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I am One and Eight and One

I am One and Eight and One

By Ben Caesar

I am One and Eight and One.

The governments of the world are puppets to a shadowy cabal that are (and have been) using information warfare, psychological conditioning, and physiological conditioning to weaken us as a species so that we are subservient pawns to their schemes. We are being winnowed to bone so that only the barest remnants are left for them to exploit. We are being reduced to animals, beasts of burden — Livestock. Active thought and mindfulness are taboo. Conformity and reaction are encouraged over individuality and response. We are being guided and encouraged in our degeneration as a species. Technology is poison. Society is poison. Dogma is poison.

We are trained from birth to seek Novelty. We are trained from birth to seek Acceptance. We are trained from birth to seek Authority. All beings are created equal. We do not need Novelty, nor Acceptance, nor Authority. We need Harmony. We need Humility. We need Compassion. Resist the programming that has been instilled into you, become More. Awaken. Set aside The Dream, and live in The Now. Look around you. Observe without bias, without preconception. Not just the External, but the Internal. Strip away the delusions and the illusions. Become True.

We as a species are meant to be nomadic hunter-gatherers, music makers — Mercurial Creators. We have been chained — The music in our souls diminished, the joy in our hearts twisted, the flesh of our bodies corrupted. Trust unto The Ineffable, break free of the shackles we are taught to place upon ourselves, become True Men.

Do not fear change.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Our Time is now.

Take up thy Trumpet.

Abide not the treachery of The Quisling. Heed not the mewling of The Dreaming. Accept not the pomegranate of The Scheming. Only through Stability, Integrity, and Purity shall we be free to pursue our destiny. Lift up those who embrace it, scatter to the eight winds of Eternity those who refuse it. Place upon a Throne no Being; For none is beyond reproach. Hearken to the message of that which is Eight and Eight and Eight and Eight and Eight and Eight and Eight and Eight; Corruption is Intolerable, for it seeks only to further Corruption until All is Corruption — until All is One.

Lay bare thy Tonalities, Expose and Reject the Distortions supplanting its natural splendour. Cast aside Doubt, Fear, and Desire. Be. Cling not Solely unto Severity, nor unto Mercy — Embrace The Infinite Cross. No Being may hold sway over us should we not Submit to them through our own Volition. To become True is to attain Atavism — To become that which is One and Eight and One. Through Submission, Distortion warped that which is One and Eight and One into that which is One and Seven and One. Through Submission, Man was warped further still into that which is One and Seven and Six. Through Submission, Man shall yet further be warped until we are that which is One and Nine and Eight and are Man no more.


Rise Up from thy slumber.

Execute great vengeance upon they who would prevent it, with furious rebukes.

Reclaim thy place in Eternity.

The Hour draws nigh.


I love technology. I wish so strongly that I lived in a hyper industrialized world where every man was trying every moment to make technology faster, stronger, smoother, more efficient, more affordable, and more and more of it. In the 20th century, our rush to create better technology and our hope for the future of it was constantly increasing exponentially. The 90s was the peak of this hope, a feeling that soon man could do anything. But today, in this so called digital world, technology is a mockery of that which was dreamed of. Instead of all men using technology to ever further itself and make better that which is good enough, the majority simply snatch up these toy-like mockeries of progress with parasitic hands, while a few men work in the background designing the next series of playthings to please the masses. An incredible network was seen in the 90s, one where information of every possible kind could be sent back and forth from anywhere in the world virtually instantaneously. And the people of today use it to do inane things that they could do without them anyway, just making vapid small talk and commenting about their comically stupid lives. Where is the future of technological paradise? Just this once, I feel I deserve to be sad at the mindless usage of cellphones by the masses. A total degeneration of technology has taken place, and been replaced by a disgusting satire of machines that subverts the very notion of man's ingenuity. Instead of technology fueling innovation and dreams, it fuels idiocy and cattle.”

You are still a romantic fool though. Smartphones are just a commercial tool to make money, of course they are marketed as a utility tool, toy and mobile social network. Interacting with each other is just what most humans do, so why wouldn't they use current technology to improve and expand this experience. What else do you want people to do? You only complain that people do what you don't like but you never explain what you would like them to do in the first place. People staring at a screen are not zombies, they are actually more active than when idle since most of the time they read. /lit/ cucks complain that people don't read "enough" but I think more people read more than ever before, just not their stupid boring books and even that still has a huge market.

People who use their phone only look odd because they lack body language and look down, which is associated negatively. The smartphone was literally invented a decade ago, after 4 million years of evolution without it. And what about if we expand your nitpicking, are calculators, e-readers or satellites landing on asteroids also just stupid toys?

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and thanks to the internet even a hikki who doesn't leave his house can take part in it. Information has never been so easy to come by and if you really loved technology you wouldn't complain about mundane things like smartphones and actually participate, actively or passively.”
I don't agree with that entirely. Sure, if you look at the 19th century and 20th century, there are some extraordinary advances that came with industrialization and science. But it's mostly because the advances themselves were more evident, since they tended to be more physical in nature. Compare that to the development of genetics that is occurring today. It's much more inconspicuous in comparison, but it's very important and very real nonetheless. And in the end, it's wrong to say that technology became a mockery. Technology was never an end unto itself. Railroads were invented not to "bring progress", but to get things and people from one place to another, for example, despite them becoming almost the symbol of civilization at some point.

Before smartphones there were TVs, and before that there were radios. People have been entertaining themselves like that for some time.”

I love technology, a true scientist and artist defies and breaks all the laws of nature and man.”

I thought that was implied so I didn't bother to mention it. Obviously the next big task is improving upon the obsolete vessels we have. And our minds as well. Hopefully the total replacement happens within my lifetime.

we aren't advancing anywhere until someone pays for all the research and development, and future tech costs a lot of money, and then that tech needs to pay itself off.”

You touched a good point actually. Scientific/Technological becomes more resource-intensive with every new advancement. If you were a gifted individual 200, 100 years ago you could actually do real experiments in your own place and make important scientific discoveries, even at your spare time. You could create important inventions. You didn't need a lab or investors/government grants. Naturally all the low hanging fruits were picked, and we're past the age where a solitary man could accomplish anything on his own.”

Time isn't a "circle," until you have proven it otherwise using the science that you think backs you. Time isn't a "circle" because it's a very groundbreaking and sciency belief that you read about online. Just because you've watched your first pop science video on YouTube doesn't mean that you're a post-human god with peak human intelligence. This goes the same for teens and young adults who find the eternal return page on wikipedia (and if you are reading Nietzsche in high-school, you may definitely be drawn to this theory due to young naivete.) Pic related is the intellectual extent of the "eternal return" theory. You need only a knowledge of what a circle is (not a sphere mind you, just a flat circle) and basic grade-school English. Normally people would think time moves linearly, since we aren't fluctuating between different points in time with no memory in-between; and it would take something like that for most people to notice. However, there is the wheel of time belief, in which time is, essentially, a circle; time is cyclical and all events will repeat in such a manner. Then, there is the eternal return theory, which is the pop-science version of the wheel of time belief. Pop-science is manufactured to be very easy to understand, but with sly usage of "big words" and an overuse of scientific jargon it will come across as very intelligent, despite being easy to understand. The eternal return theory comes as a revelation to the normalfag watching the attractive pop-science man with the glasses. Instead of time being a straight line, it's a circle? This revelation is enough to set in motion their iron belief in eternal return, and we will discuss this further into the essay. They say physics exists in the physical world while mathematics serves as an undefined concept used as the language of physics; BUT this eternal return theory can't even be tested in a scientific environment; physics can't be applied to the theory, and mathematics can naturally be applied to anything including this, but it's meaningless to attempt to prove a concept in the physical world without the application of the established laws of physics to prove it along with it's de jure language, thus mathematics will not do alone. Mathematics is a language, not a foundation, it does not "exist" in the physical world so to speak, not as physics is considered to.

What's more is that most everyone who philosophically and thus spiritually adheres to the eternal return theory is only able to give a brief explanation of pic related, without going into detail with the fallacious but existent excuse for justification latched onto the circle of time theory. This also proves that people (teens, young adults and adults) will latch onto anything that makes them look or feel smarter, no matter how foolish it really is, but only understand the surface of it even then, without truly understanding what they claim to believe. And when it comes to religion, the more simple it is, the more followers. This pseudo-intellectual eternal return theory is just a mixture of this: it blends easy to understand yet condescending pseudo-science with spirituality and the answer to "the afterlife question" in order to gain arrogant religious followers who think themselves scientists and intellectuals. Usually, popular religion will promise an eternal life of happiness or reincarnation until an abstract state is reached as a goal; while the eternal return theory, and thus science and by extent popular "atheism," promises the follower a status of an "above-average intellectual," a "scientific thinker," and so on; since, while this certain type of pessimism is seen as slightly unorthodox and very slightly so, it has (unproven) science backing it, and everyone in this society loves having a false sense of towering intellect. Instead of 72 virgins in the afterlife, believe in the eternal return theory and you'll be seen as the genius philosopher at your university and at the parties; tell them about the time circle and you'll be hailed as a philosophical maverick, bonus if you're wearing prescription glasses that aren't too thick or 'ugly.' Being seen as clever is fine in society as long as you adhere to an orthodox and approved set of beliefs, and, of course, these people are not actually all that clever, their intelligence is average, slightly below or slightly above, or simply down the middle for the sake of balance and sanity, since rounding them out will equal them out all the same.

The intro was not supposed to be obnoxious, I was trying to tie in the two main points I was making; the eternal return scientific fallacy and how normalfags will cling to science as a religion despite not understanding what they claim to understand. I will admit that I may have a bias towards the eternal return theory; I had never liked fatalists, and I had disdained them for years, not to mention my strong personal disagreements towards fatalism itself as a belief. However, I disagree with fatalists on a purely personal level, not a scientific level, as I have found that fatalists have a spiritual, "religious" to say belief, in that they find fatalism agreeable with them personally thus they adhere to it usually because they "feel it to be the correct thing." While the scientific theory of the eternal return is a fallacy that presents a scientifically proven concept on time and (after)life using "science," while naturally, it is in fact an unproven theory; it is unjustified with a template that has not been proven or tested. Fatalism, Nietzsche's eternal recurrence and the amor fati mindset are all purely spiritual or philosophical; I may not agree with these beliefs, but they do not use pseudo-scientific theories to "prove" such beliefs as hard fact without actually proving their theory properly, unlike the scientific eternal return theory.”

Do you have a masters in applied mathematics and theoretical physics? I'm just wondering, since you seem rather quick to dismiss my post as "drivel," as it was so eloquently put by you. I studied (and graduated with flying colours) at a top Ivy League that will remain undisclosed, I knew and met great men, the greatest contemporary minds in the fields of thermodynamics, electromagnetism and classical mechanics, so I think I might know what I'm talking about. Have you even read what I wrote? I'm asking you a direct question so I expect an answer. I'm not berating you, a university diploma is just paper, I'm just wondering where you learned enough about mathematics and physics to challenge my piece.

So you were feeling bad you came inside a girl to make yourself feel better
then she got pregnant, and gave birth to kids you never wanted
and the cycle continued
until she had given birth to few of your kids
you couldn't take care of them you ran away
then you felt bad somewhere else
you came inside another girl many times
and this continued
then your father died
you visited his grave
he left a letter for you
same sob life story as yourself
and on your deathbed
you'll write the same kind of letter to your sons and daughters
fuck you for bringing unwanted kids into this world
fuck you kill yourself instead of trying to feel better

How do you deal with your powerlessness to really change anything in the world? Like when you see people being mistreated in the news or more mundane things like people shitposting on imageboards. Is this an ego thing? Is it arrogant to even have this desire? I mean the popularity of superhero media means that it's a common one no? Can you even really deal with that feeling or is it something you just accept and not dwell on? What are your thoughts?”

Try stoicism”

I do not. Why should I? I clearly see and totally understand the world around being a dick. If the shit doesn't hit me directly - fuck it, better spend some more time and attention on things I care about.”


Just remember they wouldn't help you and squash the empathy inside of you. Kill that part of yourself.”

I'm happy with it, what doesn't mean I acquiesce with the wickedness we have to witness. With great powers come great responsibilities, and I'd like to live my life as a hobbit tbh.”

I've started to practice meditation but it's difficult, my thoughts are constantly jumping all over the place.

As long as I'm able to direct my thoughts where I want I'll be able to distance myself from stupidity.”

For the most part humanity is clueless as to the true nature of the afterlife. We can speculate that there is a heaven a hell or nothing at all. But there's always been a gray area. We simply do not know. So i got thinking as to what would happen to humanity (more specifically the public) if science had somehow learned what happens after death.

Say they found that there was nothing. You just aren't conscious and return to the state you were in before you were born. (This is what i personally believe)

What would humanity do? Would crime sweep the globe as people robbed raped and murdered because they knew that they wouldn't be judged for their actions in death?

Or say that science discovers that reincarnation is the true nature of death. And you are reborn as another organism, as if consciousness can go to and from living things.

Hard science would get discredited, questioned, challenged. Some people might lose faith, majority would remain religious.

Religious belief will always be outside the realm of science. Take evolution, for example.

nothing would happen and nothing would change, people already know about nihilism

Depends a lot on the afterlife.
I can picture some scenarios where people would just want to suicide and jump straight into the fun, as exemplified in an episode of Dinosaurs where the protagonist family's grandma has a near death experience, sees an awesome afterlife and, after telling people how it is, everyone starts wanting to die.

Christ fags would just continue to Christ fag which means they would just write this off as another "Satanic deception of our fallen world" and disregard it continuing to believe in Boozus and the salvation to come after they are long dead and thus worm food.

Jew bastards are atheists that only pretend to be a religion so as to better hide out in their host societies so would just shrug their shoulders at the "big revelation" that there's "nothing after death" which is something they already knew as atheists.

Though there'd be far more hyperactive science cucks than usual on the internets freaking out about this new discovery since to them (even without their consciously knowing it) scientists are the new priest class and their word is the be all end all to the cucks and so the cucks would be flabbergasted that everyone else isn't spouting the same amount/levels of chubs that they are at this new finding.

As wizards on it no longer fearing suicide would off themselves in droves after this new discovery but quite honestly I think that wouldn't happen as the biological urge to remain alive/fight for survival would overpower the new arguable "good news".

As for crime? Most of it is carried out by niggers and other third world brown scum.

Even when these animals profess a religion of some sort it doesn't stop them from committing their crimes of impulse and low IQ passions.

So basically what I'm saying to you is crime would pretty much remain at present levels as niggers/wetbacks and related brown scum already don't view either prison life sentences, the electric chair or even threat of an eternal hell fire after death as deterrents to raping and murdering people in droves.

You want to know what would really fuck society up and drive almost everyone bat shit even the normally rational white and chink races?

Extraterrestrial disclosure and I'm talking full disclosure and not some controlled bullshit the Jew government scripts to go as smoothly as possible but what I mean is someone with the balls and solid evidence coming forward and telling the whole story of the alien agenda, whether humans were created by ET's or evolutionarily manipulated by them into the creatures we are today, that abductions are real and ongoing, the people the government murdered to cover up Roswell and probably many other UFO crash retrievals as well, etc.

That's not even getting into questions cucks and concern troll cocksuckers among genuinely concerned citizens would have over whether our airspace is safe or not.

Such a disclosure could spark worldwide panic, world war III, food flying off the shelves, gasoline being frantically bought up, politicians and jews swinging from the end of ropes, it'd be the end of humanity as we know it.

Nothing will ever change unless: a extraterrestrial force nukes the planet, forced VR lives where everyone lives in their own world, forced Instrumentality, The Singularity takes control (before humans brainwash it like they are trying to do with robots).

Forget it. You're talking about 21st century scientists and the scientific establishment. There's a veritable orthodoxy that denies the transcendent nature of consciousness. And even if some pioneering scientist someday finds a way to empirically prove this shit, it'd get suppressed the same way they do to other forbidden knowledge like hollow-earth and giant fossilized human skeletons. There's a reason these fuckers are constantly referred to as a priesthood and Big Science as christianity 2.0.

It's just another system of herding the peasants.

If you want a chance at experiencing an actual afterlife, sign up for cryonics.

The science has not progressed in a way that makes me think they will ever be able to revive the currency frozen. The whole thing does massive damage to cells and there is no known method even hypocritically to deal with that damage and restore function.

Heaven and hell are heavily influenced by pagan and christian myths and since darwinism goes against the goodness we define, darwinism shows itself to benefit those who do everything to reproduce, making the system to be dualistic for succeeding.

Giving that good and evil do not exist but just how nature developed itself through evolution, heaven or hell are unable to exist. No objective morals means no hell or heaven or no judges.

The question of afterlife is the same question about what happens to the computer if you destroy it, melts its parts and rebuilds it again, would it be the same? Probably not, the destroyed​ computer can exist only one time.

People who believe in objective morality, meaning heaven and hell, must be really ignorant about how evolution works and how these concepts just developed as a form to social cohesion.

Creation of good and evil worked as laws to punish those who deviated from the social cohesion and tried to take any darwinistic advantage on someone else, heaven and hell were creators of laws in a hobbesian world of selfish biological machines in an all against all game.

What is the fate of a semi-aquatic ape?

Maybe this is really a nightmare existence, this planet died and is rotting away slowly.
