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Christoph Rehage: The German Nazi Spy

Christoph Rehage: The German Nazi Spy

Who is Christoph Rehage?

In November 2007, Christoph Rehage set foot from Beijing, China with a goal of walking to Berlin, Germany, a distance of over 4,500 miles. He created a short video called “The Longest Way 1.0, documenting his journey over the course of a year and featuring self portrait photographs he took each day on his trip that shows his hair and beard getting longer.

As Christoph states in the opening of his video, “The initial plan was to walk from Beijing to Germany. I started in the fall of 2007. After one year of mountains and blazing hot deserts I realized… I had grown a mighty long beard.”

After walking for an entire year, Christoph was only able to complete 2,900 miles of his journey, ending in Ürümqi, China.

Where is he from ?

Rehage originally attempted to walk from Beijing to his hometown of Bad Nenndorf, Germany, but never completed the journey.

Bad Nenndorf is a small town in the district of Schaumburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. Its population is 10,210 (2005). It is situated approximately 12 km east of Stadthagen, and 25 km west of Hanover, at the southern edge of the North German Plain and the northern edge of the Deister ridge. The area of the town includes the outlying villages of Riepen, Horsten and Waltringhausen

Between June 1945 and July 1947, Bad Nenndorf was the site of a British Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (CSDIC) through which several hundred Nazi and suspected Communist prisoners passed. The camp became the focus of controversy after allegations of mistreatment of prisoners emerged. One British Army officer was convicted by a court-martial in 1948 for his part in the affair. The controversy surfaced again in December 2005 with the publication of an article in British newspaper The Guardian [1] In 2006 [2] under Freedom of Information the UK newspaper reported on starvation of prisoners. Photos were destroyed, but a few remained hidden.
What was the purpose of this journey?

Chinese spy agency MSS has this to say - so far - about Christoph Rehage’s suspicious journey inside China :

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2017-07-22 20_53_42-Germany accuses China of industrial espionage _ World news _ The Guardian.jpg
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