Why aren't you helping the poor and the needy, and the disabled and the outcasts? - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Why aren't you helping the poor and the needy, and the disabled and the outcasts?

Why aren't you helping the poor and the 

needy, and the disabled and the outcasts?

Why aren't you helping the poor and the needy, and the disabled and the outcasts?

Do you expect a fish to start flying? or a bird to go deep in the depths of the ocean? It is not easy.

tell them where you lived before to a ugly chinese looking as a man . with big belly as shongy . from china home .... water on uranium on her head loose teeth .. all of them . they say have this in every police but my friends deny this . from maya civilization . to ugly marionetes sisters of mercy .. they say have advent secta manipulation before multiple attack of us ... they told with Trust they are schizophren use by us . as french Nikita . one ugly woman from south africa member , another coreean , one chinese , they pay adiacent police when america strikes ..

So you were feeling bad you came inside a girl to make urself feel better
then she got pregnant, and gave birth to kids you never wanted
and the cycle continued
until she had given birth to few of your kids
you couldn't take care of them you ran away
then you felt bad somewhere else
you came inside another girl many times
and this continued
then your father died
you visited his grave
he left a letter for you
same sob life story as yourself
and on your deathbed
you'll write the same kind of letter to your sons and daughters
fuck you for bringing unwanted kids into this world
fuck you kill yourself instead of trying to feel better
I wanna fucking die, lmao everyone in my life either hates me for no reason or just says shit about me, they blame everything on me and they only talk to me because they know how lonely I am….I am so lonely but lmao fuck life

All motivation to "improve" has ended.

No ideological bait is appealing any more.

The joke is well and truly over.

There is nothing I want, desire or aspire to achieve

Buddha would be proud.

Hey I know that you're still young but calm down with your hormone infested developing-brain okay? We're fairly tolerant (at least I am) and I would acknowledge you as long as you don't throw a angsty fit and try too hard to fit in.

Perhaps next time you should conform the the posting standards of this site, this is merely a suggestion and not a command so I'm not forcing you okay?

Make sure you take a minute or two and take a deep breath. Becoming too excited is bad for your blood vessels and your health.

Good old warlock gaslighting
Having come close to suicide in the past, I really feel for you guys. I know it seems impossible now, but the pain doesn't last forever. The truck is to turn that pain into done thing beautiful. I've done such through writing and music. When you really stop to think about it, there's always something worth living for, even if it seems small st the time. As long as you live something, it's all worth it. And when you finally realize that there are people out there who love you, or could love you, life becomes the mist beautiful thing. Just thought you guys could do with some uplifting thoughts. And I'm not just saying this, I'm dead serious. Best if luck to ya all :)

Not really. What prevents people from suicide is doing what they want and being happy about it, whatever it is. That's why I don't think pedophiles, rapists or murderers and others are bad at all, they're just humans doing whatever they want.

>When you really stop to think about it, there's always something worth living for, even if it seems small st the time.

>notice Western civilization going down hill

On top of it all, I'm living in abject poverty in rural USA. There is no escape.”

Yeah I know what you mean.

You can't even take solace in the culture itself being furthered.

It's degenerate and basal compared to the past but is technically less violent and there are less diseases so that gets washed over.”

That's bullshit, the average person's only concern is the gratification of their urges, they couldn't care less about the advancement of mankind.”

Why care about mankind if it consists mainly of average people whose only concern is the gratification of their urges?”
Life is pain and it's sipping from my eyes right now, while I rest my head on my pillow.

I haven't felt like this for a while but it always comes back.

The mistakes I did always comes to haunt me.

I am also unable to change, I do the same things everyday as I did 3 years ago.

This is so hopeless, lack of hope is the lack of good future and my future is getting grimmer.

I am so useless.

Remember that the sweet release of death is an inevitability.

>year 2011
>be youngfag just out of trade school
>have a few hundred bucks left from my last paycheck
>learn about bitcoin
>"holy shit this is gonna explode one day"
>buy BTC at average price of 5$ each
>Amass ~200 of them over 6 months
>paid in Paysafecard to some guy on a forum
>obviously have no receipt or certificate for these transactions
>years pass and value rises
>today they are worth nearly a million dollars
>"how can I cash this out, I could NEET up for a very long time with this money"
>"let's mail this brokerage guy who works with a bank"
>"Dear Mr. Anon, we are glad you are interested in our service"
>"I am sorry to tell you that we cannot take your BTC if you cannot verify the origin of your funds"
I feel like I want to die and I wonder how miners are selling their coins for fiat. I think the price of BTC is only this high because most of the coins that are mined already have a sketchy origin and people either cannot cash them in or fear getting jailed or their bank accounts frozen. So there is maybe 1 million coins left which are legally compliant and circulate from exchange to exchange while the bulk of "black" coins stays in the pockets of whales and idealists.

To all you anons out there who might believe in the BTC dream. Keep in mind that you can only cash out your coins if everything is according to law. This is a dream turned nightmare of gigantic proportions for me while chad bankers are earning billions every day.
The problem is not only exchanges. Even if you manage to get an exchange to send you the money by wire, your local bank will get red flags and freeze your account. Then law enforcement will confiscate your bank account until you have proven that you did not acquire your money by illegal ways which I cannot of course.

The alternative would be to meet sketchy people from localbitcoins and take their cash. Here you have the risk that their cash comes from drug deals or is falsified banknotes. Then when you have banknotes you cannot just bring them to your bank because they will ask where it comes from. Eventually, the notes might become outdated and replaced by new ones. So you cannot live 40 years off a bag of 100 dollar bills.

I thought about this the entire summer and there is no scenario for me in which I would not end up in jail for violating government faggotry.
Can you make multiple wallets, send the coinage to those wallets, then ""donate"" them back to your main wallet in small increments to make it look like you're receiving compensation for something? If you go and try to cash out like eighty dollars worth, then maybe a hundred next week, etc etc, you could probably set up a fake e-beg blog or Patreon or something and if someone asks, say you get them from being an internet personality. Donate them to yourself as you need.

You can easily cash this with time. Stop bragging. Fuck you man.”

I see the butthurt poorfag commies have arrived.”

The government tries to fuck you over at every opportunity they get.”
Don't expect someone to be happy for you if you flaunt shit in their faces and don't even help them. With that much dough, a guy could start up a ton of small businesses, hire wizards in comfy managerial positions and let them essentially fuck around and tell other people what to do. It doesn't have to be commie. But doing nothing to help wizards is dickish. ”

My parents had a smaller amount ($12,000) and they cashed out with a brand new Charles schwabb account and Kraken as the exchange. Give it a try but start out with small amounts”

Kraken is known for asking for origin of funds once your volume goes above 10k or 15k. Your folks might have had luck.

Bitstamp recently blocked the account of one guy who had 300K in fiat sitting there. He claimed he transferred it legally from his business bank account and they blocked him anyway.

Smaller amounts would work but they would not give the long term feeling of safety. Cash will likely be banned completely in a few years.”

Honestly it's hard to believe but can't you cash out slowly ? 10K a month for example ?
WOuldn't the bank be ok with that ?

Otherwise you have to do localbitcoins and cash out little at a time. You could even pay for security, it's not like you don't have the money.

It's going to take a long time for you to get the money out.

Also cash doesn't have an expiration date dummy.

This all seems like a troll though.”

I'm at the point where even hearing about some great game or album makes me upset for having not focused on a craft when I was younger. I see solo game devs being able to live off something they whipped up in a week because they were taught programming when they were young and are at mastery point before they're even middle aged. I'm just reminded that my entire existence has been getting up early and doing what someone else says. For the first half of my life I've woken up early to go to school to get ready for the second half where I now get up early and wageslave minus the extended vacations school at least gave you.

I come home tired everyday and all I can do is eat and spend time on the internet getting rid of stress so I can repeat the process the next day. Sometimes I get an idea for something and then realize I'm too unskilled and broke to accomplish it.”

For me the pain comes from having to accept the limitations of my biology. Because of mental disorders I was born with I will likely never be able to create something that I would be satisfied with.

I try to accept it, but it still hurts. Sometimes I try anyway but it always ends in failure.

To be honest it is probably the only thing that actually depresses me.”

I know how you feel.

If you ever do feel the urge to practice or do something creative I find waking up much earlier than you normally do gives you extra time to do shit before work drains your will. It is why you see runners and other weirdos out so early in the morning. If they waited until the end of the day they would not feel like doing their workouts.”

After highschool I had a period in which I became a NEET, like many of us have. I was in a position that I knew was not, and could not ever be permanent, or even long term. Long story short it lasted 5 months before I had to do something with my life or get kicked out of my parents house. Of course this was a horrible time and I had little idea of what to do, especially because I did not even know about this place at the time. I didn't know how many "Wizards" were around, I just assumed all people in my position were criminals or had some kind of disability.

I decided to take a course in IT level 3, which was free so why not. I correctly assumed it would be easier than wage slaving, and I soon found out it was as they required me to get a part time job 2 months into the course. It was a year long course and through various assessments and talks with the career managers there I had decided to get into an IT related job, it wasn't appealing to me but rather it seemed like the best possible profession in terms of money, effort and my obvious social dysfunctions. Skipping forward, i've now finished the course and have already planned my next course, which is highly regarded and pretty much gets you a job in the field you want after completion. I took out a hefty loan to pay for it, I saw it as an investment, and after carefully reading the booklets of what the course offers, visiting it and speaking with the teachers I knew it'd be worth the time and money, in fact it was a tiny investment if you look at the long run.

After 2 months of my holiday (Interupted by 4 days a week of work) I start the new course. Now here is where things go downhill really fast, on the first day it was just playing games with the class, singing and dancing, all of that bullshit. It was hell, i was singled out for being awkward, I was laughed at and even got yelled at by a tutor for not wanting to continue doing it. Also the class was about 65% female. I took it in my stride with the thought process of "It's just the day one silly introduction" It didn't change the fact I was livid, but I had to get over it. Day 2 was just as bad, they announced to us that we will be making a music video, and everyone must be included. I talked to my tutor in private saying I really can not do this, she told me I must. It was 2 weeks away so I just thought I'd just not do it, or not come into class. I'd avoid it somehow. The 2 weeks flew by really quickly and every day we had "Energizers" Which are games to get us into the mood of learning! Sounds fun right? All of them included dancing, singing, and game show-like quiz's where we had to make our own animals sounds as the buzzer. They went around the room and individually got us to make these sounds. They did the same with the dancing game too, make us do our own dance move in front of the class. I don't want to get into too much detail, it's so traumatic thinking back on it. Anyway, the day came where we had to film and I told them I'm not doing it, I was essentially the pinata of insults by the class as they argued with me and the tutor was actually supporting them. I was told I would not be able to pass the course if I didn't do it. I did not participate and I was then informed I am now removed from the course I PAID to be in, which looking at the course outline it does not state dancing is included in my course. It just says what shit we learn, what qualifications we obtain. I feel so outcasted, way more than before.

Please note i've already asked for my loan back, talked to a lawyer about the whole thing and I was basically told there's a low chance of me winning the case, and even if I did it'd be drawn out. It wasn't worth it. I can not afford a lawyer, I can't risk not winning, especially if winning only makes my situation a little bit better. I really fucking hate this. I just want to work like everyone keeps saying I must but now my chances are fucked because I didn't want to dance and sing. I am furious, it was a well respected institute too.”
