Did you know that most, if not all, nonprofit organizations are scams? Even United Nations! - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Did you know that most, if not all, nonprofit organizations are scams? Even United Nations!

Did you know that most, if not all, nonprofit organizations are scams? Even United Nations!

THE NON-PROFIT sector in the U.S. is a complete scam. Hospitals and other agencies get special breaks on property and income taxes. They plough their earnings into expansion and massive salaries for top executives, just like for-profit companies do.

The competitive dynamic that forces each corporation to accumulate as much capital as possible applies to non-profits just as much as for-profits. Employees for non-profits do the work that produces the funds that pay the CEOs–and are often paid even less than employees at for-profit corporations. So exploitation of workers is often even greater at "non-profit" companies than at for profit companies.

KUOW, a public radio station, did a story on non-profit hospitals in Seattle on July 9: Nurses at "non-profit" Swedish hospital start at around $25 per hour ($50,000 per year) and housekeepers get only $12 an hour, while Swedish CEO Rod Hochman made $ 1.5 million in the first nine months of 2007 alone! Hochman also got $120,000 for relocation expenses, as well as $13,000 for other expenses.

But it's not just Hochman–seven officials at Swedish made at least $1 million per year . Altogether, at least 15 Seattle-area non-profit hospital executives earned $1 million or more a year. These salaries come out of what is, in essence, profit made by the "non-profit" corporation. These high salaries continue as Swedish laid off 200 workers this year. Just like at for-profit companies, the people who do the real work get laid off and the ones who are left get overworked, while the CEOs accumulate more and more.

Workers at "non-profits" and public agencies deserve as much support and solidarity as any other workers. Workers as a whole produce the wealth–whether they work in for-profits, non-profits or government agencies. The wealth they produce keeps the whole economy going–to the benefit of the super-rich, whether they be CEOs or shareholders.

Management at non-profits try to sell workers on the idea that they are producing for the public good–so they should be willing to accept less money. Workers should reject this lying rationale that only serves the interests of management. They are actually working to line the pockets of the managers.

When workers rise up and take ownership and control of the economy they will have to transform the "non-profits" just as much as the "for-profits." They will have to squeeze the profit out of both and create an economy based on human need–instead of one based on profit or "non-profit" accumulation.

It's their way of earning money!

Here are some of the worst offenders:

1. Kids Wish Network

2. Cancer Fund of America

3. Children’s Wish Foundation International

4. American Breast Cancer Foundation

5. Firefighters Charitable Foundation

6. Breast Cancer Relief Foundation

7. International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO

8. National Veterans Service Fund

9. American Association of State Troopers

10. Children’s Cancer Fund of America

11. Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation

12. Youth Development Fund

13. Committee For Missing Children

14. Association for Firefighters and Paramedics

15. Project Cure (Bradenton, FL)

16. National Caregiving Foundation

17. Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth

18. United States Deputy Sheriffs’ Association

19. Vietnow National Headquarters

20. Police Protective Fund

21. National Cancer Coalition

22. Woman to Woman Breast Cancer Foundation

23. American Foundation For Disabled Children

24. The Veterans Fund

25. Heart Support of America

26. Veterans Assistance Foundation

27. Children’s Charity Fund

28. Wishing Well Foundation USA

29. Defeat Diabetes Foundation

30. Disabled Police Officers of America Inc.

31. National Police Defense Foundation

32. American Association of the Deaf & Blind

33. Reserve Police Officers Association

34. Optimal Medical Foundation

35. Disabled Police and Sheriffs Foundation

36. Disabled Police Officers Counseling Center

37. Children’s Leukemia Research Association

38. United Breast Cancer Foundation

39. Shiloh International Ministries

40. Circle of Friends For American Veterans

41. Find the Children

42. Survivors and Victims Empowered

43. Firefighters Assistance Fund

44. Caring for Our Children Foundation

45. National Narcotic Officers Associations Coalition

46. American Foundation for Children With AIDS

47. Our American Veterans

48. Roger Wyburn- Mason & Jack M Blount Foundation for Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease

49. Firefighters Burn Fund

50. Hope Cancer Fund

The percentages spent by these “charities” on direct aid to victims range from 0% to a high of only 11.10%. Most of the organizations spent between 0.10% and 8.6% of what they collected in direct cash aid. This is a far cry from what well-meaning contributors intended for their contributions.

It’s important to remember that these numbers are just for the 50 worst offenders. Charity watchdog organizations say no more than 35 percent of donations should go to fundraising costs.  Only two of the fifty listed met this criteria. However, they still spent only 0% and 1.10% on direct cash aid.

The worst of the worst paid more than 90% of what they collected to solicitors. Thirty-three of the fifty paid between 70% and 89% to solicitors. Overhead costs consumed large chunks of what was remaining. Only the very small amount left, may get to the people who actually need it!

The IRS is Not the Answer

When a solicitor for one of these groups calls a prospective donor the pitch will include the truthful statement that they are a nonprofit organization. Nonprofit however does not mean they are a charity. It only means they do not seek to make a profit on their activities. A profit according to Investopedia.com is revenue that exceeds expenses. The IRS has pretty broad rules for being a nonprofit organization. A charity is only one type of nonprofit.

Trade groups like those that represent the fast food or soft drink producers operate as nonprofits. Political organizations including both the Democratic and Republican parties are nonprofits. Lots of different special interest groups are nonprofits, including some private businesses that pay their executives quite well.


(Calgary Sun October 26, 1999 by Paul Jackson)

I climbed out of bed Sunday with a sense it was going to be a very depressing day.    This state of mind has gripped me every Oct. 24

for several decades.    The reason?   This is the day we are expected to pay fawning respect to one of the world's most self-serving and hypocritical organizations.   It was United Nations Day.

As far back as I can remember, on the anniversary of the founding of the UN, newspapers, radio and television -- yes they did have

television when I was a kid -- have felt committed to smother us with features and broadcasts of what a fine institution we have

in New York City and how its many sub-organizations are doing wonderful things throughout the world.   Yet, guess what?

In not a single newspaper did I spot an article on the glories of the UN, nor did I hear a broadcast referring to United Nations Day on

radio or see an item on TV.

The only evidence of the UN was when I slipped into a restaurant and spotted a UNICEF collection box begging for donations to help the

world's children.    UNICEF is a bit of an anomaly because, as SUN columnist Ted Byfield keeps pointing out, the UN has convinced

countries around the globe to support a children's bill of rights that, among other things, forbids parents from barring their

children from reading pornographic literature or looking at the most obscene movies and TV shows if the youngster feels so inclined.

Parent's rights have been given over to the state, which has given them over to the UN.   

The UN was a post-war followup to the old League of Nations, both bodies supposedly dedicated to safeguarding innocent countries from aggression.    But it was all talk.    The League of Nations failed when it was toothless in the face of Italy's Benito Mussolini and

Germany's Adolf Hitler, and the UN has lacked courage to act in instance after instance.

It stood by when the Soviets slaughtered and brutalized East German workers in 1953, Hungarian students in 1956 and Czechoslovakian

freedom fights in 1968.

Soviet troops had a free hand against Afghanistan in the 1970s, and coincidentally, on this year's United Nation's Day, not a word was

said when Russia launched a bloody missile attack on Chechnya.

China's genocide in Tibet never stirred the UN to action, either, and when Beijing's hardliners massacred students, little was said.

The UN founded -- with noble cause one must confess -- by free nations such as the United States, Britain, Canada and France, is now

home to some 185 countries that include dozens of the most corrupt and vile totalitarian regimes mankind has ever known.   African

dictatorships and Middle East despots hold reign and former Eastern European slaves states were welcomed.

On a visit to the UN in New York 20 years ago, I witnessed the high-living lifestyles of UN ambassadors with chauffeur-driven limos,

Manhattan penthouses and black-tie cocktail parties.   No poverty for this set.

Now, there are alliances around the world that should be praised and celebrated.   Take the 19-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or the 13-member European Union.     To gain entry to any of these, a country has to be democratic and adhere to rigorous human rights rules.   Add to that, educational, health and social programs must meet certain standards.

Since neither Britain, Germany nor France is going to lower its standards, this has meant a higher living standard for countries such

as Spain and Portugal.   Hard to criticize NATO or the EU on anything.

But it is hard to fathom why so many of us don't realize what a sham the UN is and start to house cleaning through its lavish corridors.

United Nations Poverty Alleviation Scam

Ms. Liza sent me cash! Another Western Union scam

You’d think scammers would realize we’re on to them and com up with new ideas. Sadly, people fall for the promises of free or easy money and are often too embarrassed to report it.  I received yet another Western Union scam message recently and thought I’d share.  Ms.Liza decided to combine a standard Western Union Scam with the United Nations Poverty Alleviation Scam.


From: Ms.Liza (user@corenap.com)

Subject: Congratulations!!!  (Note:  Exclamation points underscore urgency I suppose.)



Dear Western Union Beneficiary,


We wish to inform you that the United Nations (UN) has authorized us to remit to you a total amount of $1,500,000.00 USD (One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). This amount is to be paid to you because of the fact that you were selected as a beneficiary in the Last E-mail ballot promotion Held in Malaysia, by United Nations Poverty Alleviation Program. This Program is inline with the Social responsibility of the United Nations Organization, which is held once Every year to change the living status of five (5) lives around the Globe. This year, yourself and Four (4) other people were randomly selected. On behalf of the United Nations Organization, we wish to congratulate you formally. The funds was paid out to us, by the United Nations, And they have successfully succeeded in depositing your whole funds with us Here at Western Union Malaysia. They have now ordered us to take full Responsibility in the transfer process of your funds and thus commence the Immediate remittance of your funds to you.

Be strongly informed that because Of our Western Union transfer policy, your funds will be paid to you via our Western Union Daily Transfer limit of $7,600.00 USD. This means that you will Continuously receive a daily amount of $7,600.00 USD from us, and this amount Can be collected from any of our numerous Western Union outlets in your Current location.

To begin receiving your daily payment as stated above, we need you to provide Us with; Your Full Name, Address, and Phone Number. Upon receipt of the Requested details, your first transaction will be activated by you, before we can proceed to provide you with the Money Transfer Control others after 24 hours of Receiving each payment.

For more information on your payment status; E-mail Mrs. Pamela Lee: wumtaccess@qq.com OR call our 24 hours Helpline @ +60.111.504.9770 for any inquiries on the above message.  (Note:  Another point of contact is yet another red flag – if you hadn’t realized the award is bogus before now.)

Yours truly,

Mrs. Liza Amir (Note:  In the email header, she’s listed as Ms. Liza. It’s minor, but is another red flag).

For: United Nations/Western Union, Malaysia.


You’d at least think scammers would get better translation software or use grammar check!

No random person will send you large sums of money for no reason. A large tip, maybe.  A donation left in the mail, possibly.  But when a message like this one arrives, it’s a big fake.  Sorry.

Be safe and be smart.

Is the United Nations nonprofit?

NGOs are usually organizations that are established to pursue a particular goals (social, environment, human rights, gun rights etc etc)

The United Nations is a different kind of organization. Although it is not operating to generate profits, it is never called NGO. Such organization never needs to generate profits because essentially, it is a members only club.

Official designation of UN and other similar treaty organizations is ‘Inter Governmental Organization’.

I guess that depends on your definition of ‘nonprofit’. It is an supranational governance organisation, established by international treaty.
