Demon Mothers: Birth in Hell as Devil Djinn Demon Vampire Fallen Angel Alien - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Demon Mothers: Birth in Hell as Devil Djinn Demon Vampire Fallen Angel Alien


Demon Mothers: Birth in Hell as Devil Djinn Demon Vampire

Proof of Existence of Demons/Djinns/Fallen Angels!

Author’s note

Incorrect translations of Muslim Holy Book Koran                                        

Verses like 41:12 & 67:5 in which Quranic Arabic clearly states 'Samaa at Dunya' meaning 'sky of this world' or rather 'space of this dunya/material world/known universe'. Yet i see these bad translations in which it is translated as "nearest heaven" or "lowest heaven". Cognitively, it is imperative for us to discern these verses correctly, like Pickthall did, that it refers to "world's heaven", or “universe’s space”, rather than lowest sky, or whatever it is imprinted in translators' primitive thought patterns.

Wa amma man khaffat mawa zeenuh
Fa-ummuhu haawiyah
Wa maa adraaka maa hiyah
Naarun hamiyah

But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light,
His mother will be ‘Haawiyah’
And what will explain to thee who that is?
(It is) a Fire (Djinn/Demon/Vampire) named ‘Hamiyah’” —  Koran 101:8-11

Keep in mind that, according to Koran, Djinns/Demons/Vampires are created out of fire:

And the jinn We created before from scorching fire” —  Koran 15:27

So it is clear to us that mothers of the sinners will be types of Djinni females classified as ‘Haawiyah’ and/or ‘Hamiyah’, as djinns are created of fire and mothers of sinners will be fire.

Let us not forget what Jesus said to his hell bound enemies:

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” —  John 8:44

He told them that their father is the devil/djinn/satan/shaytan/demon/vampire/alien named Lucifer/Satan/Iblis/Devil/Dracula/Shiva/Vishnu/etc

So let us be clear. Christian Bible states that the devil is the father of all sinners who will be born in hell dimension after they die in the material world. Muslim Koran states that mothers of all souls who belong to hell will be djinnis/demonesses/vampires/devils named ‘Haawiyah’/‘Hamiyah’. Both religions correlate and collaborate to form a newly discovered hidden esoteric facet of our collective existence, i.e. those who are evil will be resurrected as demons in their afterlife! Their mothers will be devils. Their fathers will be devils. In a way this is what most sinners and evil people really want. You will find them desiring eternal life as vampires and demons. So The Creator will answer their prayers and they will be recreated as Vampires/Demons/Devils/djinns/Fallen Angels/aliens.

Your father!

Your mother! Haawiyah/Haamiyah/Ishtar/Isis/Astarte/Astghik

Another djinn! Haawiyah/Hamiyah/Kaaliyah! Your new mother!

"One Day God will gather them all together, and say to the Angels,' Was it you that these men used to worship?' They will say: 'Be You Glorified. You are our Guardian, not them! No, but they worshipped the devils; most of them were​ ​(only)​ ​believers​ ​in​ ​them.'" -​ ​Al-Qur'an,​ ​Sura​ ​34:40-41

Lilith: Ancient Demon, Dark Deity or Sex Goddess? Your mother in hell?

In some sources she's described as a demon, in others she is an icon who became one of the darkest deities of the pagans. Lilith is one of the oldest known female spirits of the world. Her roots come from the famous Epic of Gilgamesh, but she was also described in the Bible and the Talmud.

In Jewish tradition, she is the most notorious demon, but in some other sources she appears as the first woman created on Earth. According to a legend, God formed Lilith as the first woman. He did it in the same way as he created Adam. The only difference was that in place of pure dust, he also used filth and residue. Traditionally Lilith means ''the night'', and she is related to attributes connected with the spiritual aspects of sensuality and freedom, but also terror.

The ancient demon of Sumerians

Lilith’s name comes from the Sumerian word ''lilitu'', which meant a wind spirit or a female demon. Lilith was mentioned in the Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a famous poem of ancient Mesopotamia dated back to not later than c. 2100 BC. The tablet was added to the original text much later, c. 600 BC, in its later Assyrian and Akkadian translations. She appears in a magical story, where she represents the branches of a tree. She is described with other demons, but researchers still argue if she was a demon or a dark goddess. At the same time, she appeared in early Jewish sources, so it is difficult to find out who mentioned her first. However, it is obvious that from the beginning of her existence in the texts she was related to Sumerian witchcraft.
.Burney Relief, Babylon (1800-1750 BCE). Some scholars (e.g. Emil Kraeling) identified the figure in the relief with Lilith, based on a misreading of an outdated translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Burney Relief, Babylon (1800-1750 BCE). Some scholars (e.g. Emil Kraeling) identified the figure in the relief with Lilith, based on a misreading of an outdated translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

In the Babylonian Talmud, Lilith was described as a dark spirit with an uncontrollable and dangerous sexuality. She is said to have fertilized herself with male sperm to create demons. She is believed to be the mother of hundreds of demons.

A page of a medieval Jerusalem Talmud manuscript, from the Cairo Geniza.
A page of a medieval Jerusalem Talmud manuscript, from the Cairo Geniza. (Public Domain)

Lilith was known in the culture of the Hittites, Egyptians, Greeks, Israelis, and Romans as well. In later times, she migrated to the north of the Europe. She represented chaos, sexuality, and she has been said to have cast spells on people. Her legend is also related to the first stories about vampires.

The wife of the biblical Adam

Lilith appears in the Bible, in the Book of Isaiah 34:14, which describes the desolation of Eden. From the beginning, she is considered as a devilish spirit, unclean, and dangerous. The Genesis Rabbah describes her as the first wife of Adam. According to the book, God created her and Adam at the same time. Lilith was very strong, independent, and wanted to be equal with Adam. She did not accept being less important than him and refused to lie beneath Adam for copulation. The marriage did not work and they never found happiness. As Robert Graves and Raphael Patai wrote in the book The Hebrew Myths:

''Adam complained to God: 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. 'Return to Adam without delay,' the angels said, `or we will drown you!' Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? 'It will be death to refuse!' they answered. `How can I die,' Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. Nonetheless, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.' To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own.''

Due to the misunderstandings and disappointments related to Lilith, God decided to create a second wife for Adam– Eve.
Lilith, the first wife of Adam.
Lilith, the first wife of Adam. (Public Domain)

An icon for modern pagans and feminists

Nowadays, Lilith has become a symbol of freedom for many feminist groups. Due to the rising level of education, women started to understand that they could be independent, so they began looking for symbols of feminine power. She also started to be worshiped by some followers of the pagan Wicca religion, which was created in the 1950s.

This appeal was enhanced by artists, who took her on as a muse. She started to be a popular motif in art and literature around the Renaissance period, when Michelangelo portrayed her as a half woman, half serpent being. He presented her around the Tree of Knowledge, and increased the importance of her legend. With time, Lilith became more attractive for the imaginations of male artists like Dante Gabriel Rosetti, who created her image as the most beautiful female being of the world. The author of ''The Chronicles of Narnia'', C.S. Lewis, was inspired by the legend about Lilith in the creation of the White Witch. She was beautiful, but dangerous and cruel. He mentioned that she was Lilith’s daughter and the she was determined to kill Adam and Eve’s children.
Lilith (1892) by John Collier in Southport Atkinson Art Gallery.

Lilith (1892) by John Collier in Southport Atkinson Art Gallery. (Public Domain)
Less romantic pictures of Lilith appeared in the mind of James Joyce, who called her the patron of abortions. Joyce pushed Lilith into the feminist philosophy, and started the process of adopting her as a goddess of independent women in the 20th century. When women started to receive more rights, they started to disagree with the man-concentrated vision of the world, including the Biblical story about the beginning of the life on Earth. The name of Lilith appears as a national literacy program in Israel and the title of a Jewish women's magazine. The ancient Sumerian legendary female demon is one of the most popular topics in feminist literature related to ancient mythology. Researchers still discuss if she was created as a real demon, or as an untrue warning of what may happen if women receive more power.

Featured image: Lilith, satanic looking angel. Source: (CC BY-NC 2.0)

And they made the jinn associates with God, while He created them, and they falsely attributed to Him, and highly exalted is He above what they ascribe to Him. (6:100)

[34:40] On the day when He summons them all, He will say to the angels, "Did these people worship you?"

[34:41] They will answer, "Be You glorified. You are our Lord and Master, not them. Instead, they were worshiping the jinns; most of them were believers therein.”

which means majority of humans worship jinn. how is that possible? The christian trinity, to hindu trimurti, to egyptian trinity, greek gods, etc. all are/were jinns”

" Instead, they were worshiping the jinns"

There are at least two races of jinn. Green ones and the blue ones. one is ifreet and the other one i don’t know of.”

There are different types of djinn; the Qur’an mentions only three: Djinn, ‘ifrit, and marid. Other names include jann, ghul, shaitans, hinn, nasnas, shiqq, si’lat, and a host of others. The names above vary depending on the region in the Middle Eastern country. Some of the best-known Djinn are:


The ghul (ghoul) are shape-shifting cannibalistic and blood-drinking creatures that feed on the flesh of human beings, especially travelers, children or corpses stolen out of graves. The oldest references to ghul in Arabian lore are found in The Book of 1001 Nights. There are several types of ghul. The most feared is a female type (ghula) which has the ability to appear as a normal, mortal woman.  According to lore, such a creature marries an unsuspecting man, who becomes her prey.

The ghul are nocturnal creatures who inhabit graveyards, ruins and other lonely places. Sometimes they are described as dead humans who sleep for long periods in secret graves, then awake, rise and feast on both the living and the dead. Ghul also personify the unknown terrors held by the desert.

In Persian lore the ghul has the legs of a donkey and the horns of a goat.


The hinn are weak djinn, close to animals, and they especially like to appear as dogs.


The ‘ifrit (variation: afrit) is cited only once in the Qur’an, in reference to a djinni who fetched the throne of the Queen of Sheba at the command of King Solomon. In lore, it is evil and powerful, and difficult to control.


Jann are shape-shifters who lives in the desert, and take the forms of whirlwinds and white camels. They are open-minded about humans, and were among the first djinn encountered by people. They have the power to hide or reveal oases in the desert, depending on whether they like or dislike a party of travelers. They are the enemies of the ghul.


The marid is unruly and rebellious, and the most powerful of djinn. The marida (plural) possess great knowledge of magic and have assisted kings and priests. They are also known as “blue” djinn and are the ones most often associated with wish-granting genies.


The nasnas is another weak form of djinn, hybrids of human-like and animal-like forms, and may account for some of our encounters with mysterious creatures. It is described in The Book of 1001 Nights as a half- human being, that is, it has half a head, half a body, one arm, one leg. It hops about on its single leg. The nasnas was said to be the offspring of a shiqq (see below) and a human being.


The palis is a vampiric foot-licker that lives in the desert. It has low intelligence and can be easily outwitted, according to lore. It attacks sleeping people and drains their blood by licking the soles of their feet. It can be fooled by two people sleeping end to end with their soles of their feet together or under each other’s head.


The shaitan (shaytan) is a rebellious, malevolent djinni associated with demonic forces.


The shiqq is a  lower form of djinn, a half creature,or  literally only half-formed and thus monstrous in appearance.


The si’lat are expert shape-shifters and the smartest of the djinn. They can mimic human appearance with ease.


Djinn are also denoted by colors:


Older, intelligent djinn, often ambivalent about humans.


Leaders of families and small clans. Less powerful than Blue but more powerful than Green.


Young and immature djinn, ofter playful and mischievous.


Powerful djinn, thought to be kings. It is not known if there is one king or multiple ones.


Hostile and aggressive djinn.

They refer to majority of humans.

[34:40] On the day when He summons them all, He will say to the angels, "Did these people worship you?"

All of humans and jinns.

2. 'It guides to the Right Path, and we have believed therein, and we shall never join anything with our Lord .
3. 'And exalted be the Majesty of our Lord, He has taken neither a wife, nor a son .
4. 'And that the foolish among us used to utter against God that which was wrong and not right.

Now why would jinns clarify that that God doesn't have a wife or a son? The concept of trinity, God having son and a wife, is the most common concept in all the major religions of the world, from christianity to hinduism to even Chinese religion of Taoism.”

Even nowadays, you see hindus worshiping jinns. Christians worshiping Iblees and Dajjal in the form of Father and Son. Ancient Egyptians had Osiris, Isis, Horus. Greeks had Zeus, his wives, sons, et al.”

It doesn't refer to a specific group of humans. It refers to the majority of humans.
Also, it seems as if Jinns themselves worshiped their ancestors as gods, as per Surah Jinn. maybe they still do.”


The demon/jinn worship is not even hidden. It's so blatantly open and obvious. It's clear that these beings materialized that their idols were made in the first place.”
The first Vampire was Lilith, also the first wife of Adam that she eventually left for Lucifer. In short, the bone of the quarrel was that Lilith would prefer to stand over Adam but God wanted the man to rule. Lilith is also the Queen of Death and Demons. She was and is still adored in almost all religions by magicians, sorcerers and witches.

The Hormone Theory: According to this theory, the vampire is the next step of human evolution. A genetic complex present inside our body but usually dormant get activated by a hormone brought in from an external source. The hormone transforms the victim's physical form and the new vampire will be able to inject the hormone into another victim.

The Fallen Angels Theory:

This theory inspired from the Books of Enoch claims that vampires are the offspring of the union between the Watchers (Fallen Angels) and humans. When the Children of the Watchers had consumed all of the food available, they turned to mankind and began to eat their flesh and drink their blood. In another adjunct, vampires are the offspring of the daughters of Eve (female humans) and the Angel of Death sent by God on Earth. Vampires have the mission to control and thwart the demonic offspring of the fallen angels. The first Vampires were Fallen Angels aka "The Watchers", who were cast out of heaven for bringing sin unto the Earth [Stef Zodiak]. An adjunct to this theory suggests that the first vampires were the offspring of humans and Watchers.

The vampire craze has a new twist leading to the idea that vampires are trapped on the earth because they are lost angels. These lost souls have been trapped on earth for centuries, trying to find a way back into heaven.

In the book series Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz goes on the premise that vampires are trapped on the earth living on forever because they were banished from heaven by God. This banishment was because of the war with Satan that caused all angels to choose sides.

Every fallen angel had a soul mate that they spent each life with.  They continued to live on through droplets when they were close to death that were then put into another vampire with in the same family line.  That vampire would then give birth to the reincarnated vampire.

Life went on this like for centuries with the vampire families, until one vampire rebelled and fell in love with her familiar (someone they feed off of), a human.  This breaks the families apart and starts a new order in the vampire clan.

Skyler VanAllen is an average girl until her fifteenth birthday and she finds out that she is apart of something very secret and old.  Her back teeth become very sharp, and starts to have crazy dreams that seem to be from another life.

Skyler is a vampire that is very special.  She soon thinks that this may be the reason that her mother has been in a coma for Skyler’s whole life and why her grandfather has been missing since before Skyler was born.

As she starts to embrace her new life and friends, she gets to know a mysterious young man named Jack Force.  There is something about him that amazes her and a secret that she can not pinpoint.

Jack’s sister, Mimi starts to make big problems for Skyler and her best friend Oliver because of jealousy and hate.  Mimi is very comfortable with the vampire life, and is destined to bond with her twin brother Jack.  Bonding is a sort of wedding for vampires because they are soul mates.

Through Skyler’s new life she befriends a Texan vampire, Bliss who is new to the society of vampires.  Bliss soon finds trouble of her own when she falls in love with a trouble maker that is looked down upon by the vampires.

The whole vampire life is strange to Skyler and she does not feel like she belongs completely.  She also feels like there is something off about the Force clan.  Skyler decides to do some investigating on her mother and the origin of her own birth.

As Skyler starts to dig for the truth, she starts to also have feelings Jack even though he is taken.  As she gets closer to the truth, she finds out that there are secrets that deal with Jack and his powerful father.

Skyler finds danger, and while Skyler is trying to find the truth, the whole vampire clan comes under attack by an ancient enemy trying to take out the lost angels.

This ancient enemy is closer to Bliss and Skyler than they know, and no one is safe unless it is stopped before it can kill again.  The power only grows as it takes out more vampires, and banish them to nothingness for eternity.

If a vampire is killed by this ancient force, they will be doomed to not exist or have a chance to redeem their rightful spot in heaven.

Can Skyler and her friends stop this evil before it takes out everything they know and love?  Find out by reading this action packed series by Melissa de la Cruz.

Mythology - Dracula    


When the time of man had first walked the earth, there was the man known as Kane. Out of rage, anger, and hatred he murdered his brother for reasons shrouded and lost in time. Bathing in his brother's blood, Kane had committed the first sin. With God witnessing the atrocity, he forever cursed Kane with bloodlust and hunger for power. Over time after Kane had died, he was resurrected by Hades per Satan's plan to make him a blood-lusted immortal. Since his return, Kane had hid in the shadows and spread his curse by his bite and his own blood. The eldest of his children, Draven, was bitten by a bat on the eve of his bloodlust beginning, transforming himself into the first vampire.

Draven like his father spread the vampire influence, but taking a nobleman's approach. Such influence was so far spread that the vampire's became the most respected and feared of the Immortals. Over time, fallen Angels came to earth avoiding servitude in Hell and taking chance to return to heaven; one such fallen angel - Serra - fell in love with Draven and the two had their first and only (half-vampire half-angel) son, Dracula.

Growing up, Dracula was punished consistently by his father for defending Serra and her beliefs in preserving mortal life. Such punishment over time warped Dracula's mind making him truly giving into his bloodlust and power, until Dracula's 18th birthday he slaughtered his father and mother and killed 8 of the 10 Vampire Covenant patriarchs. Sitting now in a throne of power, Dracula proceeded to annihilate many of the other original generation immortals - Werewolves, Transients (power hungry pure immortals), and other fallen Angels and ascendant Demons; all simply just because he could. Sitting on his throne of blood, Dracula assumed the Patriarch of the Vampire Nation. Until he was visited by Kane - who had come to terms with his bloodlust begged and begged for Dracula to do the same; however Dracula's mind was set, and upon the beheading of Kane and the drinking of his blood, Dracula's power had grown even more forever being feared as THE vampire.

Until he finally disappeared. No one knows how or why, but one day Dracula finally just left. Now in the modern world, the weaknesses in the vampire nation (garlic, sunlight, and heavy doses of silver) were all chosen by Dracula, forcing his own race to be weaker than he is so he can rule, whenever he should return.

The story the monk wrote said that God split the fallen angel in half, one to Hell (Lucifer) and one to Earth (Dracula). I'm interpreting that as God separated the spirit (Lucifer) from the body (Dracula). I'm assuming there is no way for them to be joined together again, but only one person (Vanessa) that can make one of them strong enough to take over "God's Bloody Throne" as they have now used that phrase several times. Also, as a side note, it seems that Hecate thinks Ethan can give her the power to do the same thing, or else she can give him that power.

Anyways, so the conflict comes from the fact that Lucifer wants to use Vanessa to rule Heaven and release hidden spirits. I forget exactly what he said. Dracula wants the same thing, but to release all the earthbound hidden ones. Only one of them can get what they want by using Vanessa, so there's your reason for conflict.

The interesting thing I'm waiting to see if if the show will ever have Lucifer and Dracula try to merge back into one being, or if I'm even right about them being one being previously. Vanessa overpowered Lucifer last season, so if she overpowers Dracula in this one, they might have to try and find a way to work together or merge back into one to try and overpower her that way.

The Nanobot Theory: Nanobots, created either by renegade scientists or a race of reptilians, were introduced into a handful of human bodies in order to repair damaged cells. These nanobots performed so well that they rendered their hosts immortal. However, the Nanobots themselves are not immortal and must self-replicate by utilizing the iron atoms from the hemoglobin in the host's red blood cells. The result of this nanoreplication process is the constant need for sufficient supplies of blood. Unable to keep up with the demand, the host has no choice but to seek out blood from others. If the colony of Nanobots exceeds the host's ability to supply sufficient RBCs, some nanobots may migrate into another host, usually the next victim of the primary host's bite.

The Atlantis Theory: The Atlantans, in their quest to prolong life, have conducted biological and genetic experiments which end result was a new human that could live for centuries but had to drink the blood of humans in order to survive. Vampires have escaped the Great Flood as the Atlantans, not satisfied with the results, had buried them in an underground crypt.

The Alien Vampire Theory: Since H.G. Wells' "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid" in 1894, there has been many writings and movies exploring the possibility of a space alien taking over a human body in order to live off the life energies of others. Those space aliens are some kind of parasites that control our mind and draw our vital forces. When they have exhausted the body, they look for a new host. In another adjunct, vampires do not come from outer space but from another dimension.

Etymology: The word 'vampire' derives from the Slavic word 'vampir' or 'vampyr', first appearing in the 1600s in the Eastern European region in the Balkans. 'vampir' is derived from 'upir', which first appeared in print in an Old Russian manuscript from 1047 AC in which a Novgorodian prince is referred to as 'Upir Lichyj' (Wicked Vampire). But the origin of 'upir' is even more controversial. Franz Miklosich suggested that 'upir' is derived from 'uber', a Turkish word for 'witch' whereas Andre Vaillant suggests just the opposite. Kazimierz Moszynski suggests that 'u-pir' is from a Serbo-Croatian word 'pirati' (to blow). Aleksandr Afanasev points to the Slavic 'pij' (to drink), which may have entered the Slavic language from the Greek, via Old Church Slavonic. A. Bruckner proposes Russian 'netopyr' (bat).

Diseases linked to Vampirism: Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), meaning pigmented dry skin is a rare, often fatal genetic disorder that leaves its victims acutely vulnerable to skin and eye cancers if they are even briefly exposed to sun or any ultraviolet rays. The body fails to produce one of the enzymes necessary to make heme, the red pigment in hemoglobin. Strangely, Garlic stimulates heme production (a reason for its inclusion in many herbal blood tonics) and can turn a mild case of porphyria into a severe and painful one. There is less than 100,000 identified cases of XP nowadays but inbreeding could have stimulated the disease in the middle ages, creating pockets of it in isolated areas. Drinking blood could have been considered as a remedy in the dark ages but the human body is not made to assimilate heme directly from blood so it cannot be a cause of vampirism.

Vampires are undead beings who are descended from fallen angels or are fallen angels themselves. Fallen angels can become vampires by draining a mortal of blood and then ingesting it.

Vampires are endowed with certain inherent supernatural powers.

  • Immortality
  • Superhuman Strength - Vampirism increases one's strength to superhuman levels. The strongest vampires are those turned from fallen angels, who naturally possessed super-strength before their transformation.
  • Superhuman Speed - Vampirism increases one's speed to superhuman levels. The fastest vampires are those turned from fallen angels, who naturally possessed super-speed before their transformation.
  • Superhuman Senses - Vampires possess heightened senses.
  • Healing Factor - Vampires heal any non-fatal wound in seconds. They don't suffer from mental disorders or any other human disease.
  • Hypnosis - Vampires have power over the minds of mortals.
  • Flight - By directing the flow of the air and wind, vampires can fly. Vampires who were fallen angels can fly with their angelic wings.
  • Aerokinesis - Vampires can control the wind.
  • Telepathy - Vampires can read minds.
  • Mist Form - Vampires can take on a mist form and become incorporeal.
  • Shadow Travel - Older vampires can travel through the shadows. Vampires turned from fallen angels have this power immediately after their transformation.
  • Power Leeching - By drinking the blood of supernatural beings, they can temporarily acquire that beings special power.

Orthodox translators and interpreters of Koran and Bible will probably say that i have translated and interpreted these verses of Koran and Bible incorrectly. Perhaps they are correct in their assessment of my rather unorthodox approach to understanding multi-faceted realities effused through the holy verses — esoteric gnosis of Dunya (material world) and Akhira (spiritual world)

Or perhaps my heart has some form of perversity as mentioned in the book:

But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except God”            
Verse (3:7)

Even if so, i have to continue moving forward, seeking those hidden meanings.
Copyright © 2017 by Ben Caesar All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

