Rumors are that @KFILE is missing. Police are searching for his body. #JusticeForAndrewKaczynski - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Rumors are that @KFILE is missing. Police are searching for his body. #JusticeForAndrewKaczynski

Rumors are that @KFILE is missing. Police are searching for his body. #JusticeForAndrewKaczynski

CNN's Andrew Kaczynski - @KFILE - has not been seen anywhere since 5th of July 2017. He has not updated his twitter feed either. Sources have revealed to NewsGossipBull that Andrew Kaczynski attempted suicide after the backlash against him by the general public for him threatening to doxx and hurt Reddit's own HansAssholeSolo. Whether he succeeded in killing himself, we don't know yet. It is also possible that he has been lynch mobbed and killed by people who were occupying the area around his apartment. NYPD is searching for his body all over NYC. If anyone has ANY information regarding this doxxing terrorist suspect, let us know @NewsGossipBull
