How To Walk Like A Saint - - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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How To Walk Like A Saint

How To Walk Like A Saint

And walk not in the earth exultantly; certainly thou wilt never tear the earth open, nor attain the mountains in height.” - Koran

Those who are blessed with the ability to walk, they have two ways to do so. Either walk arrogantly, or walk like a humble servant of God . Practically, it does not require you to think humbly and then walk humbly on God's Green or Deserted Earth, depending on where you are. Consider the way your foot is designed by Nature. Without going into details, here is what i have discovered through practical experience.

To walk like a saint, tiptoe:

Tiptoeing rids you of all your arrogance, your ego, and makes you saintly. Seriously, try removing your heel(s) of one or both feet from the ground and walk. You will immediately feel the difference, and you will attain instant piety.

Walking meditation, also known as kinhin is the walking meditation that is practiced between long periods of the sitting meditation known as zazen. The practice is common in Zen, Chan Buddhism, Korean Seon and Vietnamese Thiền.

Are thou’dst a Heathen or a Holy person? ”Everybody is a delinquent,” and “There are none honorable,” are explanations that we constantly get notification from “Christians” and from the current podium. In light of this steady drumbeat, many are falling prey to this lie. All things considered, on the off chance that one rehashes something enough circumstances and sufficiently long, inevitably there will be many individuals who trust it, regardless of how solid or non-valid the story is. (A few lawmakers and the common media know this mystery great). Trusting that all are delinquents has brought about such a light disposition towards transgression in the advanced church, and a congregation world loaded with heathens. Sin is God ’s main adversary. We have progressed toward becoming desensitized to the one thing that God loathes the most - Sin. This desensitization of transgression has likewise influenced the heathens of the world. All things considered, if “all are delinquents,” at that point for what reason would it be a good idea for them to atone and be spared? What are they to be spared from – Fun? As indicated by the current church’s gospel, the main contrasts between a heathen in the congregation and a delinquent on the planet is that the miscreant in the congregation may not sin to such an extent, their transgression might be more shrouded, and they may feel remorseful after they sin. The heathen of the world takes a gander at this and says there is no genuine contrast. The main distinction they see is that the miscreant in chapel doesn’t have a ton of fun as they do. In spite of what many are hearing and accepting, all through the New Confirmation Sacred texts there is a refinement between a heathen and a holy person. At the point when Messiah Comes back to judge the world, we additionally observe two sorts of individuals. There are, and may be two sorts of individuals remaining before a blessed God on day of atonement. When He returns or when you pass on, in spite of a few lessons, it will be past the point where it is possible to get whatever else from the Ruler as relating to exemplary nature. Contemplate the accompanying Sacred texts: ”He that is unreasonable, given him a chance to be out of line still: and he which is grimy, given him a chance to be dingy still: and he that is equitable, given him a chance to be honorable still: and he that is blessed, given him a chance to be heavenly still.” (Disclosure 22:11) ”The Child of man might send forward his blessed messengers, and they should accumulate out of his kingdom everything that annoy, and them which do wrongdoing; and cast them into a heater of flame: there should moan and terrifying displays of violence. At that point should the noble sparkle forward as the sun in the kingdom of their Dad. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” (Matthew 13: 41-43) ”So might it be toward the apocalypse: the points should approach, and separate the underhanded from among the equitable, And might cast them into the heater of flame: there should howl and lashing out.” (Matthew 13: 49,50) ”Also, he should set the sheep on his correct hand, yet the goats on the left.” ”Furthermore, these should leave into everlasting discipline: however the noble into life endless.” (Matthew 25: 33,46) It subsequently benefits us, that when we leave this life we not wind up among the vile, squalid, evil heathens, yet rather among the simply, blessed, and exemplary holy people. For Disclosure 21:8 likewise reveals to us where all heathens will wind up: ”In any case, the frightful, and the unbelieving, and the detestable, and the killers, and the whoremongers, and the magicians, and the barbarians, and all liars, should have their part in the lake which burneth with flame and brimstone: which is the second passing.” The Messenger Paul’s Appeal Toward the finish of the Messenger Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthian church, he admonished them to – “Look at yourselves, regardless of whether ye be in the confidence; demonstrate your own particular selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that God is in you, aside from ye be heretics?” Again we see two sorts of individuals – Possibly they are “in the confidence” and God is “in” them, or they are delinquents. There were some in the Corinthian church who were criminals. They were enabling infidelity to proceed in their congregation. One of their individuals was submitting infidelity with his dad’s significant other, a wrongdoing, as Paul stated, that is “less named among the Gentiles.” (1 Corint. 5:2) Rather than atoning, and grieving, and appropriately managing this wrongdoing, they were “puffed up.” Paul goes ahead to caution them (1Corint. 6:9), “Know ye not that the wicked might not acquire the kingdom of God ? Be not misdirected… “ In testing ourselves to see whether we be in the confidence or not, one must not look to ourselves or to others as the gauge. Paul told these same Corinthians in II Corinthians 10:12, “For we set out not make ourselves of the number, or contrast ourselves and some that compliment themselves: however they measuring themselves without anyone else’s input, and looking at themselves among themselves, are not insightful.” In the event that one tries to contrast himself and his kindred church-part, or neighbor, he may feel that he is doing okay. The gauge that we are to use in deciding if we “be in the confidence” is the Expression of God . The expert of the Sacred writings is the thing that we are to look to and depend upon. We are not to hope to man’s lessons, to Denominational Questionings, or even to the Reformers or Transformed Religious philosophy. It is such things that are blinding the brains and eyes from accepting reality of the gospel. We require not hope to man or church principle as an “end all,” however rather investigate the Sacred texts and try to perceive what the early Missionaries saw. We are additionally not to look to our own involvement. Many today falter at the radiant good news of God since they put their experience over the Expression of God . These are they who trust that flexibility from transgression can’t be kept up in this life since they trust that they are spared and still sin, no less than, once in a while. What is a Delinquent? A delinquent is the thing that each man, aside from God , moved toward becoming because of Adam’s transgression. What is a Holy person? A holy person is essentially an offspring of God . There is no exceptional lower class of God's youngsters called “lewd Christians,” or no uncommon high society of God's kids called “super holy people,” in the Sacred writings. The majority of God's kids are conceived again of the Soul of God through apologizing of their wrongdoing and trusting the good news of God . In a considerable lot of the epistle’s welcome, Christians are just alluded to as the “holy people of God .” What are the Attributes of a Delinquent and a Holy person? 1.) The main truth that we should set up is that the delinquent is a piece of the old creation, and the holy person is a piece of the new making of God . Each man, aside from God , was conceived a delinquent with a wrongdoing nature because of Adam’s transgression, and was a piece of the old creation. At the point when Adam trespassed against God , he kicked the bucket profoundly, and passing reigned in the core of each man from that point. (Romans 5:14,17) Man, as a major aspect of the old creation, is presently called the “old man.” The “old man,” as per Ephesians 4:22, is “degenerate as indicated by its beguiling desires.” “degenerate” in the Greek signifies, “ethically rotting, on its approach to definite demolish.” Each holy person is conceived of the soul of God and is another creation in Christ, and is the thing that the Sacred writings call the “new man.” God was the main conceived of the new making of God . He is alluded to as the principal sired from the dead (Disclosure 1:5), and the firstborn among numerous brethren. (Romans 8:29) This firstborn and generated originates from a similar Greek word and it just signifies “first-conceived.” When we are sired of God , we are conceived of God , and conceived of His same Soul. At the point when the Sacred writing discusses the offspring of God being “generated,” it is a similar Greek word for “conceived” as in, “Ye must be conceived again to see the kingdom of God ,” in John 3:3. II Corinthians 5:17 discloses to us that “if any man be in Christ, he is another animal [creation]: old things are passed away; observe, all things turn out to be new.” Ephesians 4:24 reveals to us that the “new man” is “made in exemplary nature and genuine blessedness.” 2.) The heathen strolls in haziness and the holy person strolls in the Light. John lets us know in 1John 1:6, “On the off chance that we say that we have association with him and stroll in murkiness, we lie, and don’t reality.” What a man says and what a man really “strolls” in, could be two distinct things. God said that on day of atonement “many” might state to him, “Ruler, Master… have we not… in thy name done numerous awesome works?” He will state to them, “Withdraw from me, ye that work wrongdoing [sin].” (Matthew 7:22,23) Paul depicts the character of them who stroll in murkiness, in Ephesians 2:2-3: ”Wherein, in time past ye strolled by the course of this world, as per the ruler of the energy of the air, the soul that now worketh in the offspring of defiance: Among whom likewise we as a whole had our protection in times past in the desires of our substance, and of the brain; and were by nature the offspring of rage, even as others.” Paul builds up the way that the individuals who were currently spared had once (in time past) strolled by the course of this world, under the energy of Satan, and were controlled by a similar soul that works in the individuals who are as yet the “offspring of insubordination.” “In times past,” they additionally strolled in the desire of their fragile living creature and of the brain, and were “by nature the offspring of fury.” That “nature” is the “degenerate” evil nature that Paul portrays in Ephesians 4. Diminish, in 1Peter 4:3, additionally discusses “time past… when we strolled in obscenity, desires, overabundance of wine, revellings, banquetings, and detestable excessive admirations.” In 2 Dwindle 2:9,10, he discusses the uncalled for being rebuffed “upon the arrival of judgment,” and alludes to them as “them that stroll after the tissue in the desire of uncleanness.” 2 Subside 2:10, discusses those “strolling after their own particular desires.” Likewise, Jude 18 specifies the individuals who “stroll after their own particular indecent desires.” Then again, a holy person is one who strolls in the Light. John discusses the message that was gotten notification from the earliest starting point. He says in 1John 1:5, “This at that point is the message which we have known about Him, and pronounce unto you, that God is light and in Him is no dimness by any means.” He goes ahead to state in verse 7, “Yet in the event that we stroll in the light, as He is in the light, we have cooperation one with another and the blood of God his Child cleanseth us from all wrongdoing.” God said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me should not stroll in dimness, but rather might have the light of life.” Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God , who ordered the light to sparkle out of dimness, hath sparkled in our souls, to give the light of the learning of the wonderfulness of God even with God .” The light of the gospel sparkles into the core of the heathen who apologizes and trusts the gospel. He is then set in Messiah And strolls in that Light, where there is no obscurity by any stretch of the imagination, and where he is purged from all wickedness and from all transgression. Paul says in Romans 6:4, “Subsequently we are covered with Him by sanctification into death: that like as Messiah Was raised up from the dead by the magnificence of the Father, even so we additionally should walk in novelty of life.” John additionally says in 1John 2:6, “He that saith he abideth in Him should himself likewise so to walk, even as He strolled.” 3.) The miscreant is dead in wrongdoing, and the holy person is dead to sin. The miscreant, as a feature of the old creation, the old man, and part of the individuals who are strolling in haziness, is consequently dead in transgression. Demise has passed unto all men for all have trespassed (Romans 5:12), demise ruled over all men (Romans 5:14,17), and sin now has domain over all who are as yet a piece of the old creation. (Romans 6:14) The holy person who was “dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1),” and “dead in your transgressions,” as Paul says in Colossians 2:13, has been animated together with Christ. (Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13) He is not any more dead in transgression, however is currently dead to sin through the sanctification into the demise and restoration of Messiah By “the putting off of the body of the wrongdoings of the substance, by the circumcision of Christ.” (Colossians 2:11) 1Peter 2:24 says, “Who His own self exposed our wrongdoings in his own particular body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto exemplary nature: by whose stripes we are recuperated.” In Romans 6:11, Paul urges those adherents to, “Moreover figure ye likewise yourselves to be dead without a doubt to sin, however alive unto God through God our Master.” In Romans 6:2, Paul, in reacting to the individuals who trusted that they could proceed in wrongdoing that effortlessness may flourish, reacted, “God preclude. In what capacity might we that are dead to sin, experience any more extended in that?” He proceeds in Romans 6:6 – “Knowing this, that our father is executed with Him, that the group of wrongdoing may be decimated, that from this time forward we ought not serve sin.” The holy person is dead to sin and alive unto exemplary nature and God , since his “father” and “group of wrongdoing” and “body of the transgressions of the substance” was nailed to the cross and killed “with” Christ. Similarly as God bore our transgression on the cross (1Peter 2:24), and kicked the bucket to sin and now lives unto God (Romans 6:10), in like manner the holy person of God figures himself “dead to be sure unto sin” however alive unto God through God (Romans 6:11). 4.) The heathen is indecent, and the holy person is upright. Each heathen was conceived with a degenerate nature and is indecent. There is nothing that the heathen can do to please God , since his exceptionally nature is in hatred with God , and is in opposition to everything that God is. One doesn’t battle to instruct their kids how to do terrible. A kid definitely knows how to have temper-fits, and how to deceive get his direction. A parent endeavors with and disciplines their kids to show them to do great, until the point that they can achieve the purpose of contrition in Christ. Any individual who has perused the work of art, “The Ruler of the Flies,” realizes that this book epitomizes man’s degenerate nature. In this novel, a vast gathering of youngsters were wrecked on this betray island without any guardians who survived. With no parental supervision, the youngsters gradually strayed into acting like wild creatures. They loved a pig’s head on a stick as “Ruler,” and wound up noticeably ruthless killers, until the point that a grown-up at last appeared to safeguard the one kid, who did not absolutely capitulate to their franticness, from their deadly interest. This exemplary book has more truth in it than many individuals would acknowledge. Man, aside from human progress, can turn out to be most noticeably awful than a creature. Indeed, when sin went into the world in view of Adam’s transgression, not exclusively did each man procure a fallen, corrupted, evil nature, yet additionally all of creation fell. Was Adam’s first child a killer, as well as everything in all of creation and in nature changed. This is one noteworthy motivation behind why development is unimaginable. Each transformation in nature is awful, not great. Each change is surrendered somehow. After some time, nature tends to winding downwards into scatter, not advance upwards. At the point when was the last time you needed to battle to keep the great grass out of your yard? Indeed, even in acculturated America, we are the killing, brutality, taking, and medication capital of the world. Additionally, every delinquent, regardless of how great he may endeavor to accord to the socialized world’s principles, is as yet degenerate in God's eyes. Isaiah 64:6, discloses to us that “every one of our righteousnesses is as messy clothes” before God . Heathens are referred to in the Sacred texts as offspring of defiance, offspring of fury, foes of God , unholy, profane, out of line, dirty, mischievous, and indecent. Romans 3: 10-18 likewise informs us regarding the delinquent: ”As it is composed, There is none honest, no not one. There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God . There are altogether made a special effort, they are through and through turned out to be unfruitful; there is none that doeth great, no not one. Their throat is an open mausoleum; with their tongues they have utilized misdirection; the toxic substance of asps is under their lips. Whose mouth is brimming with reviling and sharpness. Their feet are quick to shed blood. Devastation and wretchedness are in their ways. What’s more, the method for peace have they not known. There is no dread of God before their eyes.” Numerous in the advanced church begin and quit citing with the main line of this portrayal of the delinquent. “There is none noble,” is one of the fundamental articulations, furthermore, “We are altogether miscreants,” that we always get notification from the cutting edge church at whatever point any sort of a blessed standard is specified. Be that as it may, in these unnerving verses of Sacred writing, Paul is portraying the heathen as it were. He proceeds in verse 19: ”Presently we realize that at all the law saith, it saith to them that are under the law: that each mouth might be halted, and all the world may wind up noticeably liable before God .” The law was given to bring the learning of wrongdoing (vs.20), and to convict man of his transgression and articulate misery so he could come to Christ. The above portrayal is depicting the individuals who are still “under the law,” and still “liable before God .” Be that as it may, Paul proceeds in verse 21: ”Be that as it may, now the honesty without the law is shown, being seen by the law and the prophets; Indeed, even the uprightness of God which is by confidence of God unto all and upon all them that accept.” For the individuals who atone of their wrongdoing and trust the gospel, the confidence of God is conferred “upon” them and they are “made the nobility of God in Him.” (2cor. 5:21) Romans part five manages the correlation between the fall of man and how demise ruled upon all through transgression, and the proliferating unconditional present of the beauty of God that is substantially more capable than wrongdoing and rules unto life and honesty through God . Romans 5:19 capsulates the section in one verse: ”For as by exclusive’s noncompliance [Adam’s sin] many were made heathens, so by the dutifulness of one [Jesus’ demise upon the cross] should many be made honorable.” The heathen is made exemplary when he is conceived of the Soul of God . He doesn’t in the long run… possibly… finished a time of quite a while… achieve a state of blessedness through the procedure of purification, the same number of show today… in the event that they say blessing by any stretch of the imagination. The “new man… after God is made in honesty and genuine sacredness.” (Ephesians 4:24) See Creation versus Advancement. Once the heathen is made exemplary, he at that point does nobility. The Missionary John additionally says in 1John 3:7, “Little youngsters, let no man bamboozle you: he that doeth exemplary nature is upright, even as He is noble.” John cautions, similarly as Paul cautioned, not to permit the backstabbers who say that you can’t be spared from transgression in this life, beguile you. A holy person has the very idea of God , which is honest. He that does uprightness is honest, even as He is honorable! Many today see salvation as only a pardoning of wrongdoing, and an extreme sparing from the flames of damnation. Nonetheless, the core of the gospel is opportunity from transgression. The individuals who are not spared from transgression and influenced exemplary now, to will never be spared from the flames of hellfire. The wicked won’t acquire the kingdom of God . (1 Corinthians 6:9) Jesus’ passing on the cross was for considerably more than just pardoning. As examined before, our wrongdoing nature passed on “with” Messiah On the cross. His sanctification unto passing was our “old man’s” absolution unto demise. His restoration unto life was our “new man’s” revival unto novelty of life. His “celestial nature,” is the thing that we are currently “sharing” of. Consider these different Sacred writings that arrangement with the reason for Calvary: ”Who gave himself for us, that he may reclaim us from all evildoing, and purge unto himself an exceptional people [God ’s own particular extraordinary possession], enthusiastic of acts of kindness.” (Titus 2:14) ”… even as Messiah Additionally cherished the congregation, and gave himself for it; that he may purify and rinse it with the washing of water by the word, that He may introduce it to himself a brilliant church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; yet that it ought to be blessed and without flaw.” (Ephesians 5:25-27) ”Who gave himself for our transgressions, that He may convey us from this present underhandedness world, as per the will of God and our Dad.” (Galatians 1:4) ”What’s more, you, that were at some point distanced and adversaries in your brain by underhanded works, yet now hath He accommodated in the body of His substance through death, to exhibit you sacred and unblameable and unreprovable in His sight.” (Colossians 1:21,22) ”Wherefore God additionally, that he may purify the general population with His own particular blood, endured without the entryway.” (Jews 13:12) ”For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was feeble through the substance, God sending His own particular Child in the similarity of evil fragile living creature and for wrongdoing, censured sin in the tissue; That the honesty of the law may be satisfied in us, who walk not after the substance, but rather after the Soul.” (Romans 8:3,4) 5.) The delinquent is a degenerate tree that produces abhorrent natural product, and the holy person is a decent tree that produces great organic product. ”Indeed, even so every great tree bringeth forward great natural product; however a degenerate tree bringeth forward insidiousness organic product. A decent tree can’t deliver insidious natural product, neither can a degenerate tree deliver great organic product.” (Matthew 7:17,18) There were two trees in the Garden of Eden – the “tree of life,” and the “tree of the learning of good and underhandedness.” When Adam transgressed and ate of the “tree of the information of good and shrewdness,” he kicked the bucket profoundly, and he and all of humanity obtained a wicked nature. That “degenerate tree,” or “tree the learning of good and malevolence,” may do “great,” however even its “great” is detestable in God's sight, since it is originating from a degenerate corrupt nature. That “degenerate tree” can’t create great organic product, however just abhorrent. This organic product is the thing that Paul talked about in Romans 7:5, “For when we were in the substance, the movements of sins, which were by the law, worked in our individuals to deliver natural product unto passing.” In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21, and Ephesians 5:3-6, Paul lets us know of the “works of the tissue,” which the “profane” submit. In 1 Corinthians 6:9 he says, “be not cheated,” and in Ephesians 5:6, he cautions, “Let no man betray you with vain words.” He says that they, which do such things, should not acquire the kingdom of God . The natural product that the corrupt confer incorporates: Infidelity, sex [which incorporates a wide range of sexual sins, incorporating yearning in the heart and masturbation], burglary, avarice, inebriation, vulgarity, excessive admiration, witchcraft, disdain, fluctuation, copies, fierceness, seditions, sins, envyings, murders, intoxication, revellings, and uncleanness. These are the “natural product unto demise,” that Paul discusses in Romans 7:5. The great tree, then again, delivers great natural product as it were. For the individuals who apologize and trust the gospel, the “degenerate tree” was chopped down at Calvary, and a decent tree starts to develop. Isaiah predictions of the “great tree” in Isaiah 61:3, where he calls them “trees of honesty, the planting of the Master, that He may be celebrated.” Paul, in Romans 6:5 says, “For on the off chance that we have been planted in the resemblance of his passing, we might be additionally in the similarity of his revival.” Paul, in Romans 7:4-6, analyzes the holy people introduce walk and organic product, to their previous lives. ”Wherefore, my brethren, ye likewise are turned out to be dead to the law by the assortment of Christ; that ye ought to be hitched to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead, that we should deliver organic product unto God . For when we were in the substance, the movements of sins, which were by the law, worked in our individuals to deliver organic product unto passing. In any case, now we are conveyed from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in novelty of soul, and not in the oldness of the letter.” The great organic product is known as the product of the soul. Directly in the wake of posting the “works of the tissue,” in the exact next verse in Galatians 5:22, Paul says, “Yet the product of the Soul is love, euphoria, peace, forbearing, tenderness, goodness, confidence, mildness, balance: against such things there is no law. What’s more, they that are Christ’s have executed the substance with the affections and desires.” Additionally, in the wake of posting the degenerate organic product in Ephesians 5:7, he proceeds, “Be not ye consequently partakers with them. For ye were once in a while haziness, however now are ye light in the Ruler: stroll as offspring of light: (For the product of the Soul is in all decency and honorableness and truth.” In the holy person, that old degenerate tree has been chopped down however the torturous killing “with” Christ, and another great tree has been planted, and he is currently creating great natural product. As Paul says in Romans 6:22, “However now being made free from transgression, and progress toward becoming hirelings to God , ye have your organic product unto blessedness, and the end everlasting life.” 6.) The heathen can’t stop sin, and the holy person can’t confer sin. Similarly as God showed that a degenerate tree could just create insidious organic product, Dwindle, in 2 Peter 2:14, depicts the individuals who, “Having eyes brimming with infidelity, and that can’t quit sin.” Additionally, similarly as God showed that a decent tree can’t create malicious organic product, John, in 1John 3:9, proclaims, “Whosoever is conceived of God doth not submit sin; for His seed remaineth in Him: and he can’t sin, since he is conceived of God .” Truth be told John utilizes much more grounded dialect in the past verses: ”Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth likewise the law: for wrongdoing is the transgression of the law. What’s more, ye realize that he was showed to take away our transgressions; and in Him is no wrongdoing. Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him. Little kids, let no man swindle you: he that doeth nobility is exemplary, even as He is equitable. He that committeth sin is of the villain; for the demon sinneth from the earliest starting point. For this reason for existing was the Child of God showed, that He may annihilate crafted by the fiend.” (1John 3:4-8) The heathen can’t quit sin and can just deliver underhanded organic product since that is the thing that he is – a delinquent with a degenerate wicked nature, and a degenerate tree. A steady existence of slipping and falling and apologizing isn’t the Christian experience. In any case, a typical idea in the advanced church is that with the assistance of the Soul, one gets triumph over specific “sins” over a drawn out stretch of time. What is the distinction amongst this and some other religion and reasoning of the world? Man, through numerous religions everywhere throughout the world, can “prepare” himself not to do certain things. The priests can isolate themselves from the world, and through methods of insight and different religious practices, prepare their bodies not to show outward demonstrations of wrongdoing. In any case, inside, he is as yet degenerate, and still “brimming with dead men’s bones,” as God told the Pharisees. Christianity does not bring about a man that is stifled from conferring certain outward “sins.” Christianity manages a difference in heart that is then reflected in the life. It manages the passing to the inward miscreant man, and being made alive through the awesome idea of God . No other religion can do this, or even claim. The New Confirmation meaning of beauty is - The heavenly impact upon the heart and its appearance in the life. A holy person can’t submit sin since he is another creation in Messiah With a sacred and equitable awesome nature, and a decent tree. So as to perceive what Jesus, Jude and John educated, we need to comprehend, as appeared in point 5, that the “works of the tissue,” is the thing that the degenerate tree confers and the great tree can’t submit, and that the “product of the soul” is the thing that the great tree has and the degenerate tree can’t have. These are two distinct trees with two unique natures controlling them, which deliver two various types of organic product. A holy person does not have two natures. As talked about before, his wrongdoing nature was devastated at the Cross, and he is currently sharing of the heavenly nature. It is normal for a holy person to do great and to do “exemplary nature,” since that is the thing that he is. As John stated, “He that doeth uprightness is honorable, even as He is equitable.” (1John 3:7) If the honest One lives in us, it is normal for one to be honest. It is unnatural and against nature for a holy person to submit the transgressions of the tissue. He that submits sin is of the demon. (1John 3:8) A holy person may have an absence of the totality of the product of the soul, however he can’t deliver both great and abhorrence organic product, as God educated. A holy person is urged to “develop in elegance and in the information of our Master and Guardian angel God (2Peter 3:18);” to not to be adjusted to this world, but rather be changed by the restoring of their psyches (Romans 12:2); effortlessness and truth is duplicated unto them through the learning of Him (2 Peter 1:2); and peace and love is increased unto them (Jude 1:2). A holy person develops in elegance and in the product of the soul, however it is unthinkable for one to develop from evil into exemplary nature over some stretch of time, the same number of show today through dynamic purification. The motivation behind why I accept many today bumble at the eminent gospel guarantees, is on account of they are not hearing reality of the gospel, and are in actuality hearing the exact inverse – that we are for the most part miscreants and that we sin ordinary. Sin originates from a nature and it is in opposition to everything that God is. Do you figure God would leave a wonder such as this in His youngsters? A thousand times NO! This misconception of wrongdoing and its outcomes has brought about a twisted comprehension of what sin is. It has additionally brought about an “offering up” to sin, on the grounds that if “all are heathens” at that point why battle it? Individuals have revealed to me that getting a speeding ticket is a wrongdoing. They trust that not seeing for Messiah Is similarly as awful as conferring infidelity, on the grounds that, as is commonly said, “A wrongdoing is a transgression.” This has additionally brought about such lack of regard in what God loathes the most. If not seeing is a transgression and is tantamount to submitting infidelity or murder or tipsiness, and “all are miscreants,” at that point anyone should simply request absolution and everything is OK, regardless of how detestable the wrongdoing is. They can ceaselessly request absolution for similar sins again and again, and still feel that all is well, in light of the fact that, all things considered, “all are miscreants – God comprehends – we are just human – nobody is immaculate – nobody is honest.” In 1John 5:16, John discusses a “wrongdoing not unto passing,” and a “transgression unto demise.” The “wrongdoing unto demise” is the wrongdoing that the holy person can’t confer. These are the transgressions of the substance or the “works of the tissue” recorded previously. This is the malevolent organic product that God and John said that the holy person of God can’t submit. John said that on the off chance that one confers sin he is of the fiend. These wrongdoings originate from a malicious heart. God showed that wrongdoing leaves the heart. In Matthew 15:19, He says, “For out of the heart continue detestable musings, murders, infidelities, sexual episodes, burglaries, false witness, obscenities.” A typical misguided judgment among the “erring Christian” promoters is that the body of the Christian is underhanded and can and sins, yet the soul is sacred. Be that as it may, the body is known as the substance in a few Sacred texts, the outward man, and the sanctuary. The body can just do what the inward man instructs it to do. God showed that wrongdoing leaves the heart, not the body. Out of a malicious heart continues sin. Some transgression, for example, desire, disdain, and rapaciousness might not have an outward indication, but rather regardless they spill out of an abhorrent heart. Additionally, in Matthew 12:35, He says, “A great man [good tree] out of the great fortune of his heart bringeth forward great things [fruit]: and an insidious man [corrupt tree] out of the malicious fortune in his heart bringeth forward shrewdness things [fruit].” We know He was alluding to the great and degenerate trees, since two verses previously, in a similar talk, He says, “Either make the tree great, and his organic product great; or else influence the tree to degenerate, and his natural product degenerate: for the tree is known by his natural product.” In these verses, He again repeats the way that there can be no half breed or blend of organic product on the two sorts of trees. You can’t have both great and awful natural product being delivered or showed on a similar tree. A decent tree can’t create insidious natural product, and neither can a degenerate tree deliver great organic product. (Matthew 7:18) A great man, out of his great heart, delivers great organic product unto blessedness. A malevolent man, out of his insidious heart (not body or tissue), produces malicious organic product unto demise. How much clearer can Jesus, Diminish, Paul, and John be? The holy person of God may have an absence of the product of the soul, and he may need in numerous regions. God does prune and berate his youngsters with the goal that they can endure more organic product. He may miss the ideal will of God in his life, as even the Messenger Paul did on occasion. Truth be told, there isn’t a holy person alive, who has not needed to atone over specific things, and who has not missed the ideal will of God in numerous territories. However, these things (sins, on the off chance that you should, yet not a wrongdoing unto demise) don’t continue out of a sullied or unholy heart. The holy person needs to always dwell in Christ, set his affections on things above, and ask regularly with “all way of petitions and supplications,” and develop in elegance and in the learning of his Ruler and Friend in need, God , and endeavor to end up noticeably more Christ-like in their walk. Nonetheless, a holy person can’t deliver insidious organic product as long as he stays in Christ. John said that on the off chance that one dwells in Messiah He sinneth not. Actually, as long as the holy person of God resides in Christ, he can’t yearn for another, as God showed that in the event that one looks upon another with desire they have effectively dedicated infidelity in the heart. (Matthew 5:28) He likewise can’t abhor another, as John showed that on the off chance that one detests he is a “killer,” and “abideth in death,” and that “no killer hath interminable life dwelling in him.” (1John 3:14,15) Additionally, John, in 1John 3:14, states, “We realize that we have gone from death unto life, since we adore the brethren. He that loveth not his sibling abideth in death.” Do you recall the tale of the Samaritan town that rejected Jesus, and James and John needed to summon fire to descend and devastate the town? (Luke 9:52-56) God reproached them and stated, “Ye know not what way of soul ye are of.” When John got spared after Calvary, he never again needed to crush others. He had “go from death unto life,” and could never again have disdain in his heart. He was never again “dwelling in death,” yet he had “go from death unto life, in light of the fact that [he loved] the brethren.” This was a piece of the proof that John used to “demonstrate” to himself that he was “in the confidence.” The Sacred texts do instruct, notwithstanding, that one can “go wrong,” and be forever lost, unless they atone. The Calvinistic teaching of the “Persistence of the holy people,” or better referred to today as “once spared, constantly spared,” is a false convention that is making many be everlastingly lost, as a result of the false security that it produces. James 1:14-15 discusses how the holy person of God can sin and go wrong: ”Yet, every man is enticed, when he is drawn away of his own desire, and allured. At that point when desire is considered, it bringeth forward wrongdoing: and sin, when it is done, bringeth forward death.” Sin brought demise and all of creation fell into clutter through Adam’s one transgression. By what method can “Christians” mess with wrongdoing so and gladly say that all are heathens? Sin additionally conveys demise to the holy person of God . The very “organic product” that a delinquent submits is called “natural product unto demise,” as talked about prior in point 5. The holy person can likewise be in threat of losing his salvation through unfruitfulness (Matthew 5:13, 13:22), and through solidifying their heart through the trickery of wrongdoing and turning from the living God in unbelief. (Jews 3:8, 4:12,13) The New Confirmation Sacred writings are brimming with conditions, notices, and cases of how a holy person of God can transgress. A full report won’t be done here, notwithstanding we will re-present a Sacred writing cited in point 4 about the motivation behind Calvary, took after this time by its stipulation and contingent sentence. ”What’s more, you, that were at some point estranged and adversaries in your psyche by evil works, yet now hath he accommodated in the body of his substance through death, to exhibit you blessed and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight: On the off chance that ye proceed in the confidence grounded and settled, and be not moved far from the expectation of the gospel… “ (Colossians 1:21-23) 7.) The heathen is a slave to sin, and the holy person is a slave to exemplary nature. ”At that point said God to those Jews which accepted on Him, If ye proceed in my assertion, at that point are ye my supporters in reality and; And ye might know reality and reality should influence you to free. They addressed him, We be Abraham’s seed and were never in servitude to any man: how sayest thou, Ye should be made free? God addressed them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the hireling of transgression. What’s more, the worker abideth not in the house everlastingly, but rather the Child abideth ever. In the event that the Child along these lines should influence you to free, ye might be free undoubtedly.” (John 8:31-36) ”Knowing this, that our dad is killed with Him, that the assemblage of wrongdoing may be decimated, that from now on we ought not serve sin.” (Romans 6:6) ”What at that point? Should we sin, since we are not under the law, but rather under elegance? God deny. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves workers to comply, his hirelings ye are to whom ye comply; regardless of whether of transgression unto demise, or of dutifulness unto honesty? However, God be expressed gratitude toward, that ye were the hirelings of wrongdoing, yet ye have obeyed from the heart that type of precept which was conveyed you. Being then made free from transgression, ye turned into the hirelings of uprightness. I talk after the way of men in light of the illness of your tissue: For as ye have yielded your individuals hirelings to uncleanness and to wrongdoing unto evildoing; even so now yield your individuals workers to honesty unto heavenliness. For when ye were the workers of wrongdoing, ye were free from honesty. What organic product had ye then in those things which ye are presently embarrassed? For the finish of those things is passing. Yet, now being made free from transgression, and progress toward becoming hirelings to God , ye have your natural product unto blessedness and the end everlasting life.” (Romans 6:15-22) These Sacred texts make it bounteously clear for every one of the individuals who have eyes to see and ears to hear, that the individual who submits sin is a slave to sin, and is a worker to sin and wickedness. They additionally make it bounteously obvious that the holy person’s wicked nature was decimated at Calvary, and that he never again submits sin, so accordingly he is not any more a worker to sin, and that he is currently free from wrongdoing and serving God , and has turned into a hireling of honesty unto blessedness. The witness makes the inquiry, “What organic product had ye in those things which ye are presently embarrassed?” The advanced church isn’t embarrassed. Many gladly say that they are miscreants and that there are none honorable. Some utilization the expression “Delinquent” as a symbol of respect. They think they are being unassuming by broadcasting such. Rather, what they are really doing is disrespecting God and crafted by the Cross of God by not accepting what was expert in the Cross for them. They distinguish themselves as miscreants, than to just trust the huge number of Sacred texts that broadcast generally. God talked about knowing reality that makes free from transgression. In what capacity would one be able to who is made free from wrongdoing and who is “influenced equitable,” to even now be a miscreant? By what method would someone be able to who confers sin, still be a holy person? They can’t, on the grounds that as indicated by Jesus, “Whosoever committeth sin is the worker of wrongdoing,” and as indicated by John, “He that committeth sin is of the demon,” and as per Paul, “Being at that point made free from transgression, ye turned into the hirelings of exemplary nature.” Most Christians, when they think about their relationship with God , think about their conduct and works. Perhaps later, they think about their identity in Christ. But many of us never see the relationship between the two. And the Truth is, unless we do, we are going to have trouble walking in the freedom God gives us through God . According to the Bible, there are two classifications of people in this world, or we could say, two identities: Sinner or saint. The sinner is the unbeliever. He is born in Adam. He has no salvation. But the saint has put his faith in Christ. He is born again in Jesus. He has received eternal life, by grace through faith. There are NO other spiritual groups. I am either SAINT or I am a SINNER. I either believe or I don’t. I am either a NEW creation in Christ, or I am still an old creation in Adam. There is simply no middle ground here. And we need to understand this or we are never going to grasp the finality of what God has done for us in God . Christians have a way of establishing WHO they are before God . And it is a totally unbiblical way. One hundred percent contrary to the Truth. How does this usually work? What we usually do is this: We sin or fail in some way. Then we take that failure and hold it up as “proof” that we are NOT a real Christian. We say to ourselves, “Surely, a real Christian would not have such troubles. There must be something wrong with me.” Then we add to that the assumption that God feels the same way. After all, if we are upset with our sin, just think about how mad God must be with us! And thus, the cycle of fear, condemnation, and torment goes on. For some of us, it can last for years. There is, of course, another group. This group doesn’t pay much attention to their sins and failures. What they do is take their success, “obedience,” and “law-keeping,” and hold it up as “proof” that they are the genuine article. They say to themselves, “Surely, my works prove that I am a real Christian. I am living exactly the way a Christian is supposed to live. Everything must be alright with me.” And just as is the case with those who do the opposite, this group somehow convinces themselves that however THEY feel about themselves must be the way God feels. Now, none of us actually say these words to ourselves so clearly. No. But this kind of routine goes on inside of us regardless. We go through the day, doing “our best” to obey God . And when the day is done, we gather up our performance and from THAT decide our identity. If we have obeyed God and done good works, we are a “saint.” If we have failed God , well, then we are a “sinner.” In effect, many of us use OUR WORKS to determine our identity before God . The shocking fact is, our works do not determine our identity. Indeed, our works have nothing to do in determining our identity at all. Rather -- HIS work determines our identity. The finished work of God determines who we are before God . Our identity in God is never determined by anything we DO. It is determined -- once for all -- by whether we BELIEVE. When we place our faith in God , we are a new creation. We have a NEW identity. And this is never done by works. It is done by God's grace, through our faith. Identity and Works Many of us get “the cart before the horse.” We think the way we act determines who we are. This is not so. Rather, who we are determines how we act. It works this way both in the natural realm, and in the spiritual realm. And it only makes sense. You cannot change what you are by works. It does not matter how hard you try. You are what you are. The most well-behaved person on this planet, without Christ, is simply a well-behaved sinner. “Good” flesh. And the most wicked criminal on this planet is simply an ill-behaved sinner. This time ”bad” flesh. Without Messiah We are sinners. ALL of flesh. The only question is what version of the flesh, and what manifestation of a sinner, we are going to be. We have to understand this. Sometimes when we look at certain unbelievers, and see how “nice” they can be, or see the “good things” they do, we can be deceived into thinking that they must be Christian. We think that any good behavior must be of God , and that such works must be a product of a relationship with Him. But this is not so. It is quite possible, with the right upbringing, and the right temperament, and the right lot in life, that a person can be the nicest, most hospitable, giving, caring, and loving human being, yet not have an ounce of the life of God -- let alone the love of God in them. Do you doubt that? Read what Paul wrote to the Corinthians: And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profits me nothing. (I Cor. 13:3) If you read this, you will see that Paul is here making room for the possibility that someone could do all those wonderful things -- even to the point of giving their life -- and NOT do it because of the agape love of God . Rather, they are doing it strictly from the standpoint of human love. Now, don’t misunderstand. No one should put down such deeds. There is nothing wrong, and everything right, about doing good deeds. But Paul says that even if I do all of that, if I do not do it out of the love of God , it will profit ME nothing. Note that: It will profit ME nothing. He isn’t saying that it will not profit the recipients of my giving. No, it will. They ARE receiving. And that is good. But ME? Operating out of human love isn’t going to profit me a thing. Why? Well, it goes back to my identity. If I am still a sinner, who has never seen that God loves ME, and consequently, am not loving others with that same love of God , what good will it -- in the eternal sense -- profit me to merely love others with a great deal of human love? In that case, I will be nothing more than a SINNER who has done lots of good things for people -- yet one who has refused personal salvation through God . Some of us just don’t understand that SINNERS are quite capable of what appear to be GOOD WORKS. Why shouldn’t they be capable of it? SAINTS are capable of BAD WORKS! Again, our works do NOT determine our identity. Good and Bad Trees The Pharisees believed that good works -- law-keeping -- was the thing which determined their identity. And they had a pretty compelling argument. They were “children of Abraham.” (Jn. 8:39) From the standpoint of natural heredity, they were God's people. This WAS their identity. It was an easy transition for them to make this mean that they were morally righteous as well. After all, they were keeping God ’s law, weren’t they? God has had a way of getting right to the point on these things. When the Pharisees said they needed no repentance, “because they were the children of Abraham,” John the Baptist told them: Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. (Matt. 3:9) What a statement to make to these proud Pharisees! Even THEY had to repent. Even THEY had to bear fruit which comes from repentance. Paul would later tell us directly who the children of Abraham are: Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. (Gal. 3:7) Now ask: What is it, according to Paul, that determines our identity as one of the “children of Abraham?” Our works? Nope. Our FAITH. Again, it is not our works that make us a saint. It is our faith which makes us one. Why? Because our faith is in HIS work. God spelled out this Truth about as clearly as it could be said: Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matt. 7:17-20) God is talking about false prophets in this passage. But the principle applies. Our fruit does NOT determine the kind of tree we are. No. Rather, the kind of tree we are determines the fruit we produce. Note that: God IS saying that fruit indicates the kind of tree we are. You can know the tree by it’s fruits. But He is not saying that fruit MAKES the tree what it is. No. Both the good and bad fruit are merely the products of the kind of tree that produced them. Again, everything we produce is because of what we are: Saint or sinner. But saint or sinner is not produced by those works. Birth determines Identity Of course the question then becomes: What makes a saint or a sinner what they are? If not works, then what? The answer is easy: Birth. Birth is ALWAYS what makes us the KIND of creature we are. I am what I am by birth. My IDENTITY is always determined by birth. Works can never change this. There are any number of examples we can give to illustrate this. A human is a human. Period. He can’t be anything else. The same goes for a dog, or a cat. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. This also is by birth. And all the sex change operations, and altered conduct in the world, cannot change it. A human being can be taught to act like an animal, and a man can be taught to act like a woman. Even dogs can be trained to act like people. But regardless of works and conduct, nothing in the of conduct can alter what we really are. We are saints through the new birth in God . This is finished and final -- just as is a natural birth finished and final. You cannot do bad works and undo your natural birth. You cannot undo it through any works at all. So it is spiritually. If we are born again in Christ, we cannot do anything to change it. We cannot be born again backwards! This is precisely what salvation is as final as the Redemption it is based upon. Hypocrites We are all familiar with the term “hypocrite.” A “hypocrite” is a person who is different on the inside than he acts on the outside. In fact, the term originally referred to actors on stage who wore masks. They ACTED the part they played, but were not really those people. They were hypocrites. Today the term is fully negative, and refers to folks who say one thing, but really believe the opposite. Note that a “hypocrite” doesn’t change who he IS by what he says. No. In fact, the example of an actor on stage is a good one. An actor does things and says things -- but isn’t really that person. Nothing he does or says changes his true identity. No. It is all an act. So it is spiritually and morally. I can be a sinner -- living in total unbelief -- yet do many good works. Or I can be a saint -- with my faith in Messiah-- yet sin every day. Yet in neither case do my works change my identity. They do not change what I am by birth. A sinner is what he is by natural birth, in Adam. A saint is what he is by spiritual birth in Christ. And we did not become a saint by our works. We became a saint through FAITH. The conclusion is inescapable: I am either a SAINT or a SINNER. I am not half one and half the other. And which ever I am, I am by birth. It is my true IDENTITY. Not In-Between It might seem silly to have to address the fact that we are either ALL saint, or ALL sinner, but we must. Too many Christians continue to live under the notion that they are somewhere in-between. But we are NOT. You cannot be halfway born again. You must be all the way born, or not born at all. Now, note a distinction here: Our WORKS may very well be in-between saint and sinner. In fact, if you are a saint, they ARE -- for you will sin everyday. John says, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the Truth is not in us.” (I Jn. 1:8) This verse can also be stated positively, and be just as true: “If we say we do sin, we are not deceived, and the Truth IS in us.” So a saint DOES sin. But this doesn’t mean he is NOT a saint. But wait. Let’s not leave this verse too quickly. While it does tell us that a saint sins, it also tells us what a saint does with his sin: He admits it. He says, “I have sin.” Again, John says, “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to have forgiven our sin, and to have cleansed us from all unrighteousness.” (I Jn. 1:9) A saint not only confesses his sin -- he does so because he KNOWS that he has been forgiven and cleansed by the Blood of God . Here we see why a saint can sin and still be a saint, but why a sinner can do good and NOT be a saint. FAITH. Faith in Christ. A saint confesses sin -- but not to “get forgiven.” A saint confesses sin because he knows he IS forgiven. He knows that the death of Messiah Was for ALL sin -- all his sin. And he knows that it was ONCE for all. This, above all else, is WHY he is a saint. A sinner never does any of this. Thus, we see what makes a saint a saint: Faith in Christ. That is how he became a saint, and that is what he does AS a saint. In fact, even though a saint will do many good works, his most important ”work” is FAITH. Have you ever thought of “faith” as a “work.” God calls it exactly that: Remembering without ceasing your WORK OF FAITH, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord God , in the sight of God and our Father. (I Thes. 1:3) Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the WORK OF FAITH with power. That the name of our Lord God may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord God . II Thes 1:11-12 For in God neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love. (Gal. 5:6) God said that faith was a “work” directly: Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for that meat which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. Then said they to Him, ”What shall we do, that we might work the works of God ?” God answered and said unto them, This is the work of God , that you believe on him whom He has sent.” (Jn. 6:27-29) Faith is a “work” in the sense that it is a conscious CHOICE. I can choose to either believe or not believe. But don’t think of believing in the sense of agreeing that something is true. No. Real faith is more. It is a moral surrender to the Truth -- indeed, to God Himself. By faith, I embrace the Truth. So a SAINT does many good works as the outcome of the fact that he is born again. He will WANT to do them. But he will be quite imperfect, and can be guilty of some bad things. Yet because he IS a saint -- that is his identity -- he confesses his sin. He points to Messiah As the solution. This is the greatest “work” of a saint: His faith in God . A sinner, however, has no such faith. Now, it is true, that many people who have no faith in Messiah Readily “admit they are wrong.” But this is NOT confession of sin or repentance. In fact, it may be based in a bad thing. Paul says, “For Godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” (II Cor. 7:10) The “sorrow of the world” is the only kind of sorrow a sinner is capable of. It is a sorrow because of the consequences of doing wrong. But it is NOT sorrow because it IS wrong! And certainly not sorrow because it was sin against God ! No. A sinner is quite capable of being sorry! But only a saint -- or a sinner who is about to become a saint -- is capable of Godly sorrow. Again -- what I AM produces fruit. Again -- my identity is what it is because of birth. I am either born a sinner, or born again a saint. One or the other -- works notwithstanding. The Root of a Saint or Sinner As mentioned, a SAINT is one who has been saved “by grace through faith.” He has put his faith and trust, not in his own works, but in the finished work of God . THAT faith -- and not his works-- is what results in the birth which makes his identity that of a saint. Now, the Bible calls us “saints.” And in doing so, it uses a Greek word: Hagios. It is the same word used for HOLY. This “hagios” word means, “to set apart.” It means “to consecrate. To be pure.” Indeed, to be a saint means “to be set apart for God's use.” This is what it means to BE consecrated to God . At once we see two things: Being and doing. Hagios is what we ARE. We ARE set apart for God . We belong to Him. Or, to put it another way: We derive our identity from Him. We are identified with God through God . And why not? That is who we ARE by birth. And there is nothing that can ever change our identity. That is our BEING. But out of that comes DOING. One who is born again, is going to DO good works. But even when his works do not agree with his identity -- through sin -- he still DOES what a saint DOES: Confess it. He confesses sin as the outcome of his faith in Christ, and pushes ahead, walking in the forgiveness of Christ. That is every bit as much his identity as is the good works themselves. Once we discover that a SAINT is one who is set apart for God , and therefore lives for God , this shows us that a SINNER is one who is not set apart for God . Who IS he set apart for? Well, actually, himself. He lives for himself. Here we see the definition of SIN, wrapped up in how a sinner lives. Sin, at it’s root, is SELF-OWNERSHIP. I belong to myself. I exercise my right to myself. I am my own God . THAT is sin. It is most often manifested as pride, but has many guises as to its outworking. The sin nature -- which is a condition of self-ownership, can be worked out through any number of “acts of sin” -- the most subtle of which is self-righteousness and religious pride. So just as a SAINT is set apart and lives for God , so a SINNER owns himself and lives for himself. The vital thing to see here, however, is that this means more than just DOING. It speaks of what we are. Again -- identity. A saint IS a creature who is set apart for God . A sinner IS a creature who belongs to himself. The doing, or works, proceed from there. When the Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God ,” (Rom. 3:23) it alludes to this fact. A sinner is someone who certainly falls short of the glory of God in works. But he is really a creature who falls short of the glory of God -- i.e. -- he IS that. What he IS falls short of God ’s glory. This is what happened to man through the sin of Adam. But it is not the same with a saint. A saint falls short of the glory of God in his works. But NOT by what he is. For a saint is totally forgiven in Christ. He does not pass in and out of the forgiveness of God based on works. No. He is NEVER out of God's forgiveness. A saint is someone who IS a new creation in God . He is eternally identified with God . So we see that a saint can act like a sinner. And a sinner can act like a saint. But neither identity is changed by acting. And when a saint does act like a sinner, He has God . The sinner has nothing but what he chooses: Namely himself. Faith and Unbelief The fundamental difference between saint and sinner is FAITH. Through faith the sinner identifies with God and is born again a saint. We have already seen that a sinner starts out a sinner through natural birth. He HAS to sin because that is his nature. Even if the sin is self-righteousness. There is no choice. A sinner is not a sinner because he sins. No. He sins because he is a sinner! In effect, as slaves to sin we do not choose whether to sin. We only choose HOW. But it is possible to take things one step further. For it is one thing to be a sinner by birth. It is another to be a sinner by choice. As just stated, we are not sinners by choice through our natural birth. But we can become sinners by choice if we choose to stay there. In other words, once I see the grace of God in God , and refuse to embrace it by faith, I am no longer a sinner only by birth. I am now a sinner by choice. Here we see the sin of unbelief. I did not become a sinner by sinning. I was born that way. But I do REMAIN a sinner by sinning. Yet not as you might think -- by doing acts of sin. Rather, I remain a sinner by refusing to believe. Refusing to believe IS sin. It is the greatest sin of all. God has provided as way OUT of sin through the new birth. He has paid the price whereby the sinner can become a saint through the new birth. He paid the FULL price so that we could receive this new life free of charge. But it is precisely because grace is so free that we are condemned if we refuse it. There is NO excuse for refusing a free gift. None. By definition, I cannot “refuse” to believe until I see Truth. But the moment I even suspect there is Truth there to see, I am fully accountable to God for at least seeking Him for it. I am no longer able to claim moral ignorance. To “refuse” to know; to “refuse” to open myself to God ; to “refuse” to seek God -- all of these are UNBELIEF. We have seen that the sin of the human race is self-ownership. This is not an act, but a condition. A nature. But once we introduce a WAY OUT of this condition, the sin of the human race becomes UNBELIEF. It is the refusal to turn and receive what God offers free of charge. Of course, unbelief IS self-ownership. But unbelief, when all is said and done, is NOT something we can blame on natural birth. Not once the Light comes. Unbelief is not the inability to believe. It is the refusal to believe. God says, “This IS the condemnation, that Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness, rather than the Light, because their deeds were evil.” (John. 3:19) There is no condemnation without Light. But once Light comes, we see. And then there IS condemnation.
And the reason people won’t come to the Light and be set free? Because “their deeds were evil.” In other words, they refuse to be exposed by the Light for what they are. They don’t want to confess that. So they love the darkness where they think they can hide. Repent and Believe We must repent of unbelief. It is the sin we must repent of, because if we do, we find that all other sin is already taken care of in the finished work of Christ. Herein we see another deception which the enemy has gotten into the Body of Christ. We think that we must repent to “qualify for” the grace of God . Haven’t you thought that? But that is error. Rather than repent to “qualify for” the grace of God , we must repent of refusing the grace of God ! In other words, we must repent of trying to qualify for grace -- even through repentance. Trying to qualify IS the sin we must repent of. It IS unbelief. We still cannot get it through our heads that the grace of God is right there, free of charge, available to us. There is nothing we need to do to qualify for it. That is why it IS grace. We cannot do anything to qualify for it. In fact, if we really understood the gravity of this issue, we would know that it is SIN AGAINST God to try to quality for it! The moment I say I am not worthy of the grace of God I am guilty of the sin of unbelief. It is just that simple. A saint is someone -- not who never sins -- but someone who has repented of unbelief and embraced the grace of God . He knows that it is because of that grace that his sin is forgiven. But a sinner is someone who has either never seen God's grace, or who has hardened himself through unbelief. He is born a sinner, but is then guilty of the great sin of unbelief if he sees the Truth of Messiah And refuses to embrace it. Inheritance Of course there is, in this issue of our identity in Christ, an important question: What happens when a saint walks away from God ? How does this affect his identity? Well, first of all, never assume that because someone has professed Christ, that they are a saint. Christianity has become so watered-down today, and so refined, that even those who profess Messiah May not understand that they really don’t have their faith in Him. Thus, many who supposedly “walk away” from Messiah Were never saints to begin with. They were sinners -- but were acting the best they could like they thought a saint should act. Secondly, ideally, the question of what happens to a saint who walks away from Messiah Should be moot. Why? Because, ideally, a saint WON’T walk away from Christ. True conversion to Messiah Should be so real and final that there is no walking away left in us. But today we don’t find this very much. How far things have fallen. Thirdly, we must understand what it really means to “walk away” from Christ. It does NOT mean you are no longer a saint, but are now a sinner. No. You cannot change your identity. But you can be a saint and act like a sinner. You can choose other things of this life over God . And many saints have done so. What happens to them? Do they lose their salvation? Only if it is possible to be “born-again backwards.” And that isn’t possible. Thus, it is not a matter of LOSING salvation. It is a matter of what they DO with the salvation they have received. Think of it as an inheritance. If, as a son, I am an heir, I will someday receive my inheritance. But if I refuse the inheritance I do not cease to BE a son. Nor an heir. It’s just that because I refuse the inheritance, it won’t do me any good. I may as well not have it at all. Thus, a saint is still a saint. He is still set apart for God . But he can choose to not function that way. He can refuse his Father’s inheritance in God -- in favor of the things of this world. So what happens to a saint who refuses his inheritance in God -- walks away from it? Very simple: He gets what he chooses. He doesn’t have the inheritance! He may still be saved -- he IS a saint and son. But what an unnecessary loss. All we need to do is read the story of the prodigal son. The son got exactly what he chose -- on every point. In the story, God has him returning to God . But if any prodigal son does not return to God , then he will have what he chooses -- a squandered inheritance and life outside of close fellowship with God . This will be HIS doing, not God ’s. None of this changes our identity. We are either sinner or saint by birth. Our works cannot alter this fact. But we can choose what to do AS a saint. And we have those choices everyday. Identification Today, more than ever, people want to identify with someone or something. Whether it be identification with a ball team, a cause, or some social group, people seek to be identified. Few know what it means to be identified with God . In the final analysis, however, we are going to be identified with one of two men: Adam or Christ. The first Adam, or the Last Adam. Which we are identified with determines whether we are saint or sinner. Identification with Messiah Really means to be “in Him” -- in His death and resurrection. It means that as a result of that, to come to bear His moral and spiritual image and likeness. A saint is one who is set apart for Messiah-- for His use. But not just for doing. More than that, for becoming -- for growing in His grace and Truth. Shouldn’t something be said about you? Will you set aside what church convention has shown you? Will you look to your experience after your salvation, and infer that these things can’t be valid? Will you put your experience over the Expression of God ? The Blessed Sacred texts are supreme and are “an all the more beyond any doubt expression of prediction (2Peter 1:19),” and “can make thee astute unto salvation through the confidence which is in God (2Timothy 3:15).” In the event that you end up lacking while at the same time perusing these Sacred writings, does pride spring up in your heart, as it improved the situation those Jews who “accepted on Him,” as recorded in John 8? They dismissed His message of opportunity from wrongdoing due to their profound and national pride, and toward the finish of the talk, those same Jews that accepted on Him, took up stones to endeavor to murder Him. Many blame us for profound pride since we set out to trust the Expression of God by saying that the holy person of God is free from wrongdoing. Be that as it may, would it be able to be the exact inverse? Could there be profound and denominational pride in their souls since they trust that they are spared, yet despite everything they battle with wrongdoing? They decline to manage these radiant Sacred texts in light of the fact that in the event that they do, they should concede that they are not spared. Along these lines, they turn and take the energy of the gospel out of the Sacred texts, and in this way make the Sacred writings of non impact unto them. Paul said in 2Corinthians 10:17, “However he that glorieth, let him transcendence in the Master.” Paul, in the majority of his service and works, kept his focal message upon God and what he finished on the Cross for us. He was just gloating on Jesus. What’s more, that is the thing that we endeavor to do in the majority of our works. Our focal concentrate is on the grand good news of God that is “the energy of God unto salvation to everybody that believeth.” The gospel has the ability to make a delinquent into a holy person. It is every last bit of Him, and none of us. We couldn’t spare ourselves, however we depend solely upon Him and what he achieved in His demise, internment, and restoration. The accompanying are absolutes that can’t be questioned from the Sacred writings: The miscreant is a piece of the old creation, and is an old man who strolls in dimness, is dead in wrongdoing, has a degenerate evil nature, is a degenerate tree delivering insidious organic product, can’t quit sin, submits crafted by the tissue, is a slave to sin, an offspring of insubordination, an offspring of fierceness, an adversary of God , of the fiend, unholy, indecent, uncalled for, squalid, underhanded, and wicked. The holy person is a piece of the new making of God , and is another man who strolls in the Light, is dead to sin however alive unto God , is sharing of the heavenly nature, is a decent tree delivering great organic product, can’t confer crafted by the tissue, has the product of the soul, is a slave to uprightness, is an offspring of God , finds a sense of contentment with God through the blood of the Cross, is blessed, genuine, just, without spot, chaste, recovered from all injustice, purged, purified, supported, washed, rinsed from all indecency, scrubbed from all transgression, made free from wrongdoing, and made honorable. On the off chance that you have tried yourself to check whether you “be in the confidence,” and have wound up lacking, at that point just atone and trust the gospel. On the off chance that you have ended up in the confidence, at that point “proceed in the confidence grounded and settled, and be not moved far from the expectation of the gospel (Colossians 1:23),” and “hold quick the certainty and the celebrating of the expectation firm unto the end (Jews 3:14),” and “hold quick the calling of our confidence without faltering; (for he is loyal that guaranteed (Jews 10:23).” In the event that you are a holy person of God , don’t give the advanced church-world a chance to persuade you that you are a heathen. For, by the specialist of the Sacred texts, you can’t be both. There are no delinquent/holy people or “erring Christians” in the Book of scriptures. You can’t be 90% holy person and 10% miscreant. You are either 100% a miscreant needing a Rescuer and a Deliverer, or 100% a holy person and residing in the Attendant. ”Keep yourselves in the affection for God , searching for the kindness of our Master God unto endless life… ”Presently unto Him that can shield you from falling, and to introduce you impeccable before the nearness of His transcendence with surpassing happiness, To the main shrewd God our Friend in need, be radiance and magnificence, domain and power, both now and ever. So be it.” (Jude 21,24,25)
