Demoness Kali spends eternity in hell eating heads of devils! - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Demoness Kali spends eternity in hell eating heads of devils!

Demoness Kali spends eternity in

 hell eating heads of devils!

It is said that most of the people who do not worship God, or rather worship other beings other than God, i.e. Kathenotheists, polytheists, Henotheists, et al., mostly worship devils!

"One Day Hu will gather them all together, and say to the Angels, 'Was it you that these men used to worship?' They will say: 'Be You Glorified. You are our Guardian, not them! No, but they worshipped the devils; most of them were (only) believers in them.'" Al-Qur'an, Sura 34:40-41

وَيَوْمَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ جَمِيعًا ثُمَّ يَقُولُ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ أَهَؤُلَاء إِيَّاكُمْ كَانُوا يَعْبُدُونَ
قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ أَنتَ وَلِيُّنَا مِن دُونِهِم بَلْ كَانُوا يَعْبُدُونَ الْجِنَّ أَكْثَرُهُم بِهِم مُّؤْمِنُونَ

Most of the devils reside in hell. Classic example of such devil worshipers are Hindus. One of their primary deities is demoness Kali.

Surely the tree of the devil heads,
Is the food of the sinful
Like dregs of oil; it shall boil in (their) bellies,
Like the boiling of hot water.

Life in hell is harsh. She slaughters inferior demons inside hell in order to survive. She feasts on their heads. Look at the devil heads she carries around with herself, the source of all devils, inside hell worlds!

The Jinn "gods" of Hinduism

There is surely no greater example, nor a more ancient, of the fingerprint of the jinn "civilizations" left upon this planet than in India. Still today we can hear and read of the mythized tales of Hinduism's blue-skinned "gods" and their ancient exploits. Like the Malak Ta'us of the Yazidi's and the jinni descriptions of `Arabia, the so-called "gods" of Ancient India were reportedly tall and blue-skinned.

Interestingly the name "Krishna" (supposedly the son of Vishnu), is etymologically related to the term for "black." Yet over time the man claiming to be "Krishna" was described as deep blue. This was explained to be the result of a venomous snakebite with the poison flooding his system and turning the skin the characteristic blue. While there is much overt mythization to such an explanation, we cannot overlook the correlation with the vampiric mythology of one turning into a vampire after a bite from an extant vampire. Moreover, the claim that this was from a "venomous snakebite" is quite telling. Once again, we have run up face to face with the literal, tangible jinn on Earth.
Above is a picture of Krishna (Al-Masih ad-Dajjal), the "son" or progeny of Vishnu (Iblis). Notice the peacock plumage of the headdress.
It is not coincidental that when the European Christian missionaries went to India, they found the translation for their "Christ" - who was none other than Bulus ad-Dajjal - was in fact "Krishna" the son of the blue-skinned "Vishnu."

As for who the original Indian "Krishna" was... The earliest reference we have to him is in the Chandayoga Upanishad, where Krishna, son of Devaki, is described as a great scholar. It is curious to note that the first reference we ever have of this supposed "god" refers to his intellectual accomplishments and not, as is usual, to his saving powers of strength. Most scholars are agreed that Krishna in his present form was not a literal Vedic hero but an amalgamation of local culture heroes with the great character of that name in the epic, the Mahabharatha. It was this mythic hero - whether real or amalgamated - that Bulus ad-Dajjal hijacked the identity of - changing him from "black" to "blue."

Aliens in the Vedas

Only a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building intergalactic spaceships.

Their method of propulsion, she said, was "anti-gravitational" and was based upon a system analogous to that of "laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in man's physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull." According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate.

Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called "Astras" by the text, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of "antima;" "the cap of invisibility" and "garima;" "how to become as heavy as a mountain of lead." Recall the modern day invisibility suits and the traditions of jinn invisibility.

Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then became more positive about the value of them when the Chinese announced that they were including certain parts of the data for study in their space program. This was one of the first instances of a government admitting to be researching anti-gravity.
The manuscripts did not say definitely that interplanetary travel was ever made but did mention, of all things, a planned trip to the Moon, though it is not clear whether this trip was actually carried out. However, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, does have a highly detailed story in it of a trip to the moon in a Vimana (or "Astra"), and in fact details a battle on the moon with an "Asvin" or "Atlantean airship."

The so-called "Rama Empire" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern, and western India. Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and was ruled by "enlightened Priest-Kings" who governed the cities, The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities."

According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines which were called "Vimanas." The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a bi-level, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer.

It flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound." Interesting to correlate are the Ahadith about Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal that state that "He will travel fast like wind behind clouds."

There were at least four different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders. The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous, it would take volumes to relate what they had to say. The ancient Indians, who manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals on the control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in existence, and some have even been translated into English.

Are we to imagine that they went to such lengths to document technology that did not in fact exist?
The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise dealing with every possible angle of air travel in a Vimana. There are 230 stanzas dealing with the construction, take-off, cruising for thousand of miles, normal and forced landings, and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth century B.C. text written by Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as his source, was rediscovered in a temple in India. It dealt with the operation of Vimanas and included information on the steering, precautions for long flights, protection of the airships from storms and lightening and how to switch the drive to "solar energy" from a free energy source.

The Vaimanika Sastra (or Vymaanika-Shaastra) has eight chapters with diagrams, describing three types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire nor break. It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat; for which reason they were considered suitable for the construction of Vimanas. This document has been translated into English and is available by writing the publisher: "Vymaanidashaastra Aeronautics" by Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into English and edited, printed and published by Mr. G. R. Josyer, Mysore, India, 1979. Mr. Josyer is the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Investigation located in Mysore.

There seems to be no doubt that Vimanas were powered by some sort of "anti-gravity." Vimanas took off vertically, and were capable of hovering in the sky, like a modern helicopter or dirigible. Bharadvajy the Wise refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts of air travel in antiquity. These sources are now lost.

Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind of hanger, and were sometimes said to be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes by some sort of mercury compound, though writers seem confused in this matter. It is most likely that the later writers on Vimanas, wrote as observers and from earlier texts, and were understandably confused on the principle of their propulsion. The "yellowish white liquid" sounds suspiciously like gasoline, and perhaps Vimanas had a number of different propulsion sources, including combustion engines and even "pulse-jet" engines. It is interesting to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical pulse-jet engines for their V-8 rocket "buzz bombs." Hitler and the Nazi staff were exceptionally interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting in the 30's, in order to gather esoteric evidence that they did so, and perhaps it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information!

Adolf Hitler was also a member of the Freemasonic "Thule," society, which believed that a tall, bluish race of extraterrestrials lived within the Earth.

Hitler was also reported to have often awakened in the middle of the night screaming in terror , claiming that a "blue man" was standing in his room, though his aids never saw any such individual at any time.

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabarata, and the Ramayana, one Vimana described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down, backwards and forewords as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the form of a roaring flame." Another work called the Samaranganasutradhara describes how the vehicles were constructed. It is possible that mercury did have something to do with the propulsion, or more possibly, with the guidance system. Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The "devices" are hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is evident that ancient Jinn in India flew around in these vehicles, all over Asia, to "Atlantis" (or its equivalent) presumably; and even, apparently, to South America. Writing found at Mohenjodaro in Pakistan (presumed to be one of the "Seven Rishi Cities of the Rama Empire") and still undeciphered, has also been found on Easter Island. Writing on Easter Island, called Rongo-Rongo writing, is also undeciphered, and is uncannily similar to the Mohenjodaro script.

"Bhima flew along in his car, resplendent as the sun and loud as thunder... The flying chariot shone like a flame in the night sky of summer ... it swept by like a comet... It was as if two suns were shining. Then the chariot rose up and all the heaven brightened."

Compare this to the allegorical description of the second Book of Kings.

"And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, which parted them both asunder; and Eliyahu went up by a whirlwind into Shamayim." Melekhim Beyt (II Kings) 2:11

וַיְהִי, הֵמָּה הֹלְכִים הָלוֹךְ וְדַבֵּר, וְהִנֵּה רֶכֶב-אֵשׁ וְסוּסֵי אֵשׁ, וַיַּפְרִדוּ בֵּין שְׁנֵיהֶם; וַיַּעַל, אֵלִיָּהוּ, בַּסְעָרָה, הַשָּׁמָיִם.

It does not serve to reason that there were literally "horses of fire" since horses are terrestrial beings, and not "heavenly." Thus we should reason that the "horses" of fire are those aspects of the "flying chariot" that served its propulsion. "Horses of fire" could then easily be rendered "engines" had the author being technologically informed as to what this was. Correlative to this, we still refer to an engine's "horse power."

"And I looked, and, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, a great cloud, with a fire flashing up, so that a brightness was round about it; and out of the midst thereof as the color of electrum, out of the midst of the fire." - Ezeqiel 1:4

וָאֵרֶא וְהִנֵּה רוּחַ סְעָרָה בָּאָה מִן-הַצָּפוֹן, עָנָן גָּדוֹל וְאֵשׁ מִתְלַקַּחַת, וְנֹגַהּ לוֹ, סָבִיב; וּמִתּוֹכָהּ--כְּעֵין הַחַשְׁמַל, מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ.
In the Mahavira of Bhavabhuti, a Jain text of the eighth century culled from older texts and traditions, we read: "An aerial chariot, the Pushpaka, conveys many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night, but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare."

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, thought to be the oldest of all the Indian texts, describe Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the "ahnihotra-vimana" with two engines, the "elephant-vimana" with more engines, and other types named after the kingfisher, ibis and other animals.
