Small Note: How to be calm, collected, at peace, and happy, when feeling jealous - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Small Note: How to be calm, collected, at peace, and happy, when feeling jealous

By NewsGossipBull Tantric Guru

NGB - Whenever you feel jealous of someone you think is better than you, or if you want to be at a cool place someone else is at, and takes a selfie of himself/herself and shows off,  or some food or drink you want to try, or someone's luxurious mansion near the beach, you have to:

1) Enjoy the intense jealous feeling. Nothing is better than suffering.

2) Deliberately get jealous. Perfect your jealousy. Get more jealous. Get intensely envious.

3) Start tough exercises to get used to said jealousy; envy

4) Keep doing it whenever you get jealous

5) Soon you will reach a point, after a few weeks, months, years (depending on the person), that you will EVOLVE and rid yourself of your envy DNA/RNA

6) You will then reach a higher level of consciousness, of bliss, and you will get one step closer to Nirvana

Remember, your consciousness and your world changes. You can mold it the way you want it to be. Yes, eternal bliss is possible within this life.
