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Max Bearak: Another example of evil jewish nepotism in journalism

Max Bearak: Another example of evil jewish nepotism in journalism

Look at this terrible jew how horrible is this person?

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This son of a bitch is deliberately trying to incite Bangladeshi people to start killing or deporting the Rohingyas out of Bangladesh. If life isn't already hard for the displaced Rohingyas…
2017-09-30 00_35_09-Max Bearak - The Washington Post.jpg

This is what he conjured up all in his imagination:

GUNDUM, Bangladesh — The sudden arrival of half a million Rohingya Muslims has upended life in this humble village, which is now overshadowed by one of the largest concentrations of refugees in the world.

The village’s rundown school and a smattering of rice paddies sit across the road from thousands of acres of bamboo huts covered by black tarp, a safe harbor for the refugees fleeing ethnic violence in Burma. That land was once a forest where villagers picked wild fruit.
Last Saturday, the midday tea-sipping crowd hung out on the benches in front of Munwara Begum’s provisions store here. In their discussion were echoes of a conversation happening around the world about the costs of compassion toward refugees. It was one filled with conflicting emotions.

The price of rice has doubled since they came. The price of rickshaws has doubled. Vegetables, soap, you name it, and the price has gone up,” said Begum, counting her very real grievances on her fingers. Basic economics is at work here: When demand rises sharply and supply lags in catching up, prices rise.

And the Rohingya are rich!” she said. “They have nice phones, solar panels. The ones who’ve been here since ’91 are in better shape than us!”

Joshimuddin, an elementary school teacher, who like many here goes by one name, chimed in.

Crime, too,” he said. “If a Rohingya beats someone or even murders them, they can just hide in the refugee camp. Then what are we supposed to do? They outnumber us.”

It’s not like I don’t have sympathy — they had their own lives and now they have to stand in line for an hour just to use the toilet,” he continued. “But . ..”

Begum completed his thought with an echo of the Burmese state line she said she’d heard somewhere or the other: “Their boys attacked the military first. What did they expect to happen?”...”

Washington Post censored my comments

Oh great they have censored my comments



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The Jews have said, "God's hands are bound." May they themselves be handcuffed and condemned for what they have said! God's hands are free and He distributes His favors to His creatures however He wants. The rebellion and disbelief of many of them will be intensified against you because of what has been revealed to you from your Lord. We have induced hostility and hatred among them which will remain with them up until the Day of Judgment. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, God extinguishes it. They try to destroy the land but God does not love the evil-doers.” - Koran

Washington Post Lie Number One

There’s literally no corroborating evidence for this claim. Zero. Nothing. No photos or videos of bomb damage. This claim is false.

Washington Post Lie Number Two

Max Bereak is a young schmuck who also writes for Al Jazeera.
He’s the son of journalists Barry Bearak and Celia W. Dugger. As a result of their “concern for the human condition,” they raised Max to believe all anti-American lies. However, his sources are social media. He’s a vacuous dupe.
You don’t need to see the photos. They show Syrians removing bodies from a mass grave. All the dead are decomposing. I tracked one of the images.
They’re from 2013. Max Bereak thinks that Syrians bury dead children by piling them in a narrow trench one on top of the other. Also, the fact that the death toll ranges from 56 to 212 would give pause to any rational person.

Washington Post Lie Number Three

This is why people with no knowledge of weapons, munitions, tactics, or strategies should never write about war.
If you’re on the ground, you can’t identify a jet on a bombing run. They fly too high. The exception is attack aircraft, which fly low.
Here’s what Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve did on July 19, 2016, in Syria.
Bombers and fighters. Therefore the people on the ground could not have identified them. End of story.
In a moment I’ll show you that Max Bereak admits that the people on the ground could not have identified the aircraft that allegedly bombed them.

Washington Post Lie Number Four

Max (What is it about “journalists” named Max, who have famous parents?) Bereak shows his contempt for Syrians.


There’s no proof that this fake bombing has had any impact on the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF or QSD). Everyone in Syria knows that the SDF doesn’t have aircraft. Nobody would blame the SDF for a botched aerial bombardment.

Since Max Bereak gets all his information from social media, he’s unaware that Arab League professional strategic special operators are carrying out both combat missions and diplomacy in Syria. Max Bereak thinks that all hell is going to break loose at any moment, due to tribalism and backwardness. He refuses to credit Arabs and Kurds with the ability to solve their own problems without westerners and Russians magnanimously stepping in to give orders.

Washington Post Lie Number Five

This shows Max Bereak’s unforgivable ignorance.


The fighters liberating Manbij are Arabs. They belong to the Manbij Military Council and the Syrian Arab Coalition. Most of them are from Manbij. In many cases they’re liberating their own families.

As hard as it is for some westerners to accept, Arabs are not inferior. They have completely different cultures, but the people who are winning the war are the most skilled commanders and special operators in human history.

Unlike Max Bereak, I’ve studied warfare. For over forty years. Nobody has ever fought a war this brilliantly. The Arab League has infinitely outclassed every western armed force. That’s just reality.

Washington Post accidentally tells the truth

Here Max Bereak negates his entire article.
The story is 100 percent unverified, and the people could not have identified the aircraft.
This accusation originated with the Amaq News Agency, the propaganda arm of the Islamic State.
It’s a fabrication.

Washington Post Lie Number Six

Moron. Moron.
Every precision-guided munition (PGM) dropped on structures in Syria uses GPS coordinates programmed into the bomb. The pilot’s view means nothing.
Arab League commandos on the ground provide the GPS coordinates. They get closer to the target than I’ve ever seen.
According to the Pentagon, Arab ground forces called in the air strike to prevent an Islamic State counterattack. Nobody on the battlefield reported that civilians may have been accidentally killed.
It’s not 1971. We don’t carpet bomb. The Russians try, but they fly only two bombers at a time. The payloads are not great enough to kill 212 people in one mission.

Washington Post Lie Number Seven

Western journalists know that the US and Israeli armed forces extensively investigate all accusations of negligence or criminal behavior. Since these investigations take time, the press gets to add the claim that something is being covered up.
Have you noticed that everybody stopped accusing the Saudis of committing war crimes in Yemen? There were two reasons.

a) The Saudis called the accusers liars.
b) The Saudis threatened to withhold funding from groups making the accusations.

I study munitions. There was no evidence whatsoever that the Saudi-led Coalition committed war crimes in Yemen. The reality is that the Saudis used futuristic micro-munitions to eliminate terrorists in the middle of crowds. In the video below, one hit the target right behind his head.

No war crimes or “indiscriminate firing.”

Washington Post Lie Number Eight

Take a wild guess why Max Bereak doesn’t name the “London-based group of journalists” making the claim.
Because it’s Airwars, clowns who have no methodology. They use social media and “two or more generally credible sources” to make an allegation “fair.”
This is what they have on the cover of their report.
Liars. That was an Islamic State car-bomb factory, which the Coalition destroyed with aerial munitions on June 3, 2015. Looks are deceiving; other photos show that the damage was localized, not widespread.
Buildings next to the factory survived undamaged. Only one commercial lot suffered heavy destruction.
It’s not possible that the mission would’ve been approved if large numbers of civilians would be killed. Therefore I’m calling the the claim of 70 dead civilians a bold-faced lie.

The blown-up wedding procession has been a staple since 2002. Since Max Bereak has no journalistic standards, he referenced two such incidents that were never proven. One of his sources is the corrupt mental patient Hamid Karzai.

In conclusion, the Washington Post story shows that western journalism is dead. Max Bereak is the poster boy for insular, bigoted, ignorant, destructive narcissists who get lost in fantasies of their own importance.

I hate to break it to you, Max Bereak, but the people who matter? They’re busy saving the world, so they don’t even know you’re alive.

What you are
No one seems to care
Like father like son
On April 3, 2008, Barry Leon Bearak  was taken into custody by Zimbabwean police as part of a crackdown on journalists covering the 2008 Zimbabwean election. He was charged with "falsely presenting himself as a journalist" in violation of the strict accreditation requirements that were imposed by the government of Robert Mugabe. Despite worldwide condemnation and court petitions that were filed immediately to release him from detention, Bearak remained in a detention cell in Harare for 5 days. On April 7, 2008 Bearak was released on bail by a Zimbabwean court. On April 16, 2008, a Zimbabwean court dismissed the charges against Bearak, saying that the state had failed to provide evidence of any crime, and ordered that Bearak and Stephen Bevan, a British freelance reporter who had also been accused of violating the country’s stiff journalism laws, be released. Immediately following the court ruling, Mr. Bearak left Zimbabwe and returned to his home in Johannesburg."
Draw your own conclusions...
