Bringing slavery back in America - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Bringing slavery back in America

Lot of folks seem to want segregation back. Why stop there? Could we see slavery come back to the US in our lifetime? What if it was equal this time (ability to enslave any race)?

Yes. Enslave white men and women. Start new.

It already exists dipshit. The democrats give the poor just enough subsistence to to survive long enough to shamble to the polls in a drugged up stupor. A now large portion of our population lives this way. No way out when welfare has replaced the bottom rungs of the ladder.

No, i’m talking about groups of people bought at auction chained up doing labor for free during the day

Like you OWN them

>implying slavery no longer exists
Human trafficking, sexual slavery and forced labor are still a thing on most continents. It's pretty sure there's at least one thing in your arm reach that was done thanks to slavery.

Westerners just like pretend it no longer exists.

You sound like a liberal faggot.

I’m talking about going to town and buying human beings at a store and then walking them around on leashes and shit when they’re not doing my work for me

Slavery was a mistake. The reason we are even in this mess today is because a few whites decided to buy black slaves from the (((Traders))). We don't need slaves. We don't need blacks. Bringing back black slavery is just going to lead back to the same problems down the line.

Another faggot

The problem was we imported shit that we can no long export

Version 2 would fix that bug as its fucking SLAVERY with REAL SLAVES

Even if we can export, we still have the problem of bleeding fucking hearts who will free them. Again. They can be real slaves, but that does not fix the problem. The only solution that I have seen is forcing all Negros to be neutered and spayed. Even than bleeding heart liberals will argue that it is inhuman and eventually ban the practice. As long as Negros exist, morons will feel sorry for them and demand those animals have rights.

Slavery was wrong because it was a Jew plot to bring niggers to America and destroy the white race. If America never had slavery we'd likely be as white as Canada was until recently. Slavery was bad because it brought niggers to America.

Plus with automation and machines there is literally no reason for human slaves. Why would want a human slave picking your cotton when a robot slave can do it better for cheaper and without all of the ethical complications?

 We addressed this.

We’re not bringing any new people in. Just making it possible to buy people that are already here as if they were property.
When the robots get advanced enough when will their service start appearing to be like slavery?
