 8/09, in PAKISTAN = PACIFIC OCEAN, where 300,000 refugees are fleeing the war torn area in the SWAT VALLEY, establishes our 3D reality that includes all of the suggestion implanted in these coinciding events.
At the very same time, in Santa Barbara California, the WILDFIRES created by the Santa Anna WINDS, (ANANNA Queen of Heaven), are once again burning, destroying homes and further implanting the desire for this region to be covered with water to extinguish the fires.

World War 1 Army Battlefield in Northern France

In Flanders Fields

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
THE TORCH; be yours to HOLD IT HIGH.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


Keeping in mind that there is no such thing as TIME or SPACE, the following pictures and text suggest something very bizarre. All of what we experience in the 3D scheme of things is simply an illusory reality. This includes our lives … our body, our mind, and our temporary energy spirit that drives this illusory form. None of this is real, and the luciferian mindset has accomplished an amazing tapestry of illusory images to cause all to look to the illusion as reality. Most are totally convinced that somehow we can be set free from the enslavement of this illusion, by somehow making the illusory 3D life experience better, IF … we can just become aware that this is an illusion. However, becoming aware that this is an illusion is to realize that it can never be made better. In turn, the SUPPOSED IMPORTANCE, WORTH and VALUE of the 3D ILLUSION CAN BE ELIMINATED through awareness of what’s transpiring in the 3D sense of things. In this way reconnection to the eternal wisdom state occurs. To continue contemplating value and importance, or worth, towards the 3D realm, lends itself to folly and failure, two drunken dance partners, perpetuating misery and despair. The 3D life illusion is not real and was conjured up to fail, and indeed has no ability to succeed towards betterment, as 3 dimensionality is itself, the corruption and the failing aspect of the illusion.
3D is SPACE, and has come into existence through the THOUGHT PROCESS, where the temporary light energy, or spirit, manifests the thoughts of the LIGHT BRINGERS, who form the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. This manifestation of luciferian thoughts form the hypnotic trance state we find ourselves experiencing. Part of that trance state is the suggestion that ENERGY, or SPIRIT, is eternal and cannot be eliminated. When in reality energy, or the spirit, is TEMPORAL, and is, in itself, (once again), the illusion that has firmly entrenched the notion within the trance state, that it is eternal. In reality, because there is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, ENERGY NEVER EXISTED. Only the illusion of energy exists. If ENERGY NEVER EXISTED, or the GREAT SPIRIT NEVER EXISTED, then GOD NEVER EXISTED. Energy is the illusion of 3 dimensional reality. The energy spirit is the illusion supporting the notion that there must be a god. Energy is spirit, and therefore ENERGY supports the lunacy of a creator god, when in fact, because ENERGY is simply LIGHT, or THOUGHTS of the luciferian mindset, then the notion of god, is just a THOUGHT CONCEPT, only supported by the illusory presence of ENERGY. When you eliminate one concept, that energy is an illusion created by the THOUGHT PROCESS, then you eliminate the ridiculous concept of a supreme loving creator god, or godliness, or love, or divinity of any description. Yet, the ETERNAL STATE of WISDOM is that ALL KNOWING, that consists of NO-THING 3 DIMENSIONAL, and still KNOWS ALL. Who we really are, is not a WE, but is the ULTIMATE STATE of BEING – the PARADISE STATE. Its this state the luciferian thought process seeks to control and manipulate, and in so doing, drawing to themselves the power of that state.
When this hypnotic mumbo-jumbo is eliminated from our illusory reality, we then have the ability to reconnect to the eternal wisdom state of paradise. In other words, believing that humanity is real, or anything in the 3D plane is real, fosters disconnection from REALITY and PARADISE and disconnects us from experiencing our eternal power that is ALREADY, right now, who and what we really are.
