Opinion: Wouldn't it be wise for Israel to free Ahed Tamimi & set an example ? - NewsGossipBull.BlogSpot.com - Latest News, Gossip & Bullshit
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Opinion: Wouldn't it be wise for Israel to free Ahed Tamimi & set an example ?

Ahed Tamimi to be held in Israeli detention throughout her trial

The 16-year-old Palestinian was seen slapping and punching two Israeli soldiers in a viral video. She could remain in detention for months. Human rights groups have called for her immediate release.

Ahed Tamimi, a 16-year-old who has been called the Palestinian Joan of Arc, has been ordered held in custody for the duration of her trial for hitting two Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. Announcing the decision, an Israeli military judge at Ofer Prison said: "I found no alternative other than to order her detention in custody until the end of proceedings."

After the hearing, which was attended by representatives from the EU, France and Sweden, the girl's lawyer, Gaby Lasky, also confirmed the news.

"The court said that because she is so dangerous there is no possibility of bail," she said.

Watch video 01:44

Palestinians killed in protests over Jerusalem decision

Ahead of the decision announced on Wedesday, Tamimi's father Bassem told DW: "This court has been designed with laws and legal systems to punish the Palestinian, and therefore we expect prolongation, procrastination and heavy punishment to break the example of Ahed so that she is no longer a role model for her generation."

Symbol of resistance

The young girl has achieved international notoriety and has become the focus of a heated propaganda war between Israel and Palestinians protesting the occupation of the West Bank.

In a video taken around the time of protests over US President Donald Trump's announcement that he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Tamimi can be seen kicking, slapping and punching two Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers.

Tamimi is charged with 12 counts of assault. If convicted, she could face a very lengthy jail sentence. Beyond the events seen in the video, she is also accused of throwing stones, incitement and making threats.

Seventeen Palestinians and one Israeli have been killed in the tumult that has resulted from  President Trump's December 6 announcement.

Read more: Opinion: Trump wantonly fans the flames of Middle East conflict

Finish her life in jail?

Tamimi was arrested in a pre-dawn raid conducted by IDF soldiers at her family home near Ramallah on December 19, and has remained in custody since that time. Her mother, who can also be seen in the video, was arrested that same day and is also in detention. Her cousin Nour was arrested the following day but was later released on bail on January 5.

Following the arrests, Israeli Minister of Education Naftali Bennet, who leads the right-wing religious party Jewish Home, said: "The women seen assaulting Israeli soldiers in the video should finish their lives in jail."     

Read more: US withholds millions from Palestinian refugee aid programs

International outcry

International observers and human rights groups, such as Amnesty International, have called for the young woman's immediate release.

The UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights has also criticized Israel for how it is dealing with Tamimi.

"The deprivation of liberty of children shall only be used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, and the best interests of the child are to be a primary concern," it said.

The case has shone a spotlight on what critics say is an unfair military justice system that abuses the rights of Palestinian minors in the West Bank.

When asked about the future, Bassam Tamimi  told DW: "If anyone guaranteed me that the occupation would be gone in one, two, three or even five years, I would rather teach my daughter ballet."

@dwnews - Israel's arrest of Ahed Tamimi sparks controversy

js/kms (AFP, dpa)

‘A death sentence’: Palestinians slam U.S. decision to cut aid as U.N. pleads for new donors

The U.N. Relief and Works Agency, the main body providing aid to millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants across the Middle East, made an urgent appeal for international support Wednesday, one day after the State Department announced it will withhold more than half its annual funding.

"After decades of generous support, dramatic reduction of US funding to @UNRWA results in most critical financial situation in history of Agency," the agency's commissioner general, Pierre Krähenbühl, wrote on Twitter. "I call on member states of the United Nations to take a stand & demonstrate to Palestine Refugees that their rights & future matter."

In a more detailed press statement, Krähenbühl said the U.S. contribution of $60 million is "dramatically below past levels" and jeopardizes the "dignity and human security of millions of Palestine refugees, in need of emergency food assistance and other support."

In the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza, 42-year-old Ahmed Al-Assar said his family of eight has been receiving aid from UNRWA for almost 12 years.

"I work part-time in construction, but that is not enough to cover all my expenses," he said Wednesday. "Any reduction of aid would be a death sentence for refugees in Gaza. The work is almost nonexistent. There are not enough jobs. Those who work for the Palestinian Authority receive only a stipend, and Hamas employees get a quarter of their salary."

Another camp resident, Zahia Mekdad, described the aid cut as "a purely political decision" that would hurt only ordinary people.

"There has already been a reduction of aid in recent years," she said. "If it is reduced more, it is the women, children and young people who will suffer, not the politicians."

The U.S. decision to transfer less than half of a planned $125 million installment to the U.N. aid agency makes good on President Trump's threat earlier this month to withhold funds if the Palestinian Authority refuses to take part in a peace process being prepared by the administration.

The United States pays "the Palestinians HUNDRED OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year," Trump wrote on Twitter. "But with the Palestinians no longer willing to talk peace, why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?"

The United States provides about $360 million a year to UNRWA. The State Department made clear Tuesday that further installments will also be held "for future consideration."

The Palestinians likened Trump's threat to blackmail, seeing it as further proof that his administration is biased toward Israel. Following the president's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the Palestinians have said the United States is not an honest broker of peace. The announcement has led to unrest in the region, with one Israeli and at least 17 Palestinians killed.

In a furious speech on Sunday in Ramallah, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas railed against Israel and Trump, calling the nascent U.S. peace deal the "slap of the century." Palestinians will slap back, he said.

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the aid cut is not aimed at "punishing anyone" but is more about the administration taking "a look at UNRWA, trying to make sure that the money is best spent, and best spent so that people can get the services."

She also said the administration felt "there should be more so-called burden sharing to go around."
 "The United States has been, in the past, the largest single donor to UNRWA. We would like other countries to step forward and actually help with UNRWA," Nauert said.

 The agency provides educational, health and welfare services to Palestinians whose ancestors fled or were forced out of their homes when Israel was created 70 years ago. Its refugee camps and other services are located in the occupied West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

"We are extremely worried," said Gaza's UNRWA director Matthias Schmale. "We support 1 million people with food. Our biggest donor to that program is the U.S . . .We will be fine for the first quarter and just hope we have enough time to persuade them to change their mind and/or to find another donor."

Israel has long argued that rather than solving the Palestinian refugee problem, UNRWA perpetuates it, prolonging conflict and making peace illusory.

In a recent cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that UNRWA promoted "the narrative of the right-of-return in order to eliminate the state of Israel."

"UNRWA needs to pass from the world," he said. "The agency creates a situation in which there are great-grandchildren of refugees, who are not refugees but who are cared for by UNRWA, and another 70 years will pass and those great-grandchildren will have great-grandchildren and therefore, this absurdity needs to stop."

Mounir Makdah, a security official at Ain al-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, said the decision marked "an attempt to push us to give up our demand to return." He added: "This will not happen. We will not give up on our right to return to our land."

Makdah said the camp leadership was holding "intensive meetings" on what steps to take in light of the decision.

"Meanwhile, we will be supporting the resistance inside occupied Palestine by all means," he said.
But Israel's security establishment has long warned against disbanding the agency for fear that it could worsen already dire conditions, especially in the poverty-stricken Gaza Strip, fueling extremism, sparking violence and further weakening the Palestinian leadership.

Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian delegation to the United States, said that "taking away food and education from vulnerable refugees does not bring a lasting and comprehensive peace."

"The access of Palestinian refugees and children to basic humanitarian services such as food, health care and education should not be a bargaining chip, but a U.S. and international obligation," he said.
Zomlot said that by first taking Jerusalem off the table and then attempting to remove the Palestinian refugee issue by dismantling UNRWA, "Trump was heeding Netanyahu."

Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization's executive committee, said the Trump administration is "targeting the most vulnerable segment of the Palestinian people and depriving the refugees of the right to education, health, shelter and a dignified life."

By doing so, she said, it "is creating conditions that will generate further instability throughout the region."
