GOODBYE INTERNET: WC3 to build DRM into HTML5 - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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The World Wide Web Consortium is a private elite club directed by Tim Berners Lee and counting hundreds of corporations, universities and private individuals as members. They develop web standards.

W3C Greenlights DRM for the web:

DRM will be built into HTML5 so that videos, and eventually all web content can be locked up. Goodbye commentary, goodbye redpill videos, goodbye memes, goodby internet.

EFF Resigns From W3C After DRM In HTML Is Approved In Secret Vote:
Some info and possible routes of digging on the W3C:

What exactly is this W3C, how do they operate, and who has a say in what they’re doing? This youtube tech journalist guy (seems like a typical, but earnest, nu male tech guy on youtube, not red pilled or anything.) uncovered something remarkable:

Vid summary: The W3C does not appear to be a legal entity of any kind. It’s not an LLC, not a non-profit, not anything. It appears to be a completely unofficial private club administered by MIT (, the European Research Consortium for Informatics (, Keio University in Tokyo, and Beihang university in Beijing. This unofficial private club collects tens of millions of dollars annually from members (as can be calculated from the member list and annual fees), who pay these fees in order to take part in secret votes (the W3C does not publish vote records, meeting minutes, or take any other measures to make it’s activities acceptable to the public) that will shape the future of the internet. The W3C being an apparently completely unofficial private club, there is no way to know where this money goes. Tim Berners Lee could be spending it all on *cheese pizza* for all anybody knows. Don't like the W3C? Don't want everything on the web to be under DRM? Too bad. Private club.

W3C member fees by country:

W3C page describing what their organization is:

Previous video from the tech journalist summarizing the DRM vote situation and emails he's had with the W3C:

If I hand you this would you be able to replicate it?

Hand it with care, though. I have a Jesse Jane compilation downloading right now and it's 60gb.
You know nothing about coding.
I can make a filter that removes that crap.

You know nothing about implications. It doesn't matter if you can bypass it. It's even written in the articles I linked, if you had read them, that it will be easy to get around. The problem is that it opens up anyone who uses anyone else's web content for being sued, i.e., you make an infographic or a commentary vid about the holohoax? Enjoy being sued by the ADL on behlaf of the holohoax museum that owns the pics.”

They are going to sue 100 million people who shitpost on youtube?
Come on, muh freedom of speech bro.”

No, they'll send threatening legal letters to the much smaller number of people who actually make wrongthink content that has a substantial audience. Anyone who actually goes to court will be absolutely demolished and will be saddled with millions in debt from having to pay the plaintiff's legal fees after losing. This is how corporate litigation works. 99.9% of those threatened will opt to take down the content rather than go to court which means all the company has to do is send the letters.”

I still don't get how it will be any different from what we have now. Content owners can sue you even today for a picture or a song you use in your video. How DRM changes it? Isn't it only an access/copy barrier?”

From the EFF article: EME is a standardized way for web video platforms to control users' browsers, so that we can only watch the videos under rules they set. This kind of technology, commonly called Digital Rights Management (DRM), is backed up by laws like the United States DMCA Section 1201 (most other countries also have laws like this).

Bypassing DRM is itself a crime.”

"Under these laws, people who bypass DRM to do legal things (like investigate code defects that create dangerous security vulnerabilities) can face civil and criminal penalties. Practically speaking, bypassing DRM isn't hard (Google's version of DRM was broken for six years before anyone noticed), but that doesn't matter. Even low-quality DRM gets the copyright owner the extremely profitable right to stop their customers and competitors from using their products except in the ways that the rightsholder specifies."

There is no scarcity for copyright to protect. This is an excuse to harass non-marxists with frivilous legal bullshit. There gonna force us to preach in the streets while the web dies like cable tv”

There is NO DRM that can protect anything once it has already reached client's local machine.
This is only done to allow for big corporations to monetize public domain. This will mean even bigger and powerful monopolies. As bad as it sounds, this might actually make them strong enough to resist government involvement more.

Still a very bad idea, and a bad way to do it. But only shekels decide now.”

It's not the same they may have reused parts cause theyre lazy but that's there problem. My point is if you are setting up an emulator, getting the game to work, then your not going to buy it. Unless its really good, and would be worth it on an upgraded console. I used to download all the Razor1911 releases, install them, beat the game and if it was good, I'd buy it, cause pirating is always kind of a pain in the ass. This was pre-gamergate, but already game reviews were often blatant paid for hackjobs, so its a $60 risk for a few hours of fun that was often incomplete, falsely advertised, too short and overal shitty.
Even worse, these dirty jews manufacture the junk they sell us with planned obsolesence, that is, it's designed to break so you need to spend more money on a "new" one which is the exact same shit. They want us to consent to relinquish our right to sue in class action suits by making the consent part of the licencing agreement you must click in order to access. They pushed too far. They want us all to live on those juice maker thing with the DRM and mail order packets, must be connected to wifi or you don't get juice, also it spies on you and mines bitcoin or runs a botnet. They want us to get self driving cars because we won't own them, the corporation will rent them to us and can killswitch at any time because they "own" the "rights" to the software that runs it.”

Emulators are not illegal. They arent, this has been decided by sony v bleem!.
Sony lost but did a fuck ton of legal fees to bleem until bleem went out of business.

And at this point, the debate honestly simply becomes, Do you actually own that copy? If you own it, how come you cant download it to your hard drive to play it on your legal emulator, thats the point of the legality of the emulator in the first place. So by saying downloading discs to the pc is illegal, then that indirectly shows that emulators are illegal and will go against legal precedent. Distributing your pc version of your own bought game is illegal and thats called piracy.
That is what is illegal. But saying downloading it to your pc is illegal simply because you copied it for your own personal use is illegal is a legal gray area and to an extent, if argued right, is near impossible to state as illegal.

But the main point of this thread is the drm shit.
in terms of corporation, that is heavily retarded to do in any regard simply because that will leave you open to so much shit, the collective shit hole that is people and they can instantly shut you down just from their collection alone. Lawyers wont hesitate to jump on this bandwagon and get a pretty penny from the corporations in terms of a lawsuit against them. Invasive advertisements are already highly annoying, encoding a whole entire webpage would literally slow down websites a fuck ton, and honestly will just end face down on the ground, and this is ultimately just more technobabble from money hungry fat cat jews and they themselves will probably be billed a hell of a lot from internet providers due to their big demand of internet bandwidth to run their sites.

Just thinking about this shit just brings so much baggage that implementing it is utterly pointless and just a hassle for everyone that isnt an e-celeb.”

on the other hand, intelligent people will use the internet media pipeline less and less and focus more on local issues that can be adequately discussed using paper and sound waves instead of complaining about an obvious jewish conspiracy in malaysia”

This kind of shit is what made me change my last name to Libre and dedicate my life to bettering the world.

What I will be working to create: A domain registrar; webhosting; social network; ecommerce platform; secure messaging system; and the creation of a complete Libre culture full of Libre artistic works. As for the culture and artistic works the plan is to start with the public domain and build from there. If funds allow, buy copyrighted works and ransom them for money to buy more copyrighted works.”

What you're saying is complete FUD. Support more P2P technologies being built into browsers or something if you have a problem with censorship. This DRM standard is actually end-to-end encryption and benefits all.”

Freenet, i2p, Tor just to name the better known ones. Life, uh, finds a way.

Also, fuck you and your "muh sikrit klub" attitude. Right up the ass.

Copyright is a good example of what a state produces, there is no scarcity of digital media, there is no benefit to society to enforce nonsense like this. The benefit is to the state, and maybe some of the states friends. It's an excuse to raise taxes, clamp down on freedoms and rights, suppress non mainstream sources, all things that create conflict. Where is the conflict in corporate HQ that some kid is causing by downloading a game older than him. Corporations don't have feelings, people don't even have feelings, they lie about it justify what they're doing.”

This a fairly terrible decision from the W3C. Having EME as an official standard will negatively impact privacy, security, performance, resource usage, as well as creativity and extensibility.

As far as I know, the new waterfox version (54 onwards) decided to ditch EME.”
I don't really understand what you mean. Internet is not RUN by USA government. They have a lot of leverage, yes, but even if they take their whole network down nothing will change much for the rest of the world.

In Estonia, purely due to government literally ignoring telecom and internet tech for so long, ISPs are gods. They also compete for customer's trust, and already sent our government to fuck itself on several occasions. The only problem is JEWEU with it JEWRECTIVES. If only ISPs still had their own full power at managing their own infrastructure…”

I'm sure that started out as a joke, but unironically this. If enough privately owned (notice I didn't say private in the other sense) networks get together in any given area, you can build yourselves your own little piece of the Internet, where you don't have to worry about ISPs, domains, or even protocols. Build it large enough, and you reach a point where you don't pay fees to anyone, and only deal with nerwork sharing agreements you make with the owners of other large networks. The hard part of all this is that most people have no idea how this shit works, hence why so many prefer to just pay a monthly fee to some ISP. But it is possible, this is how the Internet works.”

Problem is lobbying, ban all lobbying, either into private or public sector and you solved problems. Investors are cancer that's killing internet and world.

>picture related politicians received money from ISP companies to sell out customer

People who started screwing with Napster and introduced DRM:

>Chairman and CEO Cary Sherman

>Cary H. Sherman is an American lawyer and lobbyist.

Lobbyists and investors are the problem. Doesn't matters if politician or private business, when they get money from lobbyists/investors, they will betray customer for some fake perfect world, actually just maximizing the profit for already rich industry.

>Founder U.S. government

>IANA has been managed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) under contract with the United States Department of Commerce (DOC) and pursuant to an agreement with the IETF since 1998.

>ICANN and the Department of Commerce made an agreement for the "joint development of the "mechanisms methods, and procedures necessary to effect the transition of Internet domain name and addressing system (DNS) to the private sector" via a "Joint Project Agreement" in 1998.

>On January 28, 2003, the Department of Commerce, via the Acquisition and Grants Office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, issued a notice of intent to extend the IANA contract for three years. In August 2006, the U.S. Department of Commerce extended the IANA contract with ICANN by an additional five years, subject to annual renewals

>Since ICANN is managing a worldwide resource, while the IANA function is contracted to ICANN by the US Department of Commerce, various proposals have been brought forward to decouple the IANA function from ICANN.

IANA assigns IPs to everybody. They really can't decide after 1998 if they want to be government or private, but actually are US government run private company.
Additionally if you are ISP you go to government for IPs.

It's technical restriction, especially with IPV6, you go to government, they give you IPs you rent out to customers. IP shows your location, that's how this works. You think it would be better if you got to ISP or Google for IPs when you start up ISP company? I don't think so. That only furthers the globalist agenda of being above governments. We have this shit with banking sector already, we don't need this for internet too. Each government should be own IANA, that's how it should be or each town. Sure private cables are private, but everything can't be private, then you become exploited to the fullest. We pay tax to governments so they fix some shit, if you transfer all property to private industry you are paying tax for nothing, since your government won't have power to regulate neither internet, banking or your nature, it will all be eaten up by greedy mouth of foreigner lands who don't even need to visit your land, they hire contractors and they fuck you hard for money, your own people will fuck you hard for foreign masters. You can't punish foreigner billionaires by your own country's law code if they aren't even in your country.

Most discoveries were by accident. I think a spilled beaker on a pane of glass led to solar panels or LEDs; a German industrial dye byproduct was somehow discovered to cure malaria (quinine). The Dolphin emulator is amazing, I got the 2nd Occulus Rift prototype right before faceberg bought them, and a few days they had it working with game cube games on Dolphin. Not just Wind Waker but Resident Evil 4 runs perfect its like they were made to be 3d, ironically Metroid is a little buggy in first person. A lot of other discoveries were made not by salaried employees in a sterile corporate warehouse, but fans passionately fucking around. Also a lot of new talent was trained and recruited from forums where emulator developers hang out, it's how the industry is growing even though it's still pretty "niche"

If not for so many fans playing emulators, introducing younger siblings to franchises like Zelda and Mario, do you really think any of these 3DS games or Wii games would have been developed and released? Someone showed them how many kids downloaded a rom and convinced this jew that those downloads could have been shekels in his pocket (they would not)

These new shitty games sell at all because kids today got hooked on 20 year old games via emulation. Now my fucking phone can emulate Wind Waker very playably. The future is bright for tek if the greedy jew chills out and doesn't fuck it up.

IPV6 is dead here. Our network is tightly integrated and unregularized, you need to request AND pay to have IP tied to a location. Until recently, getting chinese or spain IP on reconnect was very common.

Our problem right now is that EU is forcing infrastructure OUT of ISP hands, and the only company allowed to control it is government one. And they only care about profit. They want to TAKE money from ISPs for using infrastructure ISPs built themselves, without a single supporting cent from government.

Government wants to control it, including for surveillance, but ISPs are the ones against it.

If you did not know, we already have a prototype of in-country network working on existing infrastructure. It was designed to work separately, since we have too much e-government bullshit to live without it if something happens. Does not work that well yet, though.

I didn't save it but a guy was on /v/ claiming to be on Kojima's team and he told of the fuckery the game got. Basically Konami wants to make mobile and Pachiko games, and tripleA titles by primadonna always behind schedule geniuses like Kojima aren't profitable. They even remade the cutscenes from Snake Eater just to fuck with us on a Pachinko machine.

The game would have been so much better but for executive meddling, making it runnable on xbox 360 so mother base has to be huge and far apart so it doesn't load all at once. You were gonna get Hueys spider tanks to take on missions, the end of the game was cut, David Hayter replaced...In the end the game was it's own title, a Phantom Pain, the feeling of a lost limb hurting like yearning for a game that they will never allow to be finished.

We need to fight back or at some point I'll be arrested and imprisoned just for having this image on my computer.

So if this shit goes through then there would be no point in the internet then. When more or less majority of the sites are shut down this one included, giveing most people not much to live for. I can legitimately see normies going ape shit over this thing when they get in trouble for the stupidity of a simple meme or having to pay just to watch anything even when they don't have much money to begin with. I mean seriously if you want people coming for your head regardless elite or not then this a good way of doing it.
Goodbye internet?

No, my friend. Goodbye HTML5. Goodbye "The Web Browser".

Silicon Valley is destroying itself just like the NFL, praise God and His Son.

You might not notice this but HTML5 had no effect against programmers who are writing rich client apps instead.

You might not notice this but the wide acceptance of Slack is an indication that the internet is about to get custom and insular. The AMD-powered desktop will reign. Our persuasive memes do not cost what it costs Netflix to be persuasive. The future is completely ours.
Im real worried...The only effective DRM is the cenavia DRM that is hardwired into bluray players and that can be worked around by using different format from what I understand.

>like they won't just start turning on that pallidium in motherboards newer.

date 2005 they talked about it back then but hid this but did bring it up. not what it does.

We really, really need to kill the jews, guys.’

>block ads because annoying shit and malware
>they implement DRM in HTML5
>now illegal to block ads because the entire page is served as an encrypted blob of fuck you

kek. It's gonna happen and we are fucked!
